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Utopia Talk / Politics / supreme court defiled
the wanderer
Mon Oct 26 22:31:47
so Mitch has proven (by his own doing) that the supreme court is total partisan garbage now

here's Trump happily politicizing as much as possible


& the 'GOP House Judiciary Committee' account tweeted out this immature inappropriate 'own the libs' comment:

"Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed. Happy Birthday, @HillaryClinton!"

(presumably written by capo Jim Jordan... one of the original garbage Trump loyalists)

how much disgrace can this admin & its supporting trash bring

but here's hoping it gets Trump crushed... & the House stays blue a long time so Jimmy stays an impotent cog

whereas if Trump re-elected, Jim will probably head the FBI
Mon Oct 26 22:41:39
If garland got a vote would it be all honky dorey?

Also it IS actually HRCs birthday.

ACB seems like actually a good person/judge.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 26 22:48:34
on Garland, yes... there was no reason for him not to get a hearing & vote

no reason for Mitch to hold that up & no reason for Mitch to change the rules which will tarnish every justice going forward

(was NOT Reid... & what Reid did was also because of Mitch... whose evilness has reached such a high level he has started turning purple)
Mon Oct 26 22:55:08
ACB is a sleeper agent. She was nominated by Trump in the first place. She's also unqualified. Not enough experience and someone that doesn't go to a top 14 law school is usually a fucking moron because the LSAT is so easy. Oh well, time to pack the courts. There are too small anyways for such a large nation.

We use to have 6 justices. It makes since to have 13 now since the nation is much larger.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 26 22:57:35
i don't think packing is the answer, just a temporary band-aid

disband the court & find a whole new method to appoint judges
Mon Oct 26 22:57:52
Even if he didn't have a vote it.was likely he wouldnt have been voted in. I mean I get it, it was a shitty move, one that wouldnt have been highlighted if RGB could have just stayed alive.

the wanderer
Mon Oct 26 22:59:28
R's voting against would've had to defend it

evil Mitch keeps every R from having to make any votes they'd have to defend
Mon Oct 26 23:00:32
The constitutionally easier thing is to just expand the court. Do what Buttigieg did and suggest 5 justices be nominated in a non-partisan way or something of the like.

Religious nutters are horrible for our politics. They will put up with corruption and evil as long as they get their anti-choice justices.

Fuck Evangelicals.
Mon Oct 26 23:03:02
I think republicams are willing to let Dems try and pack the court.

1. Unlikely to pass, you would need every D Senator pretty much to agree, and that's assuming they take the Senate.

2.There will likely be political blowback to help the Reps take the Senate back quicker.
Mon Oct 26 23:10:11
It won't matter. We already know the nutters will turn out no matter what.

It's up to dems to always be afraid of another Trump and keep voting.

And the Republican base is dying of pretty fast. The map in 2022 is very unfavorable to them. They were looking at losing 10 seats if Trump wins re-election and maybe losing 5-6 if Biden wins.
Mon Oct 26 23:47:19
Lol. Cuckhat, you arent worth arguing with.
Tue Oct 27 00:02:54
an expanded court will never happen, gutless democrats will do nothing for 4 years like usual.
Tue Oct 27 00:03:21
*as usual
Tue Oct 27 00:20:27
y2a , Probably, but I think its the smart move. However there is something to be said for boldness, this will upset to many people IMO and taint the administration.

That is still assuming a blue sweep, which idk, as much as 538 tells me this isn't 2016, its also not a predictable election in conventional ways either.
Tue Oct 27 00:28:29
Y2A being a Bernie Bros again. Dems will do as much as they can which is nothing if Republicans take power. It takes active participation and convincing people to your way of thinking so that the public is behind everything dems do.

The Dems already did their part with the ACA. It was the best bill they could've possibly gotten through.

Now you whine like a little bitch that Dems didn't do enough. Trump only did as much damage as he did because people like you stayed home in 2014 and gave Republicans the majority they needed to deny Garland a seat on the court as well as ram through all of Trump's shitty policies.

So thanks for being a moron.
Tue Oct 27 00:42:29
i voted in all elections.
Tue Oct 27 00:45:23
i actively discourage the "far" left from not voting and have on various occasions blamed the clown election on apathy from the left.
Tue Oct 27 00:49:43
"The Dems already did their part with the ACA. It was the best bill they could've possibly gotten through."

the useless democratic party wasted 2 years to try and get one guy (Joseph Cao) to vote for the ACA and he just pulled out at the last minute.
Tue Oct 27 03:33:09
If Democrats pack the court by expanding it to 13 judges, the next Republican president will pack it by expanding it to 17.

Fucking retarded Democrats are completely incapable of seeing how their actions wi) have ramifications beyond the next election. When Reid nuked the filibuster, they thought it wouldn't come back to haunt them, and they clearly haven't learned their lesson from that.
Tue Oct 27 03:41:15
Rugian, Wrong. If they pack the court we resort back to Roman law.

Under Roman law tyranicide is a jist and legal act. And all acts and appointments of a tyrant are declared null and void.

