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Utopia Talk / Politics / why star wars failed
The Children
Thu Nov 26 03:51:33
watchin that shit.

it had high budget,

superb cgi and special effects, action ok ish, great sci fi, established lore, there was comical relief, there was big action.

so why it fail?

- actors cant act for shit.
- storyline unbelievable, for instance in da second movie they waz chased by da first order and 2 of them just sneak of somewhere else into a fancy casino while da rest were being chased by big warships...like wtf how unbelievable stupid is that shit
- a waste of returnin old characters who got butchered, luke, han even leia got shitty side roles.
- a safe play, aka its basically da old trilogy repackaged. like everything is basically da same as da old movies.
- a waste of snoke, kylo is a bitchy crybaby, marie sue is marie special powers sue, even da emperor got butchered in a shitty role. how the fcuk they manage 2 fuck up da emperor? jesus, u gotta have special fuck up ability 2 do that.
- political views forced down ur throat
- disney treatment

i mean a lot of that shit is just unbelievably stupid. big bad ass kylo turns into sissy in first movie. gets nuked by marie sue, even snoke made fun of it in second movie, they thought it was funny to include it in da movie? like wtf.

snoke completely wasted as a character. knights of ren wasted. kylo is a shittard. special connection like wtf is this bullshit. lightsabre callin her, like wtf it turned into excalibr now. gtfo out my way big wookie, leia. she never used her jedi skills until when she got blown out of her ship too lmao and they wanna convince us she is some great jedi master and if she was, then why did we need luke in da first place.

and lmao at that map and r2fuckind2 wakin up at the exact moment and snoke apparently already knowin where he was all this time, big fuckin planet sized laser base gettin annihilated by 10 xwing fighters and a shitty 70 year old millenium falcon droppin 4 losers inside op, i mean theres just too many fucktard moment things included. like whoever wrote that shit was on some big ass mushrooms.

Thu Nov 26 03:57:50
To clarify the NEW Disney Trilogy didn't work. The two Lucas trilogies worked amazingly well.

Most of his criticisms are pretty on point. Except if they were on mushrooms they would likely write a better script than this.I never even bothered to see the last one.

Tha Mandalorian is good.But I tend to prefer TV over movies In general.

Disney needs the anti monopoly treatment....or at the very least they cant just keep buying shit up.
The Children
Thu Nov 26 08:27:56
man this is so sad, still cant believe they wasted snoke like that.

ben flip floppy kylo da bastard.

and then da red guards gettin butchered like that. i mean like why wuld u still fight 2 jedis who just murdered half ur red guard squat... why wuld anyone still continue 2 fight these jedis instead of callin for back up.

r they breaindead or something. jezus what pathetic writin. those last 2 red guards wuldve called for backup in da real world instead of facin them on one on one.

what about codebreaker. like wtf was his role supposed 2 be. like umm he made a deal.
what. i mean what. why wuld they give him money in exchange for info. he was already caught, so he gives info but why wuld they give him money instead of lockin him up for example. its not like he is one of them.

whats da frikkin point of his character. what about captain phasma. supposedly some hardcore captain but somehow she wuld give them da codes just like that.

and then she returns and do what exactly. what a complete waste.

why and how did bibi8 take out a bunch of guards with frikkin casino gil? are u frikkin shittin me.
so its a one man army droid now. like wtf.

i mean just how pathetic are these movies. they wanna us believe they down to 400 rebels and these 400 can somehow survive against da empire.

and then all of a sudden u got a huge huge civilian army armed 2 da tits by da third movie and ofc all of them can beat da crap out of a trained professional army armed with super weapons.

sure sure.

and an emperor who wants 2 kill his own granddaughter for some reason, absorbs both there powers and all it can do was shoot temporary mini emp bolts (LOL LOL) and then all it took was not 1 lightsabre. but his weakness was wait for it, 2 lightsabers.

with a stolen line from avengers as if somehow that will make da movie so much better.

Thu Nov 26 08:34:31
One random thing that struck me was that when Rey and Kylo were killing both the Red Guards and the Knights of Ren, not a single one of the victims yelled out or grunted in pain as they were being stabbed.

