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Utopia Talk / Politics / Masks dont do anything
Wed Nov 18 15:05:23
Insert jabba laugh at the idiots on this forum who thought 5 cent plastic masks were doing anything to prevent covid.

Wed Nov 18 15:08:59
In all fairness most people admit they do almost nothing to protect the *wearer*

They assist in not spreading it if you have it. I dint know by how much but I'd venture slightly more than coughing into your elbow.
Wed Nov 18 15:16:02
” they do almost nothing to protect the *wearer*”

This is why we don’t wear masks in Sweden.

If you have symptoms, if you are not feeling well, then you should stay at home and not go out in the public whether you wear a mask or not.
Wed Nov 18 15:29:36
Paramount, The argument against that is that many people dont show symptoms when they are still contagious.

I think stay home if you feel sick is common place just about everywhere.
Wed Nov 18 15:37:50

Wed Nov 18 15:39:03
This is why we refer to you as MTardo.
Wed Nov 18 15:46:15
Anyway, I'm going to be at a funeral this weekend with a bunch of MTardos who will probably refuse to wear a mask, including people who have been recently exposed to someone confirmed to have COVID-19.

Should be fun.
Wed Nov 18 15:49:34
Anyway, I'm going to be at a funeral this weekend with a bunch of MTardos who will probably refuse to wear a mask, including people who have been recently exposed to someone confirmed to have COVID-19.

Should be fun.
Wed Nov 18 15:51:35
Did anyone else get hungry after seeing Mims hamd grab a cheese wheel?
Wed Nov 18 15:59:09
I was wondering what that picture was. But now I see a hand. To me it looks like a hand is holding a kebab.
Wed Nov 18 16:20:12
"Masks don't do anything"

Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 16:42:02
"In all fairness most people admit they do almost nothing to protect the *wearer*"

Wrong again. We've been over this before, but for some reason you keep posting the same wrong bullshit. Trump fluffers are retarded. You're good company mtardo and Rugian.
Wed Nov 18 17:21:20
masks don't protect you from catching covid.

No need forninsults, you embarras yourself.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 18:01:50
Plenty of studies show they do. The CDC even says they do. So, as usual, you're wrong again. Do you ever get tired of being wrong about everything?
Wed Nov 18 18:07:02
rugian why did you have to link a youtube video and not a gif? you come off like WOO who doesnt know how to internet.
Wed Nov 18 18:15:01
Studies are conflicting. The CDC has a bad track record. Common sense says that for a regular person and how they use a mask it makes no real difference.
Wed Nov 18 18:15:53
It's been a busy week so I'm unable to put in the usual high level of research and quality into my posts.
Wed Nov 18 18:17:15
The CDC would lie to increase compliance just as they did early on to protect a run on ppe.
Wed Nov 18 18:17:15

Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 18:25:04
"Science is dumb, wrong, and a conspiracy."

-Trump fluffers (aka Rugian, Retard Rod 2.0, and mtardo)

You people really are a plague on the entire species. Please do not reproduce. Ever.
Wed Nov 18 18:43:12
I already have 5 year old.

You likely didn't read the OP link.
Wed Nov 18 18:47:01
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 18:49:16
Like you said, there are some studies where it appears they do not help. However, there are more where it is clear they do. Some of the studies where they do not appear to help have some issues and their conclusions are debatable. The studies that show they do help are quite clear and really not up for debate.

The bulk of the evidence shows that masks do help protect the wearer. The CDC waited quite a while to add that to their guidance until more studies were out that showed they do help. They now feel confident enough in the conclusion that it has been added to their guidance.

Again, you're a fucking retard. Let's hope your kid isn't, lol.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 18:50:53
You are so fucking retarded... We know far more about the virus now than we did back then. Using a conclusion they made at the beginning of the year, when we knew almost nothing about the virus, to undermine the current science is so fucking retarded there are no word. Please, just stop.
Wed Nov 18 19:05:33
Coronaviruses are new?

Does this strain spread in a manner that we havn't seen before?

Or is it more likely they chose to lie so there was not a run on product for frontline workers?

Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 19:23:54
There was a lot of uncertainty at the beginning of the pandemic regarding how it actually spread. For quite a while many thought contaminated surfaces were a primary vector and there has always been some thought that it was truly airborne (so nothing but an N95 or better would have much effect). At this point both of those have been relegated to questionable, minor at best, vectors. Go back and look - there was a lot of debate, which means a lot of uncertainty.

We also know that PPE supplies were in extremely short supply at the time. I don't think anyone is denying that. I believe Fauci even said at some point that the recommendation to not use masks in the general public was based on short supply and believing the virus was not spreading in the general community.

