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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump's FB ban driven by UK politician
Sat Jun 05 07:37:16
So Nick Clegg just announced that Facebook is suspending Trump's account for two years.

If you don't know who Nick Clegg is, he is a former Member of Parliament in the UK. He was the leader of the Liberal Democrats, a far-left (by US standards) political party, and served as Deputy Prime Minister of the UK from 2010-2015.

As most people here are aware, the UK has an absolutely dogshit record on freedom of speech issues. Right now, a proposed Online Safety Bill would require social media companies to police "legal but harmful" speech, which would effectively illegalize a whole range of speech topics. Scotland has gone even further, recently passing a law where you can be arrested for saying something in the privacy of your own home that is considered "hate speech."

So my question is this. Why the hell is this foreigner, who comes from a country that absolutely loathes freedom of speech, allowed to decide what Americans can and can't read online? How the actual fuck is this Sebbite able to hold that position?

British lawmakers should have no business regulating Americans' online free speech. Period.
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Sat Jun 05 08:09:23
Dude don't pretend you give a fuzz about freedom after you supported Trump trying to steal an election just cause you suck that repub dick
Sat Jun 05 09:04:07
That’s seb’s party :)
Sat Jun 05 09:38:29

Are you sure about that? The Lib Dems are a bunch of SJW elitists who despise the democratic will of the voters, and whose ideas are in turn deeply unpopular with the common people.

That doesn't sound like Seb at all.
Sat Jun 05 09:54:42
Nick Clegg is Vice‑President for Global Affairs and Communications at Facebook, Inc. since 2018.

In other words, he is employed by and working for Facebook. Why should he not have a say who gets to use their service?

Sat Jun 05 10:03:33
Why don’t Trump buy Facebook and Twitter, or either of them, and then fire everyone and put his own people there. I think Ivanka would want to be a communications officer at Facebook or Twitter. They could then ban people.
Sat Jun 05 10:21:55
Oh, Cuck Zuck absolutely deserves the blame for hiring this guy in the first place.

His background alone should have immediately disqualified him for the position.
Sat Jun 05 13:47:24

"He was the leader of the Liberal Democrats, a far-left (by US standards) political party"

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha.

Famous for going into a coalition Ruth the conservatives, slashing public spending, and increasing university tuition fees.

Sat Jun 05 13:48:12
"Far left."
Sat Jun 05 13:49:13
You know what's really funny though, it was cleggs brainchild, the independent oversight board, that reduced the ban from permanent to a 2 year ban.

Sat Jun 05 13:50:26
I mean he's literally infamous now as the leader of the "orange book" conservatives that took the Lib Dems onto the right of the political spectrum.
Sat Jun 05 16:02:13

You do realize that one doesn't need to be a Trotskyite Corbynista in order to be far-left, right?

Of course the Lib Dems are not far-left on economic matters - they are after all the party of the bourgeoisie who look down upon the proletariat with disdain. But they *are* far-left on social matters - embracing SJW politics, supporting equity policies, going all-in on the BLM bullshit, treating climate change as an "emergency," dismissing speech censorship on campuses as a non-issue, etc.

Lib Dems are basically capitalist AOCs with slightly more respect for the police.

But all of that nonsense is dwarfed by their biggest issue of all, namely opposition to Brexit at any cost. In the name of that goal, the Lib Dems openly abandoned their respect for the democratic process and called for the government to ignore the results of the referendum. Even further than that, they actually wrote to the EU to urge them to play hardball in the negotiations.

That's beyond far-left - it's extremism which borders on treason. Illiberal Undemocrats is a more appropriate name for these fuckers.
Sat Jun 05 16:02:33
Seb -

You realize that most people on this board consider *you yourself* to be far-left, right?
Sat Jun 05 18:13:23

The lib Dems are actually Pro free speech.

Of course the liberal party would be of the view that you should basically let people do what they want to do and respect individual autonomy.

That's liberalism.

Not far left.

Trying to prove private individuals gender is the opposite of Liberal, and also not traditionally a left/right issue.
Sat Jun 05 18:14:19
"anti authoritarianism is far left" says Rugian. Shocking Communist policy of radical individual autonomy!
Sat Jun 05 18:16:05

"You realize that most people on this board consider *you yourself* to be far-left, right?"

