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Utopia Talk / Politics / how it started part 11
Mon Jul 15 08:19:30

every non biased non racist citizen is noticin, but da answers r actually quite simple.

why it shittier than be4?

1) trade wars r "easy 2 win"
resulted in these shit factories movin 2 cheaper countries but all of them have waaaaay lower qualities than chaaayna

2) imperialistic colonial racists lies and deceits bout xinjiang forced xinjiang cotton (da best in da world by da largest margin bar NONE period) 2 be stopped used by these shitty slavish prolly also racistly managed (how else wuld they follow what they know 2 be lies and deceits) companies 2 use inferior fabrics and cottons.

3) da lack of iq and innovations means they cannot innovate fast enuff 2 keep superior chinese and other asian companies.

4) declinin empires prolly also got somethin 2 do with it.

lol realities is everyone knows by now, all superior clothin is from chayna. i buy all my clothes there, da designs, da qualities, da finish, da price, all r lightyears ahead aint it.

it just is.

i neva went back. and neva will. my cheap clothes is quite literally 5x times betta than da shit clothes i see in da local stores. im not even exaggeratin. it fits betta, it feels betta, it lasts longa and i can wear with no fear of it tearin out, coz even if it does, i can buy 5 new one 4 da price of 1 shit piece of cloth that looks like it is made in 1980 and neva modernized or some shit.

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