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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump VP -> shitbag JD Vance
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 14:09:49
he went w/ the shittiest one on the short list (of course)... JD Vance (who believes the fake electors should've been debated by Congress... actually not as corrupt as what Trump wanted where Congress was to be excluded as they knew they didn't have the votes)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 14:11:40
he was Tucker Carlson & Don Jr's preferred choice as more evidence of being a shitbag
Mon Jul 15 14:38:07
If you so vehemently hate him I think it's safe to say he is a good choice.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 14:52:53

charged with crimes that he doesn't even offer a defense for -> better candidate

VP is disliked as he's a similar fraud -> better candidate (no possibility people can dislike him just as he's garbage)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 15:04:31
old Vance comments:

2016 public comment:
"Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us."

a private text to a friend:
"But I'm not surprised by Trump's rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame. We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working class black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point. Trump is the fruit of the party's collective neglect. 3) I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?"

then Vance realized he could just be a demagogue for the rubes too (& worked)
Mon Jul 15 15:48:51
Yale grad, from low income family with generational debt, marine, venture capitalist, senator from Ohio

Yeah. He is a nightmare, lol tw.

Tw probably believes the liberal lie about trump raping a 12 year old.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 16:00:42
at least having a fake is better than a true believer like Marjorie (not that Trump would've ever picked a woman)
Mon Jul 15 16:15:09
"A fake"

Lol. You mean like how biden keeps lying about his sons, his personal life and his family in general?

Or how kamala sucked her way up the political system?
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 16:40:56
i mean your Yale grad marine who correctly identified Trump as a morally bankrupt lying demagogue but now does over-the-top dicksucking of Trump

zero chance a genuine change of heart, Trump hasn't changed & more people who have worked w/ him have now come out against him than still support him so no secret different Trump behind closed doors (plus obviously not given the various private audio recordings that have come out over the years of him being the same fucking idiot child fraud)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 16:58:11
just looking back at past stupid tweets of Vance that i responded to...

The question of whether Trump should have kept those documents is fundamentally a political question. Criticize it, attack it, vote against it. But prosecuting a president over his own government’s documents is turning a political issue into a legal one.

a ridiculous position... intentionally keeping classified docs as a private citizen is definitely a legal issue... (& in no way a political one...)
[Trump dick-sucking]



Aside from being disgraceful and insulting to Christians, declaring a trans day of visibility on Easter Sunday is just *weird.*

The White House should apologize. Then Biden should fire whoever is responsible.

that was about the completely idiotic fake outrage story of the WH acknowledging Trans visibility day which always fell on that day
[Vance doing the demagogue thing that he saw worked]

This is real statesmanship.

on video of Trump saying he will settle the Ukraine war in one day (w/ zero details)
[Trump dick-sucking]


Vance on Target stock going down:
Target could have decided to stay out of the culture wars, instead it decided to wage war on a large share of its customer base. I no longer shop at Target, and it seems many families are doing the same.

they 'waged war' by having a Pride collection...
[Vance again doing the demagogue thing]


anyway, maybe cultists will take out Trump to get the mini-Trump who is more competent
Mon Jul 15 16:58:49
Forgive me if I'm confused, but wouldn't this pick give Democrats a totally free Senate seat? Ohio's governor is a Democrat and I thought he got to fill vacancies.
Mon Jul 15 17:11:41
Oh holy shit, Mike Dewine is actually a Republican lol.

He had me fooled after he acted like a complete Democratic shitbag during Covid.
Mon Jul 15 18:26:00
Tw "people can't change their opinions "

I guess it makes sense for TW to believe that as he has been obsessed with Trump for 8 solid years and has shown absolutely zero political or personal growth in nearly a decade.
Mon Jul 15 22:20:17
Should have picked Tulsi...
Tue Jul 16 03:33:00
Corporal JD.V. obviously had a "change of heart" when he realized the most useful wagon to hitch himself to. Several years ago. And he bet right, we all know the VP pick is only about donors & voters.

We know what he really feels from his day zero energy (the correct observation that Trump sucks donkey balls), I'm sure he reconciles it with "the alternative (evil libs) is worse, so we do what we gotta do" type logic.

Kamala, I also think is cut from that cloth.

