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Utopia Talk / Politics / Seriously, Greenland should be ours
Thu Jan 09 17:50:02
The United States could potentially have challenged Denmark's claim to the far north of Greenland. Much of northern Greenland had not been mapped when the Kiel treaty was signed in 1814. During the Polaris Expedition of the early 1870s, American Charles Francis Hall was the first outsider to see northwest Greenland, decades before Denmark's first permanent settlement in the northwest in 1909.[30] From 1886 to 1909, American Robert Peary was the first outsider to explore far northern Greenland and claimed much of the area for the United States.[31][22]


We discovered the northern half of the island. If Denmark wants to keep Nuuk and those other southern hovels that's fine, but the rest of that shit 100% belongs to us.
Turtle Crawler
Thu Jan 09 17:56:50
What's funny is they think they'd get paid for it or it would be for sale. It would obviously just be taken.
Thu Jan 09 17:58:44

It would have to be since we're slashing spending.

large member
Thu Jan 09 19:37:58
Yes, ruggy. Danish stewardship has lackings and that entail it should be returned to the original Norwegian owners.

I thank you for your support!
Thu Jan 09 23:44:59
mask off

land grab

Fri Jan 10 07:20:06
Remember all the lies from the cult about how they love that Trump isnt going to start any wars or international interventions? He isnt even in office and is making utterly unprecedented threats towards perfectly peaceful western allies and neighbours. Remember: To take a syllable from a Magan seriously for even a millisecond is to do a Chamberlain
Fri Jan 10 07:42:58
If China was talking about the USA the way the USA is talking about its own allies, Maga, who can never, ever, under any conditions, be debated with honestly, would be calling it a declaration of war.
Fri Jan 10 13:14:00
Hey fagfish, how many wars did trump wage during his first term?
Fri Jan 10 13:14:26
Hey fagfish, have you ever negotiated a deal before? Do you know how to negotiate?
Fri Jan 10 13:15:57
Fagfish strikes me as the type of person who walks onto a car lot, sees the sticker price and doesn't have the intelligence or confidence to barter the price down.
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