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Utopia Talk / Politics / Pedophiles of labour party
iChihuaha | Sun Jan 12 14:34:28 http://labour25.com/labour25/ It’s worse than the Catholic church. |
Member | Sun Jan 12 15:25:27 Believers began spreading the Pizzagate meme, which expanded via stories containing disinformation on conservative forums and websites. The conspiracy theory became progressively stranger, ultimately invoking the existence of an elite, Satanic, cannibalistic, child sex trafficking ring operating out of Comet Ping Pong’s basement.3 Clinically, it is important for psychiatrists to be able to differentiate QAnon beliefs from other types of beliefs, including delusions and other delusion-like beliefs. Belief in conspiracy theories may be described more appropriately as one form of delusion-like belief (DLB) The forensic psychiatrist should be aware of the broad range of etiologies of atypical beliefs, which may represent delusions, DLBs, or the product of pathological or subclinical personality traits. The role of personality functioning and personality disorders is another area of consideration in the assessment of conspiracy theorists. Perhaps not surprisingly, paranoid ideation and schizotypy have been found to be related to individuals’ belief in conspiracy theories It is therefore important that psychiatrists understand the QAnon conspiracy theory, as well as how it is consistent with and different from other conspiracy theories. http://jaapl.org/content/early/2022/01/25/JAAPL.210053-21 |
large member | Sun Jan 12 15:27:58 Is it? I have no idea how many people have held labour positions at any level in the UK over the last 125 years, but I am sure it can be counted in the millions. How many names do you have here? What fraction is that of say 3.5 million? |
iChihuaha | Sun Jan 12 16:50:44 Who here remembers that when WTB beat up that homeless old man with health problems, he then accused the guy of being a pedophile in defense his own behavior. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 12 17:33:18 fr I think of that every time williamthecoward desperately tries to project his mental health issues onto his opposition. He's so far gone that he doesn't seem to realize how much he sounds like Dostoevsky's underground man, who was so socially inept that he did not realize that his attempts to explain himself and justify his behaviors just made him sound even more deranged. Also, there's a MacIntyre "tap the sign" meme for the OP issue: "It's not rocket science, guys. They're just evil and want to diddle kids." It's no coincidence that the sebgul position *consistently* produces child rape and child rape apologists. From "trans" issues (surgical and chemical emasculation), to "drag" pedophiles getting access to kids, to LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA insisting that they have access to public school classrooms, to "affirming" "health care", to the migrant rape gangs.. the people who were trying to push and defend these policies consistently come up on the side of "[give these sick fucks access to your children]". They'll even distract with the Church scandals while seemingly unaware that those scandals were themselves the result of leftist policies in the Church, which gave sick fucks access to children. Weird! So it's not complicated. These people are literally pedophiles. |
Member | Sun Jan 12 18:34:33 El-ron might still save Europe. He’s teetering on the edge of Europe starting to defend itself against his poison, and if he just goes far enough for Europe to block X for being the danger to civilized society it is, as is being discussed in Europe, we might finally get around to blocking American social media once and for all. American social media is a dangerous megaphone for the classic American Bigfoot, flat earth, KKK, fake moon landing paranoia and social pathologies that we used to laugh and shake our heads at until they sucked in millions of American 8th grade drop-outs and became a large enough force to start spreading their Roswell, Qanon social pathologies to idiots like Alpha Male in our countries. Let them keep their illnesses to themselves instead of infecting healthier countries. |
Member | Sun Jan 12 18:47:15 "Is social media the 21st-century equivalent of Goebbels's radio? If radio was in fact the great power of the 20th century, then social media may be the great power of the 21st. In recent years, many people have compared the Nazis' manipulation of radio to mobilize hate with the use of the Internet and social media to radicalize fringe groups and disseminate false information. The elegant and inexpensive Volksempfänger perfectly embodied that law: It gave ordinary Germans access to entertainment and culture, but it also became an instrument of hate. The same can be said of social media, as we now know. It's only prudent to approach even the most neutral-seeming technology with a critical eye. http://spectrum.ieee.org/inside-the-third-reichs-radio |
Member | Sun Jan 12 18:55:18 Notice the difference in sources we read. Alpha Male reads obvious vile idiocy like "About us: This site is about Labour Party Paedophiles", while I source "The professional home for the engineering and technology community worldwide" |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 12 19:09:28 [williamthecoward]: "Europe starting to defend itself against his poison" See how casually these evil faggots describe mass censorship? williamthecoward is literally calling free speech some variation of "poison" which needs to be regulated by a totalitarian state. And he did this in response to the real and present reality of Regime-sponsored pedophilia. Again, "It's not rocket science, guys. They're just evil and want to diddle kids." |
