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Utopia Talk / Politics / Diaper-Shitting Ped0 & Totalitarians #11
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 13 22:24:01
Full title:
"Dementia/Parkinson’s Diaper-Shitting Ped0phile and Totalitarian Ass-Clowns and Sycophants" the thread series!"

Contained in this thread series is a road map elucidating the actions and imperatives of the rising global totalitarian state.

See previous thread (#10) for synopsis of the global-totalitarian scheme:
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 13 22:26:14
Here's Biden's retarded Super Bowl commercial where he tells the lie of "shrinkflation":
[Official White House YouTube; February 11th, 2024]

In reality, Biden's market failures have caused razor-thin margins in businesses as they recover debts following his failed policies. The strategy in shaming companies is to get them to further sink-up these market losses to disguise the total state's failures.
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 13 22:28:36
Aspects of the Climate Cult examined in the Climate Cult threads:
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 13 23:50:37
Thread wherein we continue to examine whether Milei is a Based God or a Mossad plant:

A recent theory that is still being developed (but which preceded Milei's campaign as a suspicion) is that Milei is a Jewish relative of Netanyahu (possibly having the same name). Milei has hidden some of his family history, and supposedly both Milei and Netanyahu have the same origin name. Images show that Milei got a nose job, with his former nose definitely failing the physiognomy check. Autists are still looking into this ancestry, so I'm not especially convinced.

But Milei also did the meme, appearing at the Wailing Wall, visibly crying and emotional, wearing a yarmulke, and 'spinning a fucking menorah' last week:

I'm pretty sure I didn't take the free yarmulke when I visited the Wailing Wall years ago (they try to "recommend" that you wear one), but I can't locate images to confirm. The point being that politicians visiting the Wall and wearing the yarmulke has become a sad show of fealty.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 18 08:29:13
Nimarata Randhawa issues a dangerous threat to the Republic:
"There will be a female president of the United States, it will either be me, or it will be Kamala Harris."

This is the type of bullshit that is why Randhawa is clearly a Regime candidate. The DNC wants her because she's another war-monger who will accomplish the exact same thing as Bush/Cheney or Obama/Biden: global conflict, dysgenic warfare, and the death of the West. DeSantis made a serious tactical error by taking himself out of the running if for no other reason than that it puts Randhawa in a position which favors a55a55ination.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 19 04:29:29
Yeah, so, umm, anyways, about BRICS+ nationals being invited into Western governance very precariously:

"Kelly Wong is the first noncitizen to be appointed to San Fransisco's Elections Commission
Here is her victory speech:"
(Video of Kelly Wong speaking Chinese in California chamber)
"Wong talked about the importance of getting immigrants, especially those who can’t speak English, informed about the voting process"

I wonder what the value of foreign nationals in Western governance is to a global totalitarian Regime intent on dissolving Western borders to manage the West as a fiefdom. Hmm.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 19 07:02:36
Regime propagandist John Oliver attempts to bribe a sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice with a promise of $1 million per year and a mobile home in exchange for resigning from the Supreme Court so that a DNC puppet can be installed to carry out the totalitarian strategy:

It's just a propaganda show, bro!
He's just a comedian, bro!
This is just a comment though, bro!
It's just on HBO, bro!
Don't take it seriously, bro!
It's just a prank, bro!
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 20 03:00:59
This meme has been circulating for a few days, but it's worth book-marking here:

"New York is being ruled by evil people.
"Get out of the state while you still can."
(New York governor Kathy Hochul, who attained her power only because Andrew Cuomo was destroyed and who is a likely attendee of demonic and ritualistic upper-crust sex and sacrifice parties, assures people that the weaponization of New York law to go after Trump will similarly be used on any New Yorkers who get out of line)

You can see how equality under the law becomes a fiction when totalitarian psychopaths attain power. The real-estate "fraud" case against Trump was based in making common practices "illegal" (e.g., evaluating properties based on market value), which means that all of the real-estate people operating in New York can look at these "crimes", turn inward, and recognize their own "guilt" as well. That is, it is not that the act was illegal, it is that the state decided to prosecute a political enemy and "found" the crime (Cardinal Richelieu again). The actual standard of prosecution that was used will itself implicate thousands more, so the only barrier to prosecution is whether or not one is obedient to the state.

This has two central effects within a totalitarian polarization strategy:
1) Those who fear the state will leave the state, leaving the state to become an even more Regime-controlled territory
2) Those who stay within the state will be forced to show even more deference to the state, increasing groupthink and obedience

This is the same anarcho-tyranny formula I've mentioned before with regards to police and the self-fulfilling prophecy of "ACAB" (e.g., here "Mon Feb 12 21:30:51" http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92609&time=1707974695241 ). With police, the formula is that "[no good people would have stayed, so all those remaining must be bad]" — this logic creates its own outcome as people (incorrectly) believe the refrain to be true but then make it true via their reaction. So, at a reactive level, the self-fulfilling prophecy forces people into a false dichotomy where both options serve the totalitarian state: cede ground to the state by fleeing, or stay and comply.

Outside the false dichotomy, other strategies exist:
• immovable non-compliance (stay and undermine)
• malicious compliance (prosecute the Regime with its own lawfare)

There are tricks to this since it has been rightly pointed out that it is *leftism* that functions as an infiltrating force since leftism can degrade from within whereas the right would be enslaved if attempting the same infiltration. A fun example trick is Howard Roark dynamiting his own stolen building. But like, a metaphor.
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 20 09:26:26
Regime propagandists Psaki and Pelosi float the conspiracy theory that Russia must have something on Trump for Trump to not want WWIII:
Tue Feb 20 11:16:42
So UP has basically become a private online diary for some crazy cat lady having a breakdown? Oh, well
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 20 22:51:23
[williamthecoward]: "some crazy cat lady having a breakdown?"

Wow, "crazy cat lady"? "Breakdown"? Who's that? Tumbleweed? :p

You should probably go talk to tumbleweed about his descent into madness — unless you're a coward and a partisan hack who will uncritically agree with the anti-Trump propaganda and the Regime's talking points in his threads and are instead driven here to heckle me with low-IQ garbage that doesn't address anything I've said because you're weak, a fraud, intellectually feeble, and lashing out at your own cognitive dissonance.

To review,

This bothers williamthecoward:
• 11 threads about global totalitarianism that frequently fall to the bottom of the board before being refreshed

This does not bother williamthecoward:
• 43 threads about Trump that are constantly tended by a psychotic propaganda-gardener

If williamthecoward can't face the reason for his cognitive dissonance, then he can pound sand and wait for his free helicopter ride. :)

In other feeding-the-trolls news:

Over the past two or three weeks, Mark Cuban has been engaging with various Twitter anons about why DEI is bad, and this has persisted even after Cuban revealed in a conference (last week or the week before) that he was only engaging in bad faith and wasn't actually interested in opposition arguments. This boiled over when people were pointing out that he was likely operating in bad faith because he's jewish, at which point he started re-Tweeting those comments apparently to show that Twitter is "anti-semitic".

He has since started blocking the people who were maintaining good faith despite Cuban's deceptions. "The Rabbit Hole" ( @TheRabbitHole84 ), for instance, was being very tempered in his approach and was getting a top position in the replies, but yesterday he was blocked. Cuban was in the middle of denying that DEI has anything to do with Marxism and that CEOs such as himself are just capitalists. (Incidentally, almost two years ago I had a long argument with someone in a YT comment section having to explain to them that "stakeholder capitalism" is not actually capitalism, so this was like seeing Cuban getting to 2-year-old arguments.)

On the off chance that Cuban actually views his engagements, I posted a graphic explaining the line from Marx to ESG/DEI to business adoption (tailored specifically at the end to the NBA's Mavericks team, which Cuban still partly owns). It was only viewed 15 times, so he likely didn't see it, but it's maybe a nice reference item for this thread:
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 21 00:31:15
MacIntyre has been posting bangers this week. Here's another:

ABC News headline: "Letitia James says she's prepared to seize Trumo's buildings if he can't pay his $354M civil fraud fine"

MacIntyre: "It’s a good time for people read up on the use of proscription in Ancient Rome
"During the transition from republic to empire losing in politics meant being made a public enemy and losing all your property, often more"

(I.e., Augustus' proscription lists were kill lists.)

This transparent use of lawfare along partisan lines by the left is a can of worms that the left either lacks the long-term thinking to realize or invites from their suicidal ideations.

Creating an anarcho-tyranny and further polarizing the left can only mean a zero-sum political arena. Even murder, who is incredibly disingenuous, had a lucid moment and realized with the Colorado measures by Jewish Secretary of State Jena Griswold that removing Trump would set a precedent of states simply removing candidates that they don't like based on perceptions. But, evil monsters such as tumbleweed remained immune to this logic, even though the direct consequence of these kinds of political acts is going to be a55a55inations, violence, and civil conflict ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92462&time=1703995403018 ).

So, again,
1) The left is either too stupid to know that this lawfare will be their own undoing, or
2) The left wants mass death

This is why, again, I think the left has found themselves in a slavish death cult. The Celebration Parallax is merely how they pretend to not know that mass death is the direct consequence of their ideology. So, using the law to specifically and exclusively attack political enemies isn't happening, couldn't possibly be used against them, but civil war is good actually!

And the worst part is that while they beg for death on behalf of their oligarchs, the oligarchs fanning the flames of this conflict are as immune and disinterested as the people betting on the "Deer Hunter" Russian Roulette game; they simply see this death as profitable and an expedient way to achieve their goals of re-formatting the world. If convincing leftists to destroy their political opponents and act as iconoclasts of the old order's statues achieves this, then they see this as a success. The downstream useful idiots are merely celebrating this death because they know, intuitively, that it is what their death cult demands.
Wed Feb 21 00:57:23
@WTB - It's because Nim is a spineless little shit.

At least slow the pace of this fucking nonsense. It's all copy and paste bulshit.
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 21 03:05:43
lol. The Projection Bot never fails to deliver:
[Dukhat (Projection Bot)]: "At least slow the pace of this fucking nonsense. It's all copy and paste bulshit."

That is, the pace of tumblefag's threads is far more frequent, and most of *my* content is written specifically for this thread (fresh material), whereas tumblefag, dukhat, ep, and wtb copy&paste garbage from Reddit, @Acyn, some flimsy "study", or ChatGPT and offer almost zero personal insights — just accepting party doctrine with no evaluation like good slaves.

And this projection too:
[Dukhat (Projection Bot)]: "It's because Nim is a spineless little shit."

I've been calling the UP-left-fags cowards for a while, and the shoe fits dukhat and wtb too well, so now dukhat will pretend that it's somehow *Nim's* "spineless" interactions at play? No. Nim engages even with liars such as seb and jergul, giving them the benefit of the doubt and good faith even after years of sebgul lies.

It is purely the cowardice of UP's leftists that causes my threads to give them cognitive dissonance — wherein they fail to engage and openly admit that they're too illiterate to even try ("[hur hur, tldr]"). Meanwhile, they remain too cowardly to look at tumblefag's descent into insanity. They simply see tumbletard's madness as a necessary function of the left's psychosis. They *want* some psychopath in a room somewhere cataloguing Trump's latest statements in bad faith, plotting violent action against him (e.g., williamthecoward talking about putting Trump in front of a firing squad http://uto...hread=92627&time=1708500096301 ).

But as I've been saying for years now, you cowards alone will bear the cost of your obedience to the Regime through your own self-effected downfall. Your lies, projections, and deceptions are losing effect on the masses. The Regime over-played its hand in its post-2016 meltdown, and people know now what they could only be suspicious of before: that you were never Americans or Westerners at all — just enemies within its borders waiting for a moment when the tide had turned in your favor. There cannot be eulogies for such people who are incapable of bearing the cost of liberty much less of the simplest requisite of debates which sustain it; "There would have been a time for such a word" but no longer.
Wed Feb 21 04:33:22
Absolutely. The distance between seb, jergul, wtb and dukhat is not even worth mentioning.

One systematic problem shared between them is the unintended subject of the "study" on the dark triad being prevalent among right wingers that WTB spams all the time, but doesn't understand outside his bias confirming context. When everyone in a room more or less shares the same ideology and values, how does that effect the academic output, what are the consequences in social science specifically, where the subject are people and their social interactions and dynamics?

1. Most of the horrible stuff is in the other group
2. There just isn't as much horrible things in my group (because I don't see it as they are within accepted behavior)
3. The terrible stuff in my group, while I disagree with the tactics, I can empathize

Ironically these are all dynamics explained by the same social scientists decades ago as they were busy deconstructing male norms or hetronormativity. Which brings us to the summary point 4: It's different when we do it!

These are people without any principles, intellectual or moral, all of them have been caught lying, reconstructing past conversations, gas lighting, fumble some basic tenets of reading comprehension, never admit to errors etc. Several of them have, at best, a slippery understanding of the natural science, and even when they do, they will have no problem spreading ideological corruption instead of seeking the truth.
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 21 06:11:00
[Nim]: "what are the consequences in social science specifically, where the subject are people and their social interactions and dynamics?"

Yes and it's a very big oversight if that groupthinking team has difficulties establishing a theory of mind for their opposition. It adds onto that tendency where (current?) leftists tend not to even know the arguments of the opposition because they primarily interact with themselves, whereas the right will interact with the left and understand their positions. That left-wing groupthink leads to absurd errors like thinking that leftists cannot definitionally be authoritarian.

And this isn't even arbitrary or merely a general statement where UP's leftists might be unaffected outliers. In the case of that dark triad "study", I've responded to wtb at least two times when he's posted that, but I doubt he's read my responses. He certainly would not have posted it again in good faith if he had read my first response; he would have at least addressed or dismissed my prior claims while reposting it. He didn't even do that. Tw does the same thing. It's basically just that asymmetric-trolling tactic where they congratulate themselves for getting more time than they think they're worth.

[Nim]: "These are people without any principles, intellectual or moral, all of them have been caught lying, reconstructing past conversations, gas lighting, fumble some basic tenets of reading comprehension, never admit to errors etc."

That's why I think a lot of the trust is gone for me (at the moment, anyways; I tend to reset after a while) and I've instead switched to trying to explain what the consequences of the left shutting down dialogue are. I think I've mentioned that movie "Live from Baghdad" (2002) before because it makes a good point despite being a movie self-congratulating CNN:

(Dramatized CNN reporter talking to an Iraqi leader)
"You just can’t walk away. Think about what’s at stake here, Naji. Think about what we’re talking about. People are gonna to die. People are going to die. And I’ll tell you exactly when they’re going to die. They’re going to die when the talking stops. So, we’ve got to keep talking. You and me got to keep talking. We got to keep talking until we’re old men. Okay? Because soon as the talking stops, we’re dead. Look, maybe I’ll never understand you. Maybe we’re not supposed to understand each other, but as long as we stay talking we stay alive. It’s worth an interview."

Ironically, this scene was where a reporter was trying to get an interview with an Iraqi leader before U.S. military strikes so that the public could understand what the conflict was about and how it might be avoided. Similarly, you might see why they didn't want an interview with Putin ( http://uto...hread=92592&time=1708256615805 ); they want conflict to continue. The same logic is why the left has been propagandized to not speak with the right. It's the entire de-platform movement and the "Nazi"-slinging (e.g., "punch a Nazi") and thought-terminating clichés. It's designed for conflict, and I'm not sure the left realizes how ill-equipped they are for conflict or that they're being used to de-stabilize the West.

[Nim]: "they will have no problem spreading ideological corruption instead of seeking the truth."

