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Utopia Talk / Politics / Biden SNAPS!
Wed Jun 16 16:22:55

He's done this several times at this point. Dude's contempt for the media nearly equals Trump's, which is weird since they're essentially in his employ.
Wed Jun 16 16:40:13
This is the worst you can do and it's pathetic. Nothing sticks because Trump was far worse every day.

And your dumbass dad is still dead.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 16 16:45:27
he apologized moments later, unlike Traitor Mcgee could do
Wed Jun 16 16:46:23
the wanderer
Wed Jun 16 16:58:04
the full quote there was:

"You all are some of the brightest people in the country, I mean it, I'm not being solicitous. But it makes no sense for me to negotiate with you!"

when there's a 'but', the stuff after is the point... so the Glenn Greenwald snark unwarranted (& sounds more like former guy)
the wanderer
Wed Jun 16 17:01:39
...that quote not the apology i mentioned, just the quote Glenn being snarky to
Wed Jun 16 17:12:02
By former guy you mean MSNBC's Jake Sherman?

What is it with journalists' pathological need to beloved by Biden? These people ask complete softball questions and then get rewarded by Jen Psaki, who offers them cookies and brings around the Easter Bunny for a visit.

They're like children.

Also your "fuller" quote makes it clear that it wasn't much of an apology at all...if Trump had did that, it would have made it into your 500-thread series for sure.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 16 17:42:02
that wasn't the apology

“I owe my last questioner an apology. I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy with the last answer I gave.”
~ Biden... the million times better choice on the last ballot
Wed Jun 16 19:05:14
His handlers clearly know where his bread is buttered.

In related news, ANOTHER judge ruled that the Covid bill is racist again white people...and of course, no mention of it whatsoever on CNN's website.


Does it bother you even a little bit that the current "president" is totally on board with discriminating against white people (aka the majority of this country) and that the media is completely okay with covering up that fuckery?

I never had to worry about this shit with Trump

So yeah, Biden will continue to give out cheap apologies to the "journalists" every time he loses patience with them...and the "journalists" will repay him in kind with nothing but positive coverage.

Wed Jun 16 19:08:40
His ankle?
Wed Jun 16 19:19:57

No, that only happens on days ending in y.
Wed Jun 16 19:58:43
Seb told me those days are racist.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 16 21:49:29
it was a CNN reporter Biden got upset at so he’s not liking them too much

meanwhile, Hannity got an “exclusive” interview with Fraud...I’m sure that was hard to get and definitely quality material to put on TV

here’s Hannity lying to his viewers continuously and then letting Trump do so
the Steele dossier was not used to spy on Trump (and not origin of anything), and Comey and others Fraud mentioned not shown to have done anything criminal or corrupt vs Trump and the Horowitz report didn’t suggest so at all
the wanderer
Wed Jun 16 22:23:03
some Fox analysis of Biden / Putin

omg Biden didn't sit like a mafia don!!!!

also Biden is actually taking up more space w/ his leg swung over... more likely to be in the way

Thu Jun 17 04:11:50
"Biden SNAPS!
Dude's contempt for the media nearly equals Trump's"

Well, have you seen the pictures of when Biden meets with Putin?


Why does Biden look so happy? If Putin is a killer, shouldn't Biden look more concerned? It's almost as he is best friend with Putin. Who knows what they were talking about. Maybe Biden leaked some info about the USA to Putin.
Thu Jun 17 04:19:22

"some Fox analysis of Biden / Putin"

Biden actually looks more relaxed and in control, than Trump did.

Trump looked nervous. Just look at what Trump is doing with his hand. He wants to hold his own hands because he doesn't know what to do with them, because he is also nervous that Putin will establish his dominance over him at any moment.
Thu Jun 17 04:21:59
It could also be that Trump was star struck.
Thu Jun 17 04:41:19

Yeah, he looks so nervous....
Thu Jun 17 09:13:16
No one gives a shit about Fox News. I don't watch Fox and as far as I know no one else here does either.

Also Fox has no pretentions about being "the" media...unlike CNN/ABC/MSNBC etc who seriously think that they should be the be-all end-all for what the American public hear and think.

In related news, here's TW's hero being a total fuckwad again. Classic stuff.

the wanderer
Thu Jun 17 11:41:20
yet, you knew more about that guy than i did... i didn't care about his opinions, i posted for the attached unaltered not-out-of-context videos 100% of the time... & i'm 100% confident you won't find an exception... why am i so confident? as i -know- it was always for the videos (or possibly rarely a screencap of some stupid Fox chyron)

& it's great you don't care about Fox, it still has high ratings & the place to go for most of the gullible suckers who voted Trump
Special Member
Thu Jun 17 11:51:20
Being a Hannity apologist fits you perfectly. One warning, if I may - Once you tidy up his case of headupbuttitis you can work some more on Trump's case, and then you may have some time left to correct your own faux paux.
Special Member
Thu Jun 17 11:52:52
^above posted towards rooogy^
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