Member | Sun Jan 12 19:36:32 Nazi whores will nazi whore. "About us: This site is about Labour Party Paedophiles" Not paedophiles in general or in politics, but only in one party, even though it was the Tories that tried to block Labour's demand to ban politicans who have been convicted of sexual offences from the HoP. There is no concern for paedophiles in general, it tries to profit from paedophilia purely for politics. This is one side trying to get their side to hate the other natural political half of the western world since centuries back with a hatred that can probably not be invoked as strongly by any other crime. This is teaching one natural side of western civilisation since centuries back to hate and want to harm the other side. This is people trying to bring harm, misery and war to Western civilisation. |
Member | Sun Jan 12 19:38:03 The lowest, most poisonous filth in the West. |
Member | Sun Jan 12 19:42:34 "Pizzagate" Remember when leaked emails made zero sense in normal context, and absolutely had weird coded language that clearly referred to illicit dealings, and establishment retards managed to frame it as only the purview of other deranged retards that went to the extreme of a literal sex dungeon in a pizzeria? |
Member | Sun Jan 12 19:51:39 trying to get one half of the west to hate the other natural half of the west since centuries back with a hatred reserved for possibly the most despised act in human society is so dangerous, hateful and mentally disturbed, that the danger they pose to civilization cannot be overstated |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 12 20:22:26 Guess this is probably overdue, much like williamthecoward's Tay-Sachs diagnosis: The williamthecoward method: • shoe-horn Regime-approved thought-terminating clichés such as "neonazis", "nazis", "fascists", "KKK", "flat-earthers", "QAnon", "fringe groups", and "conspiracy theorists" into all replies, thus signalling Reddit-tier incontinence • have a constant subtext of credentialism wherein things are said with shitlib groupthink-approval, holding up his hand for high fives from other low-IQ Redditors who love self-fellating-for-approval and are convinced that all the "smart" people already have their retarded and regressive opinions and therefore (ironically) believe that no explanations or intelligent defenses are even necessary (a cop-out for not being able to offer an intelligent defense anyways since those defenses are reserved for Party apparatchiks familiar with the dogmatic texts, with useful idiots merely needing to comply to demonstrate Faith in Party) • fail to directly respond to any actual arguments, since being a little bitchboy and only peripherally responding like a passive-aggressive note-fag in a corporate breakroom is much easier for cowardly little bitchboys (Note-fag example: "[**Someone** needs to cover their food while microwaving because **some of us** don't want to clean up after you!!]") • call "free speech" by false monikers, lies, and totalitarian psychopathy re-frames such as "poison", "misinformation", "disinformation", and "hate speech", thus signalling absolute approval of *only* the Regime's totalitarian imperatives and narrow Overton Window (Hail "our democracy"!) • attempt further pathetic ad homs and ChatGPT prompts which are so abysmally off the mark that readers have to interpret williamthecoward's psychotic frame of mind like a kind of psycho's Pidgin language just to understand how he could be so deluded as to use those ineffective ad homs in the first place ("[Erm, long-distance athletes are fat, actually, teeheehee! People who post in UP about once a week must be bed-ridden, teeheehee! People who are smarter, fitter, and more disciplined than myself have 'inferior genes' but also genes aren't real, teeheehee!]") • stick to pathetic ad homs for about 10 weeks at a time, even as no one cares and williamthecoward is minimized as harmless like the "guy in corner of party" meme • occasionally feel so impotent and mocked that he feels the need to make a separate thread wherein he blathers on about some completely unimpressive "success" 10 years ago in university or some translation faggotry while not realizing that everyone knows that translators are dead-end jobs for humanities-fags who are locked into a pay scale that *maxes* at $92k/year — and everyone knows that williamthecoward is nowhere near the upper end of that pay scale and probably can't even impress his immediate middle managers, to whom he will be subservient for his entire unremarkable life I may have missed some of his other retardations, but this is a good starting point. |
Member | Sun Jan 12 21:08:47 This is more dangerous and hateful rhetoric than the Nazis used about Jews. For one, Jews did not comprise half of the western countries, everybodies next door neighbour. So it wasnt an attack on half of the western world, but a small minority. Secondly, branding a people as vermin as the Nazis did invokes distaste and disconnect, but it doesnt invoke anywhere near the hatred that branding people as rapists and murderers of small babies does. This is a new level of hate speech that the Nazis didnt come close to. |
Member | Sun Jan 12 21:12:18 Nazi whore, you waste your time nazi whoring. Reading a single word from your diseased mind would feel as dirty as watching child pornography |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 12 22:39:28 So williamthecoward willingly walking into retard bullet-points #1, 3, 4, and 5: "Nazis ... Nazis ... hate speech ... Nazis ... Nazi whore ... nazi whoring ... diseased" He's a literal fucking retard. Can't be helped. |
iChihuaha | Sun Jan 12 23:53:42 William retard, didn’t see that the site I linked is just a list of links to various established news media with the story on the respective Labour member and their crime. Then tries to school me about sources. lol :-) LOoK aT tHe SoURce i rEad! |
