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Utopia Talk / Politics / allah ackbar seb
Sam Adams
Fri Dec 20 14:34:41
Yet again.

Your immigration choices have killed how many now?

Perhaps you are ready to admit they are unwise?
Sam Adams
Fri Dec 20 14:39:29

Graphic link so seb sees what he has done.
Fri Dec 20 15:57:52
Jergul would like to add that it sits perfectly with the Muslim suffering snd German oppression and occupation
Fri Dec 20 16:18:08
A Saudi Arabian. Which means an ally of USA and Israel did it.

In other news, the USA had talks with al-Qaida (also an ally of Israel and USA) in Syria today.
Fri Dec 20 17:23:59
But at least you can buy a doner kebab on any street corner...makes it all worth it right?
Sat Dec 21 01:59:12
According to media reports. He has shared extreme views on his social media, including expressing sympathies with the far-right party AFD.

According to Elon Musk, only AFD can save Germany.

Elon Musk
Only the AfD can save Germany

large member
Sat Dec 21 02:04:31
Are you ready to admit the 2nd amendment is unwise?

Sure you want to be talking about wrongfully killed civilians?
Sat Dec 21 03:11:57
83 school shootings so far in the USA this year. Low IQ Adams "yeah but they was all dun by white peepl so I dun care"
Sat Dec 21 03:37:51
488 mass shootings (defined as a minimum of 3 murder victims) and 83 school shootings in his country this year. 1 possible terrorist attack in Germany this year. Guess what Low IQ Adams prioritizes as the greatest threat. His talent för threat analysis is on the same level as Trump recommending drinking bleach against Covid.
Sat Dec 21 04:00:41
Weird case

Automatic translation:


Saudi critic of Islam, fan of AfD and Elon Musk: disturbing details about the perpetrator of the Magdeburg attack

Taleb Jawad Al Abdulmohsen, the driver killed in the Magdeburg attack, came to Germany in 2006. But he is not an Islamist - on the contrary. He accused Germany of Islamising Europe.

After the suspected attack on the Magdeburg Christmas market, there is little to suggest an Islamist motive so far. The driver of the car is Taleb Jawad Al Abdulmohsen. He first entered Germany in 2006 and was not recognised by the security authorities as an Islamist.

In fact, he was apparently anything but a religious fanatic. On the contrary: he was apparently a radical critic of Islam, sympathised with the AfD - and Elon Musk.
The 50-year-old worked as a doctor and psychiatrist in a psychiatric clinic in Bernburg, 50 kilometres south of Magdeburg. But he had not been coming to work for several weeks, Tagesspiegel learnt.

On his X account, his profile description read: ‘Germany hunts Saudi asylum seekers at home and abroad to destroy their lives. Germany wants to Islamise Europe.’ His cover picture shows a rifle.
In a video, the man explained shortly before the attack on the Christmas market that he had been active as a refugee and asylum activist for several years. He also presented himself as an ex-Muslim critic of Islam.

The FAZ asked him in an interview in 2019: ‘Do you believe, despite all your experiences, that there can be an Islam in which women have equal rights?’ He replied: ‘No, I don't think so. There is no good Islam.’

On Friday evening, a few hours before the attack, he posted several videos in which he said in English: ‘I hold the German nation responsible for the killing of Socrates.’ In June, he accused the German police of being the ‘real driver of Islamism in Germany’.
‘We need AfD to protect the police from themselves,’ the alleged perpetrator went on to write. Die Welt reports on another tweet, which was apparently deleted later, in which he announced ‘retaliation’. He wrote: ‘I assure you that 100 per cent revenge will come soon. Even if it costs me my life.’ He continued: ‘Germany will have to pay the price. A huge price.’

He recently shared posts by Markus Haintz, a well-known lateral thinking activist. Al Abdulmohsen also expressed solidarity with the British right-wing extremist Tommy Robinson. In another tweet from 2016, the man wrote: ‘Me and AfD are fighting the same enemy to protect Germany.’ In August 2017, he posted: ‘I would like to prove to the court that Islam is much worse than the plague.’

It was only on 15 December that an Islamophobic organisation published statements by the psychiatrist. He accused Europe and Germany of welcoming jihadists in order to Islamise the West, while oppressing former Muslim refugees.
‘In the background’ it is about something “much bigger”, said Al Abdulmohsen in conspiracy theory style. ‘What Elon Musk, Tommy Robinson and others are saying is true.’ Governments would use mass migration as a tool for destabilisation. ‘It's not about helping refugees - it's about reshaping Western nations from within.’
Sat Dec 21 04:07:41
”The lefties are insane. We need the AfD to protect us” This guy is just Germany's version of Nimatzo
Sat Dec 21 04:38:07
"There is no good Islam."

Can't argue with his ideas. His methods leave a lot to be desired.
Sat Dec 21 04:44:46
Actually, that was wrong. He supported womens rights, so a more westernized version of Nimatzo.

Can you imagine low-IQ Adams in charge of security at a school shooting with his talent for situational analysis? "Everyone run AWAY from the brown guy and TOWARD the fat, white redneck with an AR-24! Repeat: run AWAY from the brown guy and TOWARD the fat, white redneck with an AR-24!"
Sat Dec 21 05:21:29

"‘Germany hunts Saudi asylum seekers at home and abroad to destroy their lives."

I bet this will help. I also bet that the AfD won't be leading the roundup.

Sat Dec 21 06:23:23
His stated motive was "revenge for Germany islamizing Europe". This is straight out of the mouth of Rugian, IQ Adams, Nimatzo and all the other rightwing extremists. Of course, Islamism is a conservative extremism movement, so no news there about them constantly sharing violemt ideology.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 21 06:29:58
[williamthecoward]: "His talent för threat analysis is on the same level as Trump recommending drinking bleach against Covid."

Pathetic. williamthecoward fell for the "Drinking bleach" hoax, just like sebfag, who went on to pretend that he totally didn't while falling for it even harder in the process. "Im better then you" also fell for that hoax here:

Again, leftists fall for these hoaxes and these media definitions because they are incredibly low-information and have almost zero curiosity of their own, thus, the Regime's credentialing apparatuses are enough to convince them of any "truth" (any lies).

[williamthecoward]: "488 mass shootings (defined as a minimum of 3 murder victims) and 83 school shootings in his country this year."

Now try slightly expanding the Regime-propagandized definition of "mass shooting" in a way that gets you to realize that most of those "shootings" are actually done by black people.

The Regime has to get useful idiots such as williamthecoward to adopt the "mass shooting" definition to obscure this fact, but the FBI statistics — despite their best efforts to show the opposite — show that black people commit the most firearms-related crimes: the most shootings, the most illegal possessions, the most harmed. It is simply that leftists know it from another perspective:
"Gun violence disproportionately impacts Black and Brown people, yet the United States largely ignores the systemic factors driving inequality and violence in these communities" ( http://www.bradyunited.org/resources/issues/gun-violence-is-a-racial-justice-issue ).

See? Now it's okay and true! "Impacts"! "Systemic"!
If you rephrase it like that, then the Celebration Parallax kicks in and williamthecoward will agree that, yeah, black and brown people are the ones most responsible for gun violence. They just have to phrase it as "disproportionately impacts" as opposed to "[they're the ones doing the shootings and therefore the ones going to jail for the crime of shooting people]."

