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Utopia Talk / Politics / On the record election guess
Sat Oct 24 20:55:33
1. Trump wins outright.

2. Biden wins outright.

3. Trump wins after legal battle.

4. Biden wins through legal battle.

5. Chuck Norris wins with trial by combat.

I may regret this , but I feel good about Florida, and soso on PA.

Locked in final answer I'm gonna say.

3. Trump wins after legal battle.
Sat Oct 24 21:19:11
too many mail in ballots, we wont know who won on nov 3 and even if it is clear who won neither side will concede.
Sat Oct 24 21:29:00
but yes, ultimately trump is going to win the electoral college, lose big in popular vote because states like california, oregon, washington and new york are going to come out in droves to vote against trump. but that won't change the electoral outcome. biden will fight for as long as he can in the courts, the new democrat platform will be to amend the constitution to make it so popular vote decides the POTUS.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 24 21:40:53
Trump will file lawsuits to end counting of ballots

if Biden doesn't win, America over so I'll be optimistic and go with Biden winning amidst heaps of bullshit legal battles... then some militia uprisings that are eventually squashed
Sat Oct 24 23:13:09
Hopefully Florida and North Carolina can be called quickly for Biden so we can end this bullshit.

Trump's original plan was to keep the race good enough so that he can use Barr to cheat his way to victory.

The Coronavirus changed all that. He's lost the white senior vote which he had in the bag before. Turns out you can lie to stupid shits like Mexican Tardnado and Foreskin but not to old people because they can see their friends dying to the Coronavirus.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Oct 25 03:10:34
Trump must win by any means necessary
Wed Oct 28 22:52:48
Unlocked, now im leaning towards a Biden presidency. Only because WI/MI/Minnesota, I would have thought he wpuld.be dping better in WI tbh.

Maybe the polls are bad, State polls are nptprious for being shit.
Wed Oct 28 23:33:08
I predict three or more people will announce a kick-off for their 2022 campaign before we know who won in 2020.
Wed Oct 28 23:37:58
Who will occupy the Trump lane?

It will be Trump himself!
Thu Oct 29 11:45:04
Biden wins outright. 297 - 227

Thu Oct 29 11:45:57
Trump wins Florida, but loses PA, MI, AZ, WI...
Thu Oct 29 18:52:35
Lol @ fivethirtyeight

Trump wins after legal battle.

Also Biden calls him Bush again on election night
Thu Oct 29 19:59:30
Dear Trump,Our Fuhrer who art in the White house we thank you for this economy you have bestowed upon us.

We know that you didn't come to bring peace, but a sword to battle in the Senate and fend off the hordes of commies and homos.

For you are only one who can defeat the dark ones from the the nether regions of California and smite them once and for all.

Golden be your name, in liberty and justice for all.....except Rosie odonell.
Thu Oct 29 20:34:45

Actually this is cool, you pick ypur election map and the winners get put in a drawing to win $100 worth of TLDR Merchandise and British snacks ( unless ypur British than you get US snacks)
Fri Oct 30 08:59:24
"On the record election guess"

It could get ugly.


the wanderer
Fri Oct 30 21:11:45
Biden 395-403 electoral votes
Trump the remaining stupid states
Fri Oct 30 21:29:22

Florida seems more likley than polls suggest due to poor turnout among key democratic blocs like blacks and young people.
sam adams
Fri Oct 30 23:06:45
Its hard to convince cuban refugees to vote for communist policies. So florida is going to be real close.

How retarded are democrats? Trump is clearly the worst president in 100 years... and its still close.
the wanderer
Fri Oct 30 23:21:35
popular vote prediction

Biden 85 million
Trump 60 million

not that Trump couldn't still win electoral college...
renzo marQuez
Sun Nov 01 10:38:14
Some trends seem to be favoring the Trumpenfuhrer. I'll say Biden still wins 290-248. But I had a larger margin last week.
Sun Nov 01 11:15:13
Breaking News Breaking news

Trump just shot someone in the face on 5th avenue...polls stay steady.
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 11:34:21
they would too... as long as he claimed (no evidence required) that it was an antifa, muslim terrorist, illegal alien, or liberal democrat
renzo marQuez
Sun Nov 01 11:58:38
Lulz@tw. Sez the guy pushing uncorroborated Russiagate nonsense non-stop.
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 12:00:37
i don't recall pushing anything that wasn't accurate...
renzo marQuez
Sun Nov 01 12:04:19
the wanderer Sun Nov 01 12:00:37
"i don't recall pushing anything that wasn't accurate..."

