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Utopia Talk / Politics / fugly fake news murica cnbc
Wed May 05 13:53:15

rofl doing another hitpiece on chaaaynaaa. so deluded it seems they live in alicewonderland.

so i guess chayna lying right now but yet murican government thought it necessary 2 make a bill against asian hate crimes...i guess the stats lied too that asian hate crimes skyrocketed with thousands%

but still it aint true accordin 2 fake news channels. chayna lying...

rofl just see some of da comments. 99% disagree.
everyknows it bullshit.

another day, another murican fake news.
Wed May 05 17:14:47
You really have no idea what you watched do you.
Thu May 06 01:08:15
yea i do..i watched a fugly fake news report
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