So again, taking something that happened at the very start of the pandemic and using it to undermine the current science is utter idiocy.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 19:25:43
"The CDC said something different in January, so fuck all the current science and guidance. DEEEEEERRRRRRRRRP!"

-Retard Rod 2.0
Wed Nov 18 19:31:52
The current science is bullshit and you're a retard.

Lockdowns haven't done shit, masks haven't done shit, you're all sheepishly walking off of a fucking cliff like lemmings, taking the freedoms of everyone with you.

Kill yourselves, that'll leave the virus a few less people to spread via. Win for you, win for you.
Wed Nov 18 19:39:30
I do if your being disingenuous or your THAT stupid that you cant tell the difference between claiming something whilst we were ignorant and what I posted.

1. Coronaviruses are not new.

2. Even if we were unsure exactly how it spread, telling people to NOT to wear masks because it wont help them was a lie.

It was a lie pushed by groups like the CDC so people wouldnt panic buy them.

So if the CDC is willing to lie tp the public a few months ago , why wouldnt they now?

You also speak on the benefits to the wearer are clear. Thats horse shit

Could it slightly help reduce your exposure? Sure. In reality does it really make a noticeable effect for the average wearer? No.

Does it lessen the spread? Yes which is why the CDC would want to encourage people to wear then even it means to lie and exxagerate and push shitty science.

But go ahead continuing to think your actually intelligent cause you jerk off to maddow.
Wed Nov 18 19:39:56
She only looks like a little boy so its a step up for you.
Wed Nov 18 19:41:45
Auschwitz woo circa 1942 " You guys are so retarded , e need to get deloused in the showers, deeerp"
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 19:44:32
Typical Trump fluffer - deny science and see conspiracies everywhere. You people really are fucking pathetic.

Is it that you're too stupid to understand science or are you just scared of it? What exactly is your fear of science and logical thought?
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 19:45:37
Ah, to Pillz has gone gone full on Trump fluffer retard. Good to know. We've got four here now.
Wed Nov 18 19:49:43
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 19:49:46
Also, just to make it clear, thinking that all strains of a viral family spread in the same fashion is about as stupid as you can get. And that's really saying something with you morons.
Wed Nov 18 19:53:00
Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others
You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.
The mask is meant to protect other people in case you are infected.
Everyone should wear a mask in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
Masks should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
Do NOT use a mask meant for a healthcare worker. Currently, surgical masks and N95 respirators are critical supplies that should be reserved for healthcare workers and other first responders.
Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The mask is not a substitute for social distancing.

The CDC under " protect yourself" says nothing about masks protecting yourself.

Wed Nov 18 19:53:00
Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others
You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.
The mask is meant to protect other people in case you are infected.
Everyone should wear a mask in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
Masks should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
Do NOT use a mask meant for a healthcare worker. Currently, surgical masks and N95 respirators are critical supplies that should be reserved for healthcare workers and other first responders.
Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The mask is not a substitute for social distancing.

The CDC under " protect yourself" says nothing about masks protecting yourself.

Wed Nov 18 19:54:26
"Masks prevent people from transmitting the coronavirus to others, scientists now agree. But a new trial failed to document protection from the virus among the wearers."

Woo, Are you denying this science?
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 19:59:23
"Like you said, there are some studies where it appears they do not help. However, there are more where it is clear they do. Some of the studies where they do not appear to help have some issues and their conclusions are debatable. The studies that show they do help are quite clear and really not up for debate.

The bulk of the evidence shows that masks do help protect the wearer. The CDC waited quite a while to add that to their guidance until more studies were out that showed they do help. They now feel confident enough in the conclusion that it has been added to their guidance."

Over/under on Retard Rod 2.0's IQ? 89?
Wed Nov 18 20:00:50
Obaminated copy pastas boomer facebook ... well to be fair a lot of dumb white guys post this dumb shit too. When you distrust mainstream media and only follow alt-right sources, you become a fucking moron.
Wed Nov 18 20:06:21
The guy who supports Kamala Harris and HRC talking about crazy conspiracy theories.....

Woo isn't worth my time.I am clearly worth his, so go on ypur silly rants.
Wed Nov 18 22:14:17
"Over/under on Retard Rod 2.0's IQ? 89?"

Easy under.

"Ah, to Pillz has gone gone full on Trump fluffer retard."

Pillz has been there for the entirety of the pandemic.
Wed Nov 18 22:35:03
You have to be honest with yourself when you spend several posts starting with "you are retarded".

This is what Woo, hood and tw do everytime

Sorry guys, not everyone you disagree with is a mentally retarded person.