You sound just like the guy you want to fellate... James "I don't recall" Comey.
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 12:05:16
Don Jr did have that meeting w/ Russians & based entirely on emails saying Russia gov't wanted to help Trump win & they did lie entirely about it

Trump Moscow tower deal -was- in the works all campaign long & they did lie entirely about it

Manafort -was- handing off polling data to Russian-connected guy... motives remain unknown

Trump -did- obstruct justice multiple ways as detailed in Mueller

Barr -did- misrepresent the findings as was self-evident once report released plus Mueller himself told Barr so (& all of us under oath)

i recall pushing those
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 13:49:08
back on thread topic sorta, seen a couple people guessing if Trump loses he'll head to Mar-a-lago & quit doing the job the last 2 months

(wouldn't be much of a change)

as he's a petty child, i'd say it's possible
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 13:53:13
"Chris Wallace of @FoxNews, by far the lowest rated of the Sunday morning news programs, can’t get over his poor debate performance, probably even worse than Sleepy Joe’s. His show is a total “hit job” on your favorite President, me!"
~ fucking child

i guess Fox's remaining news program had negative things to report about Trump... or maybe just bad poll #'s...
the wanderer
Sun Nov 01 13:54:17
damn...wrong thread... you nazi mods can delete this and above Wallace one if you want
Sun Nov 01 14:20:40
Lol. Hunters password on his laptop was Hunter02... presumably because he forgot Hunter01

Crack head gonna crackhead.
Mon Nov 02 01:05:59
lol, treating hunter biden's laptop as real.

Obaminated wishes he was white so bad.
renzo marQuez
Mon Nov 02 06:44:16
If you have a betfair account, this one is interesting.


To win most states (Not including Washington DC)
Biden 1.91
Trump 2.25
Tie 7

Prediction markets in general have Trump at about a 1/3 chance right now. That seems about right.
Mon Nov 02 08:40:46
> How retarded are democrats? Trump is clearly the worst president in 100 years... and its still close.

You spelled "Trump voters" oddly in that first sentence, sam.

A hyper-geriatric 1988-2008 also-ran is beating Trump in national polls by about the same percentage as Trump beat HRC >>in Texas<< in 2016. Said well-meaning fossil has a ~98% chance of winning the popular vote. That the election is close is just an unintended consequence of decades of economic migration giving an electoral college handicap (along with a heaping side of Rs doing what they can to depress participation of undesirable voters as even that advantage fades).

Modulo polling errors, Trump has been bad enough to make the entire country approximately as Democratic as Texas was Republican in 2016...and to make Texas itself approximately as Democratic as 2016 Pennsylvania.

It's not even clear what a more inspiring candidate would look like because there are lots of different interests pulling in different directions. I'd be happy to get an apolitical technocrat who just administered competently, plenty of people would want an AOC/Bernie style candidate, others want someone more like Warren, others are more focused on a "barrier breaking" candidate just for the sake of breaking barriers, others just want a business friendly non-crazy person. Maybe me and American Samoa (and only us) liked Mike more, but surely he would have knocked some woke folk out of the tent.

So we get two scoops of vanilla ice cream whose entire schtick is basically "I was sidekick to that one guy you all really liked" plus "I will be a decent human being" instead of hope and change or worker's councils or whatever might be more inspiring.
werewolf dictator
Tue Nov 03 02:06:36
my wild assed guess

early numbers will show trump winning all over.. maybe it will last long enough to declare victory

then deep state will panic and implement hammer and scorecard operations.. developed to manipulate elections overseas.. and start flipping votes to biden

some of this will be caught..but james clapper [the original russiagater] and 50 others will write nyt saying it has marks of russian operation [with some tortured logic why they favor biden] since russians are "genetically compelled to oppose the west"

next comes civil war

so rip america
Tue Nov 03 02:54:52

The last bit of unchallenged fairness, unfaithful electors.
Tue Nov 03 02:59:00
Werewolf with the infowars take to amuse us all.
Tue Nov 03 03:01:47
@Chuck - Trump is a race to the bottom. His website doesn't even have any policy positions on it.