And why would williamthecoward leftist-types have to lie about it being "men" or "guns"-themselves? Because they are evil anti-White genocidal maniacs. If the Regime can pretend that it's "men" doing 'this' or just "guns" doing 'that', then the Regime can excuse black people for being over-represented in almost all crimes — except pedophilia, which seems to be a category dominated by hispanic men and jews. And in Europe, the Regime can pretend that Islamic invaders with semitic genetics aren't even the *real* statistic, because "terrorism" can actually be White people.. if you expand the definition of "terrorism" to Englishmen who got their dogs to do a "Nazi" salute.

So when a man with a good traditional "German" name like.. umm.. Taleb Al Abdulmohsen.. from Saudi Arabia.. decides to plow his car into a Christmas market.. presumably killing Christians (Oh wow! That just keeps happening! Weird!), well, umm, in that case, actually, more bollards are just the cost of a multi-cultural society, as is black/brown gun crimes, piss on the subways, and getting attacked by bums.. err.. the "un-housed" that is. So if we banned assault vehicles of war and installed bollars every few feet, then White Europeans who are being genocided by jews and their islamic puppets won't even *notice* the genocide.

Or, in words that a williamthecoward-type can understand:
"Truck violence disproportionately impacts jewish golems, yet Europe largely ignores the systemic factors driving inequality and violence in these communities."

So if we just sent a few hundred more billions of dollars to "our greatest ally", then they'll start more wars in the Middle East, cause mass-instability and war-time flight in these nations, fund NGO networks that promote mass-immigration to the West, and thus send us more of these.. umm.. "Germans".. who are *just* as "German" as anyone, btw, since it says right there on the passport, and passports are more real than reality.
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 11:18:09
"83 school shootings"

"488 mass shootings"

Dont look at the race of those wtb. You wont like what you find.
Sat Dec 21 11:21:16
"83 school shootings"
"Dont look at the race of those " -IQ Adams
Sat Dec 21 11:22:02
Arab isnt a race, IQ, its a linguistic grouping, braindead. This guys is as white as you.
Sat Dec 21 11:27:02
Of course, American racists who hated the first wave of Irish immigrants also imagined in their fantasy world that they could see they were "black Irish".

You are arab if an arabic dialect is your first language. Hence e.g. arab jews who dont have half arabic genome and half jewish genome, as you probably imagine in your 18th century pseudoscience brain, but whose first language as an arabic dialect.
Sat Dec 21 11:40:03
If you had the slighest semblance of analytical ability, IQ, you would notice that the immigration population in any country that does not come from a well to do background is the group with larger problems, until theyve found their place in their new country. This means the Irish in the USA. This means the Italians in the USA. This means the Viatnamese in China. This means the Thais in Vietnam Etc etc etc etc. An analytical mind looking for a common denominator, in contrast to you, quickly notices that it isnt their ethnicity.
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 11:45:34
^look at this fucking retard. Your woke religion makes you spill out blabbering bullshit that sounds more and more inane and disconnected from reality with each mass crime you are forced to defend. "Arab isnt a race" is your excuse as to why its ok to import high crime muslims?

Blatantly retarded.
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 11:51:12
"the immigration population in any country that does not come from a well to do background is the group with larger problems"

Utterly wrong.

China(and some neighbors) and eastern europe have been shitholes until very recently. Their immigrants have produced 0 problems.

Stop letting your woke religion blind you. There are cultural and genetic differences between groups of humans. Some populations are thus better, and some worse.
Sat Dec 21 11:52:03
If you had lived 100 years ago, little IQ, you would have spoken exactly the same way about the Irish, the Italians and the Jews, you stupid little skinhead.
Sat Dec 21 11:53:37
i fink arab jooz meens they hav half arab n half jooish genomes uggh gurgle - IQ
Sat Dec 21 11:55:19
i fink skool shotings ar carrid out by blecks and arabs uggh gurgle - IQ
Sat Dec 21 12:17:47
The way you use the antiquated word "Race", IQ, which only the most culturally backward country in the West, the USA, still uses, is like saying the Scottish are a separate race, the Welsh are a separate race etc etc etc. Its extremely 18th century dumbassness. Yes, could you possibly find a larger concentration of some miniscular changes in the Irish from the Scottish? Certainly you could find tiny changes in tiny areas which any idiot can work out will occur in secluded groups. Does this mean the Welsh and the Scots are different sub-species of homo sapiens, which is how you use the word? No, you fucking pseudo scientific village idjit.
Sat Dec 21 12:28:11
Any average family will show some tiny genomic inheritance. Any family meets your pseudo criteria of "race".
Sat Dec 21 12:37:14
Your own mother and father have different dna segments. You yourself have different dna segments from both of them. All 3 of you, according to your teenage skinhead concept of DNA, are all different races in an imagined hierarcichal pyramid of superspecies and subspecies of homo sapiens. Man, youre so undeveloped lol
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 12:38:05
Race and iq arent real.

-retarded woke cultists

Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 12:40:55
Oh ya forgot about sex. That isnt real either.

"Im enlightened" -the flat earther of biology.
Sat Dec 21 12:56:17
My dad, mom and me are diffrunt races - IQ

Explain why Italians were the problem "race" with bad blood in their first immigrant generations in the US, IQ. Explain why the Irish were the problem "race" with bad blood in their first immigrant generations in the US, IQ. Explain why the vietnamese are the problem "race" in China, IQ. Explain why the Thais are the problem "race" in Vietnam, IQ. Explain why the Cambodians are the biggest problem race in Thailand, IQ. Explain why the problem "race" in Cambodia is the Vietnamese and the Thais? Your 18th century pseudoscientific IQ isnt capable of analyzing actual commonalities in these situations
Sat Dec 21 12:59:20
"Explain why the Cambodians are the biggest problem race in Thailand, IQ. Explain why the problem "race" in Cambodia the Thais?"

"durrr cos Cambodjians ar infererior to Tays an the Tays ar inferririor to the Cambodjians" -IQ
Sat Dec 21 13:01:36
Explain why arab americans commit far less crimes in the US by percent than "white" americans, IQ

Sat Dec 21 13:49:36
So turns out to be a Sam, or more accurately a Nimatzo.

Sat Dec 21 14:40:54
Big fan of Tommy Robinson too.
Like rugian and musk.
Sat Dec 21 15:48:11
I just do not see the rational for attacking a Christmas market. Wouldn't a Free Palestine demonstration have made more sense? The guy is clearly mental unwell and confused.
large member
Sat Dec 21 16:03:39
He was pretty clear on penalizing the majority society for willfully allowing itself to be infected by the scourge of Islam.

Essentially punishing society for being stupid.
large member
Sat Dec 21 16:08:37
Some experts have already pointed out that the man was an unusual suspect in a mass casualty attack of this type.

“After 25 years in this ‘business’ you think nothing could surprise you anymore. But a 50-year-old Saudi ex-Muslim who lives in East Germany, loves the AfD and wants to punish Germany for its tolerance towards Islamists — that really wasn’t on my radar,” Peter Neumann, professor of security studies at King’s College London, wrote on X.

large member
Sat Dec 21 16:11:51
Well, its on the radar now. Some cautionary advice. A lot of threads revolve around how stupid sebocrats are for self-destructing their societies. Perhaps be a bit careful? There are some radars you do not want to offer a return signal.
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 16:13:07
Seb imports a psycho, blames it on us.