Most people on this board are dribbling idiots or swivel eyed loons with no grasp on political theory of rationality. Especially you.
Sat Jun 05 19:21:36
Keep in mind by US standards the Tories are probably rather left wing.

Biden by a large portion of the US is considered radically left.

Sat Jun 05 19:23:03
Seb is literally a stereotype.
Sat Jun 05 21:11:20
Is everyone that disagree with Rugina evil or is Rugina just a whiny little bitch?

Also your dumbass dad is still dad. Died of cancer during a pandemic like a loser.
Sat Jun 05 21:11:26
dad is still dead*
large member
Sat Jun 05 21:16:42
I don't think you are far left :D
Sun Jun 06 01:09:48
""anti authoritarianism"

Sun Jun 06 01:40:44
"Biden by a large portion of the US is considered radically left."

Yes, retarded people have stupid opinions. We all know this.
Sun Jun 06 02:28:43

The Tories are clearly to the right of the Democrats.

I'm not sure the republicans can be said to have a political philosophy rather than being a special interests group for billionaires.
Sun Jun 06 02:36:42
Seb, You really know nothing of US politics.
large member
Sun Jun 06 03:01:23
I think in this case it is you that know little about how reactionary the UK is both historically and today.

Seb's comment on MAGA is correct. The GOP is the party of trump these days. Oddly.
Sun Jun 06 03:18:09
Jergul, Comparing US politics to UK is difficult because the politics are just too different. Issues that would be considered left or right are not in the other.

Both the Republicam and Democratic parties have gone through drastic changes in the last 10-15 years.

Trump is clearly the undisputed leader of the Republican party. The Democrats have made a hard turn deep left in recent years to try to become more of a coalition party in order to hold on to seats.

But to claim the Reps are the special interest US Billionaires seems silly considering how influential woke billionaires are in the Democratic party.
Sun Jun 06 03:21:36
Trump is really the most centrist potus we have had in recent times. The left mostly hatea Trump because of his crass manner.

In practice he has gained alot of support from traditionally democratic leaning groups from minorities to unions.

Other than immigration, he really wasn't extreme in any big policy moves, and even that is.debatable.
Sun Jun 06 03:31:59

Exactly, what counts as the key dividing lines in the US bares no relationship to the traditional meanings of left and right in a political context.

What the US republican party has doesn't look like conservatism nor does it look like economic liberalism. It's just a mad rag tag collection of totemic cultural issues and the vested interests of the very richest, the latter no longer plausibly connected to a broader economic theory arguing that such policies while benefiting the rich are optimal for the country.
Sun Jun 06 03:40:08
Trump getting support from workers by promising to build a wall to keep out the nasty foreigners having argued that this is the main reason for the hollowing or of the lower middle class in the US doesn't make Trump left wing.

It means those voters abandoned the left wing to vote for a populist demagogue.

Left and right are not terms describing tribes based on the definition of *who is voting*, they are terms that represent groupings of political philosophies and policies.

Trump wasn't centrist - he didn't really have a philosophy.
Sun Jun 06 03:59:17
Seb, With all due respect, you just seem to not know much about current US politics. Its nothing to be ashamed of, US politics has drastically been jumbled recently.

Unions didnt back Trump because he wanted to build a wall. If anything that may have slightly bumped up his hispanic support, but Trumpian economics and kitchen table issues is its own thread.In short you have an outdated msnbc view of the Republican party.

We do agree that the parties dont transfer well. Parties and what they stand for change over time as well, and sometimes all at once.
Sun Jun 06 07:57:59
“So my question is this. Why the hell is this foreigner, who comes from a country that absolutely loathes freedom of speech, allowed to decide what Americans can and can't read online?”

- The answer is quite simple: he isn’t. Americans can still read anything Trump decides to put online, quite easily. In fact, there’s entire social media echo chambers online where hundreds of thousands of his mushroom dick lickers share his every word with each other.
Sun Jun 06 16:05:27

Missing the point. Something isn't "left wing" just because the unions support it.
Sun Jun 06 19:09:41
Yes, you are missing the point.
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