Biden was the safest candidate because Trump was never going to talk about issues, just constantly attack the other side and try to make the democratic candidate as hated as he is. That's how he beat Hillary.

But everybody knows Joe Biden and likes him so all these attacks were never going to work.

Yeah, he's a boring-ass candidate, but he's also the most legislatively astute candidate since LBJ who was also a horrible candidate but a probably the most effective president in terms of policy in the 20th century.

Dumbass Bernie Bros. are going to get most of what they want but still whine non-stop about how Biden isn't Bernie.
Tue Nov 03 04:55:36
I bet your wife gets what she wants and you still whine non-stop.
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 03 09:36:38
A fun little update:
Trump seems to be getting a lot of late 3rd party support. Lots of the pundits who voted 3rd party in 2016 have cast votes for Trump, including Shapiro, Tim Pool (TimCastIRL), and Dave Rubin. (I'd mention more Daily Wire peeps but that seems obvious.) There has been a lot of 3rd party sentiment that Jo Jorgensen fumbled too hard on BLM issues and on her attempts to attract DNC voters with DNC talking points on police reform. I don't necessarily agree with the narrative that Jorgensen was sponsoring "anti-racism" by its Internet definition, but that bell was already rung and the message lost to obscure correction interviews. Not to mention that her #BlackLivesMatter Tweet is still sitting there with no follow-up correction/clarification by her (she did it elsewhere, which is bad social media management).

Thomas Sowell has also endorsed Trump, and a lot of centrist and independent social media saturation has been hearing his reasons as well-founded. This seems to be backed up across YouTube and Twitter threads that share his interviews.

Howie Hawkins has been a little too disheveled and haggard to inspire big Green Party support, and DNC suppression of the Green Party and cannibalization of the Green New Deal may pay off to counter libertarian voters who have gone Trump, but a large chunk of Green Party voters 2nd-choice to Trump this time around, so that may not be a factor.

This has all given 3rd party voters a big out: trusted indy voices have endorsed Trump, 3rd party candidates seem weak this time, and the DNC is dropping too many severely unpopular platforms (e.g., voters have seen measures **on the ballot** to end the electoral college — something that a lot of DNC people seem not to realize is a severely unpopular idea). It's drawing a lot of people out to actively vote for Trump. I think there will be a lot fewer protest votes by would-be GOP supporters this election.

DNC echo chambers across Reddit (e.g., r/BlackPeopleTwitter, r/WhitePeopleTwitter, r/Politics), Twitter, and Imgur seem to be sticking to their same alienating tactics, and I don't see that working for educated voters looking at policy over pathos. Calling all opposition "racists" and "fascists" is just as alienating in 2020 as it was in 2016. Educated people generally don't want to be part of hate groups who traffic in misinformation via poorly reasoned memes. Even Shoe0nHead's top simp comments have started turning against her for her attempts to parrot those memes.

Should be interesting! DNC hate has been high enough to get big turnout, but their hate has also translated to a *lot* of "go vote" talk across GOP-leaning YouTube channels (FoxNews, Crowder, AwakenWithJP, Ryan Long). Both GOP and DNC don't seem to be getting away with "take it for granted" logic in comments; people quickly correct those responses ("vote").

In my crazier moments, I wonder if Trump could actually win the popular vote and the EC. In more tempered moments, I think he'd just win the EC. But, I'm not convinced that silent GOP voters won't outweigh high DNC participation. It's difficult to predict things that change from the very act of predicting ;p

It may already be too late to purchase weapons for the post-election anarchy, but stocking up on food is a good option. Don't spread that word! Just quietly go to several different grocery stores so that you can stay fed during first cleansings ;D
Tue Nov 03 09:41:41
Holy shit. This is how people who spend too much time on social media think ...
renzo marQuez
Tue Nov 03 09:49:48
I just picked up some Biden in WI at 0.69 on PredictIt. With the pandemic being awful there, the Foxconn plant debacle, and polls showing Trump down by double digits, that number seems ridiculously low. I just don't see how Trump could possibly win there.
Tue Nov 03 09:50:34
Biden may still take it. But no way is it going to be the blowout the polls suggest, its much closer.
Tue Nov 03 09:50:52