Biden is the last man hobbling that I think believes what he says, but alas isn't mentally there enough to execute.
Average Ameriacn
Tue Jul 16 04:46:43


Vance has said that, had he been vice president in 2020, he would have carried out Trump’s scheme for the vice president to overturn the election results. He has fundraised for January 6 rioters. He once called on the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into a Washington Post columnist who penned a critical piece about Trump. After last week’s assassination attempt on Trump, he attempted to whitewash his radicalism by blaming the shooting on Democrats’ rhetoric about democracy without an iota of evidence.

This worldview translates into a very aggressive agenda for a second Trump presidency. In a podcast interview, Vance said that Trump should “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat” in the US government and “replace them with our people.” If the courts attempt to stop this, Vance says, Trump should simply ignore the law.
Tue Jul 16 05:04:32
The question of whether Trump should have kept those documents is fundamentally a political question. Criticize it, attack it, vote against it. But prosecuting a president over his own government’s documents is turning a political issue into a legal one."

Oh look, that's exactly the position I had, and it turned out to be the correct one - these prosecutions of Trump turned into inherently politicial affairs, where the public's opinion of his guilt or innocence was based on whether they'd vote for him or not instead of on any sort of legal merits.

Looks like this Vance guy is kind of smart.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 16 09:08:06
[earthfag (low-information DNC bot)]: "Biden is the last man hobbling that I think believes what he says"

Fucking lol!
Biden will say whatever his handlers want him to say, you dumb bitch. He doesn't believe in anything except "money and the power [he] thinks it gives him." You could even see him vomiting in his mouth when he talked to that tranny that the DNC was promoting to convince young White people to surgically and chemically emasculate themselves. If you seriously think that Biden believes in anything then you're probably just too comically stupid to realize what the Regime's goals are — which puts you in camp with low-IQ useful idiots like tumblefag and Dukhat.

As for J.D. Vance, while tumblefag having a meltdown is always a good indicator that the opposite position is the correct one (as obaminated rightly pointed out), the major issue with Vance is that while he checks many of the based boxes, he's part of Thiel and Yarvin's slave network.

Thiel and Yarvin are trying to co-op the Neo-Reactionary (NRx) movement by explaining the realities of the Sam Francis managerial-state Leviathan but are downplaying the goal of the managerial-led slave revolt: Jewish power. They will sell the NRx crowd most of what they want (a good thing), but the key issue is that the NRx crowd wants right-wing Christian oligarchs whereas the Vance–Thiel–Yarvin network wants those oligarchs to be created to give Jewish oligarchs power (i.e., Thiel wants a political movement that gives him power to support Israel and build the Jewish singularity, and Vance serves that want).

Before this appointment, I was saying on Twitter that Trump needs to appoint a Marine Corps infantry officer who wants to conquer Jerusalem for Hellenism, but it looks like we're getting a compromise candidate instead. Vance will make tumbletard-types piss themselves, which is an absolute good, but he's basically just a farmer tricking a horse into mounting another horse only to provide an artificial vagina at the last second. Vance puts Trump in danger because if Trump defies Israel then Trump has to contend with the fact that Israel will just replace him with Vance through violence or scandal. So this basically seals the deal that Trump will obey Israel. The boss move by Trump would be to kick Vance out once he's in office and appoint a Hellenist, but that's some "trust the plan" absurdist optimism.

None of the leftists here have any idea what I'm talking about because they spend their time repeating Regime lies instead of looking into the ideologies behind the oligarchs, but you might want to wise up. Reading old Vance rage-bait is just going to keep you in a useful stupor, leftist swine.
Tue Jul 16 11:25:41
peter thiel and putin wanted Vance

So Trump like the good little plutocrat he is obliged
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 11:30:55
Oh look, that's exactly the position I had, and it turned out to be the correct one - these prosecutions of Trump turned into inherently politicial affairs, where the public's opinion of his guilt or innocence was based on whether they'd vote for him or not instead of on any sort of legal merits.

how the fuck is it the correct one? the (bad) judge didn't cancel the prosecution on the merits... so you are saying whether Trump kept, refused to return & even hid over 100 classified docs (including significant ones to nat'l security, not just overclassified nonsense) should have no legal ramifications? just whether you want to vote for him? WHY?????? why are you giving that one private citizen license to crime...
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 11:33:29
also, even on the CRAZY position that it's just political, why isn't the R/Faux side being informed of what actually happened or requiring an explanation from him for it so they can make that political decision
(like him hiding boxes from his own lawyer to corruptly respond to a legal subpoena... established fact...)
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