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The current time is Sun Feb 23 15:34:30 PST 2025

Utopia Talk / Politics / obsolete space station
Sun Feb 23 05:58:47
u know he is a pyrimid sceheme.

but every now and then a broken clock is right twice a day.

and so it is. da space station which isnt urs btw but an international collab, costs 150 bill in 1990.

but is completely outdated obsolete, and prolly breakin down. they was hearin weird sounds a while ago whcih still hasnt been fixed yet. plus ur 2 stranded and jailed astronauts which u been unable 2 retrieve 4 over...NINE FRIKKIN MONTHS!!!!

no words. no words.

anyway, he is right. it is obsolete now cos it is breakin down. literally breakin down and outdated.

which means china has da only space station now.
might as well admit it.

imagine how much it costs 2 make 1 now by 2days u.

700 bill? 20 years in da makin?
Sun Feb 23 07:33:53

The ISS is mostly a flex. There's not much that is useful going on there. If there's any useful research to be done in orbit, private enterprise can do it on their own dime.

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