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Utopia Talk / Politics / the Matt 'Butthead' Gaetz report
the wanderer
Mon Dec 23 11:29:20
The Guardian summary:
The investigation concludes that Gaetz, Trump’s first pick for attorney general, made payments totalling tens of thousands of dollars to women for sex and drugs across at least 20 separate occasions. The report also states that in 2017 Gaetz paid a 17-year-old girl for sex when he was 35 years old, which would constitute statutory rape under Florida law.

“The committee determined there is substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz violated House Rules and other standards of conduct prohibiting prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, impermissible gifts, special favors or privileges, and obstruction of Congress,” the Republican-led panel wrote in the investigation.

According to the report, Gaetz used payment apps including Venmo and PayPal to transfer money directly to more than a dozen women during his time in Congress.

The committee determined that Gaetz regularly used illegal drugs including cocaine and ecstasy between 2017-2020, and appears to have set up a pseudonymous email account from his House office to purchase marijuana, violating both state laws and House ethics rules.

The committee believes that Gaetz “knowingly and willfully” attempted to obstruct the investigation, including failing to comply with subpoenas, withholding evidence, providing misleading responses, and making false public statements about “voluminous documentary evidence” that he never actually produced.

"making false public statements about “voluminous documentary evidence” that he never actually produced."
how Trumpian... & somehow works for the cult

i'm sure CC finds all of this false as Gaetz is a Trump ally thus it must be false, Trump & any who follow him are pure innocent angels

'why wasn't he charged?!!'... proving in a court of law is much harder, especially that he knew the girl was 17 for example... that doesn't mean you can't have a problem w/ it

he even put out "It’s embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life" so the stuff OBVIOUSLY happened, & him being vague as he's not going to admit to the paying part, ages, or specify the drugs


the report itself:
Mon Dec 23 13:57:37
But that just makes rightwing extremists like him more and go, "Hey, good on him! So would I if I could afford it and get away with it!" Extremists like Nimatzo just say prostitutes are liberated women entering the free market, until it's their own daughter or sister doing it, in which case they drive home to them and slap them around in the kitchen while screaming about how disgusting they are
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 24 08:42:55
[tumbletard (TDS bot, actual fucking idiot)]: "i'm sure CC finds all of this false as Gaetz is a Trump ally thus it must be false,"

You really are absolutely fucking retarded if you think that's how my mind works. You're still too fucking stupid, ignorant, and in a bubble of your own psychotic delusions to have any clue how your opposition operates. But it does not matter. I do not need to attempt to reason with you through your bed-shitting psychosis.

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