Speaking of truth in terms of that dark triad "study", I mentioned to wtb after his most recent spam that it's pretty absurd on its face to think that the *right* can be implicated for mental health issues when the left freely admits its mental health issues but merely spins them as positives or quirky. Soon afterwar his latest posting, this Twitter person made a useful list of counter-studies which show things about the left that would not surprise anyone:
As a thread:

• "Leftists are less attractive"
• "Leftists are shorter and poorer"
• "Leftists are weaker"
• "Men with more masculine faces are more likely to be explicitly prejudiced (i.e. not Leftist)"
• "Leftists are more mentally ill"
• "Leftists are more unhappy"
• "Leftists are more neurotic / emotionally unstable"
• "Leftists have lower disgust sensitivity"
• "Leftists don't believe that disgusting things are immoral"
• "Leftists have incomplete moral foundations, are individually rather than group-focused"
• "Simulating brain damage makes people Left-Wing"
• "Leftists have smaller amygdalas (part of the brain responsible for processing threats, among other things) ... Smaller amygdala... correlates with increased mental illness"
• "A damaged amygdala reduces threat-perception"
• "People with amygdala damage experience sudden uncontrollable fear and panic when threatened (sound familiar?)"
• Women with more feminine faces, lower testosterone, and higher estrogen have greater maternal tendencies (e.g. don't kill their babies, like Leftists)"
• "Leftist women are less attractive"
• "Leftist men have lower testosterone; giving moderate Leftists steroids makes them more Right-Wing"
• "Men with higher testosterone lie less frequently"
• "Men with higher testosterone are more likely to adopt heterodox positions, question consensus, impartially analyze information"
• "Higher testosterone correlates with increased ingroup preference and outgroup discrimination"
• "High testosterone produces prosocial behavior and heightened ingroup preference in the face of external threats, while low testosterone produces selfish behavior (again, does this sound familiar?)"
• "Envy, selfishness, egalitarianism, and willingness to harm the innocent predict economic Leftism/redistribution"
• "Narcissism and psychopathy predict anti-hierarchical aggression (i.e. Leftists wanting to destroy society)"
• "Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy predict virtuous victimhood signaling"
• "Virtue signalers are hypocrites"
• "Psychopaths mimic prosocial personality traits to get women"
• "Leftists are anti-White"
• "Normal people are subconsciously more empathetic toward their own race"
• "To save the lives of others, Leftists are willing to kill innocent Whites but not innocent Blacks"
• "Leftists are more tolerant of anti-White than anti-Black discrimination"
• "Being exposed to anti-White ideology makes Leftists more anti-White"

From a purely strategic standpoint, you can see why people who fit these criteria would be more useful to a Regime that is attempting to de-stabilize a nation. The CIA specifically enabled groups such as this in foreign nations in order to effect Regime changes. If UP's leftists could realize both that these criteria make them useful and that they would not like the intended Regime change, then there could be a whole new dialogue.
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 24 22:50:55
MSNBC host worried that "Christian Nationalists"* might actually believe that their rights come from a higher power and that therefore such rights cannot be dissolved by the state:
[February 23rd, 2024]

The totalitarian state must do-away with such ideas because if your rights cannot be violated by the state then the state cannot be totalizing.

*And as an aside, this term "Christian Nationalists" has been seeded as a Regime "Two Minutes Hate" phrase for over a year now. It's become another thought-terminating cliché for "Regime enemy". The Regime's goal is to make it seem as though Christians who want a return to the foundation values of these United States are actually a *danger* to these United States.

It is, of course, the opposite, since even among the explicitly "Christian Nationalist" groups the worst-case scenario (by the left's perspective) is a codified preference/protection for Christianity as opposed to a suicidal non-preference against one's own history (suicidal in preferring/accepting instead, e.g., Judaism, Islam). The more reasonable arguments tend to be that an explicitly Christian state would be a possible remedy for this present issue of infiltrating anti-West global powers. There are obvious issues to this remedy, such as Christianity's own infiltration merely allowing these infiltrators another vector (as warned by Nietzsche in "The AntiChrist"), so I am not personally sold by the idea despite its medium-term utility.

However, these Christians that the Regime tries to call "Christian Nationalists" but who do not call themselves this title (i.e., looking now at their actual arguments) tend to be recognizing a specific United States identity: that of the "White Anglo-Saxon Protestants" (WASPs). This stems from the correct recognition that the United States was formed with an understanding that a particular type of religious and ethnic people would be best fit for upholding the causes of liberty (the oft-cited 1798 John Adams quotation: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other"). So the so-called "Christian Nationalists" are merely seeking the proper sovereigns of society, attempting to answer the question, "Who is most fit to protect Western liberty?").

James Lindsay's cultists are being taught by Lindsay to oppose Christian Nationalism as a solution, but Lindsay's only valuable argument (and this, even, is between the lines, since he's incompetent on the issue) is that Christians who are swayed by the idea of a Christian nation should not allow themselves to be labeled as "Christian Nationalists" by the Regime, since this feeds into the Regime's thought-terminating cliché and allows all arguments behind the label to be disregarded by useful idiots who fall for the trick. This would be the Kierkegaard argument against negative labeling. Lindsay does not make this argument but instead stupidly dismisses the entire movement, accomplishing the Regime's bidding in a more circular way.

A good example of the Regime's application of the trick is in another UP thread ("GOP: No trannies in girls bathrooms" http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92631&time=1708832821830 ). By getting useful idiots to see someone like this Pastor Bobby L. Leonard as representative of a Christian Nationalist movement, they will fear this type of person — who has no institutional power and has only an impotent political following — as a figurehead to call upon for why they (the useful idiots) must oppose liberty. This same strategy was used in the Regime's highlighting Todd Akin's line, "If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down" (NYT, 2012 https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/21/us/politics/rep-todd-akin-legitimate-rape-statement-and-reaction.html ).

The short version of the Regime's deception tactic being:
1) Identify the arguments that your opposition could use to successfully counter your destruction of society (e.g., arguments for liberty, for sovereignty, for negative rights).
2) Find a "low-class" figurehead who poorly represents those values (e.g., Akin, Leonard, Trump).
3) Code those values as "belonging" to that figurehead/group by labeling those as "his" or of a named movement (e.g., "Trump", "Trumpism", "MAGA movement", "Christian Nationalism", "white supremacy").

Step 3 forms a fallacy of association between these opposition arguments and thought-terminating clichés (e.g., "liberty" is associated with "Trumpism"):
• To the Regime's especially low-IQ useful idiots, they do not even hear the opposition arguments but instead simply react negatively to hearing the cliché (e.g., "[Anything called 'Trumpism' is bad, end of story.]").
• To those with only slightly greater IQ (e.g., mid-wits), the false association will *also* make them believe that the idea given the cliché is "bad" (e.g., they will believe, "[Liberty is bad.]").
• When given university backing, this mid-wit thought process is simply elevated with language via inter-connected clichés to obscure this simple coding and lend it false legitimacy (e.g., "[Liberty is bad because of systemic structures of inequity and histories of white supremacy and Christian Nationalism that disadvantage minority communities of color in the Global South.]")

The entire venture is to appeal to mob rule since the mob is often incapable of any depth of thinking. The mob lines were able to thrive on pre-Musk Twitter due to character limits which limit depth, whereas longer examinations cause people to think of the consequences of their ideology. The leftist ideology of resentment works effectively on this mob process, since resentment simply wishes to discharge its ill will on its betters with no thought of the future — like the scorpion on the frog's back.

So, if the low-IQ left can believe that "[Those pesky, low-class Christians]" believe that natural rights are inviolable and derived from a Creator, then those natural rights must be "bad" and the Totalitarian State instead must be given this express power, with all rights coming from the Totalitarian State.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 26 02:26:39
Pretty much all of the right-wing indy and semi-indy outlets are talking about Google's "Gemini" A.I. program being overtly anti-White, and what's kind of sad is that Radio Rwanda is so "normal" now that this almost just registers as another obligatory data point (i.e., frogs are boiling):
The simple truth is that there is a concerted effort to effect mass-violence against White people as a strategy of genocide and disempowerment in Western nations and that this is being led by a coalition of asset managers under the United Nations so that the new oligarchs can control a global post-economic society of enslavement, but this is rarely stated outright.

And this is also an opportunity to show how identical coverage of various cultural issues has become. This is similar to a phenomenon where people erroneously believe that they have discovered some piece of media from the past like an archeologists with a divine magnifying glass... only to find that everyone is talking about the same thing because that media is mass-produced within a cultivated system (e.g., thinking that seeing "The Mod Squad" (1999) is a revelation rather than just a product of HBO placing it on their featured page).

This gets painfully redundant, so I've gone through these and put any distinct information underneath each. This does not include people who were (so-far) largely silent on the issue, such as James Lindsay, Candace Owens, or the largely discredited "Intellectual Dark Web" (Weinstein brothers, Sam Harris, etc.).

• Crowder (at about 53:30)
[February 22nd, 2024]
("It clearly hates White people"; also includes Sundar Pichai's role (i.e., not just one programmer (Jack Krawczyk) as some other pundits suggest); Crowder's team does generate their own images; does also show that the idea of "German" can be mixed-race but the idea of "Congolese" can only be black (i.e., the recognition that multi-culturalism is only forced on White societies); does point out that this is social-engineering; talks about the left-wing media monopoly and how the right needs to de-couple)

• Mark Dice
[February 22nd, 2024]
(Points out that this is a trend of Anti-Whiteism that he has covered before; Dice is not shy about naming the J's, though he keeps this subtle in his videos and refers people to his books)

• Lotus Eaters
[February 22nd, 2024]
(They generate more nationalities than other sources; show some tricks to fool Gemini into showing White people in an effort to avoid making black people look bad; Harry (at 20:00) brings up Great Replacement and manipulations of representation for this goal; show that this connects back to "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber" (2017 issue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google%27s_Ideological_Echo_Chamber ); connect this to Google's DEI hiring policy and culture; points out that it's not just Google's A.I. — it is a known issue with image searches and regular searches; "It only goes one way" (repressive tolerance); a wider issue of reflecting "the culture of the West")

• Liberal Hivemind
[February 23rd, 2024]
("It only goes one direction" (repressive tolerance) but immediately makes the boomer statement of "[the left are the *real* racists]"; "erasure of Whiteness" (he refuses to recognize that it's literally "White people" not "Whiteness"); talks about left-wing narrative control)

• Danny Polishchuk
[February 23rd, 2024]
(Comedy skit; poses as a White Google employee and jokes about how White people have to be suicidal or they'll get fired; makes the false conclusion that this stops if Biden is elected (interesting deception, since this accelerates to its final conclusion if Biden is re-elected; difficult to tell if that was a joke in keeping with the skit's wider joke or a true belief outside of the joke))

And even Conservative Inc. got into it:

• Gutfeld
[February 23rd, 2024]
(Points out that this is due to Jack Krawczyk, that this reflects the programmer, and that Google holds major narrative power; one of the guests, Julie Banderas, *takes* (legitimizes) the Regime's repressive-tolerance talking points about how White people shouldn't get to talk about racism; Gutfeld seems to (erroneously) believe that it's "just one person" (Krawczyk), which fails to understand how these bureaucracies function; Fox/Gutfeld is basically critiquing while staying in the Regime narrative on this one)

• Ben Shapiro (DailyWire)
[February 22nd, 2024]
(In his deceptive fashion, he simply points out that it's adding diversity but avoids the implications of its Anti-White rhetoric despite the video having "Anti-White" in the title. This is unsurprising because Shapiro recently doubled down on his 2017 belief that he "[doesn't care] about the so-called "browning of America."" (2017 Tweet: http://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/875730927002963968 )

• Brett Cooper (DailyWire)
[February 23rd, 2024]
(Talks about historical accuracy being subverted; also points out that Gemini protects the NAMBLA crowd; does at least point out that it's a one-way street (i.e., repressive tolerance))

• Matt Walsh (DailyWire)
[February 23rd, 2024]
(Actually gives novel information and editorial insight; explains that on top of the anti-White bias, the program injects additional search terms to force diversity; talks about how this is social-engineering by moral busybodies such as Google's Jack Krawczyk; calls out the Great Replacement, though subtly)

• TimCast
[February 24th, 2024]
(Completely side-tracks talking about left-wing media giving false and incomplete information; Tim Pool has a huge blindspot for the Great Replacement and always avoids the issue)

1) On the one hand, you can see how conservative media is attempting the left's same tactic, which is to flood the zone so that no matter who you follow you still see the same 24-hour-news-cycle events. This allows the right to set narratives whereas previously the yellow-journalism of the left had a near-total monopoly on narrative (pre-Internet punditry). The risk is that this devolves into the left's homogenized messaging and falsification of "grassroots" conclusions (i.e., the risk is that it all just becomes the narrative that the Regime prefers — whether left or right).

2) On the other hand, you can see that some conservative media only cover it dutifully (very few conclusions, connections, or necessary editorializing), and there is a mix of those attempting to red-pill and those attempting to gate-keep. Fox News, for instance, attempts to gate-keep (i.e., "[Look no further, boomers]"), Shapiro deceives by omission (i.e., "[What a strange thing the left is doing; oh well, give Israel more money]"), Walsh leaves the door open (i.e., "[This is related to other issues]"), Cooper offers nothing (i.e., dutifully covers to waste time — manipulating the attention economy and preventing deeper knowledge), and only Dice and Lotus Eaters explicitly say what is going on (albeit this list is not the entire right-wing network).

In other words, we see a line (from) controlled opposition (to) functional conclusions which moves like this (arrows added for major breaks):

(Total cowardice / Regime Controlled)
• Gutfeld (FoxNews) — outright supports Regime narratives
• Ben Shapiro (DailyWire) — evades conclusions; wastes time
• Brett Cooper (DailyWire) — zero insight; wastes time
• TimCast — deflection/avoidance
• Liberal Hivemind — cowardice/avoidance
• Matt Walsh (DailyWire) — some insight, less avoidance
• Crowder — some insight, some acceptance, but remains in Overton Window
• Danny Polishchuk — some insight, some deception
• Mark Dice — insight, coded language, referral to true insight to maintain platform (channel monetized)
• Lotus Eaters — risky insight (channel is already demonetized), less coded language, outright recognition without referral to other works
(Aware of the scheme, the dialectic, and the goals)

This can similarly be mapped to a hierarchy of Regime media to independent media, e.g.,
• Legacy Media — Regime controlled boomer-truths (e.g., Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook)
• New (but still false/cowardly) Media — Still in the Regime's prestige network, still caters to the left, controlled opposition disguised as independence (e.g., DailyWire, The Post Millennial, TimCast, Liberal Hivemind)
• Informed Media — Outside the prestige network, sensitive to and critical of controlled opposition, often demonetized or uses heavily coded language to evade censorship, often too niche to be effective (e.g., Lotus Eaters, Dice, Parvini, MacIntyre, Millerman, Nuclear Grifter, Leather Apron Club)
• Completely Silenced Media — Frens on burner accounts, Odyssey channels that get shadow-banned, fed-posting without feds, bit-chute documentaries (e.g., Adam Green, Thomas Sewell, Europa the Last Battle)

And this also maps onto errors that we still see leftists in this forum make. That is, UP's low-information leftists still mistake the entirety of the right as being "Fox News" or "Facebook meme" products (a common refrain of Dukhat, williamthecoward, and tumbleweed) whereas they do not comprehend the rest of the right's Overton Window. Now, per item "1)" (above), an informed leftist could use my argument here to claim that the right suffers from the left's same psychosis network (the left's network being something I cover here under "As a quick side note" https://cherubcow.substack.com/p/more-of-the-ray-epps-saga ), my argument being that the Psychosis Accounts are merely Astro-Turfed with the Regime's identical messaging.

But, this simply is not the case with the right. This is because the Regime's Psychosis Network is *funded* explicitly by the Regime (i.e., their messages are approved and are identical from MSNBC all the way to Vaush, JoJoFromJerz, and Acyn and many of these Psychosis Accounts were even invited to the White House), whereas the right's Overton Window is contained and not funded. You can even see how quickly this funding drops off after Crowder and DailyWire: Crowder has Rumble contracts and a large following of former Fox News viewers (semi-legitimate) and DailyWire has institutional investors (Jeremy Boreing, Musk, large-scale advertisement networks; mixed legitimate with illegitimate), whereas Lotus Eaters always seems to be a few thousand dollars from total failure (almost purely crowd-funded).

The best case for a leftist/BlueAnon conspiracy here is that having zero funding makes people seem "authentic". A second-best would be similar to Lindsay's argument that anything not purely '90s liberalism is just a useful reactionary group for the Regime to oppose (i.e., impotent inaction as a preferable state to actually organizing and responding). But, it is far more likely that the Regime truly opposes a legitimate "far right" not just to seed narratives against reactionaries but to suppress the sharing of ideas which could allow a counter-totalitarian movement. This goes back to my previous post ("Sat Feb 24 22:50:55") where the right should avoid adopting labels but instead should adopt principled strategies which oppose totalitarianism. This stands in opposition to those right-wing people who make errors such as "[I may as well call myself racist if the left is going to keep using that word!]" (the error of the Lupercalian wolf: engaging in the sin *after* the accusation; indulging for gratification before consequences arrive) and aligns more with the Lotus Eaters' attempt to brand "sensible centrism" as their political identity. The Lotus Eaters strategy forces the Regime to use their stated ideology when describing them, and low-information people exposed to this title would therefore respond to the title (The same trick that "Antifa" uses but without the deception, since on the right this forces the Regime to deceive and allows the right to re-claim the center).

In short, if you still believe you're getting the full fact pattern from Fox News or Shapiro, you may as well be a leftist from 2 years ago. The smear-job Fight Club formula is at play:
(a) Audience size
(b) Proximity to truth
(c) Effectiveness
If "x" exceeds the Regime's tolerance for an Overton Window setback, they will smear.
Is one variable large (e.g., popular) yet no smear?
Then other items are too low (e.g., low truth).

That is, programs with large audiences and corporate funding are likely to reflect the Regime's cultivated garden, merely corralling the right-wing to start marching as it lags behind the left-wing revolution. The strategy instead for operating amidst the Regime's control of propaganda is to reference the next red pills. So, even though TimCast is in itself a model of cowardice that has failed to reconcile the truth even 7 years after the 2016 mask-off, TimCast can be credited for platforming people such as Auron MacIntyre, and MacIntyre can be credited for platforming people such as Patrick Casey, the Distributist, and Millerman. This allows informed audiences to examine the ideas outside of the Regime's Overton Window while adopting the conclusions within a new Window which denies the Regime ammunition for counter-attacks (e.g., avoiding self-identification which the Regime can weaponize).