The genes are fake crowd is really on a role today.
Sat Dec 21 16:31:10
Only people outside this guys head, those who exoticize him because theyre thinking too much about race find this a mystery. He doesnt walk around thinking of himself as a weirdo saudi arabian. A black guy doesnt walk around thinking about the fact that he's black just because IQ Adams does, any more than a white guy does. They just live their lives going to work, watching tv etc. like anyone else.

He identifies himself as just a guy with a good job who drives a nice car and hates muslims and lefties. Exactly like Nimatzo doesnt walk around thinking of himself as someone who should be a muslim because his parents were from Iran. Nimatzo probably psychologically self-identifies with Americans more than any other group. Thats why people like IWishIHadVitiligoTardo and Nimatzo dont feel like outsiders with groups that actually do see them as outsiders.
Sat Dec 21 16:34:08
Btw, I was a london skinhead for a few years as a teen, so I know very well how racist village idjits think.
Sat Dec 21 16:39:15
Like IQ Adams, its all about physical essentialism. It used to be bad blood back in the 18th century, which meant it was an essential, degenerate physical property of that group that they could never escape. IQ Adams etc have switchéd bad blood to bad genes in an effort to update the exact same essentialism. Nimatzo might not be a muslim and he might be sort of ok for an Iranian, but deep down he's still got that bad Moosluhm genome that he can never truly escape, in these morons pseudoscientific misunderstanding of the world.
Sat Dec 21 16:53:32
I haven't bothered to read this thread. I suspect seb, fagfish and tw are defending a Muslim terrorist against proper humans.
Sat Dec 21 17:58:49

Oh there are plenty of white German AfD terrorist attacks and violence.

You just don't hear about them because you are stewing in your little echo bubble (which hilariously includes twitter accounts run by Turkish scammers running the Alex Jones grift.).

He's definitely one of you, and Nim if he lost his temper.
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 17:58:55
Wtb sure does try really hard to delude himself into thinking genes arent real. What sort of genetic defect are you trying so hard to hide?
Sat Dec 21 18:04:52

You probably ought to have read the thread, but I'm not sure it really makes much of a difference to the habitual wit and wisdom you bring to discourse.
Sat Dec 21 19:12:48
This is where IQ digs up some discredited racist biologist the same way tobacco companies would dig up one of the 2% of doctors in the 50s who were happy to say, for money or misguided belief, that cigarettes are good for you
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 21 20:12:46
So wtb whats the defect? Or is it multiple defects?

"Oh there are plenty of white German AfD terrorist attacks and violence."

I know you are in post-evidence stage of your woke cultism seb, but this sort of make-believe is a new low, even for you.
Sun Dec 22 02:23:19

There was an entire campaign of attacks by AfD types against candidates in the run up to elections, for example.


Now we have a guy, wrongly convinced on Twitter by Musky Sam types, that there's a plot to Islamise Europe and rams a Christmas market.

Sun Dec 22 02:43:57
Refuses to answer the questions because he can't.

"So wtb whats the defect? Or is it multiple defects?"

This from the guy who wasnt allowed to serve his country because of ODD...sigh. I suppose thats when he learned to blame everything on bad genes, much like it later became fashionable to blame everything on ADHD. I think thats fallen out of fashion somewhat these days, as all simplistic magic solutions do after a while
Sun Dec 22 02:46:41
Even poor old Dawkins deterministic magicky solutions are being knocked out of fashion by Dennis Noble now
Sun Dec 22 03:12:53
People loved ODD, ADHD and all the other capital letter comb conditions that were so trendy 20 years ago that are now drifting out of fashion as reality slowly sets back in again, because A) it made life so much easier for doctors, particularly in the USA where the medical sector is a paid by the piece industry to just say, "Oh he's just got some bad genes, here's a prescription, next!", B) Pharma producers of course, and lastly C) the actual patients who loved the simplistic magic solution that they could blame their bad behaviour on and not take any responsibility at all: "So THAT'S why Im so lazy and nasty! Its not my fault, its the ODD/ADHD!"
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 22 05:04:02
[obaminated]: "I haven't bothered to read this thread. I suspect seb, fagfish and tw are defending a Muslim terrorist against proper humans."


[Sam Adams]: "^look at this fucking retard. Your woke religion makes you spill out blabbering bullshit that sounds more and more inane and disconnected from reality with each mass crime you are forced to defend. "Arab isnt a race" is your excuse as to why its ok to import high crime muslims? [/] Blatantly retarded."

Exactly. It's all word games and desperate lies.

[williamthecoward]: "Arab isnt a race, IQ, its a linguistic grouping, braindead. This guys is as white as you."

Do we see how transparently genocidal the ghoulish/sebbish/wtc-style leftist is?
Again, they will pretend that "White" does not even exist in the same way that genocidal jews claim that "Palestine never existed" or "Syria" was never actually a nation. They are simply telling us whom they want to genocide. They'll play this same game with "jewish" by pretending it's "just a religion", but if you ask if a bunch of Arabic people can convert to judaism and replace all of the current inhabitants of Israel.. oops! Suddenly jewish people aren't just a religion! Suddenly, Israel is not "propositional"!

So refer again to the Celebration Parallax.
These ghouls will recognize this rhetorical strategy as sound when they repeat the Party mantra of "you're trying to genocide trans people". Suddenly, when they are promoting the surgical and chemical emasculation of "trans" people, they are aware that pretending that something does not exist can act as an occult self-fulfilling prophecy (i.e., if we pretend it does not exist then it will eventually not exist). The difference, of course, is that "trans" people serve the Regime's social engineering and represent an inversion (i.e., "affirming" "trans" people actually removes them from the gene pool — and "trans" people are overwhelmingly White, so you see why they do this inversion), whereas genetics is a plain reality.

[williamthecoward]: "The way you use the antiquated word "Race", IQ, which only the most culturally backward country in the West, the USA"

Ghoulish/sebbish/williamthecoward-style leftists also have to pretend that IQ and race do not exist because they must believe in the totalitarian Regime's absolute ability to socially engineer any outcome from any identical and replaceable "economic widget". This allows mental weaklings and ineffective Regime sycophants to believe that they are weak and pathetic *only* because they are not beneficiaries of prestige networks. I.e., in their belief system, if they were simply showered with money, then they could live the life of a rich person with no daylight between them and the people whom they robbed. This is, of course, another delusion, since weaklings are incapable of maintaining complex systems, and therefore even stolen ancestral wealth slips through their fingers the moment they seize it, much like a thief with a flatscreen will break the screen in the very act of stealing it, rendering it useless.

[williamthecoward]: "Of course, American racists who hated the first wave of Irish immigrants also imagined in their fantasy world that they could see they were "black Irish"."

williamthecoward even has to deny that Black Irish *are* indeed (still) a real thing and that they were prioritized as a bio-weapon during the Civil War era. Can we not tell the difference between Colin Farrell (Black Irish) and Kelly Reilly (pure Irish, raised in England)? People with perception can indeed see this difference, but leftists function on low-IQ agnosia and therefore either cannot see the difference or pretend not to notice in order to observe the Regime's dogmas.

The Civil War Irish strategy was one of chain-linking client groups. As a bio-weapon, Irish Catholics could be used to flood the Union army with cheap soldiers (citizenship for service), and their votes could be used to gradually move these United States in the direction of the Regime's "democracy" (i.e., the Bolshevik phrase of "our democracy", where the mob-masses (non-noble) are enfranchised only to serve the ends of the slavish-enslaver oligarchs). The Regime usually works on the terms of slight shifts, so the difference between Irish Catholics and American-born WASPs was a known political move at the time but was *just* similar enough that acceptance could be propagandized successfully and normalized after the Civil War.

