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Utopia Talk / Politics / whitey savior
The Children
Mon Nov 30 07:16:28
complex comes from inferiority complex.


das pure whitey sellin itself da image of da great whitey savior hero who comes 2 rescue da poor savage tribes from backwardness and chesspoolness.

17 year old is called spoils of war. so helpless, that she kills herself over da great whitey savior abandonment. so whitey must stay in that unjust war ravagin them savage backwards tribesmen in order 2 save these whores from a fate of hell.

this how unjust colonialism was sold. written by fat white piggies for white piggies.

in reality, it was a colonial war where da whitey was tryin 2 preserve imperialism, whereas communist were set on ending foreign imperialists and try 2 better da lives of there own so that girls like her dunt have 2 turn 2 prostitution.

whitey sold itself a lie and da reward was clean virgin whores as spoils.


a pure racist colonialist recurrin theme.

miss butterfly, pocahontas. it all da same repackaged racists fantasy stories written by whitey racists 4 whitey males.

The Children
Mon Nov 30 07:21:18
ofc reality finally caught up with these whiteys when they fled ho chi min city with there tails between there legs as communist north vietnam tanks rode into da streets and finally ended foreign imperialism...

so what happened next was decades of brainwashin with racist propaganda made into romantic story.

das barbarian whitey thug is turned into charmin brave patriotic hero. all warcrimes whitewashed into "heroic deeds"

das girl, a whore but really she is a loyal whitey slave. but becoz she born bad race, bad skincolor, she will seppuku near da end of da story. so dunt worry whitey, u r covered.

and its ur right 2 remarry a true woman, namely a whitey back at home. just a whiteman practicin his rights back home.

and every 4 years, ull do a new show piece about this 2 keep this eternal propaganda machine alive.

sick perversion.
Mon Nov 30 07:28:37
"great whitey savior hero who comes 2 rescue da poor savage tribes from backwardness and chesspoolness."

So basically history from 1500 to present.
The Children
Mon Nov 30 07:36:53
that is how u like 2 see urself, dunt u.

u know what else is based in ur history?
inferiority complex

Mon Nov 30 07:55:25
Me? I wasnt even around then.

It seems like people who go on and on about how great their race is usually have nothing to be proud of themselves so they cling to something they can be part of and build it up.
The Children
Mon Nov 30 14:58:51
do u see it. whitey colonialism being propaganded in ur face.

and it ugly. very ugly.
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