They couldn't have the bad guys make any human expressions. Wtf
The Children
Thu Nov 26 08:42:13
finn was originally written 2 be reys love interest. maybe even jedi potential.

they nerfed him after racist backlash. so he ended up chasin after rey throughout da movies but thats all it will ever be. pathetic.

so they wrote rose in 2 be finns new love interest. xcept noone liked her. then they wrote that other black girl in by da 3rd movie and got rid of rose entirely. but with so little screentime, u kinda understand how bad it all went down.
The Children
Thu Nov 26 08:59:30
also just watchin luke vs kylo. and the rest of them rebel scum in the back arguin whether or not 2 help him.

i mean just how fuckin is this writing. wuld it have been 2 much for luke 2 tell them 2 pack there shit before he went out there 2 face kylo?

he held a whole speech with leia, even winked at c3p0. but cant tell da rest 2 get going?

The Children
Thu Nov 26 09:15:04

does that look like someone who is happy. btw that was him right after da premiere of last jedi. right after he watched da movie and realized they written off his character as luke dies near da end.

wanna bet, he never know about it.
The Children
Thu Nov 26 09:47:39
i mean like is there even any doubt on it. just look at his face afterwards.

think about that scene luke dying. it literally is done without his knowledge. it was just a far off screen of him sittin. him disappearin can literally be added in later. it doesnt require his actin at all.

da fact is, he was written off. he didnt know.

only rey and leia knew since they had a scene about it later.

sam adams
Thu Nov 26 12:53:01
"actors cant act for shit.
- storyline unbelievable"

True. I might even have been willing to accept such shitty actors if the storyline hadnt been soccer-gay
Thu Nov 26 13:05:38
Careful, Seb will be along shortly to discuss why you're just an incel that disliked the subversion of expectations (the same general response to the Game of Thrones Season 8 debacle)
The Children
Thu Nov 26 13:06:37
if theres any doubt as 2 them writin off mark hamill, just consider da story.

u got a map 2 find luke. why. becoz he was da last jedi.

becoz his return is threatenin snoke.

now in da 3rd movie, suddenly he wasnt da last jedi no more. leia also a jedi. leia trains marie sue.

then what was da whole point with that map and we need luke skywalker. why culdnt leia have trained marie sue from da very start then.

why wasnt snoke threatened with leia who was even better than luke apparently.

why was luke even a threat as da last jedi then if leia was also a jedi.

they rewrote that part after she died in real life and after they wrote luke skywalker off.

thats why.

Thu Nov 26 15:52:13
But hey, at least we wound up with a Palpatine posing as a Skywalker
Thu Nov 26 18:45:04
Star wars original trilogy was hackneyed b movie plots, with reasonable character acting.

What made it amazing was the set design and background aesthetics.

It was ralph macquarie, not lucas that made star wars compelling.

This is why the original trilogy, rogue one, and mandalorian are brilliant and Solo kinda works.

They are genre films in the world ralph maquarie built, and it works.

The only prequel or sequel movie with any merit is Last Jedi, and that's simply because it tried to do something to break itself out of that trap in a beautiful, delightful mess.

The prequels focused on Lucas's trite plot, which was just backstory for a swords and sourcery genre film trilogy.

The sequels were doomed to be a rehash.
Thu Nov 26 18:51:26
"The only prequel or sequel movie with any merit is Last Jedi"

You are such a hateable human being.
Thu Nov 26 18:52:55
A movie with merit is one that entertains the audience and excites the imagination.

Shilling leftwing politics for two hours has no "merit," because that's not why people show up to see a fucking Star Wars film.
Thu Nov 26 19:03:19

I am only hateable because you are so hateful.

I can appreciate a movie that tries to be interesting and tells a compelling parable that *I disagree with* as at least an interesting endeavour.

You on the other hand cannot.

I may be an atheist, but I don't want to knock down a beautiful cathedral because it exalts a god I don't believe in, in the name of a creed I find reprehensible, funded by wealth extracted by genocide. Do you?
Thu Nov 26 19:06:15
First sequel was a mediocre beat for beat remake of the A New Hope.

The rise of skywalker was incoherent fanservice trash.

The Last Jedi was an utterly bonkers hot mess of a movie but was at least interesting and tried to break out of the rut.

Thu Nov 26 19:07:28
The best movie of the sequels is the unmade leaked script for Duel of the Fates. That would have been awesome.
Thu Nov 26 19:41:00
"I may be an atheist, but I don't want to knock down a beautiful cathedral because it exalts a god I don't believe in, in the name of a creed I find reprehensible, funded by wealth extracted by genocide. Do you?"

