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Utopia Talk / Politics / starlinker base
Sun Jul 18 12:13:36

rofl owned!!

snake oilz
Sun Jul 18 12:17:28
hello ponzi ur old friend,
come 2 say hi once again

Sun Jul 18 12:31:00
rofl da truths r hardcore!!!

yankz gettin owned.
rememba da yanks here circlejerkin about those reusable rockets? turns out it only 10% cheaper than normal way of lettin rockets burn up like china and russia.


Mon Jul 19 06:02:26
Starlink sounds like a stupid idea.
Mon Jul 19 06:11:08
"turns out it only 10% cheaper than normal way of lettin rockets burn up"

You mean it's a full 10% cheaper to use a reusable rocket? Sign me up!
Mon Jul 19 08:27:13
sure thing, ill have scotty beam u up right away, fool.

Mon Jul 19 08:29:34
If starkinknl is a flop, just remember China is trying to donthe same thing, only they have utterly failed to get many satelites up.
Mon Jul 19 09:09:30
Satellite internet isn't a flop, it is the way in which Starlink wants to go about it. They need to replace ALL the satellite every 3-5 years, that isn't an equation that will work out profitably. And they are doing this with 40000 satellite where other satellite internet providers do it with 4-5 or in geosynchronous orbit.
Mon Jul 19 09:15:53
Tesla, great, sapaceX awesome, but pretty much every other idea he has had, has been crappy and outright stupid, even on paper. The Musk facade started to crack for me with his retarded antics with Crypto. The reasons he gave for abandoning crypto was complete bullshit, it was things he knew going in and if he didn't, well then he is actually retarded.
Mon Jul 19 10:02:17
As an RVer, I'm excited for Starlink being available. Also excited to get decent latency & speeds at our family farm which doesn't even get 2 bars of cell phone service for our hotspot.

Definitely looks like it has some endemic issues, but oh well. If I can sneak a few years in at the entry price I'll be happy.

Elon is is either dumb or corrupt. No other way to interpret his actions at this point. I'm leaning towards the latter, but, tbh, also to the former.

He knows how to look smart and thoughtful in interviews but if you read what he's actually saying it's not as impressive.
Mon Jul 19 12:27:10

Tue Jul 20 17:06:42
Nimatzo, Well there are types of Satelite internet, Im on Viasat at tue moment, which like hughesnet, use like 2 giant satelites far out of there (comparitivley)

LEO is the way Musk, some UK company and China are aiming for.

They already have several US military contracts, their strategic capabilities alone will bolster its chances of being successful.
Wed Jul 21 05:09:05
Color me surprised if it ever becomes profitable needing 40 000 sattelites that are expendable and need to be replaced every 3-5 years. On paper it is dumber business idea than the original hyperloop, which has now been watered down to teslas being driven in a small tunnel under Vegas.

He has had a lot of stupid ideas, as in stupid even on the drawing board, like using rocket to transport people/stuff on Earth. You let these things slide, because he is a genius, maybe I of mediocre intellect am missing something. As it turns out, that isn’t the case. Though in his defense, when Musk is punching above his weight class, he is fighting the laws of thermodynamics or other fundamental laws of physics.
Wed Jul 21 08:37:47
Nimatzo, Even smart people will have plenty of flops.

If it was just an ISP, I would be skeptical as well, but I think the US military will find it indispensable.

Im im an area where I can ONLY get sat. Internet, the problems with Sat. Internet are

1. Up front costs can be higher, Starlink still charges 500, and it costs them 1k for their mini dish, so no advantage here yet.

2. Its ungodly slow compared to quality wired net. If he can offer unlimited at 100gb per second, that is light years ahead of that.

3. $100 a month is more expensive than wired internet. But he has always said he is competing with via sat and hughes net, which for a regular plan is $124-174 a month.

Now Im not sure how that is enough of a market sustain new data every 5 years.

But that with the military contracts and the possibility of use on the go (cars, planes.etc) at those speeds, mabey, his luanches and sats are pretty cheap.

The hyperloop was a bit of a flop, but the fact that it was intended only for EVs meant it wouldn't be.tangible.anytime soon.

Solar roofs? Plenty of issues...

But the sending things around earth on rockets? That's happening.


Basically the US military wants the ability to ship 80 tons of cargo anywhere in 30 minutes or less (like dominoes)
Wed Jul 21 08:58:15
"But the sending things around earth on rockets? That's happening."

Is a very niche application, like Starlink. That isn't how either of these are/were marketed and in both cases, there is no large market outside the niche. They were (I have no idea if they have abandoned it) going to use the rockets to for commercial civilian transport.
Wed Jul 21 14:11:23
I'm in the Starlink beta and I have to say it kicks ass. Far exceeds what I was expecting in both bandwidth and latency. The lower orbital distance of the satellites gives truly competitive latency vs the much further away geosynchronous satellite schemes of the past. And bandwidth up and down much higher than the DSL I've been stuck with for a couple of decades.