Sorry y20, didnt pay enough attention to you, i would lump in with those guys but didnt wanna insult you.
Wed Nov 18 22:45:42
I wouldn't lump TW in that group either. He just has an unhealthy obsession with hating Trump.
Wed Nov 18 22:51:38
You are correct hab, im sorry tw, you are generally an honest debater though i obvi disagree regular.
Wed Nov 18 22:53:52
But lets get back in track. It is confirmed masks do nothing to stop covid.

So we do what seb wants, which is stay hidden in basements.

Or we accept we are stuck with it and must get infected, build our immune system to fight it and continue on with life.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Nov 18 23:03:49
"It is confirmed masks do nothing to stop covid."

It's truly sad you believe that lie.
Wed Nov 18 23:21:34
woo, do you really think a 5 cent mask that doesnt cut off outside oxygen to your mouth is going to protect you from an airborne virus?
smart dude
Wed Nov 18 23:57:21
Scientists and public health officials say yes, and they have explained again and again and again why that is the case.
Thu Nov 19 00:20:50
what mt and habebe think they are:

what mt and habebe really are:
Thu Nov 19 00:21:41
And yes, this is the only valid response to someone so wholly out of touch with reality. Attempting to engage in real debate with a brick wall only injures 1 party, and it ain't the wall.
Thu Nov 19 01:30:44
smart dude, Not exactly. The sciencs is settled on masks reducing the spread, mostly by people not exhibiting symptoms. Newer evidence and common sense says that cloth masks do almost nothing to prevent the wearer from catching it.

Could it reduce viral load intake? perhaps in very specific settings, but generally I dont see nor have I seen " overwhelming data" to support such a hypothesis.

To clarify, MT and I do not have the same opinions on mask wearing. Clearly most all masks help prevent the spread of viral load and should be worn in public, I've worn n95 masks regularly since January.

I also as always keep sanitizer on me and frequently wash my hands, nothing new there.
Thu Nov 19 02:32:39
I am not on board with this whole Retard rod 2.0, like at all. Habebe has very little in common with Hot Rod.

I will chalk this all up to, some posters really really miss Hot Rod. Which I can identify with, but it has taken an unhealthy form. I think we should treat each other like individuals and hate based on unique characteristics. Sequels are lazy.
Wrath of Orion
Thu Nov 19 05:51:12
"Newer evidence and common sense says that cloth masks do almost nothing to prevent the wearer from catching it."

Wrong again. It's like you're fucking allergic to facts, lol.
Thu Nov 19 08:41:11

"I am not on board with this whole Retard rod 2.0, like at all. Habebe has very little in common with Hot Rod."

I agree.

"I will chalk this all up to, some posters really really miss Hot Rod."

I disagree that it has anything to do with missing Hot Rod. It seems more like scratching an irritating itch or the bully factor. Shut it down seems to have been expressed recently.
Thu Nov 19 08:43:47
Facts: not even once
Thu Nov 19 10:43:20
Hot Rod, AKA Lightning Rod. I think many itching posters ”miss” him ;) you are right, I don’t really believe it either.
Thu Nov 19 10:50:17
Do you understand what actually a " fact" is?

The science is clear that it prevents spreading it by catching droplets and such.

The data is mixed on if it protects the wearer.

Furthermore the data that does support the masks protection of the wearer vary wildly , so at best its spotty support.
Sam Adams
Thu Nov 19 11:52:06
Simple masks provide a minor benefit to the wearer and a significant benefit to everyone else.

This is known.

Nuff said.
Thu Nov 19 12:17:07
Sam summed it up nice and sweet.
Wrath of Orion
Thu Nov 19 12:25:59
"Simple masks provide a minor benefit to the wearer and a significant benefit to everyone else."

I have never deviated from this stance. We've been over this before, Retard Rod 2.0, in other threads. Almost nothing is not the same as minor, at least to me. Part of the issue with masks benefiting the wearer is that many people do not properly use masks. They are more effective for the wearer when actually used properly.
Thu Nov 19 12:39:04
Well, ypir a nitpicky weirdo. I have no interest in debating how minor of a benefit ot has for a wearer.
Wrath of Orion
Thu Nov 19 12:44:42
lmao, mmkay
Sam Adams
Thu Nov 19 13:55:53
I wonder what the benefit of an n95 or kn95 tightly worn is to the wearer? An extra order of magnitude of risk reduction? That good?
Thu Nov 19 14:07:17
Sam, In certain areas such as closed areas with large amounts of viral load they probably do.

Cloth masks how most people wear them I would think mostly protect the wearer when closely talking to someone, say a cashier, and even then minimally.
Thu Nov 19 14:22:05
Do people walk into a doctor's office and yell at the doctor: "Take that off asshole, stop impinging on my freedoms!"