Member | Mon Jan 13 04:42:21 So most of these are councillors, of which there are about 5-7k labour councillors at any given time. Even if we ignore this covers a significant range in time and turnover of councillors is quite high (it's not a paid job). So this looks like c. 1%. We also know that paedophiles tend to gravitate to positions of authority that help them evade and mask capture. We also know people who engage in sex offences in the broader sense (the ones Nim approves of like Groping and other forms of sexual harassment and assault advocated by his personal hero Tate) also have personalities that tend to gravitate to status roles like this. Hence the absurdly high number of sexual assault and harassment reports relating to politicians generally. What's unfortunate here is that by keeping a list that very clearly starts on the basis of filtering for a connection to the Labour party. It would be interesting if someone had produced a similar data set for conservatives over the same time period to see if the claim that Labour is particularly outstanding here is warranted. What we do know is that quite a number of ukip/Brexit/reform councillors and activists have a chequered past. As did a lot of EFL types around Tommy Robinson. 12 of his group in fact. So my guess would be that the issue is again, linked to issues of class and misogyny. Highly status oriented folks such as Nim naturally seek out positions of status and authority and respectability, and feel entitled to exploit their positions to prey on victims - something they feel entitled to do as an aspect of their base psychological makeup - and rely on a reluctance by victims and those aware of the crimes to report and challenge it. Which of course is why we have had movements like me too etc. encouraging victims and observers of such to come forward. Something that all the usual faces here, including Nim, roundly oppose. |
iChihuaha | Mon Jan 13 08:10:40 While the OP is about the labour party, for whatever reason this is *very* personal for seb. I wonder why that is? My theory is the same as was shown to us during metoo. The overwhelming majority of the predators were liberals/leftist/feminists. Sebs and wtbs. Those people took cover as allies, screeched the loudest and did their best to malign and smear dirt on others to blend it and hide their deviance. |
iChihuaha | Mon Jan 13 08:18:40 This thread and seb’s behavior is like what *is* happening in the UK in a nutshell. I bring aweful crimes to Seb’s attention, concentrated in the UKs ruling party, seb jergulmaths it, then proceeds to make up lies about me, a law abiding tax paying upstanding citizen, valuable member of his community. Such bravery a keyboard affords, to the cucked and spineless. |
Member | Mon Jan 13 08:38:05 Nim: What makes you think it's personal Nim? Protection much? |
iChihuaha | Mon Jan 13 09:00:53 Hmm., let me think. How about you obseessivly mentioning me by name half a dozen times in your post trying to associate me with various specific an vague deviants and degenerates, in response to a list of sexual predators in the Labour party. Yea, I feel like I and society need protection from people like you. Fucking lunatic. |
Member | Mon Jan 13 09:19:40 " concentrated in the UKs ruling party " Only that's the point. I'm not unaware of the crimes. We've spoken at them at length and historically you've been quite opposed to examining this stuff. Your sources (and by extension your) claim is that these crimes are, as you put it, concentrated on the "ruling party". But you've not actually presented any evidence for this. Just as the idea that "grooming gangs" are a particularly Asian phenomenon collapses in the face of statistics that show 70+% of group grooming offences are committed by white people; so this seems an impossible claim when the source data starts off with a proposition (Harriet Harman is somehow responsible?) and then nakedly cherrypicks to report only examples of abuse by Labour affiliations. It's also not at all clear exactly how solid these linkages are, and difficult to accept them given the obvious intent is to assert (not establish) a linkage. You are not a taxpaying valuable member of "this" community. You live in Sweden, not the UK. |
Member | Mon Jan 13 09:25:48 Nim: "How about you obseessivly mentioning me by name" Yes, you posted these claims. "trying to associate me with various specific an vague deviants and degenerates" I'm simply recalling that you have are a well known opponent of efforts to bring sexual abuse by the powerful and influential to light, have repeatedly engaged in calling into question the seriousness of incidents and the credibility of the victims - which we *know* is critical to how these abuses are able to take place without action - and are a frequent supporter of people who actively advocate for this kind of behaviour. It is, of course, convenient for you to be able to shift the blame onto those you perceive to be political opponents, rather than recognise the common enabling factor for these crimes is a culture and behaviours whose advocates you support (Tate); and actively argue against addressing "anti-woke" |
Member | Mon Jan 13 09:29:18 I believe one should take responsibility and account for ones positions Nim. Sorry if you find it deeply uncomfortable to discover that when you were pooh poohing victims claims and raging against "woke" investigations of high status individuals based on allegations of adult victims, you were also engaging in and advocating for the kind of behaviours paedophiles rely on to evade investigation and prosecution. |
