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Utopia Talk / Politics / Tanden Goes Down
Tue Mar 02 18:15:35
Quite a fall, man that 40c gain on predict it looks sweet.


The New York Times


The White House abandoned its push for Neera Tanden to be President Biden’s top budget official amid opposition from both parties.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 6:59 PM EST

In a statement, Mr. Biden said that he had accepted Ms. Tanden’s request to withdraw from consideration for the post but said he planned for her to have a “role” in his administration.

Ms. Tanden had drawn bipartisan criticism for social media posts that lambasted lawmakers in both parties and for her work at a liberal think tank.

Tue Mar 02 18:17:14
The Tweets were a problem, but I don't think she should have gone down for them. Going full neocon on Libya is what made her a total piece of shit.
Tue Mar 02 18:18:09
Anyway, they'll find another role for her. Prime Minister Klain finds her to be too valuable to cast aside.
Tue Mar 02 18:50:11
speaking of predictit, 89c gain on this Council of Economic Adviser's pick. some ppl made decent money on these picks.

Renzo Marquez
Tue Mar 02 19:15:00
There's a lot of freebies on there. It was even better after the election when the qtards were still giving away money. I haven't been paying as much attention lately but there's still shit like this:


Election is in 3 weeks. Likud is not getting >= 40. A bunch of markets settled overnight (e.g., Stephen Miller not being the next Homeland Security Secretary - lulz - which was somehow only 0.98 at the end of January) and I just put in the max for just under $850. You can often get the winning confirmation vote totals for 0.99 after the count is official too and those pay out within hours of the vote. You can easily make up the withdrawal fee with a couple of these types of things. I wasn't planning on leaving money on there after the election but might as well if it's going to stay this soft.

On MTG losing committees, I tossed a few bucks on the winning vote total at 0.01 after voting started which was nice. If you live bet the votes, there seems to be a lot of value on longshots (very few will hit but there are some priced ridiculously). Also hit on N for the minimum number of votes. That was easily my best market post election.
Tue Mar 02 19:43:31
i guess they are widely expected to lose seats as it looks like they have 37 (won 36 in the last elections).

Tue Mar 02 19:45:53
"It was even better after the election when the qtards were still giving away money."

yeah, sweet times. I basically broke even on election night and made some gains post-election. after that died down, just been maxing out on the .99c ones related to cabinet picks that had already been confirmed.
Tue Mar 02 19:47:27
new market LOL

Renzo Marquez
Tue Mar 02 20:06:40

Knesset polls here btw: http://en....1_Israeli_legislative_election

All of the recent polls have it in the high 20s. Likud could outperform expectations by a lot and still not come close to 40.
Renzo Marquez
Wed Mar 03 06:35:28
Y2A, this might be worth taking a look at:


Bunch of Yes/No markets. Not sure how many (if any) will be political. Supposed to launch later this month.
Renzo Marquez
Wed Mar 03 06:35:54
WSJ article on Kalshi:

Renzo Marquez
Wed Mar 03 13:40:00
Wow, Kalshi is going to have $25k limits on most markets. PredictIt is only $850 max. I hope they have political markets.
Renzo Marquez
Sat Mar 06 10:38:18
Another PI freebie on the NO for the min on the American Rescue Plan.
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