Would they be cool with a surgeon operating on them while wearing a t-shirt and jeans, no mask, and no gloves?

Its all disingenuous political nonsense. Stop trying to talk to these people. Just punch in the face if necessary, avoid them otherwise.
Thu Nov 19 14:29:56
"Cloth masks how most people wear them I would think mostly protect the wearer when closely talking to someone, say a cashier, and even then minimally. "

Wrath of Orion
Thu Nov 19 14:39:44
"I wonder what the benefit of an n95 or kn95 tightly worn is to the wearer? An extra order of magnitude of risk reduction? That good?"

What the evidence actually shows is that when worn and handled properly, decently constructed masks actually do provide decent additional protection to the wearer. But this is all based on the idea that you are frequently washing reusable masks (or using disposable masks proerly), you have a good seal on your face (so a flexible nose piece required, having ties instead of earloops preferred, etc.), you're not handling the mask itself, if it's cloth it has multiple layers and is tight weave, etc. Exactly how much is hard to say because of all the factors in play, but common sense (and evidence from studies) shows that they will help the wearer.

N95 masks will help the most, obviously, but really shouldn't be required and are better off in the hands of medical professionals considering there is now a reported worldwide PPE shortage.

I posted a good publication that compared materials, uses, and so on of masks a while back in a different thread. The simple fact is that yes, you will see some benefit to yourself for wearing a mask (and using it properly). The measure of protection it provides you will drop off if you're not using it properly.
Fri Nov 20 08:46:53
Masks don't do anything if they're not being worn.
Sat Nov 21 00:51:43
Mask OBVIOUSLY stop a lot of droplets from escaping the wearer's mask. They also obviously stop some droplets from being inhaled by the wearer from others.

How anyone can pretend they don't do anything at all is beyond me, it's bloody obvious. It's like watching the world's glaciers and ice caps melt away and still claim global warning is fake.

Anyhow, just because they aren't an extremely high protection like fitted N95 or hazmat doesn't mean they are useless. It's a simple thing for people to do that helps in the 'just passing by' situations at places like a grocery store. Sure if you are sitting in a stuffy room for hours with a sick person mask isn't going to prevent that infection. But passing by a random fellow citizen in Walmart? It is very much helpful.

The fact this is politicized is insane. China (which has the pandemic under control) is laughing at every cult of politics fool across Western civilization who

1- can't comprehend how masks are helpful vs a respiratory virus

2- don't give a shit about fellow citizens. Selfish "I do as a I please" culture is destroying our ability to sacrifice for the price of a healthy culture of freedom.

We are basically handing them the reins of super power supremacy at this point. Between the foolish pandemic behavior of our selfish culture and political cultists killing the constitutional stability of the nation by forsaking all trust in the institutions and instead dedicating self to a favored 'dear leader'.
werewolf dictator
Sun Dec 06 03:39:19

1.8% "infection rate" by antibody tests among mask wearers
2.1% "infection rate" by antibody tests among mask nonwearers

0.0% [0 of 2392] infection rate by pcr tests among mask wearers
0.2% [5 of 2470] infection rate by pcr tests among mask nonwearers

0.2% [5 of 2392] infection rate diagnosed by health care workers among mask wearers
0.4% [10 of 2470] infection rate diagnosed by health care workers among mask nonwearers

likely explanation.. antibody tests give very high false positives relative to actual cases.. and danish study supports belief masks greatly help people from catching sars-cov-2
Sun Dec 06 07:54:56
I was all ready to debunk werewolf dictator but then I realized his source supports mask-wearing.

Can the cuckservatives stop being dumbasses and at least wear a mask now please?

Tens of thousands are going to die from this thing if not over a hundred thousand more people in the time it takes for a vaccine to come out.

These are completely fucking senseless deaths.
Sun Dec 06 10:23:11
China has it controlled like they controlled tinannamen (sp) square. Do not trust what they say. They created this fucking thing.
Mon Jun 07 09:46:12
How has this aged????
Mon Jun 07 10:19:07
And what happened to Dakyron, he was going to a risky funeral. Have not seen him since?

Did he... did he get the 'rona?
Tue Jun 08 08:29:35
Obaminated or his dumb family killed his own grandmother like weeks later. Idiot.
Tue Jun 08 08:54:52
Lots of medical staff are refusing vaccines too. Mostly dumbshit nurses in conservative facebook groups.

Maybe one infected Rugian's dad and got him killed. Even if that were true, Rugian would double down even harder on his dumbass conservatism.

Cucks going to cuk.
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