To use your analogy, turning Star Wars into a vehicle for indoctrinating its viewers with progressive politics is akin to seizing a beautiful cathedral and converting it into a mosque.

There are plenty of movies that are overtly political in nature. If I walk in to see a Borat movie, I know I'm going to be in for two hours of watching a British Jew lecture America on how backwards and evil its conservatives are. And while I would fundamentally disagree with that message, I wouldn't be able to say that I shouldn't have seen it coming. It's a political movie, so politics were to be expected.

Star Wars is not a political franchise. It is not the time nor place to insert screeds about how corporations are soulless monstrosities (lol Disney), or how evil and white supremacy go hand in hand, or how mos maiorum should be tossed aside in favor of perpetual revolution by each successive generation. I don't need the producer making cringe-worthy statements like "the Force is female," or identity politics inserted into the casting decisions. I certainly don't need my opinion of the film to be summarily dismissed as nothing more than toxic masculinity.

For Star Wars, the audience was there to watch dynamic characters who travel around a strange and exciting universe and get a chance to blow a lot of shit up. They were not there to be recruited into Corbynism. That's why people hated it.

(they also hated it for the unlikeable characters, the shit-tier plot, the dreadful pacing, the inappropriate use of humor, and the pathetic shoehorning in of classic trilogy characters...but I digress)
Thu Nov 26 20:08:40
There is far more enduring love for the AoTC / Clone Wars / RoTS than there will ever be for TLJ/TRoS. There's a pretty large cult following, in fact.

Social media is currently abound with hype for seeing Ahsoka in The Mandalorian.

The sequels have colored hairs who sexualize Adam Driver. Not much else.

But at least they tried to break out!
Thu Nov 26 20:10:55
Imagine it being 2030 and a Star Wars rehash has a fucking Rose Tico cameo

Thu Nov 26 22:17:40
The animated series were ok.

I know a lot of people hate on the prequel, but fuckem . I like episodes 1-3 better than thenother 2 trils.
Wrath of Orion
Thu Nov 26 23:01:12
That's so sad, lol.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 26 23:49:12
“Imagine it being 2030 and a Star Wars rehash has a fucking Rose Tico cameo”

We can make it work!!:

Opening scene, daytime, in front of rolling dunes — Tatooine.
Pan down to show a Jabba-style party cruiser hovering over the sarlaac pit.

Interior: a growing puddle on the deck of the ship. Slowly pan up to show that it’s from Rose, handcuffed, soiling herself.

Pan right to show other characters sweating in terror: Fin, Poe, Jannah, Maz, Zorii, a bunch of rebel diversity officers, the new droids, then, the big reveal: Rey.

Camera on Chewbacca, standing menacingly over the group, holding a lightsaber, 40 ewoks behind him. He pulls off his mask! It’s Han Solo!

[Han Solo]: “Get off my plane!”

Han starts decapitating all of the prisoners, starting with Rose, then kicking their bodies into the sarlaac pit. After a montage, we see ewoks kicking the heads around like a complicated soccer match. C3PO tries to coordinate them, working the heads over to the edge of the ship and kicking them into the pit. Han stops in front of Rey.

[Solo]: “What’s your name?”
[Rey]: “Rey Skywalker!”
[Solo]: “What’s your name!?”
[Rey]: “Rey Skywalker!!”

Solo cuts off both of Rey’s arms.
[Solo]: “What’s your name!?”
[Rey]: “Rey!.... Palpatine...”
[Solo]: “No. Sarlaac food doesn’t get a name.”

Solo chops Rey in half vertically. Ewoks shoot the halves with blasters. A Mandalorian uses his flame thrower to burn the body. The charred halves get pushed into the pit by ewoks.

[Solo]: “Now, where were we?”

[insert description of Solo’s quest to kill all the younglings from episode VIII]

You’re welcome! ;)

The Children
Fri Nov 27 00:46:02
weze already have a han solo, titled han solo and it is trash.

"The Last Jedi was an utterly bonkers hot mess of a movie but was at least interesting and tried to break out of the rut. "

>> last jedi is empire strikes back in case u missed da plot lmao.

