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Utopia Talk / Politics / John Brennan - total piece of shit
Tue Mar 02 18:15:42
This human turd already belongs in hell for overseeing Obama's drone assassination program and lying to the public about it.

But now he has crossed a new line, managing to become something even worse than a deep state producer of mass murder. He has become...an SJW.

John Brennan: "I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male."


The only thing worse than being a murderer is being a woke murderer.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 18:37:26
i'd go with 'I'm increasingly embarrassed to be an American'
Tue Mar 02 18:42:31
He should sit when he pees.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 02 18:48:58
we don't even know what issue he was referring to (what was "Claire's point"?) + seems a joke

he's not talking about SJW issues in the rest of his comments (& is spot on in how disgraceful so many R's in congress have become)
werewolf dictator
Tue Mar 02 18:50:28
Matt Taibbi
The ultimate example of woke-washing. Man who oversaw torture, surveillance, and drone assassination programs says what embarrasses him is... this?


^taibbi leaves out timber sycamore but otherwise good post

and the woman on msnbc is nicole wallace formerly bush 43 communications director.. apparently she has brennan on all the time.. this is what liberals are now
Tue Mar 02 18:53:06
yeah, unlike before when Dennis Kucinich was undisputed kingmaker in the Democratic Party.
Tue Mar 02 20:29:31
tw, if you are embarassed to be an american, you can always leave. we arent north korea.
Tue Mar 02 20:31:05
also brennan is a clear and cut example that government officials can lie to congress and the american people and never have to deal with any punishment for it. and i mean lie. not mislead or jump around the issue but literally tell a flat out lie.
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 02 22:35:36
"John Brennan: "I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male."

What a faggit
Tue Mar 02 23:22:18
The man always had a sympathy for American enemies. Look at his wiki profile.
Wed Mar 03 01:12:57
” John Brennan: "I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male." ”

An increasingly amount of white males are becoming increasingly stupid. Maybe that is what he is referring to and why he is embarrassed?
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