It was not until around the 1960s that this Regime strategy began to fail with Irish Catholics. As a voting bloc, they began getting a little bit "too close" to a 50/50 voting split in these United States, with many Irish Catholics converting to Protestantism to assimilate and uphold American values. Irish Catholics also practiced eugenics in their early U.S. history, drifting away from their genetic utility in this Regime's dysgenic scheme. The Regime pushed back by assassinating the Irish Catholic JFK, who had grown up with Protestant values and was jeopardizing international Bolshevik schemes, such as JFK's attempt to get Israeli agents to register as foreign agents, which would have blocked their dual-citizenship schemes and their infiltration of governance.

[williamthecoward]: "is like saying the Scottish are a separate race, the Welsh are a separate race etc etc etc ... Your own mother and father have different dna segments."

Again we see how Regime sycophants continue to make this category error (poor comprehension of macro and micro).
We all know that a Scotsman is far more genetically similar to an Irishman than an Arab is to a Scotsman, but subversives such as williamthecoward have to pretend that no (remarkable) differences exist at all between any White people (not even the little differences) so that they can propagandize the big differences (i.e., that there is no difference between a Saudi mass-murderer of Christians and a German). Meanwhile, here in reality and in the world of actually having perception, many of us can look at a Scotsman and even have a good guess as to what region he is from or whether or not one of his grandparents married an Englishman.

[williamthecoward]: "Any average family will show some tiny genomic inheritance."

I also have to remind that williamthecoward has repeatedly shown to have no grasp of genetics. I doubt he even studied it outside of a dumbed-down survey course that he was forced to take to meet some basic undergrad requirement (The Philosophy of Biology? Žižek and Postmodern Biology?). sebfag has suffered similar maladies in the past with his false claims that attempted to decouple genetics from intelligence (i.e., the retarded argument of "[it's just melanin, bro!]"), whereas, yes, genetics does indeed have specific and identifiable cognitive effects which go well beyond skin tone.

So due to both williamthecoward's ignorance and his cognitive limitations — which have manifested as an inability to recognize "race" as a science term and "race" as an informal term (a common sebbish agnosia) — he cannot keep track of which one is being discussed and therefore has to tell these lies about what DNA differences mean in an "all or nothing" category error. Again, if a leftist can convince you that genetics are not real, then he can (discretely) use the reality of it to destroy you, your people, and your posterity.

Additionally, genetic differences become *more* heightened at the upper levels of similarity. Some estimates place chimpanzees at about 99% genetic similarity to humans. Does this mean that there is no difference and that chimpanzees should be integrated into all layers of Western governance for "equity" for the "historically banana-focused"? No. Just as a runner who attempts to break the 4-minute mile knows how big a second becomes, so too do we see with genetics that small percentages become incredibly distinct and important.

[sebfag (Regime sycophant)]: "Big fan of Tommy Robinson too."

sebfag doesn't seem to realize that this fact works against him.

Tommy Robinson is one of these Ben Shapiro types who thinks that it's all just "culture" and that the West is just a bunch of "proposition nations" where if people simply accept the proposition then they're just as "Western" as anyone else. He has been heavily criticized for this stupidity — especially among the Right. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy fail in this same test, thinking that mass-immigration is fine if it's "legal", whereas, no, genocide is not fine if it's made legal.

I.e., this Saudi terrorist is using this formula for the same effect as Musk, Robinson, and Ramaswamy, which is to import the genetics that are favorable to his preferred gene pool (using immigration law as a genetic sieve) while pretending that this is just part of the Western experiment. This same subservience to Israel is part of it, since they are playing Israel's same genocidal game against the West but merely jockeying for a spot at the international Bolsheviks' table of willing slaves.

[williamthecoward]: "A black guy doesnt walk around thinking about the fact that he's black just because IQ Adams does, any more than a white guy does."

Ah, this subversive lie again.
In reality, it is most largely White people that are willing to entertain the MLK "content of their character" argument, whereas black people are the most tribally minded, followed by Hispanics and then "Asians" ( https://www.ljzigerell.com/?p=9002 ) — the last of which is a composite that doesn't do the Japanese justice and is skewed by Pakistanis and such, similar to how the UK merges the "Asian" category to obfuscate Pakistani grooming gangs ("[It's those pesky "Asians" raping English schoolgirls!]"). As a simple consequence of international Bolsheviks using this fact against White people, bio-weapons have been imported into the West and activated along tribal lines so that all non-White tribes will form an alliance against White people.

High-IQ people are most likely to be able to see people at an "individual" level (mapping individual theories of mind — something which requires the cognitive power of "discrimination"), but low-IQ people tend to automatically collectivize and see *only* based on racial characteristics (low discrimination, high agnosia). A low-IQ agnosia-sufferer such as williamthecoward will see this as "evidence" that it must then only be low-IQ Whites who are "racist", but this is why he has to use the Regime's propaganda technique of "[coding the opposition as low-class]", where he pretends that it is merely some backwoods nonsense that people cared about the Black Irish in early American history or care about "Arabs" today.

In reality, this is merely the "midwit" meme, where..
• Low-IQ: "racist" "low-class" "rednecks" can intuitively see that black people are incredibly racist and want to kill White people / conversely, racist black and brown people instinctively form collectives/tribes based on cargo-cult biases and resentment for their hosts
• Midwits: have been trained to ignore all signs that do not permit White genocide and embrace all signs that allow it / conversely, people afraid to realize that tribes are being formed against them
• High-IQ: can apply discrimination to see that, yes, actually, concepts such as CRT, DEI, and "sustainability" are indeed being used to kill White people and dispossess them in their own lands

Combining the details, williamthecoward is too much of a liar and subversive to realize that black people do indeed racially collectivize and see the entire world through the lens of race, literally walking around thinking about how much they hate White people and want their "Wakanda" "back". An entire "critical theory" was developed around this reality of anti-White sentiment to "justify" this racialist perspective. Meanwhile, it is in the interests of williamthecoward-subversives to pretend that such racial collectivization is "low-class" among White people because these subversives know that if intelligent White people figure out that those "low-class" White people are actually correct in a way, then White people as a whole might actually resist their annihilation; williamthecoward types above all seek to genocide White people, so they must lie to achieve this goal, dis-empowering White people while promoting the killers of White people.

[williamthecoward]: "but deep down he's still got that bad Moosluhm genome that he can never truly escape, in these morons pseudoscientific misunderstanding of the world."

Here's this lie again.
I'll again remind that sebgul, williamthecoward, and the other psychotic leftists of this forum will keep trying to convince Nim to become just as anti-White racialist as they are because sebguls want racial tribes to form against White people to aid in the White genocide. I explained this to sebfag in the last sebtard thread ( http://uto...hread=93608&time=1733665051446 ), but again: "Stop telling this fucking lie, you fucking liar. I literally just laid out exactly who would be deported, and guess what! Nim would not be deported! You would be, though! Stop fucking lying!"

The short version of "why" is that every race can be "improved"/uplifted to support Western values and support its survival, and it is, in fact, in their best interests to do so since this uplift makes them resistant to enslavement under tyrannizing oligarchs of all stripes (the West being anti-enslavement under these principles). Whereas, slavish sebguls would prefer that those most likely to destroy Western society be placed in all positions of power in the West to facilitate its annihilation and the annihilation of White people.