The Children
Fri Nov 27 01:17:31
speakin about last jedi, that last confrontation with luke and kylo is so fuckin stupid.

like why the fuck does he appear out of middle nowhere and to supposedly confront kylo and it ends up with him being a fuckin hologram or whatever.

just how fuckin sad is this script. they culdnt even show us any force powers. so basically luke is a crippled old man at this point.

what about jedi leia whom they made us believe is stronger than luke, and never bothered to train marie sue from da start. why didnt she use any jedi special powers against kylo or da first order.

the story is garbage.
Fri Nov 27 01:39:30
It's called Solo, and atleast as a stand alone film, I liked it.It was much better than episodes 7-9
The Children
Fri Nov 27 06:08:19
so da third movie starts as good as da last one ended.

completely bullshittery.

so we get this bullcrap that emperor palpatine wants rey dead. why exactly.

we get this dumb parcours track that doesnt even make any sense.

then the crew travel 2 this outdoor once in a 40 year festival with thousands of dancin locals. they get discovered and bam lando 2 da rescue. he just killed a man in front of hundred witnesses. they just stare in shock as if murder if something that happens on a daily basis... like wtf.

why aint noone arrestin any of them.

oh yea rose got nerfed. u only notice it once u watch da movies closely 2gether like me. but in that few scenes that she does appear in da 3rd movie, she is completely sad and unlike her performance in da 2nd movie. in da 2nd movie she actually acts. or tries 2 act.

in da 3rd movie, she already knows she has no role and da few scenes she did had, u can tell her disppapointment lol
Fri Nov 27 06:18:54
So back to Mando....

Whats the deal with baby Yoda being born the same year as Anakin?

leading to the fan theory that Sidius created both of them. It happened in legends, which isnt cannon , but a lot of shit from their is getting worked into The Mandalorian.

It always seemed strange that Sirius wouldnt keep better tabs on his projects being a meticulous guy.
Fri Nov 27 09:26:08

Who says it's a vehicle for indoctrinating people into ideology?

You are basically saying that any work of fiction that contains a coherent political perspective is worthless propoganda.

Nobody would criticise Graham Greene's "Power and the Glory" on the grounds that it has an avowedly pro Catholic perspective.

Simply asserting that anything that has anything other than a neutral political perspective is "indoctrination" is the kind of unhinged, unbalanced thinking of a Stasi censor or Geshtapo officer on the hunt for political dissidents.

It's you that's gone nuts here, seeking to police popular culture for dangerous subversive political discourse you find threatening.

Like I said, the problem is your political identity and tribalism has become an all consuming crusade to the point you can't even tolerate a bit of pop culture daring to express a perspective you disagree with.

My god it's mad.

Fri Nov 27 09:35:12
"Star Wars is not a political franchise"

The first trilogy spends a lot of time making its baddies be nazi stand ins. The novelizations of the film's went to lengths to highlight the racism of the empire (subsequently watered down).

And George Lucas wrote the entire sequel trilogy in his mind as an allegory for the decline of the American Republic.

This idea that star wars doesn't inhabit a political perspective is daft when it's own author states the opposite.
Fri Nov 27 09:36:13

How up to date are you?

Not entirely clear what the origin of Yoda is, but it's becoming increasingly clear what Gideon's intent with him is.
Fri Nov 27 10:22:32

Fri Nov 27 11:53:03

You are being 100% backwards. Its YOUR political ideology and tribalism thats at work here.

The leftist-dominated entertainment industry is absolutely attempting to indoctrinate their audience. How is this even in any sort of doubt? Its blindingly obvious even to people who don't normally care about this sort of stuff.

The political right is not the side that is attempting to turn Hollywood into a propaganda arm for their cause. You don't ever see me arguing that the next Winnie the Pooh movie should be an allegory for the virtues of federalism and supply-side economics.

I just want to enjoy the movie that I'm watching. It's the left that wants to make it so that our entertainment gets turned into a lecture on how having a penis and white skin makes me a bad person.

Its completely fucking insane.
Fri Nov 27 11:54:48
And drawing on historical or contemporary anecdotes for inspiration is not the same as shilling politics.