This connects also with my refusal to adopt the "Global American Empire" (GAE) lie (largely from Parvini) or the "Critical consciousness" lie ("critical consciousness" as an synonym for "woke"). Both deny the reality of the situation by accepting a false vocabulary. On the right, "critical consciousness" is a coward's euphemism for slave morality, and the GAE is a "Noble Lie" for the global infiltration of governance. Ayn Rand made similar mistakes by using the word "Selfishness" to be sensational rather than exclusively using her actual meaning: rational self-interestedness and natural rights. It is the left's division of Inner and Outer Party which effects totalitarianism through these euphemisms — tricking the Outer Party into compliance with the euphamism while providing the nuanced meaning for only the Inner Party (e.g., "Whiteness" to deceive the Inner Party and actual White people to drive action for the Outer Party). The right must adopt terminology which obfuscates nothing so that it does not create such leftist monsters.

"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 26 05:31:48
Britain's beautiful Birmingham:

You see? Diversity has given this city so much foreign slop that who cares if the imported foreigners treat their surroundings like an open dump!
Rubbish piles are our strength!
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 26 07:16:09
Say what you will about the "Free Palestine" message itself, but self-immolating is no small act — much less committing to it once the pain arrives — and the comments blanketing this linked video (which may be taken down shortly) with claims such as "pathetic" (@WatchLoverRolly) or "stupid" (@NastaJeffrey) are absolutely unhinged. These people have no reverence for life, and so I hope they are mere sock puppets attempting to shift public opinion.

(USAF airman Aaron Bushnell sets himself on fire in front of Israeli embassy in D.C.; he was rushed to the hospital and while no official reports currently say that he died, it seems likely that he will/did in particular because he probably flash-burned his lungs)


People also need to realize that this is more than just the impact of propaganda on the cult left (it is believed that Bushnell was a leftist who supported Biden). This truly is a global slave revolt in morality, and the left is attempting to un-seat Jews as the beneficiaries of that revolt by turning the "oppressor" label against them. Public self-immolation is a major blow to the Jewish narrative of "oppressed" status, and accounts such as Laura Loomer are revealing this through their psychotic counter-signalling ("Fuck him. He is a traitor to his country who lit himself on fire to support HAMAS" http://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1761972737860403378 ).

But I do not take sides in the oppressor/oppressed false dichotomy. I think that both Jews and Palestinians should be mass-deported from the West.
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 28 00:04:19
Canada attempting more totalitarian expansion:
"Minister of Justice and Attorney General Arif Virani announces the introduction of the Online Harms Bill, which includes hefty fines for online speech and stringent punishment including up to life imprisonment for hate crimes."

Notice how they mix "Please, think of the children!" logic with other issues which cross the lines. The bill protects against p3d0 activity, but it also establishes "hate" punishments. The bill also protects children from "bullying", but remember who is pushing this bill: people who think that children should be chemically and surgically emasculated without parental consent. So, "bullying" children would be convincing them *not* to chop off their sexual organs.

And, of course, the state's control of "hate speech" (which, again, is not a thing that actually exists) is just a way to censor opposition arguments. It is a transparent bypass of free-speech protections using protected classes as red herrings.

So you have a few layers here which amounts to the global totalitarian Regime hiding their actual motives behind smoke screens of "protection" which actually produce a tyranny of state control. The left falls for this shit all the time.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 05 03:00:32
This is pretty black-pilling.

"Advocates of gender-affirming care say it’s evidence-based.
"But now, newly released internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) prove that the practice of transgender medicine is neither scientific nor medical."
[Shellenberger; March 4th, 2024]

These "WPATH Files" are basically a collection of internal communications by chemical and surgical emasculation experts and genital mutilators (sometimes called "trans" advocates/doctors) saying what experience they've had with conducting human experimentation on unwitting children.

Some of the highlights:
• the hormone treatments are oncogenic (cancer-causing), with one case studied including the growth of an hepatic adenoma (liver lesion) and another hepatocarcinoma (liver cancer); this is because many medications are metabolized through the liver or otherwise target the liver and these emasculation chemicals target the liver more than the liver can handle.
• "informed consent" is highly questionable, since the target group for this chemical and surgical emasculation most often has no concept of the long-term consequences.
• Parents themselves often do not even understand the consequences and are not in a position to advocate for the health of their own children against the coercive practices of the emasculators.
• In a particularly sickening note, a doctor semi-jokingly talks about an emasculated person returning to him in his or her 20s and, after having a dog as a surrogate child not "doing it for [him/her]", wants to know how he/she can have kids... and the doctor now has to explain to a mature adult that that's an option that they removed before this now-adult understood what it meant.
• They talk also of the issue of where to time this chemical and surgical emasculation, aiming in particular for before Tanner Level-2 (stage at which there begins visible onset of sexual maturity) but running into the issue that beginning emasculation at this age means that these children will never be able to experience sexual pleasure or experience meaningful relationships (almost like the design of a sterilization program!).
• They mention an issue we've covered here before, namely that patients undergoing chemical emasculation are prone to bouts of rage and emotional instability due to the hormones; this relates both to these chemicals creating Manchurian candidates and also these children simply having diagnosed mood disorders which were erroneously "treated" through chemical and surgical emasculation.
• Sickeningly, this seems not to deter the doctors, since they believe that even someone with schizophrenia can be a candidate.
• They note a high incidence of dissociative disorders in candidates (Oh??), including major depressive disorders, drug abuse, homelessness psychopathologies, and hallucinations.
• The emasculators also complain about having to get the approval of therapists (Oh?? because maybe removing your genitals isn't an appropriate therapeutic response??).
• They talk about patient regret and how they have to actively counsel people to accept what's been done to their bodies (Oh?? Only accept their bodies *after* sterilizing surgery??).

Pretty disgusting list, honestly.
It's becoming pretty acknowledged at this point that we're seeing a combination of Munchausen's by Proxy (parents messing with their children after misdiagnosing them for the parents' own benefit) and the effects of the Regime's prestige network. In the case of the prestige network, we see this in particular among actors and affluent people because the "hip" thing to do is chemically and surgically emasculate your children as a kind of signal that you're Regime-compliant. To these deranged leftists, keeping your children from breeding is like a signal that you're willfully dooming the future of your civilization. It's like the Capitol sociopaths in Hunger Games; once they start turning themselves into cat people, you pretty much know they're invested and they cannot reverse course. A truth and faithful member of the Party!
large member
Tue Mar 05 07:39:12
Misdiagnosis and overdiagnosis is undoubtably the case in medicine for profit regimes. But there is no particular reason to think sexual identity is binary, nor that the overlap between identity and biology is 100%. Humans are complicated and biological gender assignment is based on pretty primitive and rudimentary principles from 2 billion years ago.

I think I will classify this in the same way I do US abortions or gun control. Bejesus, freedumb is ludicrous. 3rd trimester abortions, gender correction surgery of children, the mass consumerisation of firearms?

Get a grip.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 05 20:54:31
Totally normal scene of two bureaucratically enabled "British" people talking about how they hate having to live with those pesky native English:
[March 5th, 2024]

So anyways, mass deportations cannot begin soon enough.
large member
Tue Mar 05 22:18:23
So, where do you think you will be deported to? I feel certain you have an eclectic background giving a range of homelands to return to.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 05 23:50:30
This is another example of England falling:
"Samuel Melia: Far-right activist jailed [for 2 years] after sticker campaign"
[BBC; May 1st, 2024]

It's a good example of the dialectic I pointed out in the "africa" thread, wherein anti-White propaganda is used to take all recourse away from White people in the West ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92663&time=1709698453673 ).

The BBC article is lacking in details, but Melia's wife appeared on Alex Jones today for details:
(they show many of the stickers, discuss anti-White rhetoric, and discuss this global strategy)

The essence of the judge's sentencing is that they made a determination of intent, motive, our potential outcome in Melia's sticker campaign; despite Melia himself having no violent history or demonstrable violent intent, they made the ruling based on the belief that such stickers *could* cause violence.

This logic is very much embedded in totalitarian thinking and Marxist logic of representation under a totalitarian Regime. The logic goes that it is a thoughtcrime even to entertain certain subjects because the Regime has already made the conclusion that such thoughts lead away from the Regime's central powers — away from Party doctrine. By opposition, this Regime would fully allow people to pursue Marxist rhetoric and iconography with no reprisals (e.g., keeping the images and flags of Bolshevik mass-murderers in one's home and not caring), since that is the permitted direction of the proletariat revolt against society's "old thinking" (See Mao's "Four Old Things").

So, for the Regime and per the boomer "truth" (boomer delusions) of the post-CivilRights era, even *having* a White ethnic identity is a direct segue to Nazism and genocide. This is, of course, false and a non sequitur, and millennia of White identity precedes the boomer delusions of mustache man being the only possible outcome of White identity. Further, though, Melia did indeed have images and iconography related to mustache man, so the Regime can make this non sequitur slightly less obvious when distributed to the useful idiots.

The simple reality, though, is that White identity has become such a taboo issue that those seeking an understanding of remedies to globalism and anti-Whiteism find a great deal of work has already been done by German thinkers. Even if accepting this, the Regime fails to understand that these German thinkers do not lead inexorably to genocide — that is more boomer delusion. The Jewish Question itself, for instance, in a de-coupled sense is useful in addressing discourse around a more general question: "What remedies exist when one's society has been infiltrated by a cabal of its enemies?" This question is one which anyone should be able to ask, since if you cannot recognize or enforce treason, then your society lacks the identity which prevents its annihilation.

Further still, much of the discourse leading into the World Wars found the "solution" of genocide wholly unpalatable, so there exists a great deal of insight on the subject. I've covered this before, but one of the German strategies was mass-deportation from their home nation with encouraged Zionism as foreign policy abroad. Another solution was Madagascar. The issue with these meme solutions was that the cabal did not exist only in Germany, and the very act of deportation encouraged Judea to declare war on Germany, using its leverage in captured host nations to produce new enemies for Germany. And, in Germany deporting its traitors and infiltrators, these Judea client groups would potentially become assets of foreign empires during conflict. However, this would only be *within* conflict.

This is why mass-deportation of the client groups would potentially be effective if war can simultaneously be avoided. Just as assuredly as in the case of South American economic migrants or Maghreb settler colonists, treasonous leftists could be deported to the "Global South" for which they betrayed the West. In the absence of war, these leftists — were they truly idealists — could surely improve the nations to which they were deported and would adopt the principles of these nations, since their ideology so clearly has them hating the West anyways.

Would not a Norwegian leftist slave prefer living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and working in Chinese lithium mines on behalf of a growing DRC-native middle-class? Such labors would surely cure their spirits of their bourgeois mentalities (as in Mao's "Down to the Countryside Movement"), and certainly this would be a superior plan in comparison to the Nordic region's current planned strategy of completely dismantling its oil economy on behalf of the Global South (e.g., Denmark http://www.iea.org/policies/17708-denmarks-oil-and-gas-phase-out , Norway http://www.argusmedia.com/en/news-and-insights/latest-market-news/2503674-norway-must-prepare-for-end-of-oil-gas-climate-body ). By leftist reckoning, the Nordic fiefdom of 2050 is meant to produce no oil at all, but with a mass-deportation of leftists from the Nordic region, this oil production could continue and the deported leftists could realize their dream of "green" energy by mining for the DRC–China coalition.

And if the boomer "truths" of the Star Trek TNG fantasy are to be realized, perhaps they can best be realized with such deportations. After all, if all of the destroyer leftists who have failed to act as guardians of Western values are deported from the West along with the infiltrator client-groups that acted as their golems, then the remaining coalition of virtuous and noble ethnicities remaining in the West (whether those being foreign births or not) would be more likely to have the bodies and spirits to protect Western values in the West's new shared future. And, if those deported leftists learned too late the virtues of the West, then perhaps their new hosts in the Global South could learn to appreciate those virtues as well, just as a Peace Corps contingent no doubt leaves a lasting mark through their service and does not merely build castles in the sand at low tide (e.g., https://twitter.com/kunley_drukpa/status/1658554759798824961 ).

In short, mass-deportation of leftists could largely fix these issues we face today, and people such as Melia would find no need to identify with Uncle H or to leave interesting stickers. The judge who gives light sentences to pedos while over-sentencing thoughtcrime would himself find a beautiful frontier of arable land in Africa. It could be like the new Manifest Destiny for the left: the great open plains of Africa, all set for the great experiment of Communism.
large member
Wed Mar 06 07:07:50
You do agree though that mass deportation of "white alt right" group affiliates would be equally as effective in resolving social conflict.

To me, it just seems like the regime has more tools at its disposal. It could mirror your plan if it wanted too, or just wait for demographics to play out.

In that sense, the seeds of white submission was sown with new anti-abortion legislation. Non whites will definitely suffer disproportionately by having and raising unwanted children. An example of be careful of what you wish for I guess.

I take it you adhere to "even a single drop"? Meaning of course that mixed offspring fall into the non-white category. Uffda, that really messes with demographic outlooks.

But this does give you the opportunity to have the courage of your convictions. No courage is required if you are destined to prevail. Courage is only needed if things can go horribly wrong.

Good for you CC!
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 11 08:27:36
It's kind of looking like Adam Schiff is testing to see if treason charges can be provoked in the modern era:
"BREAKING: Adam Schiff states the U.S. Intelligence Community will withhold intelligence briefings from Donald Trump, conceiling information, sources, and methods if he wins re-election this fall."
[March 10th, 2024]

And the typical totalitarian's logic:
Schiff: "We can't trust that he will do the right thing with that information."

It's such a cliché that it's almost not worth pointing out, but when people talk about others not being able to make the "right" decisions with the truth, they are paving the way for an ignoble people and for their own immoral actions (the cost of the "Noble lie"). This was a discussion that the founders had regarding the nobility of the people. As a self-fulfilling prophecy, you must have faith in the people (providing them the truth) to effect nobility in that people. Those who cannot manage the truth will fail the test, those that deny the truth to themselves also fail the test, and those who are denied the truth are deprived of the knowledge necessary to feed wisdom.

Bolsheviks such as Schiff are determined to do the opposite: to destroy the nobility to create a caste of slaves. If he continues with this rhetoric, then may he be charged and found guilty of treason, then hanged by the neck until he is dead.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 12 05:19:15
Generic Zoomer girl and tumbletard share the same talking points on Trump:
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 12 06:05:34
Oof. The New York Times forced to publish that the driver of Trump's presidential limo on January 6th, 2021... reports no such reaching by Trump:
[NYT; March 11th, 2024]

"“I did not see him reach,” the Secret Service driver told investigators for the House panel. “He never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all. You know, what stood out was the irritation in his voice, more than his physical presence.”"

This is fun because anyone with a brain was telling tumbletard and the delusional leftists that Cassidy Hutchinson was obviously unreliable and that she was speaking from pure hearsay (which is inadmissible), yet the January 6th Show Trials admitted her testimony and suppressed counter-evidence such as the driver's testimony. The article even goes on to say that there *wasn't* a coverup, and yet...

"A letter from Jonathan E. Meyer, the general counsel for the Department of Homeland Security, provided a reason that the driver’s transcript had not been released. The House committee requested that the department review the transcripts for sensitive information that should be protected from disclosure so that the remainder could become “part of the historical record.”"

It basically lends to the fact-pattern that had been reiterated since the Show Trials began: they had no good-faith requirement to provide the entire story. They had liars such as Hutchinson paraded in front of the psychosis left to deceive with one side of the story which could not even be corroborated. Even this NYT article struggles to save face, trying to say that Hutchinson was partly corroborated because — get this — Trump had a "tinge of anger" in his voice and was upset with Pence. Wow, "blockbuster testimony", to be sure.

Honestly, though, if you believe people such as Hutchinson, Christine Blasey Ford, Liz Cheney, or Jussie Smollett, then your ideology chose *you*.
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 13 06:44:11
Pretty funny Candace Owens video is making the rounds (especially funny if you don't take it seriously and instead just take it as People Magazine celebrity sideshows):

"INSANE. This Is The BIGGEST Political Scandal In Human History."
[March 11th, 2024]
(the video is 42 minutes but the Macron subject is only 19 minutes)

Her accompanying Tweet summarizes:
[March 12th, 2024]
"This episode is blowing up so I just want to say—After looking into this, I would stake my entire professional reputation on the fact that Brigitte Macron is in fact a man. Any journalist or publication that is trying to dismiss this plausibility is immediately identifiable as establishment.
I have never seen anything like this in my life. The implications here are terrifying.

"I do not intend to let up on this story and I am calling on other journalists to look into this explosive story and report accordingly."

As many comments point out, this is similar to American theories about how Michelle Obama is actually "Michael" Obama (i.e., Big Mike), and the structure of the theory is even pretty similar — mostly based on "missing" pregnancy pictures. It has also been around for years, so this is just a recent reawakening.