[Sam Adams]: "Wtb sure does try really hard to delude himself into thinking genes arent real. What sort of genetic defect are you trying so hard to hide?"

He probably has Tay-Sachs disease.
All he has left to look forward to is a failing nervous system for the rest of his dysfunctional life. His most cognitively productive years were about 10 years ago, and he can only chase the Dragon of his former Ritalin usage.
Sun Dec 22 05:23:12
falun gons and serpentaz arent good peoples...

when lies and deceits and hatred run every daym

Sun Dec 22 05:28:17
Unreadable Chubby Cherub, of course, has spent her life profiting off her unemployable bedridden corpulent corpus by blaming it on ADD, or ODD, or whatever she she screams at her parents each time they tell her to lose 200 lbs and get a job.

Its interesting how GB shipped around 100,000 criminal convicts to the US in the early 1600s, a far, far more significant population than those 102 religious extremists onboard the Mayflower. The original founders of white America consisted almost entirely of people with "bad genes", and as IQ Adams knows so well, like arabs, their descendents inherit their bad genes. And Australia, the #1 penal colony? Why, the place must be a criminal hellhole with all those descendents of genetically inferior convicts.

Sun Dec 22 05:37:41
And almost all of the other white emigrants to the US later on consisted of poor people. And, as IQ Adams, knows, poor people are also the product of bad genes. Its disturbing that the US was basically completely founded on degenerate genes, according to IQ's theory of genes.
Sun Dec 22 05:39:22
A country wholly based on criminals and poor people, thats just one huge cesspool of degerate genomes
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 22 08:01:31
[williamthecoward]: "Unreadable Chubby Cherub, of course, has spent her life profiting off her unemployable bedridden corpulent corpus by blaming it on ADD, or ODD, or whatever she she screams at her parents each time they tell her to lose 200 lbs and get a job."

Lulz. You're still sticking with your impotent insults in your little fishing expedition. :)

• "Unreadable" — you are illiterate and lazy like sebgul, so, rather than admitting to your illiteracy and laziness, you just pretend that my straightforward speech is "unreadable", no matter how much I dumb it down for you. :)
• "unemployable" — lulz, projection. Once again, I guarantee I make far more than you ever will with your lonely little humanities degree. You, being weak and ineffective, are simply incapable of realizing that a person could have such excess of energy that chatting on UP could be a cognitive trifle or that my excellence could expand to all areas of my life in the same way that your impotence expands to all areas of your life. Our respective characters become all-encompassing. :)
• "corpulent" — lulz, weak. Surprised you didn't mention your "big macs" refrain! I guarantee I've always been fitter than you. How did you do at your full-distance Ironman? What's your projected half-distance time this year? :)
• "by blaming it on ADD, or ODD" — lulz. Obvious projection. I've never suffered your mental illnesses; that is a left-wing derangement. :)

For a fuller suite of insults, rather than repeat myself just refer back to the comment I left you in the Climate Cult thread (comment "Sun Dec 08 13:37:44" http://uto...hread=93535&time=1733686664207 ).

Remember it always. :)

[williamthecoward]: "The original founders of white America consisted almost entirely of people with "bad genes""

Another category error that shows your low-IQ :D
What did "The original founders of [black] America" build? :D
What do they build when left to their own devices? How's Liberia doing? :D

This time, you're too stupid to realize that an initial state is not a continuous state, and the edge of chaos of a population is not the rigid core of a population.

In other words, what capabilities did the pioneers show in the mere act of making the voyage and founding a world from nothing?
Immense capability.
And what good works did they bring with them for their continuous improvement?
Immense good works.
And what did they build in the New World?
One of the greatest societies ever known.

Did they build a society that the "Global South" resentfully strives to invade or not?
You cannot pretend that the initial state was the end of history without seeing the results represented in what has survived to the current state.. at least not without committing another of your pathetic thinking errors.

And this lie of the pioneers being rejects from England is a fool's refrain. Who survived the trip? Who survived the first years? Who thrived? Those are the issues. Your pretense of dysgenic freaks having landed to seed the land are just more of your reality-denial, since dysgenic freaks such as yourself would not have made the journey (until it became easy!) and would not have survived (without parasitism!). The people who are *pioneers* rather than just "immigrants" to a settled land have a Spark within them that you cannot recognize because you altogether lack it in yourself.

You do not have the discipline, the virtue, the striving for excellence, and the fortitude to build Great and Incredible things. You lack even the discipline to read a comment in UP that is directly addressed to you! But the people who built the societies that you wish to destroy out of your sick resentment *did* and *do* have that discipline.

Or even more simply, for your tiny and weak little mind:
• When a great and noble person walks into a disaster area, that person can overcome any despair and begin the work of making that disaster into a Triumph.
• When a pathetic and ignoble weakling such as yourself walks into a disaster area, you can only despair and hate your very parents and your very birth for leading you to this moment.

The strong and great and beautiful can see a future that you simply cannot.
Sun Dec 22 09:32:52
Compulsive OCD spammer having a nervous breakdown at 12 o'clock

Amusingly, American nationalists’ sole criteria for who is a real American is that they are of European “stock”. Nothing makes American skinheads like
IQ ODDams prouder and feel more American than boasting of their European genetical heritage - the Europeans that constituted the poorest and most criminal social classes, the lowest, weakest, banished genomes in Europe.
Sun Dec 22 09:33:16
The terrorist was basically a Zionist. A Sam, Nimatzo, Rugian.

He expressed support for a Great Israel.

Sam Adams
Sun Dec 22 11:23:39
"Even poor old Dawkins deterministic magicky solutions are being knocked out of fashion by Dennis Noble now"

My woke priest told me genes are fake. They must be fake!!! If genes are not fake my religion is fake and my mind will not permit that.

Meanwhile seb sees a muslim ram a christmas market and says its an anti-islam attack.

We have some truly amazing cognitive function going on here. Can you 2 volunteer for a study please? We could learn so much about what goes wrong inside human brains.
Sun Dec 22 11:41:39
Your genes are not fake, your 18th pseudoscientific misinterpretations are fake, and they are also defective according to your reports of being banned from ther military due to ODD
Sun Dec 22 11:44:41
"Studies have shown that genes may play a role in the development of ODD, causing neurological differences in nerve and brain functions. ODD may be inherited from family members who have mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, or personality disorders. ODD can be caused by brain injuries or defects, as well as an imbalance of chemicals in the brain."

Oh dear me.
Sun Dec 22 11:56:10
So, the question regarding your ODD is, were you born with degenerate genes or did you suffer brain damage at the hands of your mentally ill parents?
Sam Adams
Sun Dec 22 15:24:57
Ahhh i see, genes are real but magically dont apply to woke cases.


The minds of stagnant low iq euros.
Sun Dec 22 15:33:17
Lol, actually Im throwing your rhetoric in your face, but unlike you with actual scientific research
and no idiotic misinterpretations, and suddenly it doesnt apply anymore haha

C'mon man, "Studies have shown that genes may play a role in the development of ODD, causing neurological differences in nerve and brain functions. ODD may be inherited from family members who have mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, or personality disorders. ODD can be caused by brain injuries or defects, as well as an imbalance of chemicals in the brain."

So, were you born with inferior genes or did you suffer brain damage at the hands of your mentally ill parents?
Sun Dec 22 15:38:21
Oh dear me

"IQ is typically negatively associated with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD)."


