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Utopia Talk / Politics / US presidential election certification
Mon Jan 06 10:36:07
Donald Trump is still claiming election fraud, so Kamala need to exercise her constitutional power and refuse to certify the election results.

We can't legitimize an election that was plagued by rampant election fraud.

I've even heard that deceased pets eaten by Haitian immigrants received unsolicited ballots in the mail.

We need a 4 year investigation to get to the bottom of this conspiracy.
Mon Jan 06 11:11:53
The Democrats have given up. It's empty of people outside the Capitol now that they're going to count the electoral votes and determine the election results. Kamala is drunk at home, and all her followers are also at home, scared and crying.
the wanderer
Mon Jan 06 11:23:32
murder has a point

also Trump is the only one who knows there was mass voter fraud, thus must be the one who caused it
the wanderer
Mon Jan 06 12:44:32
when Kamala presided over the ceremony w/ complete professionalism

imagine Trump doing so
Mon Jan 06 14:01:05

"It's empty of people outside the Capitol now that they're going to count the electoral votes and determine the election results."

That's how it works when there isn't a mob of insurrectionists trying to topple the government.

Mon Jan 06 15:10:54
But if there was election fraud shouldn’t the Liberals be there and demand that the election is nullified? At least, Kamala should be there and do something.
Mon Jan 06 17:27:51

Kamala was there and did something. She certified the results.

Mon Jan 06 22:50:50
Today should be a good lesson for Democrats. Don't cheat and steal an election and the process goes much smoother.
Mon Jan 06 23:03:05
Hahaha kargen
the wanderer
Tue Jan 07 01:16:15
that’s you again finding comical that which your leader says seriously (1000ish times) and poisoned the minds of millions into believing

so funny...

(and no, that’s not me having no sense of humor... it’s -incredibly- fucked up)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 07 01:29:14
kargen ftw
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