Baron Von Trump will stab the tyrant on the floor of the Senate.
Tue Oct 27 07:03:49
The next republican president will be peyton manning and he will be facing a democratic senate and house. The year will be 2032 or 2036.
Tue Oct 27 07:06:47
So no republicans wont be packing the courts. They already did under trump anyways because they know once the sunbelt flips, they no longer have an electoral college advantage.

Thats why I hope Texas flips this year even though I expect Biden to lose there by 2. If Texas flips, dems won’t give a fuck and expand the courts. And it will be a great thing for America.

Fuck Trump. I don’t ever want another court case decided by a Trump appointee. And that’s the commercial that will play for the next 10 years and it work.
Tue Oct 27 07:12:29
Will work*
renzo marQuez
Tue Oct 27 07:42:35
Member Tue Oct 27 07:06:47
"Fuck Trump. I don’t ever want another court case decided by a Trump appointee. And that’s the commercial that will play for the next 10 years and it work."

LOL. You think the God Emperor is going to allow you to run commercials? And even if he does, do you think there will be TVs in the camp you're in?
Tue Oct 27 09:43:54
Maybe the left should blame RBG for not retiring during the two terms of the Obama Administration. The left has no vision, because hatred disables clear thought.

Chumps<deplorables<irremediable are fighting words, not an expression of unity. The left doesn't seem to be able to stop showing their true face concerning inclusiveness. The projection is nearly unimaginable, yet so transparent and promotes Trump. Maybe there is something real about TDS.

No one knows how ACB will rule as an independent judge on the Supreme Court.
Tue Oct 27 09:57:29
TJ, no one knows. Those answers will be coming very soon.
Probably within a month on many of them. Roe v Wade will be pushed hard next month with Dec. and most of Jan. reserved for all the election protests or fraud cases that Trump will be pushing through the courts on speed dial.
Tue Oct 27 10:09:06
"The left doesn't seem to be able to stop showing their true face concerning inclusiveness."

Logical fallacy. Excluding those who would exclude others is an act of inclusiveness. Banishing the rugians, dukhats of the world is a necessary measure to let everyone else who is willing to play nice be included.

"The projection is nearly unimaginable"

That's a nice fantasy you've conjured up. Almost like you understand projection, yet are unable to appropriately apply it.
Tue Oct 27 10:33:06
Tom>Those answers will be coming very soon.

Indeed they will and speculation is, thus far, a privilege. I imagine you would like to keep it that way, but the left has already begun censuring that very privilege when they deem harmful to their mission.

I'm an outside captive of the insanity that is taking place. Ultimately, no kingdom lasts forever.

The ideology must subside as its lessons and goals become more and more irrelevant and outdated as time passes on. Leaders become more and more shadowy, obscured from the public light and protected by their now vast accumulation of power built up over the years. A religion replacing another religion.

The overthrow of the previous standard comes from neglect of those who provided the power supposedly representing their own will. From power to another power is similar to banging your head against a concrete wall expecting to defeat it with your skull rather than your brain. The brain doesn't work so well after constant abuse.

The masses are simply a tool of the existing power and that will never change.
large member
Tue Oct 27 10:35:14
Paradigms shift as the defenders of old ways die.
Tue Oct 27 10:41:33
As you wish Hood.
Tue Oct 27 10:44:36
"the supreme court is total partisan garbage now"

The logical result of allowing the court to invent powers and reinvent federal limitations with retarded legalese.

Anyone with a brain could have predicted this as the eventual consequence of a single domain of entrenched decision-making power that spans generations.
sam adams
Tue Oct 27 10:47:33
Lol cuckhat is seriously butthurt today.
Tue Oct 27 11:08:10
TJ getting all woke. It's like listening to the rich white kid who scored an 900 on his SAT's spew off in his first political science class.
Tue Oct 27 11:08:59
So much projection for the hatred and absolute lust for power that defines the modern GOP. Go back to your trailer park and get your gun. ANTIFA is coming for you!
Tue Oct 27 11:23:10
We haven't had a single court that's been able to reverse the judicial activism of the 60s and 70s. Its time for that to change.

Dukhat's just butthurt that conservatives actually might be able to finally scpre some successes in terms of curbing the excesses of the Warren-Burger years. Sorry Dukhat, but if you had wanted to implement Roe v Wade the right way, you should have done so through legislation, not shitty court opinions.
Tue Oct 27 12:34:03
Rugian wasn't even alive during the Warren-Burger years.

Keep fighting these battles that nobody with a brain cares about anymore. You have the mind of a 90-year-old in so many ways.
Tue Oct 27 12:46:21
-Nobody with a brain cares about the Warren-Burger era
-ACB is a major threat because she's going to reverse precedents set during the Warren-Burger era

Pick one, Dukhat.
Tue Oct 27 13:20:51
You’re such an ignorant retard. Hot rod 2.0
Tue Oct 27 13:39:39
Imagine the heads exploding if the progressive rollback sank Gonzales v. Raich, curbing the Drug War that progressive justices upheld and Democratic majorities refused to end.
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