Could Star Wars have been considered an anti-Nazi propaganda film if it was released in 1942? Conceivably. By 1977 though...not so much.
The Children
Fri Nov 27 12:44:09
so now we have da full assault on exagol.

apparently entire giant spaceships armed 2 da tits cant navigate shit on there own. like theres noone competent on those ships 2 actually fly. theres no sensors or radars or whatever they use 2 fly these things...

so they have this shitass radio tower on da ground, unprotected ofc. obviously. duh. like why need protection. duhhhhhh.

so when our gang starts there attack on da tower, they get 1upped by legion commander himself. they wunt use that tower nomore! so smart!

so why do they need 2 deactivate that tower again. and why is said deactivation visible from da outside? and why cant they reroute it after da towers been destroyed, like somehow thats impossible 2 do after da radio tower is destroyed?

like who the fuck writes this garbage.

and ofc our heros immediately figure out da new source. i mean theres just a thousand star destroyers there but the one closest is where its at. obviously. duhhhh. legion commander is in it. personally overseeing things. like how the fuck do they know legion commander is there.

and ofc 1 lander with 20 primitives ridin on primitive beasts is all it takes 2 invade and subdue a star destroyer.
Fri Nov 27 13:30:37

Lucas literally says he's making a political point about Vietnam and Nixon.

As I said before, I don't actually agree with the perspective of collective struggle put forward in last Jedi; any more than I enjoy the Power and the Glory means I must be a Catholic.

The fact you think that a piece of fiction being written with a political perspective is "indoctrination" you have to *agree* with a perspective to appreciate it, that's the problem Rugian. Your problem. For you, political ideology has become the all consuming axis against which you measure the world - a tedious one dimensional world view with all the depth of paint. You are just like the tedious Trots and Tankies we used to have to deal with at university who saw everything as an expression of political activism.

Fri Nov 27 16:49:03
Seb, Watching episode 5, S 2 now.

It doesn't take much imagination to guess what the bad guy in starwars wants with a powerful child.

But it just seems fishy for SW to have a random coincidence that baby Yoda just happen to be born the same yr as Anakin.

Ps. This episode is fucking awesome.
Fri Nov 27 17:32:25
So baby Yoda has a real name....great episode.Once again the setting/scenery is top notch.

The backstory given for baby Yoda ( I won't spoil it for.you) suggests atleast one parent, possibly both.
Fri Nov 27 18:08:10

-----------Warning given---------

So now we know where he grew up and that baby Yoda was trained by Yoda, it fits the narrative set put early on that he was from the Jedi, a premise based on his force powers, whom Id think the Sith are just as known for ( everyone knew of Vader and his " sorcery"....but im nitpicking.

I'm leaning towards an earlier guess that Grogu will actually be neither Jedi nor Sith but a force wielding Mandalorian, "the Mandalorian" but it wpuld.be cool if he were.trained in both sides of the force, as is more common in non cannon.
Fri Nov 27 18:08:33
I love how they are really playing about with the genre references in that last episode - the dialogue was very man with no name from the dollars trilogy "looks so" etc. - I mean they've been doing that all along but it was really very clint eastwood this time - and I think the oriental elements was meant to mimic the Japanese samurai movies the dollars trilogies were based on.

The baby backstory is different from where I thought they were going.

Thrawn though, there is a reference. I remember him in the Zahn books I read as a kid, I gather he was bought back for the animations - but I've not watched any of those.
Fri Nov 27 18:15:45
There is a fan theory that Made Windu lived from the fall, perhaps long enough to be the guy who whisked baby Yoda away after the clone Wars.... but before MW became a force Ghost ( died)
Fri Nov 27 18:20:09
The final duel reminded me a little bitnof the Lucy Liu fight in KillBill , at least in regards to setting, KB did it far better than this though.
Fri Nov 27 19:05:57
Seb, Curiosity what were you leaning towards with for his origin story?
Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 27 23:06:05
[Rugian]: "And drawing on historical or contemporary anecdotes for inspiration is not the same as shilling politics."

Most reasonable people can understand this. Incidentally, the ability to differentiate and associate between items and ideas is an upper level thinking skill that some people (and most koalas) lack. People suffering from integrative agnosia, for instance, tend to be learning-impaired, have difficulty differentiating between similar but different stimuli, and struggle to understand concepts in multiple contexts.

So, for Star Wars, most reasonable people can see a difference between *lightly* referencing Nazi totalitarianism in Episode IV–VI as a -background- tool used to convey good vs. evil and *strongly* referencing "woke" culture in Episodes VII–IX as -forefront- activism used to convey the producer's ideology. Even people not familiar with the specific symptoms of "woke" culture and how it presents itself in media can recognize a big discrepancy between a character's presented abilities and the director's expectation that the audience should respect them due to their identity politics.

