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Utopia Talk / Politics / Join the AfD, lose your guns
Mon Jul 08 16:22:57
German court rules that members of far-right AfD cannot own firearms
July 1, 2024

Members of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party cannot legally possess firearms under the country's weapons law because the party has been deemed a suspected extremist group.

The Dusseldorf Administrative Court ruled on Monday that a married couple must surrender all of their firearms, dismissing a lawsuit brought by the couple over the revocation of their firearms possession permits.

Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency has formally placed the AfD under suspicion of working to undermine the country's democratic constitution. That was upheld in May by an administrative court, which rejected an AfD lawsuit over the designation.

The married couple have a large number of firearms - 197 weapons in the case of the husband and 27 weapons in the case of the wife - which they must now either turn over or destroy. They are also required to give up any ammunition.

The Dusseldorf court, however, will allow an appeal against the decision because of its potentially important implications for other members of the political party.


Germany is an absolute disgrace of a country.
Mon Jul 08 18:47:20

Smart. Now they should round them up and deport them all.

Enemies outside the wire.

Mon Jul 08 19:08:33
Of course you would think that.

Remember, Americans, murder is a prime example of what the left wants to do to anyone who isn't on their side.
Mon Jul 08 19:23:43

Yes. Confederates outside the wire.

Mon Jul 08 20:10:14
"Everyone who isn't a filthy Communist like myself should have their rights taken away. Yet I have the chutzpah to claim to be on the side of defending American values and democracy. I are smart, durrrrrrr"

-murder, circa 2024
Mon Jul 08 20:14:16
"I lose my shit every time Republicans propose modest voter integrity ideas like voter ID requirements because that's clearly just the GOP trying to take peoples' rights away.

...Meanwhile, I believe that anyone who doesn't vote the same way I do should be declared an enemy of the state and literally have their constitutional rights stripped away.


-murder, circa 2024
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 08 21:21:47
Seems like this would be a good time for them to use their guns to defend their basic rights.
Tue Jul 09 05:38:33
Though this guy does not really need weapons for self defense (the biter is the same one who had to give up his nearly 200 guns)


Far-right German AfD delegate bites protester during scuffle
June 30, 2024

A delegate with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) bit a protester during a scuffle on Saturday outside the AfD's party congress in the western city of Essen.

Stefan Hrdy, 67, contended in an interview with dpa on Sunday that he bit the person in self-defence amid an "escalating situation" with anti-AfD demonstrators trying to blockade the Grughalle arena where the congress is being held.

A spokeswoman for the Essen police explained that they learned about the biting incident from media reporting but could not immediately say whether the person bit by Hrdy had filed a complaint.

A police investigation into the incident is ongoing, the spokeswoman said.

Hrdy told dpa that he was driving toward the venue when he came across a protest blockade. When he got out of his car to ask a police officer to clear the way for him, he said he was suddenly attacked.

"Then I got kicked in the right calf, fell down and two or three fell on top of me, and then a kick came from the right, I was able to dodge a little, then I clutched the leg and bit down so that I didn't get kicked again," Hrdy said.

At that moment, according to Hrdy, police officers intervened and he was able to get up and drive on.

The Bild newspaper published a video of the incident, which shows Hrdy walking towards a police cordon. Several demonstrators stand in his way, a commotion breaks out and Hrdy falls to the ground.

Parts of the video do not match Hrdy's account: It merely shows a demonstrator lying on top of him with his leg and Hrdy biting his calf. The kick to his calf that Hrdy described also cannot be seen in the video, although the view of the scuffle is partly obscured.

Hrdy, a retired policeman who joined the AfD in 2016, said that he intended to press charges. He has no visible injuries from the incident.

The AfD party conference was accompanied by massive protests on Saturday that drew tens of thousands of people. At times, there were violent clashes.

According to police reports, 28 officers were injured in clashes between police and activists, one of them seriously.

Large groups of people, sometimes numbering several hundred, repeatedly tried to prevent the delegates from taking part or to break through police barriers, the police reported on Saturday evening.
Tue Jul 09 08:07:10

"A delegate with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) bit a protester during a scuffle on Saturday outside the AfD's party congress in the western city of Essen."

Have they tested him for rabies yet? :o)

Tue Jul 09 08:11:20

"...Meanwhile, I believe that anyone who doesn't vote the same way I do should be declared an enemy of the state and literally have their constitutional rights stripped away."

It could be worse. You could have your rights stripped away for the color of your skin, or who you want to marry, or what gender you were born. None of which you'd have any control over.

So boo-fucking-hoo! Turnabout is fair play.
Tue Jul 09 08:13:26

"Seems like this would be a good time for them to use their guns to defend their basic rights."

They should do that. Then the state could rid themselves of the problem all nice and legal.

Wed Jul 10 09:46:41
Yeah, brand the opposition as extremists and take away their rights. It is legit.
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