large member | Mon Jan 13 09:58:25 Cutie, you have failed to document this is a labour phenonoma or that the left is in any way overrepresentated. Seb does have a point that you generally do not favour tigher laws on sexualized predation. As the Tate example or some of Trump's trials have indicated. I differ from you in that sense <3. I think the burden should be way lower, that authorities should seek economic outcomes for victims on balance of evidence principles, but that we should lessen the stigma attached to sexual crimes. Abrahamic culture has a wierd way of looking at crimes like that. |
iChihuaha | Mon Jan 13 11:16:09 There is a whole list of Labour members on that site, you little lunatic you. I said of “his” community, you retarded little lunatic you. You simply recall pulling shit out of your ass. Even in the one Andrew Tate thread I opened with explaining what a degenerate Tate is, a former pimp turned Muslim. That is double icky. Your recollection are as expected those of a retarded little lunatic. Do you have any links to back up your asscollection? No. Why? Because you are a lying little lunatic. That’s why :-) |
iChihuaha | Mon Jan 13 11:29:27 The combined sebgul meltdown/triggering is priceless and the receipt for the validity of the claim, you can take it to the bank. As soon as Jergul starts with his gay cutie stuff, it is his admission that I am ao deep under his skin that I am walking on his bones. These day it is litterally every threas, regardless of topic and content, he just opens with it, because he has reached wits end. Only rivaled by seb “recollecting” things and stuff and starts pulling turda out of his ass to smear, only to find out that he now has shit on his hands. And of course the trifecta is completed by WTBs NPC script. I only wrote 6 words to melt 3 brains. That is a UP record, surely? |
Member | Mon Jan 13 12:21:14 ^ Low information tardigrade |
large member | Mon Jan 13 12:24:14 Cutie, I always use the endearment <3. I looked, but cannot see the meltdowns that seem so obvious to you. Fair enough. Some things are very subjective. I think I raised a few valid issues. I will take you word for it if you say you think laws and enforcement on sexual predation should be tightened across the board, just as I will take your word for it if you say that you think both Trump and Tate have been completely out of line in their dealings with women on certain occassions. If indeed you are saying that. So just clarify with you word and we can but these sad misunderstandings behind us <3. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 05:00:57 I am content with the OP, which isn’t about if and how reforming prosecution of sexual offenses, but thanks for asking Jergultard. It is also not about Trump or Tate. You are free to male seperste threads about this and we will see who comes and says what. The OP is in full harmony with the data from metoo and other survey and study data showing that the left acts as a magnate for people with all kinda of issues. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 05:03:43 Jergultard, the fact that you in many many iterations need to change how you behave, approach and your use of language to write at me, shows me you are deeply frustrated and basically in meltdown mode. Meanwhile I am using the same old forum banter that has been how we talk here for 2 decades. Ig’s not that difficult you retard. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 06:35:19 Nim: It's a simple matter of fact that you can't infer anything about a group without a control. The operative question is whether you can compose such a list for the political right. There's quite a good reason to think you can. EDL is much smaller than Labour and at least 12 of its members have been charged with sex crimes. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 07:19:10 The cognitive functioning of individuals with stronger endorsement of right-wing and prejudiced attitudes has elicited much scholarly interest. Whereas many studies investigated cognitive styles, less attention has been directed towards cognitive ability. Studies investigating the latter topic generally reveal lower cognitive ability to be associated with stronger endorsement of right-wing ideological attitudes and greater prejudice. However, this relationship has remained widely unrecognized in literature. The present meta-analyses revealed an average effect size of r = −.20 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) [−0.23, −0.17]; based on 67 studies, N = 84 017] for the relationship between cognitive ability and right-wing ideological attitudes and an average effect size of r = −.19 (95% CI [−0.23, −0.16]; based on 23 studies, N = 27 011) for the relationship between cognitive ability and prejudice. Effect sizes did not vary significantly across different cognitive abilities and sample characteristics. The effect strongly depended on the measure used for ideological attitudes and prejudice, with the strongest effect sizes for authoritarianism and ethnocentrism. We conclude that cognitive ability is an important factor in the genesis of ideological attitudes and prejudice and thus should become more central in theorizing and model building. Copyright © 2015 European Association of Personality Psychology http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/per.2027 |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 08:40:37 Sebtard Feel free to compile a list for the right, this thread is about Labour. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 08:56:01 I’m gonna bet that WTB just posted a study he does not understand. Like how large is an effect size of 0.2 relative to a bunch of other studies with results that WTB will think is racist? 0.2 in social psychology is a very low effect size, meanwhile sterotype accuracy, that is how accurate stereotyping individuals of other groups actually is, has an effect size between 0.4-0.6 depending on study. Bitch you have no idea what you are getting into. You will not get anywhere, you are illiterate, I spent the better part of the last 2 decades doing home work on this stuff, for fun. |