For example, it should be clear to reasonable people that Holdo (Laura Dern) did not present any clear leadership ability, yet Poe's mutiny (justifiable to reasonable people) was — in the producer's and director's reckoning — supposed to be taken as toxic and incorrect, with Holdo's worthiness inferred merely from her condescension and her inability to convey her own ideas against Poe, who had physical presence, expressiveness, and wit (the non-autistic "other"). Holdo's "heroism", then, is particularly attractive to autistic viewers because autistic people believe themselves virtuous internally yet cannot manifest those virtues externally. Holdo redeems autistic people at large by doing something useful with her final moment, making people forget how inarticulate and inadequate she had been for the whole of her life leading into that moment.

These sorts of plot errors make sense to autistic and brain-damaged people who never go outside because these people truly see no distinction between the internal and the external or the foreground and the background. To them, there exists no difference between a uniform that *indirectly* conjures Nazi aesthetics that is never addressed by anyone on screen as "Nazi-like" and someone *directly* indicating their disdain for men in power by lording their rank over those men without showing any virtue that could have led to that rank. They cannot see the director intentionally placing Poe's men in a line against Holdo's cabinet of women who have expressions that communicate, "Humph, *men*!" They see no problem with identity politics sold for its own goals despite the actual characters having no value, because they similarly believe themselves to have worth despite their own inadequacies.

In short, I think that Seb's "Member" tag should be changed to "Autistic Koala". Seb may also benefit from getting an MRI to see if he has experienced trauma to his extrastriate cortex, since he has continued to lack the ability to differentiate data across contexts. I think we can all rejoice, however, in the knowledge that even autistic koalas can use a keyboard and post online. Bless their hearts!
Sat Nov 28 01:22:16
Rugian, check out the critical drinker youtube channel, he does a thorough rehash of finn which has rose die in a heroic and meaningful way.

Also ill be a diehard for season 8 of game of thrones. Its just misunderstood and rushed. The actual story is sound.
Sat Nov 28 01:37:13
Curiosity, how did you stumble across the " critical drinker"?
Sat Nov 28 04:33:22

It felt similar because it's a trope from the kind of films that samurai movies that Tarantino was homaging; and which Leoni remade as westerns, the way mandalorian is remaking westerns as sci fi. It's - I think - a little playful nod to its roots.

Sat Nov 28 04:42:36
[mild suppliers]

Origin story, I was wondering if there was a connection to Anakin, now I think less so. If he was very powerful and in Coruscant during the clone wars, I think it would have been mentioned.

If they were setting him up for that, having him previously have been at the temple doesn't seem to work so well.

I think he is what it says on the tin now, and they want his blood for dodgy experiments.
Sat Nov 28 05:10:08
Cherub is unable to disentangle that the film is definitely intended to interpret Holdo as being a leader with an accurate portrayal of leadership, which is the most Autistic thing ever.

The Children
Sat Nov 28 05:36:44
and what about da shitty connection between kylo and rey.

so da emperor didnt know about them being bridged together, didnt know they somehow have da force of 1 or whatever that fuckin means.

but wait a fuckin second. it was frikkin snoke that bridged them 2gether in da first place!!!

why the fuckin F is this bullshit. this is what happens when stories get rewritten and rewritten and rewritten and rewritten.
Sun Nov 29 02:17:05
Seb, Im thinking Grogu is the child of Yaddle. Raised at the coriscant temple and all. We dont know how they reproduce, but as for now we dont knownof anyone but Grogu, Yaddle and Yoda.She apparently stepped down after the battle of Naboo.

Sun Nov 29 13:47:24
I had forgotten about this character completely - I'm guessing she appears for a single scene in phantom menace.

Though I thought Jedi weren't supposed to have partners etc.

Yoda, you hypocritical dog...
Sun Nov 29 13:49:07
Also, half his age. Cradle snatcher!
Sun Nov 29 16:00:54
"The only prequel or sequel movie with any merit is Last Jedi, and that's simply because it tried to do something to break itself out of that trap in a beautiful, delightful mess. "

What a piece of shit. Last Jedi was the worst SW movie, other than The Phantom Menace.
Sun Nov 29 16:49:44
Only hiccup: how the fuck did Ahsoka not know about Yaddlee? How does she keep being forgotten?