Some of the right is claiming to be annoyed by another distraction or psy-op, but those same people were hyper-fixated on Starship Troopers a week ago, and others among them (e.g., Neema Parvini) have children but spend their time rating women and trolling their own subscribers on Twitter as a kind of cynical IQ test, so their perceptions of importance are not necessarily above reproach. We all have frivolous vices or otherwise need breaks.

Suspicious and cynical people under Parvini's Tweet even wonder why Owens has gone from a big JQ topic of asking what books the National Socialists were burning (short answer: lots of "trans" stuff since we're in Wiemar 2.0) to celebrity gossip such as the Macrons ( http://twitter.com/OGRolandRat/status/1767657412452901321 ). An even more cynical possibility given is that Owens was sent on this mission to fall on her sword, since making such a bold reputational claim could easily be used to ruin her reputation (if she is incorrect) and allow the left's propagandists to talk about how the right operates in 'conspiracy theory', citing her as an example. This strategy would certainly excite low-IQ credentialism leftists such as billythecoward, who use that thought-terminating cliché to avoid examining the opposition's actual arguments.

Even so, Owens is just one pundit among many at Daily Wire, with many on the right considering Daily Wire to be largely controlled opposition — mainly a funnel for Ben Shapiro to siphon right-wing thought into his Zionist causes. Owens has maintained *some* credibility out of Zionist-suspicious right-wing thinkers, since she seems to overtly oppose Shapiro's Zionism and has even agreed with many of Ye's conclusions during her interactions with him. The narratives then become that Daily Wire itself hired her to discredit her, or the Daily Wire hired her without realizing that she would continue to pursue her curiosity and oppose them. In either case, the NRx crowd doesn't really care about Owens' success or failure beyond it converting a few normies, though the Regime's propagandists would certainly still use a fallacy of association to use any of her mistakes against the right at large.

All said, Owens' secondary research on whether or not Macron's "wife", Brigitte Macron, is a man amounts to this:
• Left-wing outlets dismiss the claims as "right-wing" and "conspiracy theory" but make no attempt to directly refute the claims (e.g., with actual images); one such example is Street Press, which makes sure to list a bunch of garbled connections to the Illuminati, Free Masons, Marine Le Pen's and Alain Soral's supporters, Catholic nationalists, far-right book stores, and discredited journalists (2022 https://www.streetpress.com/sujet/1649080404-derriere-fake-news-brigitte-macron-homme-clan-le-pen-chatillon-loustau-soral ). You can see them do this right off the top, since thought-terminating clichés are the Regime's strongest trick. They use clichés to list why useful idiots should look away *immediately*, and the useful idiots obey. It's an excellent way to suspend critical thinking. Once the well is poisoned, most people will just skim the article. You can see billythecoward do this all the time; he'll just call you a flat-Earther and fail to engage.
• Brigitte is *much* older than Emmanuel Macron, with them supposedly meeting when Emmanuel was a teen; this would be consistent with "trans" people being p3d0s who must groom victims to have relationships
• Brigitte Macron may have lied about age; possibly would have to be 8 years older than claimed for claims of independent living in the U.S. to be true
• If lied about age, the updated age would align with Brigitte being an older male "sibling" pictured in a rare family picture
• Brigitte facial features heavily match "brother" in old family photo but not features of "herself" in old family photo
• Brigitte supposedly had children, but the "husband" does not exist in the public eye, "died", and cannot be located in images; the only image given was erroneously attributed and is another faculty member
• Brigitte sued journalists for covering the story, but the reason was not defamation but privacy violation
• No early-life photos of Brigitte exist, and one image appears to be a doctored image of Brigitte's own daughter but in black-and-white

Owens' conclusions are thus that more images of a young Brigitte do not exist because they would show that Brigitte is a man (the same as the Michelle Obama theory). She then suspects that this is another sexual blackmail scheme, which would align with Whitney Webb's body of research. Moving from this conclusion, her further suspicion is that many such blackmailed politicians exist and have this kind of immense leverage against them to play ball. There is general truth to this, but she's potentially mixing-in a lie. E.g., people such as Epstein have shown that there truly exist CIA/Mossad/espionage sexual blackmail rings, but Brigitte may not be a proof-of-concept. She's technically a p3d0 (unless it's true that she waited 10 years before engaging a sexual relationship with Emmanuel) but maybe not "trans".

As for Brigitte Macron, Brigitte is only 5'6" and passes the hands/feet check (small hands/feet). Brigitte *has* clearly had a rhinoplasty, since a mark of older rhinoplasties is the "Diamond nose" (think Michael Jackson; a very artificial but symmetrical shape that ops for a small round tip and nostrils that do not connect to the bridge smoothly), and another mark is a horizontal wrinkle under the nose in some facial positions (this occurs from cartilage not having a natural "hold" on the face anymore). But this kind of cosmetic work is not uncommon for aging elites, nor are the breast implants. At best, Owens' evidence is thin and undermined by a simply look at Brigitte's body type and age.

Placing Owens' conclusion aside, it is a pointless risk to make that kind of "stake my entire professional reputation" statement, and as mentioned, she may not even be correct. She may simply be doing it as a gambit to see if she can get real images released, and even if such images *were* released, she could just pretend that they're not conclusive to save face. Still further, the French press is unlikely to address Owens, and Owens probably wouldn't hear about it if they did. So, in other words, it's a risk that no one will likely call her on, but it's thrown together with incomplete information and is dangerously stupid.

What this *does* show is Gell-Mann Amnesia and the cost of lies.
When people make errors like this, their entire body of punditry is called into question, since if *this* level of expertise is "research" to them (and they are paid for this) then you must wonder where else they have failed. I do not follow Owens, but this would be a huge red flag if I did.

As for the cost of lies, this is what happens when the Regime's propaganda has so thoroughly demolished its credibility. Since CNN, MSNBC, Fox, PBS, AP, and so many others saw fit to destroy their credibility to hold onto power, many people have seen that the lies are spread through all of society and are forced to re-evaluate morality. This is the mechanism of the slave revolt: the reevaluation. In the case of the leftist slaves, their reevaluation stopped quickly as they merely adopted the oppressor/oppressed binary, believed the Regime, and waited for orders — denying obvious evidence to do it (e.g., tumbletard, billythecoward, sebgul).

In the case of the disenfranchised right, trust networks had to be re-built. The result is that the right faces a grifter class that stops short of the truth to gain popularity (e.g., Timcast, the "Intellectual Dark Web", Joe Rogan, Daily Wire, Crowder, perhaps Blaze). Those who look beyond the grifter class risk the limits of their intelligence, intuition, or reason, as people such as Alex Stein have shown by having awful moon-landing theories (e.g., not understanding why the lunar lander was able to get away with aluminized mylar) or Donnie Darkened has shown by interpreting the world *entirely* through Back to the Future, Donnie Darko, and the Bible (lol). People with zero trust in anyone within any trust network may well fall into the theories that mental weaklings such as billythecoward make fun of as part of a fallacy of association, such as flat-earthers, UFO enthusiasts, DMT-dimension machine elves, or other absurdities. This is the cost of having no trust *and* no ability to discern truth from lie.

This is, ultimately, why the task of reevaluating morality reveals the character of the reevaluator — whether through discipline, tenacity, focus, or reason. The left failed this test first since they *have* no character, deferring instead to the authorities of collectivism, disregarding that authority within collectivism is reduced to the fear of offending the collective (i.e., no collectivist "authority" will risk a truth which offends, and the collectivist left is easily offended). In abandoning the reason of the right (e.g., disregarding the possibility that any expert could exist within the right), the left lost this guiding expanded-sensorium and fell victim to their fearful "experts".

The right, meanwhile, is willing to read the "experts" of the left to see what truths can be gleaned. Those who have re-evaluated morality and maintained a sense of the truth have tested their theses without ego and so differentiated truth from the progenitors of lies. This awakening is itself full of risks of falling into superstitions and errors, but it is so beyond the cowards of the left to even attempt it that they dare not even begin.
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 13 09:03:52
This is a great Lotus Eaters (LE) video:

"The Irish Punished Their Government"
[March 12th, 2024; (29:50)]

Short version is that LE re-cap the recent Irish referendum on changing the Irish Constitution to remove and semantically distort references to the family. The Irish Constitution currently says this on the subject of family:
• "Article 41.1.1.The State recognises the Family as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society, and as a moral institution possessing inalienable and imprescriptible rights, antecedent and superior to all positive law. Article 41.1.2. The State, therefore, guarantees to protect the Family in its constitution and authority, as the necessary basis of social order and as indispensable to the welfare of the Nation and the State"
• "The State pledges itself to guard with special care the institution of Marriage, on which the Family is founded, and to protect it against attack."

The important thing to note here is that people have long pointed out that totalitarian and Marxist governments are hellbent on dissolving the family as the organizing unit of society because the family subverts the government's ability to Ice-Nine its control through the atomization of all people (i.e., if the family is a "protected class", then the government cannot replace and destroy its own people towards the promotion of new and slavish client groups). The Bolsheviks thus dissolved the family, as did the Maoists, as did the Khmer Rouge, as did the North Koreans, and so on. Nearly every totalitarian expansion or expansion to empire required the dissolution of the family, the destruction of its sacred meanings, and the subversion of its primary purpose of procreation and life-giving. This is why we so frequently see the cultists and the Regime apparatchiks decrying the possibility that a family might home-school or that a family has rights to its own children which can supersede the state's directives.

So we have known this attack vector of totalitarians, but it's interesting to see that the international Bolsheviks working within Ireland are so transparently attacking it. They *had* to attack it *directly* because it was codified so strongly into the Irish Constitution. In the U.S., the method was to change what "marriage" meant — changing it from between a man and a woman based on the principle that this pairing could — in principle — produce children (i.e., "in principle" regardless of whether the man and woman are too old, infertile, etc.) to "[Fuck it, anyone and anything]". Through this vector, the family unit could subsequently be destroyed, allowing for, e.g., the "trans" delusion to take root, further cementing central totalitarian power through alternate client groups.

For Ireland, they attempted to remove the phrase on "the Family" altogether, and they also had a separate referendum on watering down the meaning of "family" to include "durable relationship", which is effectively similar to the U.S. strategy of "domestic partnership". Through this strategy, the Bolsheviks could — as shown in an Irish TV debate at the end of the LE clip — give special protections to migrants living in Ireland. I.e., just as is taking place in the DNC Border Treason with the semantic game of "illegal" to "undocumented" ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92538&time=1710228244606 ) — with the intended result being that special protections can be extended to foreigners thus making the U.S. a borderless economic playground for global totalitarians — the changing of the Irish Constitution's meaning to *not* being family-centric and allowing "durable relationships" would allow the expanding of the franchise and Irish law's protections to foreigners.

Thus you might notice how this chain-linking of client groups functions. The family is dissolved or diluted to accept gay marriage, gay marriage segues to the larger LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA coalition (expanding the protections to client groups more likely to possess slave morality and vote away sovereignty), and the LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA coalition is in turn replaced by special protections for foreigners. As the meme goes, the leftist asked to define "American" would basically just say, "anyone granted American citizenship" (i.e., a circular or bureaucratic formula which admits no ethos, ethnos, or identity). This leftist semantic manipulation is quite the point: dissolve citizenship to mean "literally anyone". At that point, the nation fails; it is already conquered.

The Irish, fortunately, voted against the referendums, though black-pills in the comments point out that referendums do not stop totalitarians from continuing work towards their goals independent of the people's protests.

As an aside,
The Irish Constitution even reifies "woman" and "mother" as protected to such an extent that the state must step in if mothers are "obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home". Though, interestingly, this did not necessarily decrease the percentage of women in the labor force as much as it should have. Ireland is at 59.9% female employment. Compare to U.S. at 56.5%; the more totalitarian nations such as Canada (61.1%) New Zealand (67.6%) and the Nordic nations (Norway 61.8%, Sweden 63.4%, Iceland 70.1%) have some of the highest percentages in the civilized world ( https://genderdata.worldbank.org/indicators/sl-tlf-acti-zs/ ).

It's interesting seeing how consistently these factors overlap. I.e., the more totalitarian nations
• have more women in the workforce (a breakdown of the family unit; less motherhood at home),
• are more compliant with sustainability frameworks,
( https://www.worldeconomics.com/ )
• accept greater DEI initiatives,
(reflected by G-Index and S-Index https://www.worldeconomics.com/ )
• have the largest contributions of foreign aid to the Global South,
• have the greatest stake in Chinese energy,
(reflected by E-Index and G-Index https://www.worldeconomics.com/ )
• had the most draconian lockdowns and COVID protocols,
• have the greatest percentages of atheism,
• have the highest "democracy" index (Bolsheviks love democracy),

The attack vectors are plainly laid out, and they are being used openly.
Cherub Cow
Fri Mar 15 09:32:40
I did a little summary of postmodernism since Tucker Carlson (correctly) pointed out that postmodern architecture is ugly:

• "Central traits of postmodernism are the destruction of foundations and unities, the end of history (nihilism, self-destruction, utopia as dystopia), and a psychological push for perpetual incompleteness."

• "In architecture, this takes the form of buildings which appear to be "missing" something. A pyramid might be missing its pyramidion (peak) or a line may be drawn upwards towards a support (a foundation) yet reach only empty space; even what is "new" is meant to be shown as ruins."

[Image of Tyrell Corporation from Blade Runner (1982)]
• "In monuments, the viewer is shown "absence", such as the absence of the hero. It is the survivors who are represented—regardless of their virtue. Examples of virtue, completeness, and vision are denied in favor of client groups of "weak theory" who "re-center" their experience."
[Image of Memorial to the Victims of the World Wars]

• "In postmodernist works, civilization is refused its vision of "God"—a civilization's permanence, its sacred paint strokes, and the manifestation of its highest ideals. Postmodernism denies fixed meanings to prevent society from realizing itself and knowing its own identity."
[Quotation by Roland Barthes, often cited in postmodernism]: "to refuse to fix meaning is, in the end, to refuse God and his hypostases—reason, science, law."

• "Postmodernism wielded as a weapon thus becomes psychological and literal iconoclasm perpetrated against target societies. Lasting histories of marble, bronze, and oil&canvas are replaced by the historicity of the iconoclasts who—having no complete vision—only reduce and degrade."
[Image collage of 4 iconoclastic moments in recent history]

• "Where Nietzsche warned that one may pass through nihilism to find truth, postmodernism makes a destination of nihilism to deny truth and beauty. The "survivors" of the perpetual post-apocalypse search for a self that is not reflected in modernity and struggle to reproduce it."

• "As an effect on cinema, postmodernism thus degrades truth and beauty, destroys heroes, deprives audiences of virtuous and creative examples, and provides no answers beyond self-destruction for sovereigns and resentment and revolt for the slavish."
[images from my article on ESG cinema propaganda]

• "The postmodernist doubts everything, including his own humanity.
In a world without foundations, every step away from the real increases doubt that the real was true experience vs. a deception from nostalgia; by the time the past is understood it becomes too late to act upon it."
[Image from Blade Runner: origami unicorn]

• "The red herring of gnosticism is merely this: simulation.
While the West falls into dissimulation, the new oligarchs, who effected postmodernism in the masses while maintaining the permanence of their gods and idols, intend to emerge in the real with their nightmarish new throne."
[Image from "The Cell" (2000)]

This relates also to earthpig attempting to use the thought-terminating cliché of "conspiracy theory" against me in another thread ("White people are not real Londoners"; August 2023; http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92011&time=1693389035705 ).

He dismissed my below reply as "conspiracy theory" by typing "conspiracy theory" prompts into ChatGPT:
"This is the lie told by the acolytes of the liberal city. The delusion typically goes that cities themselves necessarily make people more liberal. This is false and is plainly pointed out in Marshall McLuhan's explanations of the media as message and in postmodern critiques of architecture and city-planning (particularly the classic example of Napoléon razing Paris so that only standing armies would have power in its streets — a scheme favorable for his consolidated control schemes).

"Without the jargon: the *designers* of cities determine the political outcomes of cities, and it is only a *recent* phenomena of the West's totalitarian age that cities have been constructed to create slave castes (i.e., constructed to fulfill the circular lie of the "inevitable" liberal city). City designers began doing this as a way to totalize control of their populations. We see this in the outer arrondissement slums, for instance: mass-produced boxes for mass-produced slaves imported to serve conquering oligarchs..."

But this is plainly stated in postmodern literature. I've read more postmodernism than I care to admit, which is why I know that James Lindsay has been wasting his time with gnosticism (hence why I call it a red herring). Postmodernism simply uses simulation to trap people in mental frameworks — gnosticism just being another simulated space. And the psychology of city-planning is part of this attempt to reduce people to simulated spaces.

