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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump shot II
Sun Jul 14 08:57:53
In this video the shooter says that he hates Republicans and Donald Trump, and he ends by saying ”you got the wrong guy”.


What does the shooter mean by that? That it isn’t he who is behind the attack on Trump? That someone asked him to do it? And that someone is the right guy to catch?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 09:04:05
Thread 1:

That clip from the YouTube video is a troll who was outed yesterday. He was traced back to the account @JewGazing ( https://x.com/jewgazing ). His timeline was saved here before he locked his account: http://x.com/utism_/status/1812357041085657438
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 09:08:05
This thread does some detailed work about the shooting, including pins for the exact locations of videos, links to lots of angles, and explanations by people:
Sun Jul 14 09:08:15
Is the video of Crooks AI generated?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 09:09:02
One thing that's been pointed out is that people are focusing on one of the counter-snipers shown in a video, thinking that he must have been looking right at the shooter. It's very possible that he was down-scope on a target-sector farther away or was uncertain of the target. This thread explains security perimeters, which is something that I previously explained about the Mar-a-Lago residence security perimeter (i.e., in regards to how the documents stored there were incredibly secure):
Sun Jul 14 09:09:37

"Apples/oranges. Had someone started shooting in his general direction (removing any/all ambiguity about "just WTF is going on"), I'm *very* confident his security detail would have stopped being open for discussion about next steps. If there is that ambiguity, paired with a lack of some sort of clear and immediately present threat... yeah, I wouldn't want to be the first person to put hands-on the VP, and stop listening to what he had to say, either."

Ambiguity? I guess the angry mob breaking into the Capitol and the people chanting "hang Mike Pence" was too subtle?

You can be as confident as you want to be, but you're wrong. The Secret Service doesn't control where the people they are protecting go, what they do, or when they come and go.

These people are not captives. Yes they will rush the person and try to move them, but they are relying on compliance in chaos to accomplish that. If the person being protected decides they are not going anywhere, they are not going anywhere. They are there to protect the person, not to assault them.

Forget the former president, if the current President decides that he's taking a ride on the next Boeing rocket scheduled to launch, he's going up in the next Boeing rocket scheduled to launch.

Is it dangerous? Absolutely.

Would they prefer he didn't do it? Yes.

Would they rather he fly SpaceX? No doubt.

But they have no authority to stop him. They can try to dissuade him until they are blue in the face, but that's as far as it goes. Beyond that, all they can do is secure him as best they can under the circumstances.

The Secret Service did not pick the site of Trump's rally, he and his team did. I can assure you that they would have preferred a much more secure location. But again, they have no control over that.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 09:11:52
[Paramount]: "Is the video of Crooks AI generated?"

The "Crooks" video in your original link?

If so, no, it's real, but that's not Crooks; it's someone who realized that they look like some of the initial images that were floating around of Crooks and took the opportunity to pretend that he was Crooks. You can see the video here:

User @jewgazing filmed that video, then apologized and made his account private.
Sun Jul 14 09:34:32

"I live in so cal. I went to sleep around 10 pm in 2020 and trump was solidly in thr lead in Michigan. Wisconsin, etc. Wake up to find biden had a shit ton of ballots found in the trunks of cars who were all for him. You'd have to be a total idiot to not wonder how they could all be for him."

obaminated: Mail-in votes are generally counted last, and one side was encouraging mail-in voting, and the other was calling it vote fraud, so it's no surprise that those votes were heavily for Biden.
Sun Jul 14 09:48:28

"Civil wars are ugly and we are pretty much there now. And people like murder, dukhat, tw are going to be killed by trump supporters."

*hides under the lectern*

Sun Jul 14 09:53:02


lol :o)

Sun Jul 14 09:56:46

"Hey, earth pig, brilliant army veteran that you are, when is the last time a presidential candidate got shot at ?"

Marine veteran

Sun Jul 14 12:43:49

We need more gun control people!

If yesterday's shooter had better gun control, we'd be having a different conversation.

Sun Jul 14 20:56:04
"You can be as confident as you want to be, but you're wrong. The Secret Service doesn't control where the people they are protecting go, what they do, or when they come and go«

Educate us on why Trump's repeated requests to put his shoe back on were ignored.
Mon Jul 15 02:03:23
In case murder's middle school understanding of who is in charge when bullets are flying isn't sufficiently discredited:

Trump addressed the photos of him raising his fist and saying “Fight!” as he had blood on his face.

“A lot of people say it’s the most iconic photo they’ve ever seen,” Trump said. “They’re right and I didn’t die. Usually you have to die to have an iconic picture.”

Trump told the paper he wanted to keep speaking following the shooting but Secret Service insisted he go to the hospital.

“I just wanted to keep speaking, but I just got shot,” he said.


He's not in charge of if he's allowed to put his shoes on, he's not in charge of if he gets into the car to go to the hospital, in that moment he's not in charge of anything.
Mon Jul 15 07:20:33

"Educate us on why Trump's repeated requests to put his shoe back on were ignored."

Educated us on why he was allowed to pose for the camera, pumping his fist like a doofus. The only reason he didn't put his shoes back on is because he lost track of his shoes and they weren't going to worry about it.

Trump could literally send these people away and refuse to cooperate with them in any way, shape, or form. He doesn't even have to let them into his property or his events. I don't know where people got this idea that politicians are property of the state, but they are not.

When you register to run for office, you don't sign away your life.
Mon Jul 15 07:38:55

"Trump told the paper he wanted to keep speaking following the shooting but Secret Service insisted he go to the hospital."

Well god knows Trump is never full of shit.

"He's not in charge of if he's allowed to put his shoes on, he's not in charge of if he gets into the car to go to the hospital, in that moment he's not in charge of anything."

Absolutely nobody told Trump that he couldn't put on his shoes. Absolutely nobody forced Trump to go to the hospital. Compliance does not imply authority. I'm sure they told him "you've got to go to the hospital", but he could have refused.

This literally happens all day every day. Somebody gets in an accident and a cop or paramedic will tell them that they have to go to the hospital ... but they refuse medical care.

I already gave you the example of the VP being pursued by an angry mob chanting for his death, and Pence slamming the breaks on the Secret Service's plans to get him to safety.

Your mindset is military. My superior gives me this order and I'm going to follow it and someone else can sort it out later. I'm a grown ass man, and if you put your hands on me without my blessing I'm just going to assume that you are part of the attempt on my life and you're going to have some to worry about other than my safety.

No means no.
Mon Jul 15 07:39:57

Imagine believing that the Secret Service can for medical care on someone against their will.

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