DSL or slower speeds out in the boonies away from the major cities? Cabins? Motorhomes?
Starlink is going to change the world for those people giving them access to cable internet speeds level of performance.
Wed Jul 21 14:16:35
sure it will lmao

in da land of da blind, one eye is king

Wed Jul 21 14:42:43
I do not doubt that people who do not have access to quality wired broad band are satisfied, but there are an ever shrinking number of you. You contrast that with the amount of satellites and launches that are need to not only reach full capacity, but maintain the system....yea not gonna work.
Wed Jul 21 15:01:48
notice how all them trailers r always fancy cgi and some indian robot voice sellin u how great hypaloops iz gonna be, how much cheaper how much faster how much more efficient etc.

how every one of their products sales pitches r da same. cgi cgi cgi and that basically da only thing that changes throughout da yeears. more fancy cgi trailer


So no one told you ponzi was gonna be this way
ur jobs a joke, and ur broke
ur love lifes DOA

It like ur always stuck in second gear
When it hasnt been ur day, ur week, ur month
Or even ur year, but

ponzi be there for u
when da rain starts 2 pour
ponzi be there for u
like u haz been there be4
ponzi be there for u
coz ur there 4 ponziiiii toooooo
Wed Jul 21 16:09:41
Nimatzo, In 2018 they estimated.it would cost 10 billion dollars to fully set it up.Those numbers often rise.

In the US alone about 1.9 million satelite internet users.

That's just households, Starlink has the potential to be used portable (cars, planes etc.)

Now that's just in the US, but if they can deliver they will practically corner that market.

Now admittedly, that may not be enough to keep the company going.

But that coupled with military contracts, and saving money on luanches, which they get competitively, dirt cheap could make it feasible.

It may be viable just with government contracts.The US has already given them a 900 million dollar subsidy to help spread rural internet.

Wed Jul 21 16:18:25
Germany is also looking to give them subsidies and the UK has a "gigabyte project" in which they are in talks with Spaces (starlink)

I think the problem is that everyone is looking at me as the customer when I think the better bread and butter of the company will be governments and militaties, other companies.

He may pair service with Teslas, especially good for their new semi trucks.
Wed Jul 21 16:18:58
If I rambled , Im pretty stoned at the moment.
Thu Jul 22 11:03:04
ponzi give u just a chance
let go out and dance
ponzi will get u through da groove
u can watch it move
later u can sing 2 it
like a shinin star
but ponzi rather empty all ur pocket on da backseat of ur car...

Thu Jul 22 11:44:38
dumb bitch


how much she got paid?
kinda cool? led lights? going fast? it 30mph is fast now eh?
da future of transport she says. does u muricans have eyes or what.

that shit is comically laughgably BAD!!!
she is frikkin insane and bought out.

4400 people an hour...she literally reads from da script! thunderfoot already debunked this numba.
theres 4 people max in 1 car. how is this shit eva gonna hit 4400 peoples an hour, fuckin cunt.

Thu Jul 22 11:46:07

please shut ur annoyin mouth, her voice is annoyin and her words r straight from da script.

Thu Jul 22 21:29:42
We can estimate it if we knew some rough figures.

We already know the total set up cost will have been 10 billion ( their estimate)

Now that's on Falcon rides with a limit of 60 satelites per launch.

Starship I beleive will carry up to 400.

Starship should* cost 2 million each launch.Musk has claimed they often ship partial loads for free using ride share,

So again their comparative advantage that I think* makes this plausible is they have a rocket company at their disposal with really cheap luanches, that seem to get even cheaper.

Wrote this a while ago, forgot to send*
Fri Jul 23 08:11:23
"yea not gonna work."

I mean... it's already working. Me working from home all day with remote desktops and zoom calls. Kids streaming shit and playing video games at the same time. Wife streaming shit and browsing social media at the same time. No impact to any of us, it can handle us all doing our thing.

I'm not kidding when I say it's competitive with suburbs cable internet performance.

It has also been improving in stability month after month during the beta. As more launches happen and those satellites are arranged in the multilayer grid across the sky it's making the transition between satellites more and more seamless.

This is going to put the hurt on EVERY internet provider supporting users outside of major population centers. And even the big players in the cities better keep their eye out to compete because it's good enough to replace 99% of city/suburb living citizens use case as well.
Fri Jul 23 10:51:26
Starlink looks awesome. I hope they are able to maintain the service at the price. I'm planning on installing it at our family farm this fall, and, once they allow RVs, going to get a second line.

Can't wait. Huge game changer for rural areas.

People look at the immense cost to maintain the network, but there's going to be a huge demand outside of consumers for low latency satellite.

I worked on aviation software for years and the satellite internet is a HUGE market. Some providers charge ~$8 per megabyte and the people with their private jets are fine with that. Imagine what Starlink could charge business jets?

All this talk of them failing due to cost is simply a lack of creativity on all of your parts.
Fri Jul 23 12:30:41
"All this talk of them failing due to cost is simply a lack of creativity on all of your parts.

Thats my point, in home use is a great steady stream of income, but I think it will be just a small part of their revenue.

They are working with some aerospace company that builds plane antennas to build a better network for the USAF.If they van do that, what about commercial planes? Cargo ships? Autonomous vehicles?

What are the odds down the road someday that Starlink 2 is the first and only internet on Mars?

Plus just place holding those space lots for use has got to be strategically important that the US government/military I think will bend over backwards to help this be viable *if necessary*
Fri Jul 23 13:03:44
Plus like in Cuba the US said it has the ability to turn their internet back on overriding the government.

Its an insane power to be able to control a countries internet off and on switch so to speak.

Probably a big push on why China wants their own so bad.
Fri Jul 23 13:07:18
I have no clue.of the maintenance vost but if the first one is 10 billion + maintenance fees, 2 billion for the military to have all these capabilities alone os worth 2 billion a year.

Plus have several streams of revenue in ither ways and helps push the governments desire to wire everyone up to the internet.
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