large member | Tue Jan 14 09:06:19 The OP documents handfull of cases in a vast organization with affiliates over 125 years. You have a background that you allows you to understand how poorly you have made you case. Be better, cutie <3. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 09:45:10 But that's due to his low cognitive ability, as has been proven in a number of studies regarding this form of bigotry. Of course, we've always known that bigotry is the antithesis of fact-finding, and that bigotry requires a total disinterest in and a concrete wall of refusal to discuss or entertain facts that do not support said bigotry. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 09:48:59 The ability to examine evidence that is foreign to you, i.e. the essence of scientific thinking is, broadly speaking, ideologically inconsistent with conservatism, which opposes change. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 09:49:41 Nim: Exactly my point. All this thread can say is that there are some paedophiles who are members of the Labour party. That are also paedophiles who are members of other parties. There are some who are road sweepers. There are undoubtedly some that are secularists of Iranian descent. What does this tell us though? |
Member | Tue Jan 14 09:52:52 It doesn't even really tell us why the guy that compiled the list is choosing to ignore all the sex assaults by other parties etc. Do those ones not matter? It's the grooming gangs thing all over again: All members of grooming gangs excluding grooming gangs with members not composed of people from Asia, are Asian! You have a track record of trying to smear people by association and implication. So we shouldn't really be surprised. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 09:55:11 No you imbecile you did not undestand. I suggest you google it and edumecate yourself. At any rate an effect size of 0.2 considered to be low im social science. The study you posted is litterally fodder for clickbait in leftard media outlets. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 09:57:14 And regarding the EDL, its sad to note that speaking as the former London skinhead I once was in my teens, they wouldnt accept Alpha Male for one second, no matter how much he spat on his ethnicity to please them. They would take him down an alley and kick his head in in a split second, given half the chance. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 10:00:49 Seb You are welcome to compile a list of secular Iranian pedophiles, this is about the pedos in Labour. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 10:04:21 EDL thugs would stand no chance against my kung fu skills. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 10:07:08 Of course, I became a skinhead for the same reasons Alpha Male is a figurative skinhead. They were bullying me at school and one day the leader told them to lay off and that I was alright. The opportunity to not get bullied anymore and instead to be welcomed by these bullies was a huge relief and one I embraced - exactly what Alpha Male and IWishICouldJoinTheKKKAndLynchMexicansTardo aspire to. The difference is, of course, that with my greater cognitive ability and stronger ethical and intellectual backbone, I soon left that dismal group, because my stronger sense of ethics and openmindedness to facts did not allow me to wallow in that pig shit for more than a couple of misguided teen years, where they will never develop any further |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 10:12:21 ”speaking as the former London skinhead I once was in my teens” Unhinged loser then and an unhinged loser now, with the added bonus of overcompensating. I’m glad you have evolved! But this validates an observation I have made. Being unhinged i.e unbalanced does not change because someone changes their religion or politics. You understand wtb? Your problem was never the quadrant of politics, it’s that you are an unhinged lunatic. That’s why you lost it with that homeless guy. Talk about the blind leading the blind. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 10:17:48 I appreciate the personal story as it further illustrates to me the inherent differences between us. I would never in a million years as a teenager have joined a gang. I just never liked being part of a team. I’m free radical. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 10:18:14 When your interlocutor openly admits to not wanting to discuss pedophiles in general but only pedophiles in the labour party, he reveals - at an absurdly comical level - his antiintellectual disinterest in and refusal to discuss the problem of pedophilia, to the point that any adult debate regarding the matter is physically impossible with this low cognition interlocutor |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 10:21:24 I am not your interlocutor in any ”intellectual” pursuits. You are beneath me. I can only take you 30% serious. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 10:25:22 I mean, just the proposal that half or more of the political western world is causally linked to abnormal sexuality is too stupid to even entertain for a millisecond lol...its of such intellectually low standard, that you can only laugh at the person actually proposing something so stupid |
Member | Tue Jan 14 10:29:57 Its on the same embarrassingly stupid level as creating a thread called "Why do heterosexuals commit more murders than homosexuals?" and providing counterarguments like "No, this thread is about heterosexual murderers. If you want to discuss homosexual murderers, start another thread. No, Im not interested in comparing statistics. Im happy with the numbers stated in the OP" |
