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Utopia Talk / Politics / Portland's entire rapid response team qu
Fri Jun 18 10:05:09

Fri Jun 18 10:11:24
Can't fire me if I quit already.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 12:09:55
If this keeps up, we will have to form neighborhood militias to replace the police.
Fri Jun 18 12:42:46
I have family up in the Minneapolis area and that's already a trend there. What's unclear to me is how they actually plan on enforcing laws or remunerating the participants in the force.


Here's a more organized example (unfamiliar with this particular area).

One things that stuck out to me was this quote:

> After a two-month winter hiatus, the Protectors are back.

Seems like they have a generous vacation policy, at least!
Fri Jun 18 12:49:57

Say what you will, but this was a real scumbag move.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 12:54:43
Ya, the local militia is doing a good job of keeping the blm rioters and other such filthy scum bottled up in seattle. They tried to invade a suburb called Snohomish recently and the militia formed up and reppelled them easily. No shots fired but guns had to get drawn.

This is the future that will happen without policing. There will be law and order in our communities... either with police and jails or militia and summary executions.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 13:01:58
"Say what you will, but this was a real scumbag move."

Meh. If left wing courts will not prosecute scum, other non-judicial punishments will have to be used. Since the courts will not punish them, vigilantes(including police officers) will have to step up.
Fri Jun 18 13:49:27
"vigilantes(including police officers) will have to step up."

Good to see that you support the logic behind the protests.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 13:57:12
Wrong. It always has been... and always will be... ok for police to use violence in reuturn against violent scum.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 14:00:44
Vigilante justice becoming acceptable against non-violent offenders and bums is a new thing however.

But alas, left-wing retards are bringing us to this point.
Fri Jun 18 14:10:53
Vigilante justice is blatantly illegal and those engaging in it should be soundly punished. Especially when that vigilante "justice" is to stop constitutionally protected protest.

Maybe crack a few heads just for fun, yeah?
Fri Jun 18 14:18:44
Constitutionally protected protests tend not to burn cities and loot stores....IDK about vigilante justice and all that but your clearly baiting.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 14:21:59
Smashing windows and setting on fire the vehicles and buildings of your city is not constitutionally protected. Violence is ok when used to prevent this. Indeed, arson is often a violent felony where lethal force is a legal response, as are many of the assaults committed by blm/antifa mobs.

If soros' prosecuters stop enforcing the law, then vigilante violence becomes ok too.

There will be law and order in our neighboorhoods. Through a police force or a vigilante militia. Either works for me. You choose.
the wanderer
Fri Jun 18 14:22:10
"Officer Budworth used baton pushes to move a rioter, now known to be Teri Jacobs, out of the area. As (he) cleared (her) from the area to stop her criminal activity, (she) fell to the ground," according to a statement from the union. "Reasonably believing that she was getting back up to re-engage in her unlawful activities, (he) employed one last baton push to try and keep her on the ground, which accidentally struck (her) in the head. The location of (his) last baton push was accidental, not criminal."


what lying horseshit

criminal assault (& counter productive) first hit + criminal assault on the ground + then total lies about it, good riddance
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 14:25:09
It is ok to beat blm/antifa rioters.

Dont want to get beaten? Dont riot.
the wanderer
Fri Jun 18 14:30:43
is it ok to extremely blatantly lie about what happened?
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 14:36:59
Saying a batton strike to a rioter during the 50th chaotic riot of the summer might have accidently struck a body part other than what was intended is completely reasonable, and certainly not a blatant lie.

Bottom line, that cop had every right to beat that rioter with the batton.

Stop rioting.
Fri Jun 18 14:47:22
"Smashing windows and setting on fire the vehicles and buildings of your city is not constitutionally protected."

Then its a good thing that most of the protests had no such incidents, yet were still met with violent police force.

Ultimately, what we have here is Sam bending way over to take all the government dick his asshole can accommodate because it plays into his racist bullshit.
the wanderer
Fri Jun 18 14:52:12
"she fell to the ground" as if it wasn't from him striking her... as she fled...w/ hands up..., but most ridiculous: "Reasonably believing that she was getting back up to re-engage in her unlawful activities, (he) employed one last baton push to try and keep her on the ground, which accidentally struck (her) in the head. The location of (his) last baton push was accidental, not criminal."

what motion suggests she's going to re-engage? (in the nothing she was doing) & why does he immediately turn his back if he fears it... and if he was unaware his baton was going to strike her head, he apparently is blind or not in control of his limbs

the statement is the most offensive part of the whole incident
Fri Jun 18 15:04:14
It'll be fun to watch. Idiot blm controlled areas who ban police will turn into shitholes while communities populated with people who work and pay for taxes will prosper because we will keep the riff raff out, like we did last summer when they tried to invade us from LA and long beach
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 15:14:57
"Then its a good thing that most of the protests had no such incidents"


We are discussing portland, not hood-faggotville.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 15:17:59
"what motion suggests she's going to re-engage?"