But anyway, interesting to speculate about Grogu being taught at the Padawan level for ~30 years. Powerful natural ability but still at toddler level, neurologically

Also, fucking lol at CC's evisceration
Sun Nov 29 17:14:22

Rise of Skywalker was terrible, incoherent mess in technical and narrative terms.

You seriously think it's better than any of the prequel movies, which were themselves pretty dire.

Sun Nov 29 20:08:59
Rise of Skywalker was probably #4, behind Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One, and A New Hope.

The Last Jedi was horrible. Long, boring, major plot holes, no character development. It was terrible.
Mon Nov 30 00:19:31
Forwyn, Exactly, Ashoka specifically said thenone one ofnhisnkind she had ever seen wqs Master Yoda.

Now TBH I havnt seen much of the animated CW series. But it seems odd for her to not know about a Master Jedi who was even on the council up to the battle for Naboo.

Which is where they can sneak it by. since Ashoka wasn't around during Phantom Menace.

But Jon Favreau surely knows about her, but wouldnt want to give it away that easy.
Mon Nov 30 00:58:23
"Rise of Skywalker was probably #4, behind Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One, and A New Hope."

I just puked in my mouth a little. Rise of Skywalker was the absolute worst... it had seemed impossible to me to outdo Episode 2, but it did.

Putting it before RotJ and Solo is beyond insane.

Though I also thought The Last Jedi was easily the best of the latest trilogy. Apart from a couple of cringy scenes, it tried to be an original and interesting movie, at least. You could argue for The Force Awakens, but it was too much of a remake for my liking.
Mon Nov 30 03:31:13
I dunno, my youtube algorithm brought me to critical drinker. I watch a lot of youtube channels that break down film.
Mon Nov 30 03:35:40

"major plot holes,"

What, unlike Rise of Skywalker which was totally free of bizarre plot holes?

Seriously, of all of them, the only thing it possibly beats is the holiday special.


Pretty much my view. I really like watching the Force Awakens - it felt like starwars again, but it's not a movie I ever thought much about once I left the movie. In the end, it was too much a remake.

I left Last Jedi thinking "What the fuck was going on there". Its not a good movie, it had tonnes of flaws, but it's certainly interesting.
Mon Nov 30 12:04:31
"What, unlike Rise of Skywalker which was totally free of bizarre plot holes? "

It was a fun movie more in line with what you expect from Star Wars. The Last Jedi was a long boring trip into the vast nothingness of empty space.
Mon Nov 30 12:10:39
The new trilogy did nothing for me... I just wasn't entertained.

I'll probably be in the minority here, but I did enjoy Solo.
Mon Nov 30 12:44:43
Also, has anyone mentioned Bobba fett at the end 2/1?

Guessing they meet up by the end of this season. Djin still has Bobbas armor.
Mon Nov 30 12:44:44
Also, has anyone mentioned Bobba fett at the end 2/1?

Guessing they meet up by the end of this season. Djin still has Bobbas armor.
Mon Nov 30 13:20:48
Solo was mediocre. Rogue One was much better.
Mon Nov 30 15:39:27
I just found rise of Skywalker totally nonsensical and almost amateurishly incompetentky structured (e.g. why give away Palpatine in the title crawl? Everything happens in 16 hours? What the fuck is going on with that knife it fits the ruins of the death Star from a particular angle. She killed cheque, for two seconds. Interspersed with the clumsiest fan service.

Have you read the leaked script for fuel of the fates? That would have been a great movie.

That we agree on.

Mon Nov 30 15:39:53
* agree on solo Vs rogue one.
Mon Nov 30 15:43:46
Rogue one had the most bad ads Vader seen of all time.
Mon Nov 30 17:07:24
rogue 1 is definitely the best of the new movies. regarding rise of skywalker, i found the whole knife thing so odd. star wars doesn't really have a history of having mcguffins (excluding r2d2 in a new hope).

and then the absurdity of palpatine having this huge secret fleet filled with actual humans who apparently just lived on those ships for 30ish years? i mean, would it have killed the story of palpatine's super secret and huge fleet was manned by robots? that would have made so much more sense.

but really the worst part of the new movies is how limitless the new order is. that is why the book involving the decrepit dreadnaught fleet is so much more engaging. both the remnants of the empire and the new republic are desperate for new ships so they race to find this abandoned fleet only to find a new enemy that they have to defeat together. that would have been such a more satisfying conclusion to the movies.
Mon Nov 30 18:30:07
According to Wookieepedia, the Battle of Exegol involved 1,080 Xyston-class Star Destroyers (this is already a system-wide endeavor, lulz at one isolated planet of cultists constructing this in a generation). Each Xyston was crewed by a staff 29,585 - a massive reduction, achieved with highly-advanced autonomous systems. That involves 31,951,800 personnel. Each Xyston had a complement of 72 TIE/dg fighters - 77,760 of those.