Member | Tue Jan 14 10:45:54 When you study semiology, as I did, you do exercises in examing what people actually mean vs the actual words they use to express it. E.g., if you open a window on a cold day and someone says "Brrrr, its cold!", what are they actually saying? They are not actually just making a statement of fact; they are saying "Could you please close that window?" A semiological analysis of the OP immediately shows that the OP is not opening a line of inquiry or debate on the topic of why there are 24 pedophiles in the labour party, it has no interest in debate on the subject at all, but is in fact only a statement that says "the labour party is a pedophile party and non-conservative voters are more likely to be pedophiles", which is the product of low cognitive and weak intellectual ability. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 11:40:20 Nim: This thread is about you trying to smear Labour as somehow connected to paedophiles, following on from the conspiracy theories the far right have been circulating. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 11:40:32 Its a classic case of bigotry causing the bigot to arrive at obviously stupid analyses, i.e. the aformentioned antithesis to scientific thinking |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 13:21:38 “I mean, just the proposal that half or more of the political western world is causally linked to abnormal sexuality” How are you so shit at reading, when you job is literally to read and like understand stuff. In english. What I said what not very technical. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 13:28:12 The reason it’s not clear, when it has been clear since metoo ia because you guys don’t want it to be true. You are welcome to call metoo a far right conspiracy. The left is infested with predators. It acts as a mangnate for wolves in sheeps cloathing. You morons are compromises because inclusion! Diversity! |
large member | Tue Jan 14 13:38:36 The right is also infested with predators by the same metric. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 13:48:07 Alpha Boi isnt worth taking seriously for one second. That unintelligent little macho head is empty of any activity of intellectual interest. Just a walking belly. |
iChihuaha | Tue Jan 14 13:49:53 There is no shortage of social psychology papers pathologizing right wingers. Willie was quick to post study to that effect. What about right wingers is kinda meaningless. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 15:18:34 Selectively filtering for cases where the perp is your political opponent isn't a very convincing way of claiming that all the "me too" perps were left leaning. There were plenty who were not, but the surprising ones are those that had previously advocated for womans rights. They get more attention and reportage. Saliency bias. Like the idiots that think grooming gangs are predominantly Asian when very similar gangs of white people actually account for 70% of suspects; but just aren't reported on as widely because they don't get the rabid clicks from CC. It's impossible to describe how fucked up engagement metrics have made news reporting. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 16:28:15 i didnt support me too particularly and I suppose Im considered a muslim jew communist fascist lefty extremist by the Nazi walking bellies on Utopia. I thought it quickly became a media gimmick |
Member | Tue Jan 14 16:46:38 Incidentally, feminist movements began with the conservative upper class and the declaration of the rights of woman and of the female citizen, the only human rights movement that came from the conservatives |
Member | Tue Jan 14 16:53:39 women from the conservative class, that is. Their conservative husbands werent too pleased about it. |
Member | Tue Jan 14 17:16:10 There are a million arguments that speak strongly for sexual crimes being more prevalent among conservatives, if one wanted to participate in such an infantile argument, such as the 5 US states with most cases of sexual crimes being red states, the classic infamy of sexual abuse in public schools in the UK, breeding ground of the conservative ruling class, etc etc, but its such a ridiculously stupid argument started by such a ridculuosly stupid person that its utterly uninteresting. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 18:00:37 [williamthecoward]: "IWishICouldJoinTheKKKAndLynchMexicansTardo ... muslim jew communist fascist lefty extremist by the Nazi" There's bullet point #1. [williamthecoward]: "Incidentally, feminist movements began with the conservative upper class and the declaration of the rights of woman and of the female citizen, the only human rights movement that came from the conservatives" False. The "feminist" movement was a jewish (leftist) subversion. Again, it's Celebration Parallax; if you think of that as a "good thing" then they even admit it: [Jewish Women's Archive; "Feminism in the United States"] http://jwa...icle/feminism-in-united-states "Jewish women played a significant role in all aspects of the American feminist movement, advocating for women’s suffrage, birth control and reproductive rights, peace, improved conditions for working women, the Equal Rights Amendment, and gender equality." Whereas, conservative women who debated enfranchisement/suffrage were sticking to what we know now as Heinlein's formula, which was that *if* enfranchisement were debated, that women would need to demonstrate virtue to earn it. This was the realm of Wollstonecraft's "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" (1797) where