The violent behaviour of the crowd the previous 50 nights? Her gas mask? Her previous behaviour that the left wing sources have editted out? Whore cares. Beat these retards until they stop fighting and causing crime.
Fri Jun 18 15:18:03
"Say what you will, but this was a real scumbag move."

What led up to that happening? Gotta know what the officer is responding to before deciding if the response was excessive.

And I'm getting really tired of people thinking because they take a camera to a riot they are a photographer. If she were a photographer she would know getting the good shots comes at a risk. If you get in with the crowd expect some bruises and equipment to get broken. When the police say back up you either back up or you face a chance of being forced to back up. You got to decide for yourself is it worth the risk for the photo. Either way the consequences is on you most of the time.
Does suck though when you get caught in a cloud of pepper spray when you were only trying to photograph the event. Kind of ends the day for photography. Especially back when cameras were not auto focus and exposure.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 15:20:43
"communities populated with people who work and pay for taxes will prosper because we will keep the riff raff out"

Indeed. The evacuations of good citizens from portland and seattle have caused my home value to nearly double in the last 2 years.
Sam Adams
Fri Jun 18 15:23:09
"And I'm getting really tired of people thinking because they take a camera to a riot they are a photographer."

Indeed. Most of the blm/antifa rioters here paint "press" on their shirts, smash windows anyways, and then cry about journalists getting assaulted when the police or citizens fight back.
Sat Jun 19 12:16:29
"Vigilante justice"

Lol neighborhood patrols are not vigilante justice
Sat Jun 19 12:21:12
It's amazing seeing footage of Portland and Seattle looking like a third-world nation, and watching the absolutely disingenuous legacy media and their leftist pawns peddle the skewed numbers of peaceful protests thousands of miles away that actually had the support of the local community, even of the rednecks.

No, the kids holding signs in front of the Chick-Fil-A in Arkansas are not the same group as the black bloc anti-capitalist accelerationists pushing burning dumpsters into businesses in Portland, and anyone suggesting otherwise is retarded.
Sat Jun 19 12:29:10
I humorously remember parts of white Philly (German/Italian/Irish) guarding neighborhoods from BLM with roving mobs with blunt weapons ( bats and such)
Sam Adams
Sat Jun 19 16:56:40
Pitching tents in cities needs to banned. And enforced.
Sun Jun 20 02:11:14
”What led up to that happening? Gotta know what the officer is responding to before deciding if the response was excessive.”

I can’t think of anything that warranted that treatment, but not an arrest.
Sun Jun 20 03:30:20
Sun Jun 20 06:02:00
Nimatzo, I'm leaning to agree with you that, that was out of hand.

However , she may not have been arrested merely because they looked way outnumbered and I'd thi no arrest on the spot take into account split second tactical decisions such as " if its just me in this vicinity, will I get jumped?" Or perhaps he seen something more pressing. It look liked a very chaotic situation.

Plus this was also going into 2 months of this straight, day in and day out. So even if he acted poorly, I would factor in he was doing the job of the national guard/state military , while the politicians in that area refused to prosecute and keep these people off the streets for a week two until things died down.Firing someone put in that position for snapping may be overboard.

And Im not one to usually apologize for police brutality, but they are just people and that ongoing situation was alot to deal with.
Sun Jun 20 06:03:15
But clearly, I also would like to see.before and after as well. Perhaps even to hear the versions of the story from each her and the cop instead of some keyboard warriors.
Sun Jun 20 06:10:44
But it wasn’t just him, he walks away from his squad and then he returns back to them after he was satisfied with the face smashing.

Very short video, but my imagination can’t contextualize it to make sense.
Sun Jun 20 06:16:05
There has to be more video.

I mean he could just be a dick. I feel more hesitant to think so, partly because of what I posted above and partly because, why would they as a group make this their last stand? I mean if there wasnt some sort of reasonable argument it seems odd.

I'll see of I can't find out more about the details.
Sun Jun 20 06:32:19

I found a little bit more of the video.

1. He definitely was with his group, this video shows that more.

Cant tell if she charged the cops, but it seems so.

IDK, it seemed dumb to go intontheir path while they are clearing the street.

Firing seems to be overkill if she doesn't have any serious injuries.

Again, this was a job that should have had the National Guard or atleast state military ( that's soet of the main reason we still have state militaries)
Sun Jun 20 06:36:15
Plus im the US cops do way crazier shit all the time. I dont know how to see escalate shit, this seems tame, especially if she charged at the officer/the street.
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