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Utopia Talk / Politics / The liberals of Europe has
Tue Jul 16 15:41:50
has already found their new Hitler – JD Vance. They are gonna hate him.

Big Hitler = Trump
Little Hitler = Vance

If the Republicans do well in the coming 4 years, Vance may likely be the next Republican presidential candidate, and he may be the President of the USA in four years.

What J.D. Vance really thinks about Europe


Donald Trump’s pick for vice president is an Orbán fan who thinks Germany is “idiotic” and the U.K. may be an “Islamist” state.

J.D. Vance, former United States President Donald Trump’s newly appointed running mate, has a lot to say about Europe.

As a champion of U.S. isolationism and staunch critic of aid to Ukraine, the nomination of the 39-year-old Ohio senator has sparked panic among diplomats across the Atlantic.

But what could a Vice President Vance mean for Europe? From “idiotic” Germany to the “Islamist” U.K., POLITICO digs into what the senator has said so far about the Old Continent.

On the EU

Vance has been sharply critical of Brussels over its decision to withhold funds from Hungary and Poland over democracy and rule of law concerns.

“You know, the EU has kept billions of dollars of promised aid away from Hungary, because of its views on Ukraine. It captured billions of dollars of promised aid from a previous government in Poland, because of the conservative Polish government’s views,” he said in an interview in February.

“That’s not a rules-based order. That’s Europe, from Brussels and Berlin, imposing liberal imperialistic views on the rest of the continent.”

On Hungary

Much like Trump, Vance has spoken highly of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and proposed taking a leaf out of his book on social policy.

“In Hungary under Orbán, they offer loans to newly married couples that are forgiven at some point later if those couples have actually stayed together and had kids. Why can’t we do that here? Why can’t we actually promote family formation?” he told a conservative thinktank in 2021.

Vance also called for the “de-woke-ification” of schools and cited Orbán as inspiration in an appearance on a right-wing podcast last September.

“What do you do at the Department of Education? Well, you do what Viktor Orbán has done in Hungary, which is basically say, ‘You’re not allowed to teach critical race theory anymore, you’re not allowed to teach critical gender theory anymore … You’re not allowed to do those things and get a dollar of federal money or a dollar of state money.’”

On Poland

Vance slammed Donald Tusk after the Polish prime minister criticized Republicans for blocking U.S. aid to Ukraine in February this year.

“The new leader of Poland is arresting political opponents and owes his country’s security to the generosity of mine,” Vance wrote in a post on social media. “He might consider showing some appreciation, or at least toning down his own authoritarian impulses.”

He called on the Biden administration to respond to the Tusk government’s state media reforms purging loyalists installed by the previous conservative government.

“I urge you to encourage Poland’s new government to reconsider any actions that could undermine it or the freedoms Polish and American citizens both hold dear,” he said in January.

Polish security concerns about Russian aggression were overblown, Vance said in an interview with CNN last December.

“The idea that [Putin] can march to Poland or Berlin is preposterous,” he said.

On Germany

Berlin’s military is a basket case and its energy policy is “idiotic,” according to Vance.

“Germany’s conduct in this war is disgraceful, and it’s insulting to our voters that too many Republicans go along with it. All of their promises have materialized into manure,” he raged on social media in March last year.

“Why do American taxpayers subsidize idiotic German energy policy and weak defense policy? A mystery.”

Vance attacked Germany’s defense capabilities once again in an essay for the Financial Times in February.

“Germany spends considerably more than France on defence each year, with little to show for it. The French army includes six highly capable combined-arms brigades … but the Bundeswehr can barely scrape together a single combat-ready brigade,” he said.

“Germany is the most important economy in Europe, but it relies on imported energy and borrowed military strength.”
Vance also commented on the far-right’s surging popularity in Germany in an interview in February, claiming the “AfD is doing well” because of “a rising resistance to mass migration.”

On the U.K.

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy counts Vance among his friends, but that didn’t stop the American senator from lashing the U.K. as an “Islamist country.”

“I have to beat up on the U.K., just one additional thing. I was talking with a friend recently and we were talking about, you know, one of the big dangers in the world, of course, is nuclear proliferation,” he said at a conservative conference last week.
“And I was talking about, you know, what is the first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon, and we were like, maybe it’s Iran, you know, maybe Pakistan already kind of counts, and then we sort of finally decided maybe it’s actually the U.K., since Labour just took over.”

On Italy

Even far-right Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni couldn’t escape Vance’s wrath.

“Meloni’s victory in Italy was very much a rejection of the immigration policies in Brussels. And yet, she’s been a complete catastrophe when it comes to actually reducing migration to Italy,” Vance said in an interview in February.
Tue Jul 16 22:01:14
But it was Vance who compared Trump to Hitler. Palin would have been a better pick, she never compared Trump to Hitler.


Eight years ago, in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, J.D. Vance was a bitter critic of Donald Trump.

Publicly, he called the Republican presidential candidate an "idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, he compared him to Adolf Hitler.
Wed Jul 17 01:19:37
But Vance has also explained that he has changed his mind about Trump, once he met him. A politician who is able to change his opinion is rare, and it’s a sign of strength.
Wed Jul 17 05:13:55
The thing anti Trumpers hate about Trump, is he is effective.

You can bitch and whine about his negotiation style.

But it works.

Europe in particular doesn't know how to handle it.

Perfect example is Sweden arresting ASAP Rocky.

Trump called the leader of Sweden and demanded his release.

The leader (PM?) Said, thats not how it works here, I have no ability to over ride the courts.

Trump gave him an ultimatum, either release ASAP Rocky immediately, or he would luanch a trade war on Sweden.

Well, wouldn't you know somehow that man gained the ability to release Asap Rocky, ASAP.
Wed Jul 17 05:26:05

Wed Jul 17 05:45:46
idealogy runs da politics nowadays.

they boycottin hungary now coz he visited chaaayna!

like, why. we aint at war with china.
and da fact they have a hatebona 4 russia, is there own problem. but why suddenly expend 2 china and others as well.

this is what we call idealogy. a cult

they r very lowcapable lowskilled politicians who wants 2 drag everyone and everything in2 there whirpools of hate

like why he talkin like that bout china when china has such good relationships with lots of european countries. these peoples should be ashamed of themselves

Wed Jul 17 05:47:02
Interesting facts
Wed Jul 17 15:23:30
Rocky on Trump


“It was a chess move and they tried to strong arm a lot. In reality, I had no problem saying thank you to the man, especially if he helped me. That’s the narrative they pushin’: that he got me out. And he didn’t free me. If anything, he made it a little worse.”
Wed Jul 17 16:44:20
And yet, Swden bent the knee....
Interesting Facts
Thu Jul 18 03:02:27
Rocky was convicted and had to pay compensation.
Thu Jul 18 17:28:03

Doesn't really sound like it.

Sun Jul 21 05:14:33
Seems I was wrong.
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