women needed to cultivate their own virtue within the Enlightenment framework. Female virtues would thus be things such as having children, remaining chaste outside of marriage, being caregivers, and showing empathy for her own people while rejecting a nation's enemies. But guess what happened? Heinlein's formula was abandoned by the leftists who pushed suffrage. All pretense of *earning* the franchise was abandoned by totalitarian psychopaths such as Woodrow Wilson and the leaders of the suffrage movement, since the purpose of the movement instead became a leftist slave revolt: to grant powers and privileges *without* responsibilities and consequences for failure. It was a cynical ploy to enfranchise people who would serve as a useful voting block for slave doctrines. This same subterfuge is being used currently in military "inclusion", where barriers between men and women's service were earlier "promised" to be open enlistment but *never* with the consequence of dropping standards for advancement. But, of course, once leftist subversion had its way via "equity", this fell apart, so now women who enlist do not need to meet the same standards but still gain access to the same promotion bottlenecks but with artificially inflated fitness scores. It's always the same story. Leftists want power but they want to remain weak little faggots and promote other weak people rather than truly being concerned with the ascension of the strong and exceptional. It's slave morality. [williamthecoward]: "The ability to examine evidence that is foreign to you, i.e. the essence of scientific thinking is, broadly speaking, ideologically inconsistent with conservatism, which opposes change." The above williamthecoward diaper-shitting represents comment "Sun Jan 12 20:22:26" bullet points 2 and 3: credentialism and failure to respond directly. This is the "progressive" retard's point about "[facts having a left-wing bias]" — it's retard cope which represents little more than institutional capture rather than a search for truth. He even shows the progressive's cult dogma, which is that "change" is a necessary part of science, which is backwards and stupid. *Reality* is what is meant to be uncovered by Enlightenment science — *not* an excuse to depart from reality through "change" ideas such as "progressivism" — which are, in actuality, the dogmas of the slavish towards their false "Utopia". This is why they call it "science" to deny human biology, calling men "women" and women "men" due *not* to actual science (the world as it is) but due to cult dogmas and psychological delusions. It is no wonder that Lysenkoism was a left-wing disease born of Bolshevik society; these massive category errors are what emerge when the slavish attempt to "observe" the world but instead only project their psychotic states. Would it be wise to trust a williamthecoward in a laboratory? Fuck no. He'd probably spend 95% of his research funding begging for more funding and 5% rushing to falsify conclusions to support the Regime's current dogmas. That's largely what happened in Soviet labs and was the reason for tularemia outbreaks, nuclear meltdowns, famine, and mass death. Oh, interesting! That sounds like the leftist social-engineers with respect to COVID! [williamthecoward]: "They would take him down an alley and kick his head in in a split second, given half the chance ... They were bullying me at school ... When you study semiology, as I did," Here's bullet point 6 where williamthecoward thinks that his side stories make him look good while he accidentally further reveals what a pathetic fucking loser he is. What kind of a faggot gets bullied at school? Who joins a protection-racket gang because they're too faggoty to handle schoolyard social issues? Who thinks semiology is impressive? Little bitch boys and goblins is who. And williamthecoward still does not know what time it is. Notice that no matter how many times we tell these sebguls, williamthecowards, and murderfags that this is not about "[muh white supremacy]", they *still* think that *they* of the slavish left are owed the allegiances of all racial categories in an anti-White strategy. "[Hur hur, muh skinheads wouldn't have accepted you, hur hur]." Umm, does williamthecoward still not know that this is a slave revolt and that people who do not want dysgenic annihilation by his slave castes are uniting against him — independent of racial categories? Oops! It's almost like every racial category has its slavish members (e.g., the sebguls, the williamthecowards), and all of them are useful idiots to a global totalitarian Regime! It's almost like this is the people versus totalitarian psychopaths, and williamthecoward has chosen to ally with the psychopaths! [williamthecoward]: "openly admits to not wanting to discuss pedophiles in general but only pedophiles in the labour party" What a fucking retard. "[Hur hur, why won't you let me spam this thread with Whataboutisms after the reality of Labour courting pedophiles has stirred my cognitive dissonance, hur hur?]" [sebfaggot (confirmed and avowed nonce)]: "Like the idiots that think grooming gangs are predominantly Asian when very similar gangs of white people actually account for 70% of suspects" You are a liar. Per capita. Foreigners versus natives. Coverups versus no coverups. "Equity" of outcomes versus equality before the law. You are a liar. [Nim]: "The overwhelming majority of the predators were liberals/leftist/feminists. Sebs and wtbs. Those people took cover as allies, screeched the loudest and did their best to malign and smear dirt on others to blend it and hide their deviance." Yup. It's the same thing as always. There's a good meme for this: http://x.com/_HelenDale/status/1663853278747033600?mx=2 ("Predators often camouflage themselves