Against that though, you have several large demographics where Trump is supposedly losing support:

-Seniors who don't appreciate his public rhetoric on Covid

-Religious voters who don't appreciate how he behaves

-Women voters who don't appreciate the fact that he acts like a complete boor

Honestly, I don't see any reason to doubt that he's slipped with all three groups. And given how razor-thin his margin was last time, he really can't afford that.

If this election was about policy over personality, then yeah Trump would win, if for no other reason than because he represents a bulwark against a lot of *really* shitty Democratic policies. But Trump himself has decided to turn this into a personality contest, which really is to his detriment.

If you don't love Trump, you're very likely to loathe him. And well less than 50% of the country loves him.
Tue Nov 03 09:51:58
Of course I also thought that Hillary was a lock in 2016, so what do I know.
renzo marQuez
Tue Nov 03 09:56:34
Member Tue Nov 03 09:50:52
"Trump is supposedly losing support:

-Seniors who don't appreciate his public rhetoric on Covid

-Religious voters who don't appreciate how he behaves

-Women voters who don't appreciate the fact that he acts like a complete boor"

True. But this banger is getting him enough votes from Hispanics to offset.

renzo marQuez
Tue Nov 03 10:02:25
I think it will be close for the EC (but not in WI). Comes down to turnout today. Dems have a big advantage from mail-in votes because Trump retardedly encouraged his voters to vote in person... in the middle of a pandemic. He'll probably blame long lines for turning people away but it's his own damn fault.
Tue Nov 03 11:59:48
CC: You should mentally prepare yourself for a Trump loss.

Of course Trump might win too. But if your "finding votes in all the oddest places" glimmers of hope include "former Breitbart editor might vote for Trump," you're holding onto the dream a little too tightly.

"Reinforcements from Tucker Carlson's site will save us" is a bit Army Detachment Steiner. Don't go all Downfall over this.
large member
Tue Nov 03 16:40:56
"Reinforcements from Tucker Carlson's site will save us" is a bit Army Detachment Steiner. Don't go all Downfall over this.

I laughed.
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 03 18:29:51
[Dukhat]: "Holy shit. This is how people who spend too much time on social media think ..."

Yup! That's kind of what I was going for. People without cable TV tend to appear online on different social media sites, so if you want to see what they're thinking, checking the comment sections is a good pulse. For someone who accuses only others of living in echo chambers, I'd think that you'd understand this idea of going into those echo chambers to see further than five feet in front of you.

[chuck]: "CC: You should mentally prepare yourself for a Trump loss."

You might have me confused with the Young Turks or Rachel Maddow if you think that I'm *that* invested in my election predictions. If Trump loses, I'm not even sure that I'll shrug. It's kind of no impact for me, and it isn't exactly an unpredictable outcome considering that this has less outcome variability than dice.

[chuck]: "Of course Trump might win too. But if your "finding votes in all the oddest places" glimmers of hope include "former Breitbart editor might vote for Trump," you're holding onto the dream a little too tightly."

You're good at missing or distorting the point. This isn't about finding "hope" like some Star Wars trope ("hope" is for the weak, btw); this was a matter of tracking Internet influence. Those various people aren't just three or four votes. Consider their subscriber bases and the influence they have:
• TimCastIRL - 800k YouTube subscribers
• Ryan Long - 200k YouTube subscribers
• Ben Shapiro - 2.26 million YouTube subscribers
• Dave Rubin - 1.43 million YouTube subscribers
• Shoe0nHead - 1.54 million YouTube subscribers
• FoxNews - 6.66 million YouTube subscribers
• Crowder - 4.87 million YouTube subscribers
• AwakenWithJP - 1.39 million YouTube subscribers
• JRE - 9.97 million YouTube subscribers
• Daily Wire - 2.39 million YouTube subscribers
• MSNBC - 3.66 million YouTube subscribers
• CNN - 11.1 million YouTube subscribers
• AmazingAtheist - 1 million YouTube subscribers
• Secular Talk - 897k YouTube subscribers
• The Humanist Report - 311k YouTube subscribers
• FreedomToons - 481k YouTube subscribers
• ReasonTV - 597k YouTube subscribers

