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Utopia Talk / Politics / what if SUCKS
Fri Oct 15 05:50:57
hands down it sucks.
shitty recycled garbage.

4.5 out of 10

Fri Oct 15 07:00:53
Shitty trash.
Fri Oct 15 10:09:47
So what if what is sucks. I don't even know what what if is. A movie?
Fri Oct 15 12:05:43
What if (marvel). season 1.

it da stupid comic book hero where they change da storyline

pure recycled garbage. like da first episode is what if captain merica was never steve rogers. but da chick was captain madam britain.

da second episode was like what if tchala was never black panther but he was da kid abducted by da ravagers and turned into star lord instead of black panther.

and more of this crappy garbage.

Fri Oct 15 13:32:29
The skit Saturday Night Live did back in the 70s what if Superman was a Nazi was good. Can't imagine why this would fail. We do live if different times though. Back then we were given this classic line.

"Hitler: The Russians are swine! Just one step above the Poles! Two steps above the Gypsies! Four steps above the Homosexuals! Five steps above the Negros! Nine steps above the Dwarves! Fifteen steps above the Gypsy Homosexuals! Twenty-seven steps above the Negro Gypsy Homosexual Dwarves! And forty-three steps above the Jews! Did I mention the Homosexual Jews? [ is assured he has ] Right! The meeting is over!"

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