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Utopia Talk / Politics / Scotus distraction
Thu Feb 18 18:45:57
So I really hope they just let people keep murdering babies.

Its not worth the battle, women love to kill babies, especially colored women ( not spanish) so let them and let the country move on to real issues.

#pro abortion#thisis just a distraction
Wrath of Orion
Thu Feb 18 19:35:47
Did you have a pleasant day, Retard Rod 2.0?
Fri Feb 19 00:04:11
abortion is a funny issue. most polls will show that people, by a majority, say they would never have an abortion but they dont want to deny it for someone else.

the left always brings out the bullshit argument about rape and incest babies but when confronted with the argument that "okay, abortion is allowed for rape and incest but illegal for all else" they suddenly drop it. they simply love killing the children.
Fri Feb 19 00:23:20
Abortion is good for society.

It's also a thing that pretty much never happens lightly. No woman is all "I'm not gonna bother with contraception, I can just get an abortion, yo!".

And less unwanted children in this world is a good thing.

Also an embryo is not a child.
Fri Feb 19 00:26:16
why do you say an embryo is not a child? well, lets not call it child. why is it not a human?
Fri Feb 19 00:33:23
Because it's just a tiny cluster of cells. It has the potential to become a human.

So do the millions of sperm cells currently residing in my balls though. They're all not going to become humans. Neither do most embryos.

I mean... if you consider embryos human, you have to throw out pretty much all of the known fertility treatments for people who want kids. Or for people with hereditary diseases who want healthy kids. So much scientific research would become monstrous. My own sister and her wife still have an embryo in a freeezer somewhere (they have 2 kids)... if you consider embryos human you should be up in arms at fertility clinics worldwide. And lobaratories.

An embryo is just a tiny cluster of cells... no reasonable definition for "human" would include them.
large member
Fri Feb 19 00:42:17
To be fair, a full 10% of abortions are 2nd trimester or later.

I am not sure what my position would be if early and late abortions were lumped together as the same thing in principle.
Fri Feb 19 01:43:10
Potential to be human. What else does it have the potential to be?
large member
Fri Feb 19 01:50:52
Medical waste or body effluent.
Fri Feb 19 08:00:41
Im pretty sure that cluster of cells has the genetic makeup of a human being. It is easy to kill things when you deny them as humans, it has been done throughout history.
Fri Feb 19 08:05:32
Its just such a non issue to me, its annoying how this will distract us from more pressing concerns....
Fri Feb 19 09:32:23
How is the legalization of killing babies not a pressing concern?
Fri Feb 19 11:26:15
"Im pretty sure that cluster of cells has the genetic makeup of a human being."

So does almost every cell in your body. Big deal.
"How is the legalization of killing babies not a pressing concern?"

It already is legal. Embryos get created and discared all the time.

I do agree though that if you take the silly position that an embryo should be seen as a proper human being, that this is a pressing concern. Call it killing embryos though. Not babies, that's absurd. Nobody is pushing for legalizing the killing of babies.
Fri Feb 19 12:49:28
Well, negro babies, only until the 48th trimester. Fter which they become 2/3 of a person.
Fri Feb 19 13:06:31
"So does almost every cell in your body. Big deal."

Thats sort of an argument that lends to Obama's argument, isnt it?

I never understood how abortion is legal, but drugs and hookers are illegal, if its your body, your choice, than whats the difference?
Fri Feb 19 15:34:21
I'm definitely pro those things being legal, yes.
Fri Feb 19 15:46:10
Nekran, Absolutely, me too.

I wonder how much the cost would be and how many fewer abortuons there would be if contraceptives were free and able to be mailed put to people or picked up easily.

I imagine most abortions are young, poor chicks. Outside a hand full of crazies nobody wants an abortion, just target them somehow and wam, problem solved....mostly sometimes shit happens.
Fri Feb 19 16:25:56
When the ACA made the contraceptive pill 100% covered by health insurance, there was a huge drop in early term abortions.

Also that tiny percentage of women who get late term abortions aren't doing it because they don't want the child. They've been carrying that baby for months, they've already loved it, maybe named it, dreamed of their future. Those late term abortions are almost always because the pregnancy became tragically unviable, and it's either terminate it or risk the woman's life AND have a guaranteed traumatic and painful death for the baby by trying to bring it into the world.

Late term abortions need to be an option to protect the sanctity of life.
Sam Adams
Fri Feb 19 17:05:37
"why do you say an embryo is not a child?"

Probably because it is not a child.


"Abortion is good for society."

Correct. Unwanted kids are vastly more likely to grow up to become criminals, welfare mooches, yankees fans, and other sorts of scum.
Fri Feb 19 17:59:40
Eagle eggs are treat as eagles.

In any case, it's a good thing for left-wingers to self-impose population controls.
Fri Feb 19 18:04:11
IIRC blacks abort at 5x rate pf white women, who are on par with Asians. Latinas almost never abort.
Fri Feb 19 22:15:55
When does a child become a child, sam adams?
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