“Influencers are not an afterthought,” Tom said. “The idea that influencers are, in some cases, the people who have the most credibility or bring the most bona fides in people’s social feeds is a really powerful one and something that we, as the campaign, want to embrace.”
— Christian Tom, the head of digital partnerships for Joe Biden’s campaign (Vox; September 22nd, 2020; https://www.vox.com/recode/21429755/influencers-joe-biden-democrats-pacs-social-media-facebook-instagram-campaign )

Even if you doubt the Biden campaign's social media man and all of the word in the ether, you can't deny the numbers showing that there's likely to be record turnout. The question is whether or not you think it's only the DNC that'll have higher than normal turnout.

[Rugian]: "Honestly, I don't see any reason to doubt that he's slipped with all three groups."

Don't forget the opposing influence: vitriol from the DNC. That's sort of what's made things difficult to track here. There's a "true colors" situation going on with this election's ultra-polarization that is getting people to actively choose sides rather than abstain. The Biden campaign has attempted to poison the well with hashtag movements like "Veterans against Trump" that were designed to chip away at reliable voters, but it's difficult to see how that's worked on larger numbers in those categories. And Trump's personality is less at issue this election than in 2016. It's like being in season 2 of a show: people know the characters already so they're paying attention to other details. People know Trump's personality flaws, so they may be looking past them this time.
Tue Nov 03 18:48:43
Cool cool cool
werewolf dictator
Tue Nov 03 23:06:28
so far my prediction is holding up well

clapper is probably typing out various long and unhinged rants about russian dna for the nyt at this very moment
werewolf dictator
Wed Nov 04 01:02:05
"President Trump's odds soared around 10:30 pm ET up to -775 at Bovada which had an implied win probability of 88.57 percent. The odds have come back down to earth since then."

so trump was up big just as i predicted.. then came my prediction that deep state would implement hammer and scorecard operations to interfere with election.. this would presumably be around 10:30pm with odds going back down after..

and trump says "they" are trying to steal the election on twitter..

it all fits as i guessed so far..
Wed Nov 04 01:31:12
All the votes has not been counted yet, and Trump just declared victory, "We won the election", and "We are going to court to stop the counting", "It is a fraud".

lol. Trump declared Jihad on democracy.
werewolf dictator
Wed Nov 04 01:36:25
trump *is* the democracy..
Wed Nov 04 01:38:34
Biden also declared victory
the wanderer
Wed Nov 04 01:41:08
no, he didn't
werewolf dictator
Wed Nov 04 01:43:45
can tell by his current speech trump knows about the disenfranchisement of voters by sad group of people [deep state] happening at around 10:30 when everything looked like it was a win
Wed Nov 04 01:47:05
tw, Didn't Biden say " I think we win this"

Which isnt much different to " I think we won this, to me I already have"
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 01:48:16
Um, it's a very big difference, retard.
Wed Nov 04 01:50:40
No its not pedophile.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 01:51:24
I mean, honestly, if you really can't see the difference between...

-We feel confident about these battleground states. We think we'll win those and win the election.


This a fraud committed on the American people. We've won this elelction.

Then, as Rugian is fond of saying, get fucked. Seriously.
Wed Nov 04 01:55:08
Did I say it wasnt different? clearly it was. But essentially its the same. Biden even said hebguaranteed he won PA. All Trump said eas to Trump* he already won, but clearly distinguished it by his lead in comment.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 01:56:22

Goddamn you're a hopeless, ignorant piece of shit. At least your posts are amusing. Retard Rod 1.0 rarely managed that.
Wed Nov 04 02:01:47
So, Biden can still win, but it will be MUCH slimmer than the polls called. The Senate will remain Republican...meh either way no big change.