And they got beat by guys on horses. Lul
Mon Nov 30 18:41:18
And the premise that Poe thought he could take on that fleet with about 30 ships.
Tue Dec 01 01:39:54

Well, he did send his entire bomber wing and escort against a flotilla of star destroyers in the opening second movie to "great success", it would be Autistic to think he wasn't a great leader, such as Lord Cardigan, who could pull something like that off.
Tue Dec 01 01:40:31
To be fair to lord Cardigan, he thought he'd been given an order. Unlike Poe.
Tue Dec 01 01:41:52
Normally I wouldn't really mind, but the inability of writers/directors to understand scale has become derisory.

How many should there be? Oh, thirty squillion. That sounds impressive.
Tue Dec 01 14:49:52

Check out these scene by scene comparisons from the last episode of mandalorian and Yojimbo.


Fistful of Dollars was basically an unauthorised remake of Yojimbo (Kurosawa sued) by Leone; and mandolorian is very openly homaging the Dollars trilogy, with cues in the theme that are very reminiscent of Moricone's score, and the exit credits being set over mat action shots is straight off cribbed from the dollars trilogy.

You'll note that in this last episode Mando straight up quotes Clint's character at times with laconic phrases like "seems about so" etc.

Tue Dec 01 14:51:32
Interestingly, this thread doesn't have the prowling duel thing that was also referenced in kill Bill - its been ages since I've seen Yojimbo (which I only saw once long ago), so that might be a different film in the genre.
Tue Dec 01 14:51:42
Interestingly, this thread doesn't have the prowling duel thing that was also referenced in kill Bill - its been ages since I've seen Yojimbo (which I only saw once long ago), so that might be a different film in the genre.
Fri Dec 18 17:34:17
Nice finale.

Still don't know exactly what Gideon was up to with the blood. Thought it would be connected with the dark troopers, but they turned out to be pure droid.
Fri Dec 18 18:11:27
Snoke/Palp clone, unless it's a tangent wherein Gideon is trying to empower himself or an Empire contingent.

Snoke was created with such a method.
Fri Dec 18 23:38:03
gideon is going to be interrogated by gina carano, so we will find out his intentions with the blood. glad we finally got to see the Luke we wanted to see in Last Jedi. Luke at the peak of his powers, very cool to see.
Sat Dec 19 04:24:30
Wish they didn't use the CG face though, it looked terrible at times, like a bad photoshop.
Sat Dec 19 04:25:52
I got the impression from the stinger that we are done with the current cast, the next season will be about boba Fett.
Sat Dec 19 04:38:54
Looked more like Boba Fett is getting his own series. I'm guessing the mandalorian will go on about that blade and liberating Mandalore and all that jazz.
Sat Dec 19 04:46:31
They would be sensible to do it more anthology approach.
Sat Dec 19 04:53:53
well, Grogu will be around.

supposedly though Disney is making a bazillion spinoffs though

Obi Wan gets a show, Gina , bobba fett, Lando, Andor, c3po.......


I guess they fikgure if they throw a shitload.of SW out there some of it has to be good.
Sat Dec 19 04:53:53
well, Grogu will be around.

supposedly though Disney is making a bazillion spinoffs though

Obi Wan gets a show, Gina , bobba fett, Lando, Andor, c3po.......


I guess they fikgure if they throw a shitload.of SW out there some of it has to be good.
Sat Dec 19 10:50:19
Boba is getting his own show, mando is still gonna be their flagship show they use to introduce new spin offs in.

The obi wan and anshoku shows are only like 3 or 4 episodes each, basically just miniseries.
Sat Dec 19 16:50:23
The release date was the same as when S3 mandolorian was supposed to start, so assumed they were the same.
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