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Utopia Talk / Politics / Kamala Supports Pedos
Renzo Marquez
Wed Sep 16 20:25:31

Bail Fund Promoted By Kamala Harris Helped Man Accused Of Sexually Penetrating A Child
Wed Sep 16 21:17:25
That sounds like a reach. Was she hands on involved or just started a general bail fund which happened to be used by a suspected pedo?
the wanderer
Wed Sep 16 21:24:19
she did neither, just promoted the fund

& Trump (& Ivanka) donated to Kamala's campaign thus they also support pedos by the transitive property
Wed Sep 16 21:27:01
No reach. The article says Harris supported the fund and asked her backers to donate to the fund. It was advertised as a fund to help protesters post bond but has been used to release several people who's crimes had nothing to do with the protests. That doesn't have any implications on Harris in any way. She could easily not know who the bail money was being used for.

What does reflect on Harris is she has since found out what the fund is being used for but still supports the fund and continues to ask others to donate. She may not have known what the funds would be used for early on but she does now and that is (or at least should be) a problem.

A side note the fund has taken in a hell of a lot more money than it has used in bailing people out.

All of this according to that one article so...
the wanderer
Wed Sep 16 21:39:09
"still supports the fund and continues to ask others to donate"

the only evidence of her still supporting it is that the ActBlue donation page is still up

so it would be fucking crazy if you blame her for the ActBlue page when you don't blame Trump for his heaps of conman WinRed pages
Wed Sep 16 21:39:41
the clown doesn't need money.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 16 21:45:06
and the Trump campaign continues to send out the deliberately deceptive & intimidating WinRed links to the cultists

whereas no indication of Kamala promoting that ActBlue fundraising page beyond the one tweet in June
Wed Sep 16 21:53:22
Has nothing to do with ActBlue. It is the Minnesota Freedom Fund.
Wed Sep 16 21:58:13
Type Kamala Harris ActBlue into google search and see what you get.

For her not being involved her name sure gets used often. Basically they are using her name the same way WinRed is using President Trump's name. You know it is WinRed providing those links and not the president.
Wed Sep 16 22:22:25
Thing is I bet that 1200 dollar stimulus went to plenty of nefarious and u savory shit like bailing out bad people or worse.

Do you see what I mean? It wasnt like she supported a fund for pedophiles.
sam adams
Wed Sep 16 23:34:25
Bail is a retarded idea in general. If a person is dangerous, dont let them out. Its not hard...
Wed Sep 16 23:42:06
Yes. Bail should be nonviolent crime. I saw those fucks from penn given 1 million bail. Keep in mind they literally tried to burn police alive in their station.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 00:00:45
"Has nothing to do with ActBlue"

um, no... the link from the ONLY time Kamala promoted it is to ActBlue


"You know it is WinRed providing those links and not the president. "

um, no... a website doesn't just know Trump's cultists' contact info... the campaign OBVIOUSLY involved

and we already established WinRed was created as joint effort of RNC & Trump campaign
Thu Sep 17 00:07:41
Nonviolent crimes should be like Philly, automatic RoR.
Thu Sep 17 02:15:51
No you established that in your own little imaginary world.

WinRed was created to compete with ActBlue fund raising efforts. Says right on the WinRed site that donations might not be directed towards the Trump campaign but will be spent on a variety of campaigns.

You of course will never see that even if you look. Your mind simply isn't capable of escaping the warped and twisted world you have created for even a few moments.

To illustrate how obsessed and confused you have become this tread had not a damn thing to do with President Trump until you decided to bring him into it.

I'm surprised you can keep from posting something negative about the president in The Children's Playstation dominance threads. My only guess as to why you don't is because you don't read the threads.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 02:29:01
you just love being proven wrong, i guess

i already proved you wrong on this exact thing before, but in case you missed it or something...

For years, Democrats have raised BILLIONS of dollars for liberal candidates through ActBlue.

[READ THIS====> *******************] Now @realDonaldTrump and Republicans are launching WinRed to compete with the Democrats’ money machine. [******************* <====== READ THAT]

All supporters and federal candidates can sign up here!
[link to WinRed.com]
~ Ronna McDaniels (RNC CHAIRWOMAN... & traitor to family & nation)
[one of many tweets taking credit for the website]

plus how do you think it's gotten the contact info for Trump cultists?

and this topic IS relevant to this thread as YOU claimed Kamala still promoting this fund, when the ONLY evidence 'dailycaller' has that is the ActBlue page still exists (fairly meaningless)
...they show no evidence she's texted or otherwise directed people to it beyond that one time in June
Renzo Marquez
Thu Sep 17 05:33:06
the wanderer Wed Sep 16 21:45:06
"whereas no indication of Kamala promoting that ActBlue fundraising page beyond the one tweet in June"

So you're cool with her support for pedophilia because she only did so in June?
Thu Sep 17 08:53:22
Is Renzo a Q Anon acolyte?

They love making baseless claims of pedophilia/pedo support against their perceived enemies.
renzo marQuez
Thu Sep 17 10:12:25
Not a baseless claim. In this instance, she supported a bail fund that aided at least one pedophile.

