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Utopia Talk / Politics / The End of Europe
Fri Jul 19 14:04:42
Joseph Borrell, The EU foreign-policy chief:

Borrell explained, “Our prosperity has been based on cheap energy coming from Russia. Russian gas – cheap and supposedly affordable, secure, and stable.”

“And the access to the big China market, for exports and imports, for technological transfers, for investments, for having cheap goods,” he added.

“Our prosperity was based on China and Russia – energy and market. You, U.S, takes care of our security. You China and Russia provide the basis of our prosperity. This is a world that is no longer there.”

”We suffer the consequences of a process in which we have decoupled the sources of our prosperity”


This is severe neglect. If it already isn't, it should be criminal.

And why did European leaders do this? Because the U.S told them to.

Never before in history have we had so many bad politicians in Europe at one and the same time. That is why we are where we are now.

Borrell had the decency to (in 2022) say that Europe has lost all this. If only the responsible politicians would stop blaming Russia and China for the decisions made by European politicians. But that is never going to happen, unless the people take them to court.
Fri Jul 19 14:16:23
In their video, Geopolitical Economy Report asked me to share this. So I will.

It’s only 24 minutes and is probably the best video you can watch today.

Fri Jul 19 15:47:33
You had me, until you still managed to blame the USA for what European leaders have done. Implying that Europe should have kept sucking on cheap Russian gas ans gobble on cheap Chinese junk. You shouldn’t have done that to begin with, anymore than we should have outsourced our own defense to the USA.

And tye reason for all if this? So Europe could outsource its climate footprint. Gas is better than coal, very clever, because technically gas plants can run on hydrogen. The plan suck Russian gas until they scale up the H2 production. Which at this rate will happen in 500 years. The H2 part is what turns a clever plan into a retarded one.
Sam Adams
Fri Jul 19 22:17:56
I like how europe payed extra money to dismantle its nuclear power early, created 47 layers of red tape to drive away business and then imported high crime migrants.

What an amazingly retarded way to end a civilization. This is way worse than carthage provoking rome 80 times or hitler/napolean invading russian winter.
large member
Sat Jul 20 18:20:53
Historians will date the end of Europe as 1914-1945 that left the carcasses of former colonial powers to be devoured by this or that external state. Which? We still do not know. The winners will write that history.
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