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Utopia Talk / Politics / Catturd vs Crenshaw
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sat Dec 28 13:41:46 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7NpvfNFnfI FYI Congressmen make $190,000 |
Member | Sat Dec 28 13:57:23 US politicians, by far predominantly the GOP, have completely left the realm of politics. Its solely a business to rake in profit from taxpayers money. It has zero to do with the essence of politics, i.e. organizing society. You open a company, you sell the words that garner appreciation from an idiot class and you get them to send you money. US politics is quintessential American business ventures, like selling religion in drive-thru mega churches and grills on TV Shop with a lot of fast talk. Because America has been taught that, hey, the only thing that matters is making a buck. Im surprised whatever the US version of Dragon's Den is called isnt full of prospectives saying, I have a business to run for office on the policy that we should kill immigrants or people in wheelchairs who drain our funds, and Im looking for an investor for 50k for 20% in my company. |
Member | Sat Dec 28 14:50:31 What would possess anyone in public life to respond to an account with the screen name "Catturd"? And why would you imply a threat of legal action when there is a public record confirming the accusation that you accepted illegal campaign contributions? |
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