Sun Dec 22 15:56:33

Statistically significant between-group differences were observed across all five WISC-IV primary index scores, with the CD group performing uniformly within the Borderline range and the ODD group performing within the Low Average to Average range.

Sun Dec 22 16:00:48
"80–89 Low Average"

Cmon man, even though you belong to a group that typically has an IQ of 80-89, you can still see how funny this is :D
Sam Adams
Sun Dec 22 17:48:31
"Statistically significant between-group differences were observed"

Uh oh wtb. Did you mean to admit that? Lol oops.

So in this thread you have now admitted genes are not only real but also apply to groups too.

I rest my case.
Sun Dec 22 17:50:16
Why so mad, Sam Oddams? Is it your ODD or your Low Average 80-89 IQ making you so mad? The next category below yours is called “Very low”, btw :D Dont worry, you can still sit in a cubicle filing weather reports and pretend you’re a pro pilot online with a low average IQ, so you’ll be fine.

“Poor performance on intelligence tests has been documented in individuals with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder
Mean IQ was lower among adolescents with past-year bipolar disorder (P = .004), ADHD (P = .002), oppositional defiant disorder (P = .007),


Sun Dec 22 17:58:49
This is like sam oddams pretending Ive said black people dont exist because Im not a racist lol. Man, that average low IQ category and possible genetic impairment must be a tough pill to swallow :D
Mon Dec 23 02:16:34
Oh cmon IQ ODDams, dont run away so soon! According to your Nazi distortion of reality, the statistics show you belong to a category of worthless, biologically inferior subhumans who deserve to suffer/die. Now how 'bout that, eh? ;)
Mon Dec 23 09:06:52
Off the meds.
Mon Dec 23 09:28:33
Thats nice to hear. But I hope that doesnt mean you might drive a car into a bunch of children because you think SD needs to stop Sweden from islamizing Europe
Mon Dec 23 10:07:47
No no. I would just go out on the street and pick a fight with a 70 year old homeless mental patient. Then I would come brag about it here. More my style.
Tue Dec 24 01:26:22
eeeh yoooo

b b c

had documentary with this guy in it
all over utube right now

Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 24 09:57:18
[williamthecoward]: "your 18th pseudoscientific misinterpretations are fake,"

lol :D
It's hilarious to see williamthecoward trying to call people who actually studied STEM fields "pseudoscientific" whereas he only studied some fag field like left-wing philology or pederasty-normalization or whatever.

[williamthecoward]: "So, the question regarding your ODD is, were you born with degenerate genes or did you suffer brain damage at the hands of your mentally ill parents?"

You're asking yourself, right? :D
The symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) all seem to apply to your behavior in UP: easy to fly off the handle, psychotic temper tantrums, inability to use reason, incapable of managing your feelings. Are you really not able to see past your own behavior to recognize the behavior of others as an independent function? It certainly seems that way, given that you repeated a low-IQ statement that I already dismantled before your comment (i.e., your retardation of "lowest, weakest, banished genomes in Europe" — asked and answered).

Low-IQ psychotic people sometimes believe that their own psychotic breakdowns are the mental states of the people with whom they are arguing. In manic episodes, they construct flawed theories of mind for everyone around them and fight straw man fallacies. So williamthecoward is basically the random homeless person with shit stains on his pants screaming, "You know me! You know me!" at random passers-by while convinced that the passers-by are the crazy ones for not wanting to get bio-stains on them. :D

Or are you going to tell us whether or not you have Tay-Sachs disease, you jew?

So as a thread recap, williamthecoward is
• avoiding the fact that a foreigner allowed into Germany by leftist policy just killed Germans,
• having a schizo breakdown,
• degrading himself into projections which are obviously false, and
• attempting to derail into thought patterns that lack any evidentiary relevance,

..because he knows that leftists are far, far more likely to exhibit these kinds of deranged psychological behaviors and promote and accept the deranged behaviors of foreigners who kill White people at Christmas markets. And once again, it is Celebration Parallax: the left will *admit* that they are indeed schizo crazies if you tell them something like, "[Actually, being too depressed to get out of bed, being bipolar, and needing to wear diapers is *good* because it makes you more empathetic or whatever. Now check out these crystals and look at this troon artwork.]"

On social platforms such as Imgur, leftists openly brag about how fucked up and medicated they are, right next to front-page troon content (I thought I'd have to scroll for more than 10 seconds to prove this, but this troon shit is literally on the front page right now without even scrolling; don't look if you have a disgust reaction https://imgur.com/gallery/transgirl-tuesday-team-acorn-Af2LhXf ). It's a point of pride for these degens.

So just tell us, williamthecoward, how many meds are you on? It's totally cool! Taking meds it "lit"! You're like.. so quirky. You have a lot of feelings and stuff. All the cool kids like to go off meds and see what happens for funsies. So just admit it! This is like, a safe space. It's totes kewl. ♥:)

[williamthecoward (likely troon)]: "but unlike you with actual scientific research"

Remember this list? This must hurt. Here it is again:

Links to the relevant research claims:
• "Leftists are less attractive"
• "Leftists are shorter and poorer"
• "Leftists are weaker"
• "Men with more masculine faces are more likely to be explicitly prejudiced (i.e. not Leftist)"
• "Leftists are more mentally ill"
• "Leftists are more unhappy"
• "Leftists are more neurotic / emotionally unstable"
• "Leftists have lower disgust sensitivity"
• "Leftists don't believe that disgusting things are immoral"
• "Leftists have incomplete moral foundations, are individually rather than group-focused"
• "Simulating brain damage makes people Left-Wing"
• "Leftists have smaller amygdalas (part of the brain responsible for processing threats, among other things) ... Smaller amygdala... correlates with increased mental illness"
• "A damaged amygdala reduces threat-perception"
• "People with amygdala damage experience sudden uncontrollable fear and panic when threatened (sound familiar?)"
• Women with more feminine faces, lower testosterone, and higher estrogen have greater maternal tendencies (e.g. don't kill their babies, like Leftists)"
• "Leftist women are less attractive"
• "Leftist men have lower testosterone; giving moderate Leftists steroids makes them more Right-Wing"
• "Men with higher testosterone lie less frequently"
• "Men with higher testosterone are more likely to adopt heterodox positions, question consensus, impartially analyze information"
• "Higher testosterone correlates with increased ingroup preference and outgroup discrimination"
• "High testosterone produces prosocial behavior and heightened ingroup preference in the face of external threats, while low testosterone produces selfish behavior (again, does this sound familiar?)"
• "Envy, selfishness, egalitarianism, and willingness to harm the innocent predict economic Leftism/redistribution"
• "Narcissism and psychopathy predict anti-hierarchical aggression (i.e. Leftists wanting to destroy society)"
• "Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy predict virtuous victimhood signaling"
• "Virtue signalers are hypocrites"
• "Psychopaths mimic prosocial personality traits to get women"
• "Leftists are anti-White"
• "Normal people are subconsciously more empathetic toward their own race"
• "To save the lives of others, Leftists are willing to kill innocent Whites but not innocent Blacks"
• "Leftists are more tolerant of anti-White than anti-Black discrimination"
• "Being exposed to anti-White ideology makes Leftists more anti-White"

TLDR: leftists are, indeed, fucked up in the head. There really is no disputing this, you just have re-frame it as a "good thing" to get them to admit it.