These include the old tactics of the "company store", where debt-bondage systems would try to trap people in local areas through company housing, convenience stores, special company currency, etc. There is a very explicit psychological effect in having to see the same conditions every day and to be unable to escape them. In the case of postmodern architecture, we're talking about buildings designed to signal perpetual incompleteness. We even have Jewish Bolsheviks such as Walter Benjamin relating this to the idea of reproducibility, where the mass-production of consumer items can be used to trap people in debt bondage since these "incomplete" items are only ever special in their "new-ness", and this "new-ness" of consumer goods replaces the sacred (e.g., the family altar, the Church).

In other words, with a totalizing system imposing postmodern features of incompleteness (e.g., architecture, cinema, consumer goods, media), people can only participate in society through actions which keep them feeling "incomplete". This is seen in doom-scrolling formats on social media (again, "The Medium is the Message"), in the binge-watching of bad television whose writing has nothing for the soul, in franchise cinema such as the MCU keeping audiences in a perpetual distress where they can only feel "complete" when the final movie is released — and perhaps it never will be before the next reboot.

In modernity (which postmodernism critiques to destroy), the "new" was accomplished through a return to the altar — through a reaffirmation of the sacred. So, for instance, the Greeks would continue to tell the Iliad and Odyssey, and poets that followed Homer would add to this altar with stories that followed up with the heroes and speculated about other aspects of their lives. In recent attempts, this was seen in media such as the Odyssey TV mini-series (1997), the Lord of the Rings (2001 – 2003), the VVitch (2015), The Northman (2022), and other attempts at *faithful* adaptation.

In postmodernity, this imperative is replaced with a hijacking of re-affirmation. For postmodernist Lyotard in 1985, participating in modernity is merely like pursuing "careers in mass conformism" (1985), but the goal of this was not for conformism to end but for postmodernism to use modernism as a referent for such a long time that postmodernism could only refer back to postmodernism (i.e., the simulation refers to itself; conformism would become "good" through conformity with the simulation). This is Jean Baudrillard's territory, where this loss of referent causes people to only be able to support the simulation — this, also, was a goal of the Frankfurt School's work on the "culture industry".

In short, for the postmodernists such as Lyotard, Barthes, Foucault, and the Frankfurt school, the goal was to hijack the re-affirmation of modernity (i.e., hijack the apparatus which causes society to re-affirm its sacred values in modern day) and turn them into an affirmation of the slave revolt (for Barthes: "[destroying the gods of society is] an activity that is truly revolutionary"). This was the slow project of the 19th and 20th centuries following the Bolshevik infiltration of the West. Postmodernism merely became a means of describing this process.

And this is simultaneously why I say that postmodern theory is itself useful. It is the choice faced by Donnie Darko or Neo in the Matrix: the system is very explicit about what choice it wants people to make, but people still have the ability to choose, and in understanding what the choice means is power (the "why"). Postmodernism is an acid which when wielded by the enemies of the West can destroy it, but by understanding its mechanism the enemies of the West can be understood and thwarted — similar to the role of the Palantíri (seeing stones).

As I mentioned before as a metaphor: "What is the value of Larry Fink's unlocked cell phone?"
Cherub Cow
Sun Mar 17 01:18:03
Niger is kicking out U.S. military personnel:

"Niger junta repudiates deal allowing US military bases on its soil"
[The Guardian; March 16th, 2024]
"Niger’s ruling military junta says it has revoked with immediate effect a military accord that allows US military personnel and civilian staff on its soil."

This would be a strategic win for China, which has Belt-and-Road projects in the region and would benefit from the U.S. losing presence there:
"Niger: what dangers does the coup pose to China’s Belt and Road Initiative?"
[Africans On China; August 2023]

China also would be able to expand its uranium mining in Niger, which could go towards weapons projects and its planned massive expansion of nuclear power:

So we're talking about a military loss for these U.S. and an expanded presence by China — which these U.S. pay for through "sustainability" programs which fund China's Belt-and-Road. In other words, the West paid China to out-bid the West in Niger using military, mining, and debt-relief projects.
large member
Sun Mar 17 05:55:58
Non-US Nato collectively is short 56 billion per year from the 2% spending guideline.

Does this shortfall free the US from article 5 obligations?
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 18 05:53:24
Just a reminder here that I have previously warned tumbletard that @Acyn on Twitter is a transparent propaganda account. I did a writeup on the Acyn account in June 2022 and warned tumbletard repeatedly since then about how Acyn's propaganda functions*. Even so, tumbletard has cited Acyn four times in his latest psychosis thread**.

That said, the latest DNC propaganda making the rounds is the deception of distorting Trump's mention of a "bloodbath" in a political speech. It was outed so quickly as a transparent deception that I was expecting the DNC would drop it, but here's Acyn running with it, and Community Notes has still not addressed it:

"Trump: Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country."
[March 16th, 2024]

And do notice the propaganda technique here. Acyn simply says, "Trump: ...", but he uses no quotation marks, meaning that he can discretely editorialize Trump's actual stated words. This allows him to omit the full quotation (which included a reference to "that" — something which would key people into the clip not being a complete statement and thus requiring further context to understand what "that" refers to). The intent here is to pass this falsified quotation as an actual quotation while Acyn gives himself a retreat option to "[it wasn't a quotation since I didn't use quotation marks]".

Useful idiots can also claim that the accompanying video *does* include the full quotation (it doesn't, of course, though it does include the missing *middle*-section that was omitted by Acyn), but what's the propaganda *there*? This is similar to the technique of "front page lie" followed by "back page retraction". The idea is that *most* interactions on a post are simply people scrolling and uncritically digesting the headlines. So, *most* people will simply read the sensational text and *not* watch the video to confirm the text, since quickly reading is far faster.

There are even memes pointing out this phenomenon of content-digestion on Imgur, e.g.,

This above meme mostly applies to Imgur's format, but it is instructive. This is how the *common* user operates (i.e., within a Bell curve), and it takes cognitive training to get out of this trap. It's similar to the old phenomenon of red pop-ups. Red was used because it draws the most attention, but at some point, red pop-ups and intrusive bars became so common that people trained themselves not to even see them, similar to how older teachers have a tendency not to maximize YouTube videos when they play them on a projector (they don't really "see" the obstruction of the video player).

For Twitter, the order of attention goes..
1) Eyes drawn to the memetic material (the image)
The user determines whether or not the image is worth further cognitive investment. If the image is not worth cognitive investment (e.g., no dopamine hit from the image, seen it before, looking for other content), then they will continue to scroll. In the case of a Trump image, a TDS user will likely be activated for more investment.

2a) Eyes drawn to the avatar of who posted the meme/image
Twitter is designed with echo-chamber logic, so usually users can bypass even looking at the avatar (especially in the "following" section for people who only follow by agreement), but if trust is *low* then they will look secondly at the avatar. If they trust the avatar (e.g., a familiar user), they will be primed to digest the information in accordance with that user's gimmick (e.g., get ready to laugh, get ready to be angered). If they do *not* trust the avatar (e.g., unfamiliar user, recognizable enemy-camp user) then they will be primed to disagree with whatever commentary they see.

2b) Eyes drawn to the user's text
If trust is *high* (good echo-chamber insulation), the user will look secondly at the text. They will look to see that the text confirms their expectations for the image.

3a) If the text has low cognitive investment but high reward, they will read the entire text and emotionally react.

3b) If the text has high cognitive investment, they will probably not even bother and will simply go to the comments to see a lower cognitive response that summarizes.

4) If they have been convinced by their belief in trust networks, they will not even look at the video; they will save themselves the time and merely commiserate with the psychosis network in the comments, further amplifying psychosis emotions.

In short, propagandists such as Acyn are manipulating some very overt features of the medium.

On Imgur, the manipulator-user strategy was to absolutely spam content and just go for volume through theft of trending Tweets, Reddit comments, Occupy Democrats Tweets, etc.; eventually, something sticks. People too often would fail to read the screen names, so the same users would be rewarded with featured content even if they blatantly stole the material generated by others. Many users were so low-IQ that they would upvote duplicates, or they would simply upvote duplicates because they wanted to make sure that others become as upset as they are (compare to the strategy of downvoting the re-poster and upvoting the earliest instance to make sure that only the originator/creator is rewarded).

The strategy is similar with Twitter, but because Twitter uses a "follower" formula, most of these propaganda accounts merely steal from the DNC's own talking points. I've mentioned this before in how these psychosis accounts function, but the DNC already releases these clips in their edited format, drawing the attention of these sock puppets and propaganda accounts. Someone such as tumbletard will see a CNN broadcast of some already-edited clip, then think that he's simply retrieving it from Acyn as a reference item (i.e., erroneously believing that Acyn is merely a purveyor of information that he already wanted), but all that this means is that tumbletard fell for the CNN deception and simply used a CNN duplicator to further duplicate the propaganda.

There are, of course, critical ways out of this (e.g., insisting on always searching for C-SPAN full videos, getting camera feeds that had zero edits (i.e., not news network coverage)), but, again, this behavior exists in a Bell curve. You can track this sort of behavior when you watch the mental processes of the comment section. Often, people will not even be responding to the material in the video/image. This can simply be sock puppets who latched onto key words and populated automatic responses (e.g., programmed with [if "Trump" mentioned then post meme saying, "Trump is bad"]). But, in cases where sock puppetry is not at work, you can simply see which people were fooled by the deception.

The Acyn comment section is ratioing him, but leftists tend to block right-wing accounts to re-enforce their echo chambers, so those ratios often have no effect on the left-wing psychosis (they're already blocked by leftists).

So Imgur is much more instructive of what this looks like within the echo chambers:

You can watch their thought processes. Most of them simply accept the narrative: that Trump was promising a bloodbath if he lost (a lie). So the filtering process happens like this, with fewer and fewer people going through the order:
1) Users see the image, which tells them that Trump said it would be a "blood bath" (a lie)
2) They then see the title, which says, "And yet they clap", making the propagandized mob viewing Imgur believe that Trump's supporters want a "bloodbath" (another lie)
3) Users then go to the comment section to boost their psychosis rage, and every single comment with upvotes is assuming that the initial lie was true; they are merely there to say psychotic things to each other, including people who are actively calling for Trump's a55a55ination (e.g., "Will no one rid us of this venomous prick?", "Will no one rid us of this feckless asshole?", "He needs to die.", "Lone wolf time")
4) Those users who go into the comments see yet more of the same (further agreement)
5) *If* someone is interested in a counter-point, they scroll down *within* a comment section to see who has been downvoted. A few people with *no* upvotes are pointing out that the clip is out-of-context — compared to 577 upvotes for comments which took the lie at face value.
6) Those who *do* offer a counterpoint have to signal that the mob is nevertheless correct to have a psychotic response (e.g., "Out of context quotes for net points hurts the cause against Adolph Trump.")
7) Those very few who accept that the quotation is out-of-context will start bargaining, such as multiple users who make arguments similar to this: "Considering I live in the city he said this in I can assure you many followers are saying it was literal. They are not clinging to the parts about the auto industry, they are looking for the “hidden messages”" (i.e., these users will actually *project* their own observation of left-wing psychopaths who fell for the propaganda onto right-wing people who did *not* fall for the propaganda, pretending that the hidden message of the propaganda was actually for the *right*, likely falsifying stories to sell this lie to themselves as "[false but perhaps true somewhere]").

In short, you can see how these psychosis accounts falsify narratives to activate useful idiots. Tumbletard falls for these stories constantly because he has no sense of the manipulation that he is experiencing. He simply checks the credentialism network, believes their narratives, and proceeds as though they are true. If or when he perceives some bad information within the narrative, he simply applies the Gell–Mann Amnesia effect, totally forgetting that he was just lied to by a source and even re-visiting them again later with total confidence in their sincerity.

*(2022 writeup of Acyn here in Totalitarians #2: http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=89974&time=1656327448729 ).
**(tumbletard's latest psychosis thread (#43) http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92621&time=1710704441722 ).
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 18 23:51:28
This is making the rounds:

"Murthy v. Missouri Supreme Court Oral Argument"
[C-SPAN; March 18th, 2024]

Regime-installed justice Ketanji Brown Jackson asked this of Missouri (this is the actual beginning of her question; not edited):
1:35:24 — "So my biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways, in the most important time periods. Umm, I mean, what would you have the government do? I've heard you say a couple times that the government can post its own speech, but in my hypothetical, umm, you know, "Kids, this is not safe, don't do it," umm, is not going to get it done. And, so, I guess some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country, and you seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the government encouraging or even pressuring, uhh, platforms to take down harmful information. So, can you help me? Because I am really worried about that, umm, because you've got the First Amendment operating, umm, in an environment of threatening circumstances from the government's perspective, and you are saying the government can't interact with the source of those problems."

On the one hand, you could soften this by saying that she's specifically introducing the context of government speech controls on platforms during emergencies, but, on the other hand, even *then* you'd have to overlook her inability to realize that the First Amendment is indeed *designed* to hamstring the government in *all* cases (e.g., even emergencies) and that she is advocating that the First Amendment not be able to do so.

Louisiana Solicitor General J. Benjamin Aguiñaga responds to clarify this, effectively saying that *if* the government wants to interact with social media, it cannot be in the capacity of violating the First Amendment. Ketanji Brown Jackson seems pleased with a potential loophole in Aguiñaga's reply, which is that social-media platforms may have a duty to "amplify" government speech during limited emergencies and limited and specifically justified events, but you can kind of tell from her response that she takes that to mean that government-speech-amplification can come with an equal amount of non-government-speech-*de*-amplification (i.e., dampening free speech and First Amendment protections) and that whenever the government speaks — by the virtue of it being the government — it rises to the level of "emergency".

So people are rightly concerned that Jackson is yet again speaking from a frame of reference that assumes that the government can bypass all speech protections and the Constitution itself for its own centralized imperatives.

This is part of the same extension of tyranny that was demonstrated during the pandemic. The pre-pandemic (good faith) assumption was that in pandemic emergencies the government needed to be able to release information to the public to aid in public health and that this may well be the only type of event where libertarians themselves (might) relax the cause of liberty to hear the government's central voice. But, within a few months of the government's interventions, it became clear that this good-faith assumption was incorrectly placed and that the government should never and in no circumstances be able to violate free speech protections. The First Amendment is *indeed* absolute, and wherever the government searches for exceptions and uses pilpul to undermine this truth via, for example, "emergency" exceptions, it is merely demonstrating that it is interested in a terminal exception which violates liberty.

In the case of Murthy v. Missouri Supreme Court, the liberal justice challenge is thus centered on their belief that content-moderation and state action do "not" violate the First Amendment because "[Mommy needs to tell the kids how to behave.]" This is the very essence of the Longhouse formula of perpetual childhood effected in the citizenry.
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 20 01:28:10
Here the J's go again, trying to mobilize the nations to set the stage for the building of the Third Temple and messianic totalitarianism:
"This Red Cow Might Destroy the World"
[Propaganda & Co.; March 8th, 2024]

The J's have been provoking Palestinians by importing red heifers into Israel with the expectation that in April 2024 they can sacrifice one in sight of the Holy of Holies amidst the Dome of the Rock, thus setting in motion the founding doctrine for the Third Temple's construction. So they sacrifice the heifer as it comes of age in April, the Dome of the Rock is destroyed (collapses on its undermined foundations), war breaks out in the Islamic world, the West destroys Israel's Middle Eastern enemies, Third Temple is constructed, the "messiah" arrives, and Judaism subjugates the world — and this makes some Evangelicals happy because "[yay, second coming. Enslavement is neat-o and we're totally not controlled opposition for the J's.]"

Sound crazy?

It *is* crazy, but here's CBS News saying the same thing:
"What these red cows from Texas have to do with war and peace in the Middle East"
[CBS News; March 5th, 2024]
• "Jerusalem — When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
• "The cows he was talking about are red heifers, which now graze at a secure, undisclosed location in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Some Jews and Christians believe they're key to rebuilding the Jewish temple that once stood in Jerusalem, and to beckoning the Messiah."
• "But she makes no secret about what she wants to happen to the Dome of the Rock. [/] "I believe it's going to go, 100%. The whole thing is going to go to build a temple," she said, insisting that the shrine and its golden dome should be preserved, but relocated."
• ""Everyone says that the building, the Third Temple, is what will bring the war, it would destabilize the Middle East," she said. "The Middle East seems pretty destabilized right now, and the war, if I'm not mistaken, is already here.""
• ""We're going to accept the Messiah, and we need the Messiah to come," Byron Stinson, a Texan who helped bring the cows to Israel, said at the gathering. "For me, the red heifer is red for the blood of Jesus Christ. That's why it's red.""

Yeah, so anyways, I hope we have our Titus Caesar Vespasianus ready for such outcomes.
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 25 06:17:11
As a follow-up on Candace Owens, things seem to have settled down following Owens' interview with Rabbi Barclay on March 18th:
[Candace Owens Podcast; March 18th, 2024 (1:43:19)

For those not in-the-know on this one, leading into this Owens had been in a months-long spat with Rabbi Shmuley (@RabbiShmuley; Jacob Shmuel Boteach), who styles himself "Republican" but is transparently subversive, trying to sell people on having "Kosher sex" ( https://www.timesofisrael.com/kosher-sex-store-in-tel-aviv-run-by-rabbis-daughter-sells-spice-for-marriages/ ). Shmuley's daughter sells "Kosher" sex products, and Rabbi Shmuley — despite supposedly advocating against pornography — has helped his daughter, Chana Boteach, promote a variety of these sex products. (Incidentally, Alex Jones in the last couple hours got into an argument with Shmuley and may be debating him on his show.)