from prey, like ... [the male feminist]") Leftists who present themselves as "allies" and "woke" and "with it" are often just sliming themselves into the good graces of power so that they can gain access to women and children. This is not even new. E. M. Forster's "Howards End" (1910) comes to mind. Forster (as himself, as the narrator) was a blithering faggot who was too weak and impotent to find high value women, so he basically gained access to them by presenting himself as so weak and effeminate that he would be perceived as harmless and asexual (much like straight men who present as gay or "trans" nowadays; this was "metrosexual" in the '90s). It's basically a slave's story of stealing power not through virtue but by subversion and resentment for difficult works, finding all kinds of ways to justify why *he* — a spineless worm — should have access to these women even though a light breeze would carry him away and he could offer them nothing. This is the very nature of sebbish power-grabs. These people are pedophiles and weaklings who worm their way into governance so that they can gain access to children, rape them, or obey the slavish social conventions that they believe will grant them access to some feminist's polycule, and hope no one every takes them to task. This is why they promote female degeneracy such as Only Fans, "feminism", and "abortion"; they hope that they can degrade women enough that they will finally have access to them, as might a poor person damage a grocery item for a discount at the register. Their entire ideology is based not in the betterment of people but the damaging of people to bring them to their sickly level. They *have* to allow the mass rape of White children because otherwise those children might go on to be their "bullies" and betters. [Nim]: "These day it is litterally every threas, regardless of topic and content, he just opens with it, because he has reached wits end." Exactly, yeah. Repeatedly I've told jergfaggot that I'll entertain him even after years of him lying and obfuscating — so long as he attempts some measure of good faith — but he works in waves of retardation. It basically goes that he'll try to work in good faith for a day or two, then he gets absolutely obliterated because he's mentally retarded, so then he'll protect his feelings of inadequacy and retardation by just pure trolling for a few months. You have to identify whether he's in one of his retardation waves and let his little sundowning tantrums run their course. With enough rest, he'll regenerate his IQ back to 70, attempt good faith, and be ready to get annihilated again. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 18:08:28 *"he'll pro[j]ect his feelings of inadequacy and retardation" |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 14 18:09:05 Actually that wasn't a typo, lulz. It's "protect". |
Member | Wed Jan 15 08:20:00 "We also know that paedophiles tend to gravitate to positions of authority that help them evade and mask capture." You mean like Matt Gaetz, who the conservatives tried to give the highest law enforcement position in the USA and protected him from prosecution? |
Member | Wed Jan 15 08:28:37 Interestingly, they didnt protect his accomplice Greenberg or offer him the top law protection job in the country after admitting that he and Gaetz paid underaged girls for sex and instead hushed him up by locking him away |
Member | Wed Jan 15 08:36:45 Of course, this "rising republican star" was absolutely drowning in a list of serious criminal charges as long as your arm, from theft to creating fake IDs so he could have sex with underaged girls. Now, the GOP doesnt have any issue with any of that, or that their anointed ruler is a rape convict, but the idjit just wasnt a good TV Shop carnival barker, and so the GOP abandoned him. |
Member | Wed Jan 15 09:52:21 Lets have a look at the most rightwing country in the West. Oh dear, this looks bad. The only country in the west that allows child marriages. And look at that - only blue states have outright banned child marriage in the US. Child Marriage in the United States Learn more about the loopholes which allow marriage under the age of 18 in most U.S. states. Equality Now and our partners advocate that the minimum age for marriage be set at 18, no exceptions. But did you know that only thirteen U.S. states meet this standard? Equality Now works around the world to end child, early, and forced marriage The exception under 10 USC Section 920b, and similar exceptions under state laws, suggests that the government condones the practice of child marriage as it allows an adult to engage in sexual activity with children, giving sexual predators an incentive to force a child to marry them. The law can effectively turn child marriage into a “get out of jail free” card for predators. The rate of child marriage varies widely by state. It is most common in West Virginia and Texas. In Maine and Rhode Island, for example, only two of every 1,000 in this age group were married that year – less than half the national average. http://equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/ |
Member | Wed Jan 15 09:55:38 American conservatives sure do love themselves some sexy children, hence the conservative American tradition of beauty pageants for kids dressed up like sluts |
Member | Wed Jan 15 09:57:33 Bring on those sexy 8 year olds, Texas! http://s3-...2_IPA_02-lg076ChildPageant.jpg |
Member | Wed Jan 15 10:06:56 ^ actually california, but wotevah |
Member | Wed Jan 15 10:09:30 http://www...ant.com/beauty-pageant-gallery Texas - whrrr caa-bois luuuk thrrr wuuuvs youngrrr than thrrr hosses |
Member | Wed Jan 15 10:11:16 effing links http://ima...35550355456_n.jpg?format=1500w |
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