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Utopia Talk / Politics / when da roids catch up 2 ya
Sun Jul 04 03:54:11
what u gonna do what u gonna do when da roids catch up 2 u.


steve austin

Sun Jul 04 05:11:47
This isn't roids you dumbass, this is called AGING. Father time will catch up with you too, but since your physique never saw greatness, the drop will not look as significant. It is better to have seen greatness and fall, than to have been a tiny ant all your life!
Sun Jul 04 05:18:31
is dat confirmaton dat nimso has da man tittiez
Interesting Facts
Sun Jul 04 05:31:33

May 24, 2021

Executive Summary

The rapid economic growth in China has been accompanied by alarming rise in obesity. Recent National survey data suggest that more than half of Chinese adults are now living with overweight and obesity, with obesity rates likely to increase.

This three-paper Series provides an examination of the epidemiology, highlights the advances and future directions of the clinical management and treatment, and discusses current health policies and public health implications of obesity in China. China now faces important choices. Only by understanding the challenges of obesity in China can successful prevention and management strategies and policies be devised and implemented.
Sun Jul 04 13:44:26
mantismatzo thinks 55 is called aging...

plenty of 55 year old who look ripped, stupid roidhead.

no, this aint aging. this is when da roids take off and u cant use it nomore because usin more wuld lead 2 kidney and liver problems and even death.

it happens 2 all da roiders who stop usin and all of them stop usin at one point becoz u cant keep usin this junk and not have ur body developin problems sooner or later.

and thats when they r fucked. all da roidmuscles aint loyal and disappear like butter on a hot pan. and then ur left with nottin.
Sun Jul 04 13:48:55
Tue Jul 06 12:56:59
Dude, don't fuck with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Final warning.
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