She previously helped cover for pedophile priests (is there any other kind) in San Fagcisco.


Thu Sep 17 11:19:51
For experiment, Kamala Harris should extend best wishes to every accused child trafficker, like Donald did with Ghislane Maxwell, see if any voter support erodes.
renzo marQuez
Thu Sep 17 11:22:16
Trust the plan.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 11:47:52
"So you're cool with her support for pedophilia because she only did so in June? "

the Kamala tweet was June 1
the pedophile bail was July 10

my opinion of DailyCaller was dropped
Thu Sep 17 17:59:23
"[READ THIS====> *******************] Now @realDonaldTrump and Republicans are launching WinRed to compete with the Democrats’ money machine. [******************* <====== READ THAT]"

I read that the last few times you brought it up. I then gave you the links proving it wasn't coming from President Trump.

Hell any one of us can type @realDonaldTrump supports putting peanut butter and strawberry jelly on waffles. Not evil syrup.

Doesn't mean President Trump doesn't wan't syrup on his waffles. I showed you the links. I showed you the fine print. I showed you the redirects. You know the truth deep down in your subconscious somewhere. Problem is if you ever let the truth come to the surface you would end up laying on the floor drowning on your own spittle as your brain melted down.

"and this topic IS relevant to this thread as YOU claimed Kamala still promoting this fund"

Just playing by your rules. President Trump is supporting the Proud Boys because he hasn't officially denounced them by name with a holy decree.
Kamala actually did endorse this fund and knowing what the fund has done still hasn't renounced her support. By your rules she all but runs the thing.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 18:04:20
you are really embarrassing yourself

so are you saying Ronna McDaniel is lying?

also i guess your 'proof' is the disclaimers at the bottom of WinRed sites... you know what that is? consciousness of guilt... they know what they are doing is of questionable legality

again, what is your explanation as to why the texts go to Trump cultists?


beyond the RNC saying so... google 'donate to Trump'... what the fuck comes up?

you are a really misinformed & legitimately crazy person
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 18:12:50
actually, nevermind, i believe you are of the impression anyone can just plant a fake page on WinRed as you don't know how things work

and that still wouldn't explain how they get the mailing list

live on in ignorance
Thu Sep 17 18:13:00
"so are you saying Ronna McDaniel is lying?"

No, I am quite clearly saying WinRed is using President Trump's name to help raise funds.

"beyond the RNC saying so... google 'donate to Trump'... what the fuck comes up?"

Do the same with any Republican Senators name and see what pops up. Surprise! A link to WinRed. Then once you are on the site they tell you the funds are general funds that will be used in all key races.

Thu Sep 17 18:45:14
And to get back on topic why won't Kamala denounce the actions of the Minnesota Freedom Fund?
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 19:04:51
so you are saying Ronna McDaniel is lying as you are pretending Trump's campaign is unaware

remember when you claimed to be neutral?

there is overwhelming evidence the Trump campaign is fully aware of WinRed & using it to for fundraising (it's only fundraising for that matter, even the Trump website links to it for donations... hey, that's more 100% proof to the existing 100% proof)


"why won't Kamala denounce the actions of the Minnesota Freedom Fund? "

has anyone asked her?

why would she even be thinking about that fund, she promoted it for a specific temporary purpose months ago
Thu Sep 17 19:30:07
"so you are saying Ronna McDaniel is lying as you are pretending Trump's campaign is unaware"

How the fuck would Trump's campaign be unaware? I am saying the site is using his name. Not once did I say he didn't know about it. You were and are claiming President Trump is scamming people and you tried to use a WinRed site to prove that. You failed. The RNC is making the ads that directs people to their site. Just like the DNC they are using the names that have a chance of bringing them the most hits.
Your claim was that President Trump and his campaign team were creating the pages and scamming people out of their money. Your claim is false.

And yes she has been asked to denounce the MFF. Why would she think about it now? Because she isn't obtuse. She has a team that keeps her informed of any potential problems or embarrassments that may happen. By your rules any organization that isn't specifically denounced is automatically supported. So where is her denouncement.

Your rules.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 22:15:11
"Your claim was that President Trump and his campaign team were creating the pages and scamming people out of their money. Your claim is false."

how the fuck have you established it's only the RNC & not Trump campaign making the ads? has RNC always used these intimidating or deceptive scam tactics? seems likely it's a Trump influence

McConnell's WinRed:
"Let's keep confirming conservative judges, cutting taxes, and keeping America strong.
Contribute NOW to help Mitch McConnell move our President's agenda forward."

that seems pretty fucking normal... unlike 'MISSED PAYMENT' or 'Trump personally selected you & you haven't donated yet so he's disappointed in you' or 'Antifa will attack your house if Biden wins'


"And yes she has been asked to denounce the MFF"



"By your rules any organization that isn't specifically denounced is automatically supported."

based on what? every time for Trump, he's -asked- about them... it's like pulling teeth to get him to say anything bad about any horrible people or groups if those horrible people or groups support him (& they probably do support him, as they are horrible)
Thu Sep 17 22:29:23
"based on what?"

You answered your own question. You demand it of the president you should demand it from others.
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