Thus, a different rabbi, Rabbi Barclay wrote an article about Owens essentially defaming her. Owens had him on her podcast and attempted to go point-to-point with Barclay about all of the lies he told about her, with him even conceding many of them as lies that he told for effect before he had evaluated her character (as though that justifies them).

Highlights of things that they did not agree upon, however, were much more instructive. A central point is the primary issue with Judaism (as also with Calvinism and Lutheranism), which is that this special-elect or "Chosen" belief has some fundamental flaws which poison all discourse around it. That is, by believing that one is "Chosen", he can justify all manner of terrible ideological inconsistencies downstream, such as Marcuse's "repressive tolerance" (one-way application of power and discourse) and Marcuse's source: the retention of slave morality while claiming "Master" status.

In an explicit example, Rabbi Barclay *repeatedly* asks for Owens to recognize Jewish death as "uniquely evil", while refusing to answer Owens' question about whether or not Barclay is saying that the deaths of innocent children (e.g., Israeli, Palestinian) should be divided between a "qualitative" argument, as Barclay seems to suggest but does not say outright. That is, Barclay clearly believes that Jewish life is worth more — even in the innocent state — which is consistent with "Chosen" beliefs and supremacy. He even connects this at one point to 4th Israeli PM Golda Meir's statement: "We can never forgive the Arabs for making us kill children."

This "How could you make me do this?" logic is, of course, the logic of sociopathic abusers (e.g., "[You just make me so crazy!]" said by a man who has just beaten his wife bloody). This same logic was used by George Soros when he justified how he was able to take part in the confiscation of Jewish property despite being Jewish himself:

Soros: “Well, of course ... I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn’t be there, because that was — well, actually, in a funny way, it’s just like in the markets — that if I weren’t there — of course, I wasn’t doing it, but somebody else would — would — would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the — whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away. So the — I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.”
( https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/the-truth-about-george-soros-is-damning-enough/ )

This sociopathic abuser logic of "someone else would do it anyways" is used also by telemarketers, scammers, collection agencies, and all manner of immoral enterprises. It combines with a deterministic fallacy where people pretend that they are not principle agents but just market actors. It is this same deterministic fallacy which runs through "Chosen" beliefs, since if one is "Chosen", one is merely acting in accordance with a determined reality which cannot be changed. This directly connects also with slave morality and the Wheel of Fortune («Rota Fortunae») since the belief goes that one is either a master or a slave (fortunate or unfortunate) and that it is only the disinterested turning of a wheel which determines one's position — rather than one being a conscious actor who imposes this dialectic. It is a self-insulating delusion, and Rabbi Barclay exemplifies it in his every rhetorical tactic during this interview.

There are other aspects further confirmed in the interview as well, such as the slave's need to justify slave morality and perpetual victimhood with the "best" narrative/justification (the best propaganda). This is because a slave who has truly succeeded in a slave revolt now holds the power of the former nobility, so should he not now demonstrate nobility? No. The logic of the slave revolt prevents this since the slave army will see the signs of a new master and revolt again, thus, the new master must pretend still to be a slave. The Catholic Church did this through its priestly class, whose positions of power were justified via an ascetic lifestyle (e.g., priests not being allowed to wed). The Jewish manipulation of this story occurs through the Shoah and now their staged 9/11 of the October 2023 attacks. That is, in order to claim perpetual victimhood (i.e., to possess slave morality despite having a master's/enslaver's wealth), a slave must have convincing lies which justify all of their immoral activities. ("The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.")

Barclay plays with this by constantly pretending to be hurt while threatening Owens with the exercise of his power. He uses the strategy that BLM similarly adopted: pretending that his "lived experience" (his personal perception) is itself the truth of his victimhood, and that no one else can deny this due to his "unique" victimhood as a Jew. Even towards the end, he gives Owens one last chance to say sorry to him, hinting that he is about to go to Temple and have a meeting with a "mutual friend" who might be interested in whether or not Owens has been brought to heel. Owens declines, having seen no factual argument for Barclay's slander/libel of "anti-Semitism", and, as we now know, Daily Wire fired Owens.

So you'd have to wonder how much of this is theater designed specifically to *increase* anti-Semitism (i.e., "[look what we did so quickly to someone who did not kiss the ring]") or if they truly believe that these rhetorical deceptions are convincing. The Owens video has a staggering 61,000 comments currently, and there does not even seem to be a successful sock-puppet counter-movement among them; the vast majority is critical of Barclay. So, the deceptions likely are *not* convincing. When people see so transparently that power is applied one-way, they do not see Western values of equality-under-the-law reflected.

And while Neema Parvini might recently have gone lukewarm on this point, his previous position in "The Populist Delusion" (2022) is that power *wants* to make itself known so that people know what the power structure is and can comply with it, so it is entirely possible that regardless of how badly Rabbi Barclay came off here, the transparent exercise of his power was far more important to their propaganda. There is a credible amount of power in being able to claim that there "[is no Jewish conspiracy]" and insist that someone believe that lie while holding over someone's head this same (actual) conspiracy's ability to destroy that someone. I have even seen Jewish academics *use* this exact same technique while discussing this technique as a "trope" or Catch-22, where they pretend that *not* using their cabal powers would leave them vulnerable to attacks by people who call them a cabal. The logic truly insulates itself and avoids self-reflection; it makes sure to cast its powers as deterministic and inviolable — evading the responsibility of nobility while exercising the power that it claims not to have.
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 27 04:48:56
"Mandatory State Training Steers Judges To Question Fitness Of Parents Who Don’t Affirm Gender-Confused Kids"
[Daily Caller; March 26th, 2024]
• "Judges who handle child abuse and neglect cases in California are required to take a training on LGBT issues that pushes them to consider whether parents who object to their child’s preferred pronouns should have custody."
• "The Judicial Council of California’s “LGBTQ+ Considerations” training, offered twice annually for judges working on juvenile dependency cases, instructs judges on how to handle youth gender identities, advising them to “be aware that LGBTQ youth may be at risk of harm at home, school and in other settings due to biased or uninformed attitudes or conduct by peers/adults,” according to a presentation from June 2023 obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation via a public records request. After citing statistics on mental health problems among LGBT youth and warning judges to stay alert about “physical or emotional abuse” by parents that does not have a “clear reason,” the presentation puts forward three hypothetical scenarios for the judges to sort through."

Reading through the slides, you can see how the state attempts to insert themselves as a wedge between parents/guardians and propagandized LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA youth. They're basically trying to get judges to make decisions based on the false premise that "affirmation" is "good thing" and that judges might have to order parents not to interfere with groups that affirm, to order that children be relinquished to organizations that affirm (e.g., half-way homes), or to order restraining orders against people who do not affirm (e.g., friends, family). This type of action would ensure that the state can insist upon chemical and surgical emasculation/sterilization of children through an inverted sense of "protection".
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 05 07:36:46
Totally normal for a foreign nation to hold this kind of power over a Western politician:

"Sir Alan Duncan has been placed under investigation by the Conservative Party after criticising his colleagues for backing Israel, Sky News understands"
[Sky News; April 4th, 2024]

Article direct link:

"In response to news of the investigation, Sir Alan said: "Although I have heard nothing myself, I have been told by many in the media that the Conservative Party has issued a statement to say that I am to be investigated by them with a view to expulsion.

""They did not lay out any substantive grounds for their action."

Sounds like more Cardinal Richelieu logic. He said something "bad" about Israel, so they're investigating him to see if they can find a crime.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 15 19:57:53
Dan Crenshaw is such a terrible person that tumblefag will probably start using him as an example of one of the "good" GOP members — like Liz Cheney:
"After nearly five years of silence, an ex-SEAL team member describes their experience with Congressman Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) of Texas. Heartbreaking story."
[April 13th, 2024]
Cherub Cow
Wed Apr 24 01:22:30
This was making the rounds when the traitors in our government voted to expand Ukraine funding, but it's even more notable now that Massie is being fined for posting a video of the traitors from within the chambers:
(Mostly Democrats waving Ukrainian flags following the funding of New Khazaria bill)
Cherub Cow
Sun May 05 01:17:52
Elon Musk finally reinstated Nick Fuentes:

"Thank you @elonmusk for reinstating my account and upholding your commitment to free speech.

"I have been censored on every major platform for +3 years. Much has been said about me in that time by groups like ADL and SPLC…

"I look forward to reintroducing myself in my own words!"
[May 4th, 2024]

Fuentes is by no means "the" guy, and he has faced his own potential losses (e.g., a loss of credibility when he accidentally exposed his own search history), but he is well-positioned to drop red pills that many in the NeoCon circles are still afraid to even approach.

That basically just leaves Jared Taylor as one of the remaining large-follower anti-Regime types to still be banned under Musk. Smaller accounts are another story, and many of them were purged in the last gasp of the Twitter infiltrators after Musk purchased (e.g., PatrickBasedMan, AIPanopticon). Arguably, one of the reasons that people are starting to notice Jewish power in Western society is because of the loss of the Regime's propaganda control in the West, with Twitter being a major source of Regime propaganda power. The FBI and ADL can no longer work with a pro-censorship liaison office within Twitter, since that apparatus within Twitter barely exists anymore.

People are still rightfully worried about Musk's role in this, since he has applied his own Overton Window to Twitter (he favors the controlled opposition of the Timcast and Daily Wire Zionists), but a win is a win. That said, if we are truly working towards the expulsion of Jewish power from the West, then the metaphor of the host-killing parasite does apply (e.g., the subject of the "Legion" TV series). Germany, for instance, rightly broke Jewish power nationally, but the international community was mobilized against them by Jewish power within those nations. If the scale is now the entire West preparing to purge Jewish power, then, again, the binary favors BRICS+, who can be used as the Jewish Golem to destroy the West, accept Jewish migration, and undergo the same process that these United States faced over the last 100 years. The treasonous leaders of those nations may make the same short-sighted bargain: win this war, control the debt, and have a generation or two of prosperity before they too are destroyed.

Dysgenic warfare ultimately benefits the enslavers, so it must be these dysgenic who fight for the West — not its true fighters. This could even be sold to the left as their benevolent achievement of sovereignty. If "trans" people get sent to the front lines, then they either prove their loyalty or are selected out of the gene pool. Either is a benefit. The same can be said of the leftist who has betrayed the West for this scheme.
Sun May 05 06:01:18
It's funny, I always thought that the Allies declared war on the Axis because Germany invaded Poland and the Soviet Union while Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and started seizing Allied colonies. Who knew it was actually the Jews behind all of it.

I seldom agree with Dukhat on anything, but you could do with a bit of time off from the crap you've been reading/watching lately CC.
Sun May 05 06:10:26
And yes, I'm aware of the Jewish War theory.

I don't subscribe to it for the same reason I don't subscribe to the idea that aliens built the pyramids. It's absolutely insane on its face.
Sun May 05 14:36:23
I mean telling CC to take a step away from whatever propaganda she is devouring would be as successful as convincing tw to take a break from reading about all things trump related. And just as tw can turn any topic into a "it's trumps fault" pivot, cc can turn any issue into "its the jews". That's the power you give away when you begin to think someone/something is behind everything, because then they can be blamed for everything wrong in the world and your life.

Cherub Cow
Mon May 06 04:25:21
[Rugian]: "Who knew it was actually the Jews behind all of it."


[Rugian]: "I don't subscribe to it for the same reason I don't subscribe to the idea that aliens built the pyramids. It's absolutely insane on its face."

No. That's a false equivalency. Germany's subversion by Jewish destroyers is historical fact. The "scapegoat" myth is an absolute lie that feeds into the Jewish delusion that people dislike them "for no reason at all" (rather than their actions).

[obaminated]: "That's the power you give away when you begin to think someone/something is behind everything, because then they can be blamed for everything wrong in the world and your life."

Absolutely idiotic take.
This is the same impotent take that some of UP's disingenuous leftists have used: "[Hur hur, you can't blame your bad life on Jews]". Umm, no, I'm not blaming my life on Jews, and things are going fine for me personally. That's a monumental straw man fallacy and an ungrounded ad hominem fallacy. It's akin to the meme "But how does this affect you personally?" These things do not have to have a direct link to my daily life to be relevant.

This thread series is about cataloguing the rise of a global totalitarian power. Jewish people are most largely behind this. This is factual and incontrovertible. The best counter-argument by pathetic cowards and weaklings is, "[But muh greatest ally tho]." Grow a fucking spine and look at the causal chain. Israel should have zero power in these United States. Zero. They are not our ally; politically, Israel acts as a parasite on the West. They have embedded themselves in governance to siphon funds to their Third Temple and to New Khazaria. Not a cent of our taxes should go to such enemy nations.

And even more simply is this:
I absolutely oppose slave morality and enslavement dogmas. This has placed me against the "woke" left because "woke" is slave morality. This places me also against Islam and subversions within Christianity (e.g., the papal seat being the seat of the Anti-Christ). This places me also against Judaism — the original slave morality dogma.

Leftists and destroyers are playing into this Master–Slave dialectic of slave morality, attempting to achieve "Master" status through a global slave revolt that selects a "Master" class (a class possessing slave morality but the propaganda to justify it; e.g., Oprah the "oppressed" billionaire, the Holocaust myth establishing the ultimate "victim" in the minds of the masses). This is the project of Jewish oligarchs: to leverage the Holocaust myth over the minds of boomer-minded propagandized fools who believe that it was the West's great "sin" to "allow" Jews to be hurt by WWII Germany. It is a lie and a myth because it presupposes the power that Jewish oligarchs wish to have over the West. This dogma of bile blames Americans as much as Germany since it is an ethnic hatred designed to destroy those who will not bow as slaves. The WWII Boomer Delusion has people believing that "6 million" is not only a real figure but that it is worse than the **70** million that died in WWII. How many *billions* do the oligarchs want to die for the 1160 Israelies that Israel quotes as having died in October 2023? Will 1160 still be worse?

Even so, the solution to both leftists and Jewish subversives — whether or not you agree that Jewish subversives are playing into this same strategy — is simple: service guarantees citizenship. No ignoble people should have access to the franchise, to public office, to government bureaucracy, to finance/banking, or any power structures within the West without first demonstrating the ultra-violence necessary to protect the national sovereignty of their individual Western nations. If this filter disproportionately affects certain peoples more than others, then so be it.
Mon May 06 13:19:02
I never said anything was going wrong with you personally cc. I simply equated you with tw in that you both have these boogeyman you obsess over and find a way to blame them for anything and everything that goes wrong.

If you can't take a step back and see you are incredibly bias then you are as blind as tw.

But yeah, the jews were responsible for the United States entering the world War 2.
Cherub Cow
Tue May 07 22:12:40
[obaminated]: "I simply equated you with tw in that you both have these boogeyman you obsess over and find a way to blame them for anything and everything that goes wrong."

Which is absolutely false. This is seb levels of disingenuous framing. My discourse is not based on a "boogeyman", and to claim so is self-deception.

My "bias" is towards the truth. The facts lead to Jewish power as an infiltrating force within the West. I have never claimed that theirs is the *only* infiltrating power, and if people in this forum had better reading comprehension and less ADD, then they'd see how much time I've spent talking about BRICS+ infiltration — far, far more time spent on BRICS+.

The real issue is that some people have been cognitively conditioned to never want to address Jewish power. I could talk in a hundred of these threads about Chinese power, and the worst I'd get is Dukhat, wtb, and jergul saying some retarded comment meant to derail away from their slavish beliefs. But I start mentioning the Jews and the boomer-cons turn into Agent Smiths to protect their Matrix.

"Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."
Cherub Cow
Wed May 08 00:28:41
Another institution at last destroyed by the Regime's dogmas:
"The Boy Scouts of America today announced that it will rebrand to Scouting America, reflecting the organization’s ongoing commitment to welcome every youth and family in America to experience the benefits of Scouting. Learn more:"
[Boyscouts Official Twitter; May 7th, 2024]

It is repeated all too often since the symptoms are all too persistent, but this "equity" of power only ever goes in one direction (by definition). Is the "Girl Scouts" organization to merge with "Scouting America"? Of course not.

The Marxist project (this project of the slave revolt) destroys the power centers of the sovereign to empower weaklings as useful idiots. The Wollstonecraft belief for feminism imagined that those women who could retain sovereignty and Enlightenment virtue for society would ascend. Taken to Heinlein's conclusions, this would produce women of ultra-violence who would be so dangerous to would-be conquerors that no slaves or genetic traitors could be had of the population following a defeat of a society's men; loyalty would be so absolute that no soft target would exist beyond the castle gates.