I also valled all of this fairly accurately and to finish off with a Trump win after a legal battle. But its still up for grabs with the SW going Biden.
Wed Nov 04 06:29:10
"A hyper-geriatric 1988-2008 also-ran is beating Trump in national polls by about the same percentage as Trump beat HRC >>in Texas<<

Wed Nov 04 09:14:11
"Trump wins Florida, but loses PA, MI, AZ, WI... "

I was really close. Other than PA, I predicted exactly what would happen.
Wed Nov 04 09:15:17
Yeah, I actually took a mental note of how close Daky was.
renzo marQuez
Wed Nov 04 09:21:27
renzo marQuez
Member Sun Nov 01 10:38:14
"Some trends seem to be favoring the Trumpenfuhrer. I'll say Biden still wins 290-248. But I had a larger margin last week."

I think Dakyron and I basically had the same map. And by the time all of PA is counted, may have gotten it exactly right.
Wed Nov 04 09:24:07
Well, I had a similar map too. To be fair though I had nonidea about NV or AZ, just easnt even on my radar.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 09:26:19
You guys should be working as political pundits for someone instead of posting your predictions on some backwater message board. It's pretty amazing how good you are at this. Please tell me more!
Wed Nov 04 09:32:26
Nevada has been "benefitting" from a lot of people and companies fleeing from California. That's been turning it progressively bluer, since those voters failed to learn their lesson and just keep voting hard D.
Wed Nov 04 09:34:12
Same is happening to texas.
Wed Nov 04 09:46:30
So you're saying that there's more democrats in the country, but if we strategically separate where people live, it could give the illusion that republicans are a majority?
Wed Nov 04 10:00:58
I'm saying that California is a malignant cancer on this nation.
werewolf dictator
Wed Nov 04 10:03:17
woo thinks competence and accurate predictions are what gets political pundits influence and fame..

this may be even sadder than believing competence and intelligence is what gets people presidential nominations..
Wed Nov 04 10:03:49
More Californians needs to move to Texas so that the Democrats can take over it in 2024.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 10:06:08
werewolf dictator is too retarded to recognize sarcasm. But this is coming from the idiot that thinks Russian missiles are shooting down meteors.
werewolf dictator
Wed Nov 04 10:08:56
the sad troll is projecting his inability to spot irony onto others again
The Children
Wed Nov 04 10:11:44
will there be lots of crying and whinin 2night?
Wed Nov 04 14:09:12
Why? Do you plan on losing your virginity?
Wed Nov 04 14:17:45
He has been saving up all year!
Wed Nov 04 14:33:40
Waiting for 270-268, with one faithless elector to tie it up and send us spiralling
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 14:40:16
Nah, I think Biden is going to carry PA at this point, too.
Wed Nov 04 14:43:29
Honestly the best path forward may be for Biden to win.

The SC isnt changing, yhe Rs are probably going to hold the Senate. The patgs to victory for Trump are so toxic at this point, I don't see it as a long tern benefit.

Let 4 years of Kamala have enough rope to hang itself
Wed Nov 04 14:48:02
I agree with habebe. If trump can win it without using courts then great. But if he, already an immensely unpopular president, wins the election by finding thousands of mail in ballots that courts find invalid we will be in for 4 years of leftist insanity and riots.

We hold the senate, that denies the wish list the democrats wanted. Plus we have a solid majority in the SC. That is victory enough.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 15:02:53
It's always interesting to watch how the goalposts move on the side that is (most likely) about to lose.
Wed Nov 04 15:09:20
Its called being pragmatic.

The fear was packing the SC, eliminating the filibuster and raising taxes.

Two ways to stop that. Trump gets elected or we keep the senate.

We keep the senate and the main objectives are still achieved.

Wed Nov 04 15:10:27
Plus if trump isnt around the american voters see how inept biden/harris are we have a better chance of winning back the House.
Wed Nov 04 15:10:38
Its not moving the goal post. It's being realistic and recognizing what acts are overwhelmingly unpalatable loke packing the courts or winning due to a court decision in this enviroment.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 04 15:31:16
Oh right, sorry, I forgot it's only moving the goalposts to you if the other side is doing it. When you do it it's realistic. Got it, thanks!
Wed Nov 04 15:33:04
Apparently pedophilia has rotted your brain.
Wed Nov 04 22:08:11
Dak was pretty close except for Georgia.
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