• This will make a leftist disagree:
Daniel Penny was not responsible for Neely's death since Neely was a dysgenic freak on drugs, had a history of violent arrests, was a K2 addict, had evaded normalization at Bellevue, was having a manic episode, was having a sickle-cell crisis, and openly declared his intent to attack people on the subway.
• This will make a leftist agree:
Neely was a poor innocent black man who deserved compassion from the people on the train. His drug use is irrelevant. They should have all just asked him what they could get him to make him safe and happy and whole. The community should have offered him an outpouring of support, getting him a little Snack Pack and a blanket and rubbing his belly until he calmed down, then given him a home on the taxpayer dime. #CommunityPolicing

Leftist disagrees:
• A maniac foreigner killed Germans at a Christmas market because he wants his own sick brand of ethnic conqueror-strategy to be applied in Germany for the benefit of his foreign-invader hordes. His very presence is the result of anti-White leftist policies. He should never have been allowed into the nation, others like him should be deported, and immigration into Germany should be severely limited in the future.
Leftist agrees:
• This was just one guy having a tough day. He got a little angry! The system will find a fitting rehabilitation program for him, and paperwork and process will solve all of this and allow for more White deaths (and that's a good thing!). There is no need to alter immigration in any way. This was a fluke! Ignore it! Installing more truck-proof bollards and importing more people that hate the West is just part of a multi-cultural society.
Tue Dec 24 16:06:25
^The trouble with one half of a pair of Qanon star cross'd lovers posting about being off his sedative meds is that the other half is sure to follow, with manic results :(
Wed Dec 25 03:42:02
But the difference is that what I wrote is true. You actually did that.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 25 05:43:52
[williamthecoward]: "^The trouble with one half of a pair of Qanon star cross'd lovers posting about being off his sedative meds is that the other half is sure to follow, with manic results :("

Oh, look, williamthecoward being a coward again. Who could have predicted this? ;)
He still pathetically clings to Regime-media thought-terminating clichés such as "Qanon", since he is too stupid (and, again, cowardly) to address the actual arguments. Anything that the Regime did not spoon-feed him is "conspiracy theory" ("Qanon"), since he is just another of Pavlov's dogs responding to the bell of his ignorance with the Regime's readimade "solutions".

These people are truly NPCs. They have no conscience, they cannot think for themselves, they cannot reason beyond their cognitive dissonance, and they therefore cannot be saved from their own abysmally destructive characters — and do not want to be saved, not even by themselves. There is a reason that low-IQ Regime sycophants such as williamthecoward and earthfag insist on spamming ChatGPT in their defeats: they themselves have already failed the next Turing Test of our times and cannot even exceed A.I.'s agnosia via aggregation.

This thread is now a collection of arguments that left-wing cowards have to evade in order to maintain their dogmas. They simply want to genocide White people, but they lack the cognitive capacity to even articulate a justification besides pure resentment and a will to nothingness.
Wed Dec 25 15:06:59
The Curse of Qanonia

In the heart of the world’s forgotten corners, nestled deep in the isolated, sacred valley of Qanonia, there was a peculiar and wonderful marriage between two beings: Cherub Cow and Nimatzo. Their love was not the sort that would be found in ordinary realms, nor was it the kind that humans might easily understand. It was a marriage made in Qanonia—a realm that defied the laws of the known world.

Cherub Cow, a woman of considerable presence and a lover of indulgence, was confined to a bariatric bed—a custom-designed marvel of engineering that supported her every need. Nimatzo, a wiry and devoted man, relished his role as her caretaker. Once a week, when Cherub pressed the red button on her bed, signaling her need for a shower, Nimatzo would dutifully wheel her to the wet room. Their routine was intimate, a ritual that culminated in lovemaking that reaffirmed their bond.

But beneath the veneer of their idyllic life, cracks began to form. It started subtly. Nimatzo forgot to order a new batch of sedatives. Cherub, who had grown weary of the numbing effects, suggested they skip a dose—just to see if they could still feel something raw, something real. That single act of rebellion set them on a dangerous path.

As the days turned into weeks, the fog of sedation lifted, and the world began to reveal itself in stark, unsettling detail. Cherub noticed something first: a flicker in Nimatzo’s eyes. His pupils, she thought, seemed to slit for just a moment, like those of a reptile. She dismissed it as a trick of the light, a consequence of her withdrawal. But the thought lingered, gnawing at her.

Nimatzo, too, began to see changes in Cherub. Her laughter, once hearty and comforting, now carried a sharpness that made his skin crawl. And her eyes—were they always that shade of green? He convinced himself that his paranoia was another symptom of their sedative-free state. But at night, he found himself staring at her as she slept, searching for the slits in her pupils.

Their love, once a fortress, now became a prison of suspicion. They stopped speaking of their fears, each too terrified to confront the other. Cherub began to entertain dark fantasies. If Nimatzo truly was one of them—a lizard, a spy for Qanonia’s shadowy rulers—she would need to act. Her mind concocted a plan: one night, she would lure him close, feigning affection, and use her body’s weight to smother him.

Nimatzo, meanwhile, was devising his own escape. He had noticed Cherub’s mounting hostility, the way her eyes lingered on him a moment too long. If she was a lizard, her size might be her only weakness. He began parking his car closer to the house, rehearsing the route in his mind. One morning, as she indulged in her ritualistic breakfast of fifteen Big Macs, he would drive straight into her.

The tension reached its peak one dreary Qanonian evening. Rain lashed against the windows as Cherub and Nimatzo sat in strained silence. She picked at her dinner—an assortment of greasy delights—while he pretended to read a book. The air was thick with unspoken accusations.

“Nimatzo,” Cherub said suddenly, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife. “Do you believe in… them?”
He looked up, his heart pounding. “Them?”
“You know,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “The lizards.”
His mouth went dry. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” she said, her gaze piercing. “Just curious.”

The conversation ended there, but the seeds of finality had been sown. That night, Cherub waited until Nimatzo fell asleep before pressing the red button on her bariatric bed. It hummed to life, its motorized wheels gliding silently across the floor. She positioned herself beside him, her massive frame casting a shadow over his sleeping form. Her hands hovered above his throat.

Nimatzo’s eyes snapped open. He had been feigning sleep, clutching his car keys beneath the blanket. In a flash, he rolled out of bed and bolted for the door.
“You won’t escape!” Cherub bellowed, maneuvering her bed to block his path. “You think I don’t know what you are?”
“What I am?” Nimatzo shouted, his voice cracking with hysteria. “I’ve seen your eyes, Cherub! You’re one of them!”

The confrontation spiraled into chaos. Cherub lunged from her bed, her weight crashing down as Nimatzo darted past her. He sprinted to the garage, the sound of her furious pursuit echoing behind him. Fumbling with the keys, he started the car and revved the engine.

Cherub, undeterred, dragged herself to the breakfast room, knowing it was his ultimate destination. She collapsed into her chair, grabbing the nearest Big Mac and tearing into it, her eyes fixed on the garage door. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of catching her off guard.

The garage door creaked open. Nimatzo’s car roared to life, its headlights piercing through the gloom. He slammed on the accelerator, aiming straight for her. But as the car hurtled forward, a chilling realization struck him: Cherub’s eyes glowed in the dark, her pupils unmistakably slitted.

In that moment, Cherub saw his pupils narrow to slits as well. Time seemed to freeze as their mutual hatred gave way to something deeper—a shared, horrifying understanding.