But the slave revolt's belief for feminism is that those who can degrade society will ascend — failing upwards and opening the castle gates for a night raid while the warriors sleep. The slave revolt must degrade the strong to elevate the weak; it cannot preserve strength as a virtue since those of the slave revolt lack all virtue.

So, by the totalitarian regime's reckoning, an organization which gave young men the *potential* to form cohesive male bonds of strength must be destroyed. The Boy Scouts have long been considered a bunch of LARPing faggots meant to be bullied by the more violent sorts for showing up to class at school in their gay uniforms, facing mockery for the possibility that their scout leaders are pedos; but even *that* isn't "inclusive" enough since there still exists that potential of male strength.

And while the Girl Scouts will be preserved, we have seen also that sports where women can become strong are also to be degraded — just in another way.

Long ago I told earthpig that a major reason that militaries cannot find women who can complete combat-training programs (without dropping standards) is that the women capable of these tasks are of much greater value to college sports programs. The military can offer (maybe) a $50,000 bonus for a high-value athletic woman who will be put on a track to special forces as an experiment, but most colleges can offer far more in the form of athletic scholarships (i.e., even more free money, an education, and the potential to make far more money after graduation.) This immediately filters out (most) strong women from the military, though, of course, this omits strong women who didn't have scholarship opportunities.

Many of those strong women with scholarship opportunities instead end up playing college softball, volleyball, or multi-discipline sports. But even these organizations/teams are "problematic" for the slave revolt, hence their introduction of "trans-women" to degrade them. Strength-based sports traditionally cultivated right-wing beliefs since strength itself naturally promotes right-wing values. Thus, these sports are a primary target for Regime propaganda, infiltration, and degradation. A female sports team faced with a trans-woman is going to suffer a loss of cohesion, a fracturing of morality, and leftist doubts about identity. How can a woman fully realize her strength and identity if some degenerate leftist with the full backing of Regime dogma and law on a pharma cocktail is tucking his penis and trying to insert himself into female conversations for some sick psycho-sexual thrills? Certainly, the difficult level increases.

So, again, it is not just that the Regime is breaking apart White male organizations — though that is indeed their primary target. Every regime client group (i.e., even "minority" and "protected" groups) have some remainder of strong or potentially right-wing elements as a percentage. The dogma of the slave revolt is meant to destroy these right-wing elements in all organizations. People laugh at the contradiction of "Queers for Palestine" when we know that Islamic fundamentalists would throw queers off of rooftops, but these queers are potential viral vectors into client groups.

In the case of the ultimate client groups of the global totalitarian Regime, it is not enough to replace White Westerners with Bengalis. The Bengalis must themselves be miscegenated with Thai, Pakistani, or other groups, and the miscegenated Pakistani–Bengali group would further need to be enslaved through the disempowerment of right-wing elements within it. Any cohesive identity must be destroyed by the revolt; that is its governing principle. Nothing that anyone values can be retained, for values themselves prevent enslavement. This is why the regime-leftist has no values beyond self-enslavement and perpetually adjusts his consciousness under the Party's ever-evolving dictates: were his ideas ever fixed on some sacred virtue, he would have to face the reality that the Party long ago took it from him.
Cherub Cow
Fri May 10 07:54:54
Right-wing pundit An0maly had on a pretty popular conservative pundit to discuss a religious/political topic they'd discussed on Twitter. It started with these two comments:

An0maly: "If Christian Zionists truly believed that this is the end times & that America will be destroyed soon due to their religious interpretation — why do they care about politics and claim to want to Make America Great Again? [/] Something isn’t adding up."

Conservative Momma (CM): "I am a Christian of over 30 years, and support Israel and I am totally honest with my Jewish friends ... Paul speaks of it in Romans and says “all of Israel will be saved.”"
(her post is much longer)

They followed up here, mostly repeating the same issue without much development:
"How The Republican Party Prioritizes Israel & Zionism: Debate With Conservative Momma!"
[May 7th, 2024]

I explain the issue in a comment, and it applies to this thread topic:
She is making a simplistic connection between two criteria, creating the dispensationalist fallacy:
• 1) that God endows Israel to the Chosen
• 2) that the modern, self-proclaimed Jews that we know today are (inherently) these Chosen
• Fallacious conclusion based on false premise "2") Therefore, these modern Jews must be given Israel.

It does not occur to her that Jews are not (automatically) Chosen—that Chosen status is not "special elect" (given by God without good works). Israel (the Holy place) can only be earned through good works—one chooses to perform these works and is not merely given the fruits of others' works (that is enslavement by a Master). Without recognizing this distinction (between what one chooses to earn with free will versus what one presumes is given/Chosen automatically by their mere being (a rejection of free will)), she paves the way for Jews to presume that they are "Chosen" (without their own good works) in the sense that they must automatically be given the works produced by Christians and the world at large. This logic makes Christians into the slaves of Jews.

This is why she has trouble reconciling why Speaker Johnson would pass heresy laws on behalf of Jews. The problem with "Chosen" meaning "special elect" is that no act is immoral if it gives Jews (as "special elect") power, since through this meaning of "Chosen" follows that this immorality is merely a divine right towards a "just" global enslavement. I.e., if one is "Chosen" (special elect), then anything they do towards that end is "moral" — this itself causes an apocalyptic reversal of morality. This "special elect" logic includes Johnson accepting money from Jewish foreign interests, subverting Christian interests, voting against the interests of his nation, and effecting a global enslavement under Jewish Masters.

In other words, Speaker Johnson is following the same logic that owns her to its conclusion, but she does not seem to realize it. She thinks that you can have a "special elect" Chosen while simultaneously preserving a free-will Christian Constitution, but these are mutually exclusive. If a people is "Chosen" in this "special elect" way then there is no immorality that they will not force upon their slaves to preserve their Master status.

In other words, she's sampling parts of the Bible that have been subverted. She says in her Tweet that she's "not a reader of a Schofield Bible" (i.e., not a reader of the dispensationalist subversion), but she still uses the same dispensationalist logic, in particular by citing a Jewish infiltrator: the Apostle Paul. It is from Paul's subversion that Christians often adopt the lie of "debt" for Jesus' "sacrifice", whereas Jesus's praxis was to abolish debt. This causes Christians to work to pay off the debt of that "sacrifice" through works which must flow towards a Church which builds society in *its* vision instead of theirs (this is enslavement ideology). In Christian organizations which have recovered from this enslavement logic, believers are still indebted to Christ, but one re-pays the debt through becoming holy and performing good works which do not have to serve the Pope (e.g., many Protestant beliefs that serve local communities and preserve the family shrine).

So it is this false repayment of debt through the project of a Jewish Israel that has ensnared many Christians into a slavery scheme that serves Jews. Apocalyptic types such as Speaker Johnson believe that they can effect the apocalypse by serving Jews; the growth of Jewish-Israeli power results in hatred of Jews, this causes a war of all nations, and this results in the rapture of Christians and those Jews who converted. It's psychotic logic. This is mega-church end-times logic since it's basically promising followers that they'll get wiped out and leave Jewish supremacists reigning on Earth.

Speaker Ryan's perspective is also the other side of the coin of what Dugin wants to happen, since Dugin's innuendo is that the West will destroy itself if it pursues a slave revolt (to him, this is a positive), this slave revolt will interfere with Jewish power, and Jews will flee to BRICS+ to enslave BRICS+. Dugin does not mind the long-term enslavement of BRICS+ if it means the West falls, which is why he saw the benefit of the slave revolt's ideals matching with right-wing elements of the West (e.g., "anti-Semitism"). So, effectively, Christian Zionists are working on this same Dugin and mega-church framework of Western annihilation. Funding Israel funds the furthering of the slave revolt. It solidifies the West/BRICS+ binary, and serves as one of the planned proxy wars along this rift.

The bottom line is that paying people to exist — as opposed to paying them to be virtuous — creates a slave revolt, slave revolts are designed to kill those who resist slavery, and right now this scheme puts the West on the chopping block.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 12 06:22:48
The best part about this is that Pelosi had to see there listening to this:
"This is outstanding. Nancy Pelosi waltzes into Oxford Union Debate and gets a populist spanking from Winston Marshall.
"Nancy interrupts several times."
[May 11th, 2024]

Marshall's use of "democracy" may be misguided, since he's attempting to reclaim it from the elites, but by using that word in front of elite (e.g., Pelosi), it has the force of a warning for those elites: serving the will of Davos rather than the will of their own people will not end well for the elites.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 12 06:23:11
*"had to [sit] there"
Cherub Cow
Sun May 12 06:30:32
Of Pelosi sitting there, realizing that her elite power was being taken to task publicly in an environment that the Regime does not totally control:

"The cameras do not capture her reaction properly.

I wish one was trained on Congresswoman Pelosi the whole time, showing her flagrant violations of decorum, bristling and interrupting at various points in his speech.

Simply put, this is someone who is not used to be being challenged at all. She never really is ever confronted with non pro-establishment views that mirror the sycophantic slew of headlines that grace the pages of the Washington Post and NYT. Or the talking points of MSNBC anchors.

At several points she shook her head violently, interrupted him and mouths the words “who ARE you?”

I saw her turn to her aide sitting behind her to ask the same thing.

It won’t happen again. Win snuck in, under the radar, and all due to the hubris of a sitting politician unaccustomed to any reality check."
Cherub Cow
Sun May 12 09:37:45
Controlled-opposition "conservatives" worried about Nick Fuentes gaining an audience:
"Megyn Kelly [with Zionist and "the left left me" Neo-Con Bari Weiss as a guest] recognizes Nick Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) as “rising in popularity,” pointing out that a colleague of hers is now an “open groyper.”"
[May 11th, 2024]

Imagine all of the lies of the Shoah myth annihilated before the boomers can even begin to understand why this fragmentation of the media landscape ever took place. Pundits such as Kelly who cannot predict the next few weeks are guiding viewers along a discourse that has plans for the next few decades. If they fear even speaking of the opposition as even *hypothetically* existing as their opposition, then they are psychologically removing their own ability to strategize this opposition.

This is the world of self-imposed crimestop and the thought-terminating cliché. This logic works behind the safety of civilization, where compliance is rewarded with the elite's cocktail party, with a fine dress, with an at-home yoga-instructor, and with a lean body that became fit without knowing the impact forces of fight training — performative fitness, performative prosperity.

But the apes at the chaotic edge of society — the outcast apes — are rising in popularity because the warnings are becoming too real to ignore. Fuentes is no prophet nor is he the end of the discourse, but he knows more of the next chapter than the chirping sparrows working at Fox News will ever admit to their corralled viewers. Yet, leftists only know to fear Fox News as a source of their opposition's propaganda. How divinely ignorant! After years of warnings, tumblefag-types will continue to blame Fox News for counter-points to their cult-like behavior, and they will continue to float the straw-man of people "supporting" Trump — yet they have not even begun to understand the paths of history that their ideology manifests in the opposition that they themselves created in this slave revolt.

What both the left and right should fear is that Fuentes gains traction before another cognizant voice with a different vision for society gains his or her own. Fuentes is following the path of Dugin, which means burning out the slave revolt through the destruction of the West. This path placates the left in the short term while allowing the right to seize power in the long term. This is the Napoléon strategy. This means that the Terror decapitates the old oligarchs who could not see this coming, the dysgenic freaks who ran the scaffold become its final victims, and the new ruling elite step in to save the left from its own devices.

But what became of the glories of Napoléon? What became of the beautiful fighting men whose blessed vision of France had them run headlong into Wellington's volleys? While that dust still settled at Waterloo, the Bolshevik Rothschilds bankers were trading stocks over this news to make their fortunes in London and across Europe. On our dead they built an empire for dysgenic cowards. At every level of these banker schemes we see millions of Europeans, who preserved the strength of nobility through the ages, breaking on each other's ranks for the benefit of merchants who ride not cavalry horses but ledgers to reconcile the debt left for we the living. Our moral impulse to satisfy righteousness against the strongest enemy is us defeating ourselves, since it is these weakest who watch the strength of empires fade from generation to generation, till at last they enslave those leftists who could not hold ranks in a stiff wind.

The Golden Path is for those who can play the role of both Fox and Lion, as Ulysses returning from Troy, as Theseus quietly sending night raids and openly defeating the Theban King Creon, as Saint George saw that the quiet ancestral bargain cost his people too much virtue and therefore slayed the dragon. The very will of the merchants must be broken, with the true elites burned in the sunlight and finding infinite depths of despair as they see that not even their dysgenic slaves will fight for them when they see that their highest ideal is a deformed goblin without a conscience. The ultimate indictment of their claim to rule is that people will only give them tribute when they believe that a puppet is a true elite. With the forest cleared of these false rulers, even the most ideologically sick fool may know why cowards doom us all.
Cherub Cow
Tue May 21 16:17:18
Wow, it's almost like the global totalitarian Regime supports pedophilia or something:

"“Pro-Pedophile” Activist Group Celebrates As Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn Possession"
[May 21st, 2024]
• "“The taboo of pedophilia must finally be broken at all levels of society. If a pedophile can come out without fear of exclusion or even demonization, then this is the best prevention against child abuse,” Gieseking[, who endorsed the bill and who has been repeatedly charged with the possession of child pornography] told the outlet."
• "Last fall, the Bundestag accepted a petition on children’s rights authored by Gieseking which amends Article 6 of the Basic Law to add statements regarding children’s rights, and states that “children should be viewed as legal subjects with their own rights.” ... Among the rights listed within the petition’s text is the assertion that children have “the right to have a say in all matters that affect their emotional, mental and physical well-being,” and “the right to the free development of their personality.”"

Again, you can see why they do this.
By giving children rights which exceed the parent's ability to intervene, by steeping the culture with "trans"-delusion propaganda, and by passing laws which require parents to "affirm", the children of White people (since White people are most likely to identify as having gender dysphoria) are more likely to be placed in situations which enable sexual predators. These children are also encouraged to self-emasculate (sterilization of White people), and, if they survive the process of being groomed and abused, they complete the cycle by abusing the next generation.

Global leftists support these policies through LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA expansions into the "protected class" arena. NAMBLA was *always* going to be included in this acronym.
Cherub Cow
Tue May 21 21:13:21
Donald Trump Jr. correctly identifies what's going on as "Bolshevik show trials":
[May 21st, 2024]

This is a Bolshevik revolution. Leftists are merely playing their part in the disintegration of national sovereignty to install messianic-totalitarian democracy. Leftists will be pleased that no "strong man" is present to make them fear a Hitler 2.0, but they'll have to completely repress the fact that the "1984" totalitarian model was based on a system with no strong man.

"Big Brother" was not a Hitler archetype. "Big Brother" could hardly even be said to exist. He was a symbol for a collectivist Party with no clear figurehead, since the cowards of the Bolshevik Revolution hide behind control of bureaucracy. The Bolsheviks always stand behind puppets — such as Biden. The puppets are replaceable, but the Bolsheviks install the replacements as well — all ideologically homogeneous. It is Hydra as governance.

"But oh!" say the slavish leftists, "We are not standing behind one strong man, we are standing behind The Party!" And they blink.
Cherub Cow
Tue May 21 22:19:44
While this one is sensational, it's not quite accurate:
"FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago"
"Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service if necessary."

So, the FBI was cleared to engage with deadly force on the Mar-A-Lago property. This is true, but not in the way that sensationalists expect. The sensational narrative is that they were given this guidance so that they would have pretext to execute Trump.

But, the less interesting but more true narrative is that this kind of contingency is built into FBI Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Pretty much any search operation requires personnel to be armed, and the sections on deadly force are copy&paste from generic search documents. In a quick check after writing this, this seems confirmed by FBI statements (not that they're trustworthy, but bureaucrats do know how to say that they're bureaucrats):

So, the only true issue here is that the people who produced the SOP for *this* operation did not think to remove that procedure given the high level of the search (i.e., they should have removed the instructions given that it was a former president). It might seem strange to remove self-defense uses of deadly force in *any* case, but doing so for a former president would be a simple recognition that some dumbass agent is less valuable than a former president. The risk of a mistake would be far too high to even allow anyone but senior staff to carry weapons.

So, the short issue here is that whoever authorized the SOP did not think to remove routine instructions for a non-routine operation. They copy&pasted the instructions with their brains off, as many bureaucrats do.

The lawyers who signed off on the SOP are listed and partially at fault, but they would not have noticed this issue and could have easily been convinced that "it's standard". So the only name that may have been behind the approval of the draft itself is redacted as "FBI 21A" (pages 4–5). This "FBI 21A" may not be behind the "Operations Order" document, but he's mentioned under "General Warrant", which includes search instructions, so that's probably the same person. So, basically, the identity of "FBI 21A" is huge here. This agent — whoever he is — made some massive errors in the raid draft. Copy&paste bureaucrats fuck up this sort of thing all the time, and that does not excuse the behavior at all.

This fits with my earlier thinking that Garland did not actually order the operation:
[August 2022]
"What if Newsweek were correct that "Garland had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the specific raid, nor was he asked to approve it", and his admission was a "Sum of All Fears" gambit: claiming responsibility to hide the presence of a rogue element."