The car smashed through the breakfast room, its impact scattering food and furniture. When the dust settled, both lay motionless amid the wreckage. But as the moonlight streamed through the broken windows, their bodies began to stir. Scales shimmered beneath torn skin, tails coiled and uncoiled, and forked tongues flickered in the air.

In the silence that followed, a voice crackled over a hidden speaker embedded in the wall. “Experiment 47 has reached completion. Initiate containment protocols.”
The walls of the house began to close in, and the lovers-turned-lizards locked eyes one last time. Their love, twisted and corrupted, had been nothing more than a cruel game orchestrated by Qanonia’s unseen masters.

As the room filled with gas, their final thoughts were the same: betrayal, regret, and the bitter irony of discovering their true nature only in the end.

Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 25 16:16:30
There williamthecoward goes again, spamming ChatGPT. I don't even care enough for A.I. slop and williamthecoward's laziness to bother reverse-engineering whatever prompt he used this time. We can pretty rightly assume that his prompt was as retarded as his normal thoughts and/or as retarded as earthfaggot's "city planning" and "conspiracy" prompt. So in this case I'll just give him the attention that he gave my above writing: just respond without reading. Of course, since he is a slavish weakling, being treated as he treats others will seem to him like a great injustice.

"People who sincerely use ChatGPT and/or Grok to confirm their ideas or seek truths are like people with face-blindness wandering through a madding crowd hoping that the sum total of all of them will reveal the face of their forgotten wet nurse."
Sam Adams
Wed Dec 25 17:31:03
Wtb you are short skinny and homosexual are you not? With decent language ability and mediocre-poor math/logic/spatial reasoning?

If you were to turn strait somebow and procreate, which of those traits would probably show up in your unfortunate children? Likely all. Maybe just most.

Now try, if you can, to apply the same logic to groups of humans. Groups of people that have been genetically seperate for 10s of 1000s of years. Genetics diverged? Seems not only reasonable but likely eh? Now notice a vast difference in outcomes between various groups of people, and also obvious physical differences too.

What are the odds that genes play no role in that? Pretty close to 0.0? There is no other reasonable conclusion.
Thu Dec 26 08:29:07
hehe neonazis are too easy...now gimme a big old hug, you low average ODD boi, its xmas!
Thu Dec 26 10:25:58
Gonna have to record a love song to make up for giving the nazis nervous breakdowns. This one's gonna be for you IQ :p

Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 26 10:40:40
[williamthecoward]: "[I was only *pretending* to be retarded!]"
[Also williamthecoward]: "Let me just use the Regime's "neonazi" though-terminating cliché while also demonstrating poor orthography and zero reading comprehension because of my illiteracy. I'm just *pretending* to be retarded, though, I swear.]"
Thu Dec 26 10:41:48
Its straight, not strait, and yes, it seems to apply to the group of people that have ODD, which may be a genetic disorder. All reports are that ODD patients, like you, have low average to average IQ. However, unlike you, science and I dont think this is reason to adopt your nazi pseudoscience and treat you as a worthless, biologically inferior subhuman.
Thu Dec 26 10:44:11
Even though you are. But you are because of your nazism, not the likely genetic disorder behind your ODD which is generally tied to average low IQ, according to research.
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 26 10:53:55
This is just a reminder that williamthecoward's low-IQ attempts at projecting his obvious neurological disorders (e.g., his likely jew-induced Tay-Sachs disease) is his attempt at getting this thread to forget how obviously he shit his diaper above and to make a spectacle that turns the thread away from the reality that a foreign invader killed and maimed Germans at a Christmas market — and williamthecoward fully supports the killing of White people by bio-weapons from anti-Western nations.
Thu Dec 26 11:18:27
And as for criminals and violence:

"Conduct disorder and ODD symptoms significantly predicted all criminal charge outcomes.

ODD symptoms predicted later criminal charges and conduct problems"


it's also linked to psychopathy
Thu Dec 26 11:19:57
So, in conclusion, the ODD group that IQ belongs to is strongly linked to violence, psychopathy and average low IQ. I'm shocked, I tell you
Thu Dec 26 11:21:15
So, in conclusion, the ODD group that IQ belongs to is strongly linked to crime, violence, psychopathy and average low IQ. I'm shocked, I tell you
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 26 12:12:31
Since you're still an illiterate dysgenic freak trying to spam the thread to close it out and deflect away from your anti-White genocidal rhetoric, here's this yet again:

Links to the relevant research claims:
• "Leftists are less attractive"
• "Leftists are shorter and poorer"
• "Leftists are weaker"
• "Men with more masculine faces are more likely to be explicitly prejudiced (i.e. not Leftist)"
• "Leftists are more mentally ill"
• "Leftists are more unhappy"
• "Leftists are more neurotic / emotionally unstable"
• "Leftists have lower disgust sensitivity"
• "Leftists don't believe that disgusting things are immoral"
• "Leftists have incomplete moral foundations, are individually rather than group-focused"
• "Simulating brain damage makes people Left-Wing"
• "Leftists have smaller amygdalas (part of the brain responsible for processing threats, among other things) ... Smaller amygdala... correlates with increased mental illness"
• "A damaged amygdala reduces threat-perception"
• "People with amygdala damage experience sudden uncontrollable fear and panic when threatened (sound familiar?)"
• Women with more feminine faces, lower testosterone, and higher estrogen have greater maternal tendencies (e.g. don't kill their babies, like Leftists)"
• "Leftist women are less attractive"
• "Leftist men have lower testosterone; giving moderate Leftists steroids makes them more Right-Wing"
• "Men with higher testosterone lie less frequently"
• "Men with higher testosterone are more likely to adopt heterodox positions, question consensus, impartially analyze information"
• "Higher testosterone correlates with increased ingroup preference and outgroup discrimination"
• "High testosterone produces prosocial behavior and heightened ingroup preference in the face of external threats, while low testosterone produces selfish behavior (again, does this sound familiar?)"
• "Envy, selfishness, egalitarianism, and willingness to harm the innocent predict economic Leftism/redistribution"
• "Narcissism and psychopathy predict anti-hierarchical aggression (i.e. Leftists wanting to destroy society)"
• "Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy predict virtuous victimhood signaling"
• "Virtue signalers are hypocrites"
• "Psychopaths mimic prosocial personality traits to get women"
• "Leftists are anti-White"
• "Normal people are subconsciously more empathetic toward their own race"
• "To save the lives of others, Leftists are willing to kill innocent Whites but not innocent Blacks"
• "Leftists are more tolerant of anti-White than anti-Black discrimination"
• "Being exposed to anti-White ideology makes Leftists more anti-White"
Sam Adams
Thu Dec 26 12:25:48
Wtb if you admit genes are real will you be shunned from your fellow wokes and gays? Are you making a conscious effort to avoid reality because it will have negative consequences for you amongst your peer group? So desperate to fit in, even amonsgt those losers and degenerates, that you would prefer to avoid even reason and logic?
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 26 13:36:17
The Pyramid of Anti-White Hate
Fri Dec 27 15:00:44
Ok, Im going to be serious for two seconds and tell you two, ODD and OCD, to stop flirting. You know its driving the alpha male Nimatzo mad and making him feel weak and unmanly, and that means his wife gets another beating tonight to make him feel powerful again. So cut it out, ok?
Sam Adams
Fri Dec 27 17:27:00
What a retarded and childish response by wtb. Thats the best you can do? Boring.
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