In other words, the operation was initiated by an office of the FBI that acted politically and stupidly, this was reflected in their SOP being generic (not mindful of the high-level status of the search), and Garland claimed responsibility after-the-fact to appear in control.

Think of the alternative for Garland. If he had truthfully revealed that this was an operation based in incompetence, then he would have burned an FBI office and caused further division within the FBI (i.e., the FBI would have seen that Garland is not their ally and would become antagonistic towards him). By protecting this agent "FBI 21A", Garland takes responsibility for the fuckup and improves loyalty. The catch is that this only bought Garland time (nearly 2 years is pretty good), since now this agent is potentially going to reveal that Garland did not approve this draft and that a small field office conducted a political raid.

It is true that the Regime wants to a55a55inate Trump, but this is not the way that they would do it as an organization. It *is* the way that a rogue agent and his office would do it. The Regime's overall goal is to burn Trump with lawfare, and their backup plan is a55a55ination through an MK Ultra activation (i.e., propagandizing Trump as "Hitler 2.0" so thoroughly that some left-wing psychopath such as tumbletard feels called upon to "[stop Hitler before his rise to power]"). But losing control of the FBI and confirming to even the left-of-center voters that the FBI is indeed working on behalf of the Regime as a kill squad? That's not the move for them. Psychopaths such as tumbletard would love that, but as deranged as the left has become, the FBI murdering a former president is just a little too beyond the centrists' threshold.

So, in short, this is more fallout from Garland not having control of the FBI in August 2022 (time of the raid). He had activist agents whose irresponsible actions showed that the FBI is indeed a deep-state apparatus working on behalf of the DNC, but the Regime's goal was to apply a little more subtlety in their political prosecutions. I think the Regime pushed the documents hoax so hard to cover for the fact that the FBI conducted a political raid, and since the documents hoax failed and the raid documents have been subpoenaed, Garland's August 2022 lie is now being exposed.
the wanderer
Wed May 22 23:20:36
first time visiting & it figures you'd be talking about this

at least you acknowledge what Trump, Faux, & all his cult allies are saying is total bullshit (though you won't have a problem with that)

however you then create new bullshit that the document should've been removed... first no, as it wasn't about arresting Trump or going to his personal bathroom where only he might be present, it was a large social club (that he's improperly using as his residence) & contains his henchmen & loyalists... nor should he be immune even if it was just him ('well if he fires upon you, tough luck you'll have to take it...')

but you are even more wrong as the document doesn't "authorize" deadly force, it's a list of _restrictions_ of its use (like 'can't shoot a suspect just because fleeing') so absolutely no reason to remove it, in fact you'd want it highlighted even more under your dumb 'lord Trump is above all' theory

anyway, don't write 15 paragraphs of weird shit in response, i won't be stepping back in here, plus you are just incredibly clearly obviously wrong as is all of Trump world (with Faux News becoming more embarrassing (& dangerous) as time goes on w/ buying & spreading the bullshit)
Cherub Cow
Sun May 26 00:23:21
[tumblefag (TDS Bot, Regime sycophant, pedophile-supporter]: "anyway, don't write 15 paragraphs of weird shit in response, i won't be stepping back in here"

Of fucking course you won't, you pathetic little faggot, but I will demolish your slavish non-positions anyways. I will even front-load the name-calling and call you a pathetic little faggot right now — as opposed to easing you in as does the Regime propaganda that you uncritically digest — since I know that words hurt your fragile little bitch mind and prevent you from thinking and that if you cannot make it past name-calling then you do not deserve the following truth anyways. As many pathetic weaklings, your ability to face the truth is always limited by your sense of being offended.

I have pointed out too many times that your slavish death cult of pedophiles and totalitarian sycophants is ruled by a simple set of sub-routines which you are mentally incapable of breaking. You literally **could not** break this pattern, since it is your cult's conditioning, and no matter how many times and in how many different ways I have told you this, you always fail to break this simple formula. As pointed out previously:
The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.

I.e., Tumblefag once again dropped by, didn't read/comprehend, took a shit on the floor, and proudly proclaimed that he is too much of a faggot-cultist to read future responses. This is how the cultist insulates himself from non-cultists: by rejecting outright anything which stirs his cognitive dissonance. This is why people such as tumblefag are the ultimate proof of the friend/enemy distinction. That is, no grey area remains here.

• Tumbleweed is evil.
• No conscience remains within him.
• There is no bargaining with him.
• There is no reasoning with him.
• He is in a cult.
• He refuses to be de-conditioned from his cult.
• The only outcome for him is his personal suicide (fulfilling the cult's dogma), such as, for instance, surgical/chemical emasculation (e.g., transing himself, loudly expressing his hatred for the West and/or Trump to signal compliance with the Regime, compensating for not chopping off his balls by never shutting up about Trump) or satisfying his cult's conditioning by suicide-attacking Trump, thus purging himself of his psychotic fixation.

In ancient civilizations this friend/enemy distinction was incredibly easy to reconcile: the army standing across from you on the battlefield wants you dead, and there is no debating what they will do once their leaders begin issuing orders. The only difference today is that enemies of the West such as tumblefag are within our own ranks, pretending to be citizens of our nations, and quietly opening the castle gates for destroyers more deadly than themselves. There will be time for such a word.

[tumblefag (TDS Bot, Regime sycophant, pedophile-supporter]:
1) "however you then create new bullshit that the document should've been removed... first no, as it wasn't about arresting Trump or going to his per"
2) "but you are even more wrong as the document doesn't "authorize" deadly force"
3) "nor should he be immune even if it was just him"

You are once again proving that you haven't got a fucking clue.
You are wrong on several (major) points:

1) I did *not* claim that the *entire* document should be removed, you dumb fuck. I said this: "to remove routine instructions". I.e., critical sections can be revised or removed for the specific demands of the operation. You have zero sense of morality — being a slave who supports this Regime's slave revolt — so misrepresenting my argument is of course routine by you and by many such pathetic weaklings of your bug caste.

2) You are outright *wrong* that this "doesn't "authorize" deadly force". You are too stupid and pathetic to realize how these SOPs are written, and you have no direct experience, whereas I do indeed have direct experience. You, being a pathetic weakling, will, of course, claim that my direct experience is wrong — just as you pathetically and ignorantly did with the documents-handling case, which illustrated how deeply wrong you are and how easily swayed you are by overt Regime propaganda. In both cases, you, being a pathetic little bitch, have never served in combat roles or handled combat-authorization documents and therefore can have the wool pulled over your eyes. I, on the other hand, know these things with the seriousness with which they are designed to take and to protect lives.

To the issue, deadly force instructions are typically copy&paste documents — which is why you and many bureaucracy-minded fools were deceived into thinking that they cannot be changed and do not "authorize" deadly force. Your misused "authorize" language itself shows your ignorance. In reality, these documents are most often meant as training re-iterations for personnel behavior. They work within a (trained) continuum of force which is meant to cover *most* possibilities for *default* responses, from non-lethal to lethal — thus these training protocols do indeed authorize force **within the continuum**. However, **they do not cover all possibilities**. It is for this reason that mission-specific guidance *must* be issued and *is* issued by *competent* authorities (i.e., by those who draft the mission-specific guidance). I know this because I myself have drafted these documents and trained personnel of their particulars, and I myself would *not* have made the mistake that this drafting agent made. The higher profile an operation, the more deliberate you must be about *all* portions; you *cannot* accept blind spots for copy&paste sections. His incompetence is incontrovertible, and if you deny this then you do so from your total and malicious ignorance.

The short summation is this:
• Deadly force was indeed authorized by this document.
• The document did *not* make the *correct* and *precedence-backed* decision to produce carve-outs for high-value opposition personnel.

3) If you do not believe that carve-outs can be made for high-value personnel — where deadly force is *not* authorized in *any* scenario — then you are too stupid and too cult-like to function. This is such an obvious point that it again reveals the depths of your malevolence that you would deny that trained and armed personnel have ever found themselves in a situation where they must preserve life at *all* costs (i.e., even at the cost of their own lives) — and you deny this simple point to serve your cult-like need to remove all obstacles to your only wish: your wish to murder Trump. Your pretense that no one could be protected in these scenarios is only to enable your murderous designs.

What's sadder still is that in the years before you turned into a cult psychopath, I repeatedly told you this same basic truth in regards to police escalating force. I.e., I repeatedly told you in instances of police mismanagement of force that the officers were poorly trained and did not know how to preserve the life of a person who was giving police only a moderate justification for deadly force. Police will often fire upon a suspect before the suspect has even raised a pistol (poor management of deadly force), whereas highly trained personnel in combat roles will not only allow themselves to be fired upon but may even take a high level of casualties before even raising their own weapons (e.g., in public-facing peace-keeping operations). The more poorly trained the personnel, the more likely they are to de-prioritize the lives of combatants and/or escalate to deadly force for a misguided sense of momentary self-preservation. **And this training is directly bureaucratized by revised deadly force guidelines.**

So the irony here is that you previously realized that police were trigger-happy and that that was a bad thing, but because you want Trump dead and you are a cultist, now you want to pretend that these "police" (here, the FBI) couldn't possibly allow Trump or high-value personnel to "be immune", as you say. This obvious hypocrisy on your behalf is merely your cult conditioning and cannot be reversed at this point, since you are evil and all words are wasted on you.

[tumblefag (TDS Bot, Regime sycophant, pedophile-supporter]: "with Faux News becoming more embarrassing"

This fucking idiot (tumblefag) still blames Fox News. This is how boomer-brained this retard is. "[Hur hur, the opinions I don't like must be coming from Fox News!]"
The fact that he continues to make this egregiously stupid point is proof of how pathetically low-information he is.

If Tumblefag still thinks that this is about Fox News, then he has no idea what is coming. No idea.
We who have known ultra-violence can warn him of the horrors he invites, but he, being a sickly goblin, will know discipline only when it at last costs him everything that we warned him that it would.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 27 16:23:26
The Libertarian Party just took itself out of the 2024 election:
"Libertarians just nominated a candidate [Chase Oliver] who:

• Supports employer vaccine mandates
• Supports open borders
• Supports trans-ing kids
• Fundraised for Obama—after Obamacare became law

If that's what "saving" the Libertarian Party looks like, then doesn't deserve to be saved."
[May 27th, 2024]

Not only these things, but Chase Oliver voted for Obama in 2008 and is openly gay, so he's one of these "I didn't leave the left; the left left me" degenerates (thus a left-wing libertarian).

Dave Smith (a small-l libertarian advocate; right-wing libertarian; Jewish subversive) was saying only 5 months ago that this could be the election where the Libertarian Party is a serious contender since there could be a real demand to punish Trump for his endorsement of COVID shots and because people are acutely aware of the uni-party's goals (i.e., the GOP and DNC seem aligned in the general destruction of these United States; see his MacIntyre appearance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAs1B3zvegs ). But, with Oliver's nomination, capitalizing on this dissent is *not* the direction the Libertarian Party has gone.

The strongest move (for the Libertarian Party's personal 2024 interests) would have been a right-wing libertarian candidate who is not Jewish, is pro-life, anti-climate-change policies, against shots, anti-LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA, pro-White, pro-mass-(re)migration. This would have gotten the Libertarian Party the coveted 15% support threshold necessary for the debate stage. Instead, the Libertarian Party is making the decision for liberty-minded people even easier than they made it in 2020 when they put up Jo Jorgensen.

Jorgensen was a strange attempt to use autistic policy appeals (a general characteristic of libertarianism) while undermining these appeals with an obvious IdPol candidate, since Jorgensen was *not* the most qualified but checked the "woman" box (like a sad counter to Hillary Clinton). But, in 2020, Jorgensen seemed like an honest effort to win (despite her highly publicized Twitter BLM-blunder) rather than just going through the motions, whereas Oliver's nomination seems like an intentional Party self-immolation. This is because dissatisfied leftists are *already* voting for the Green Party, so Oliver mostly spoils for left-wing libertarians who would vote Biden as their *third* choice (i.e., Oliver -> Green Party -> Biden). In other words, Oliver is not spoiling for many Trump voters.

And while low-IQ people are claiming that Trump being booed at the Libertarian convention means that libertarians do not support him (see, predictably, tumblefag's bad takes here http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92853&time=1716814441266 ), the reality is that Trump left convention-goers with a mental time bomb when he mentioned that he is going after the Marxists and when he mocked the LP's "3%" vote potentials. Principled and liberty-minded people in the broader population (i.e., those right-wing libertarians who normally vote Libertarian because it directly supports their principles) have woken to the fact that they must first *win* to see their principles brought to the levers of power.

• the Libertarian Party just communicated to these righteously obstinate people that their principles will *not* be reflected through Oliver (i.e., voting against the "win" does not even reflect their values), and
• Trump just told them that he *will* bring their principles into the White House (i.e., they can vote for the "win" *and* have their values reflected).

This leaves the issue to the Jewish Question, and — despite people having good reason to believe that Trump is just another ZOG plant (e.g., An0maly frequently mentions Trump's former support for bills against anti-semitism) — Trump's open attack of Marxists while simultaneously courting Israeli wealth seems to show that he is willing to thread the needle: purging the Bolsheviks from the bureaucracies while not outright expelling the Jew from these United States. He can use Jewish power to achieve the White House and then undermine that power through the office.

The worry here is that Trump does not know that the right-wing Jew will sell the same formula as the left-wing Jew, merely leading the right as controlled opposition while pretending to be a "good Jew" (see, e.g., Henry Kissinger, whom some believe opposed global communism but who, in reality, helped expand the global power structures which messianic totalitarian Judaism uses today). The absolute boss move would be for Trump to take office and immediately fire or isolate all White House Jews into sinecures, but the likely reality is that Trump will try to appease the Jew, and they will waste his time again with deceptions and traps. This would be the right-wing Jew controlling the pacing of Trump's presidency.

Trump's greatest utility to the Regime (if elected) is in taking the blame for the time bomb that the global totalitarian Regime has been planting in the West since 2008. Sustainability governance is always teetering on collapse (hence the puppet Biden's persistent lies about businesses reaping "record profits" while ignoring his part in the fire sale), so the Regime can remove all of the propaganda that disguises sustainability's failures, blame Trump for these failures, collapse the markets, and claim that Trump's policies were at fault. This gaslighting would fly in the face of sustainability's obvious left-wing positions and its total market capture (i.e., Trump did not do that), but it would work on low-IQ leftists who bought the "record profits" propaganda, so the propaganda would have good traction.

Another issue is that if Trump does indeed purge the bureaucracies and Bolsheviks are able to oversee the re-filling of these bureaucracies, Bolsheviks could expand their control of governance even more than they did with the firings achieved during COVID. Preventing this would require a vast trust network that Trump may not have established — even after the lessons of his 2016 presidency. He would basically need to start being as "racist" as the left claims that he is, but he's not, so there may be no guard rails against a return of DEI nepotism.

The short version, though, is that the choice has been simplified even for independents. RFK Jr. is a Rogan-bro vote trap, the Libertarian Party intentionally sank its chances, the pedophile Biden is part of a global totalitarian Regime plan to destroy the West, and Trump *might* fulfill his promise to purge the Bolsheviks. The only move that the right has is to champion Trump and push for him to fulfill these promises.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 27 18:24:07
White man David Austin Walsh, who specializes in anti-White writing, realizes that DEI is making it impossible to get hired despite his experience and academic history — because DEI is anti-White. Apologizes for pointing this out and promises to be a better ally by accepting the conclusion of his anti-White ideology without complaining anymore:
Cherub Cow
Tue May 28 18:53:13
"Bob DeNiro has become so unglued, he thinks "government will perish from the earth" if President Trump is re-elected"
[May 28th, 2024]

Full DeNiro speech:
(not as long as it looks since the video includes two other speakers at the end, including the D.C. cop who has been lying for sport)
[CNN official YouTube; May 28th, 2024]

Just a reminder that these psychopaths (i.e., TDS bots such as tumblefag, DeNiro, Mark Hamill, Rob Reiner, Stephen King) have been programmed with a set of false definitions.

For instance, what is "*Our* democracy" (DeNiro; CNN video 7:10)?
Why does the leftist so thoroughly adopt this phrase?
Because it is a Bolshevik phrase, used prominently within Maoism, the Khmer Rouge genocide, and the Kulak genocides. The left opposes the protections of a republic, and they absolutely oppose the protections of a monarchy. The very idea of a nobility is an affront to their slave dogma. They have been taught to thoroughly love "our democracy" either because they are too short-sighted to realize that the mob of democracy is merely a puppet to the will of the oligarchs who control propaganda, or they truly believe that the global totalitarian oligarchs (Bolsheviks) offer the best vision for the future — even though this future is overtly one of mass death, famine, environmental destruction, and enslavement.

Yet, when they use the phrase "our democracy", they know that they support this Regime. So, when they talk of threats to "our democracy", **within that framework** they are speaking the truth (truth from the false premise of lies). This is a false definition in Western parlance, since Western ideas of "democracy" from the Enlightenment included a recognition of a possible nobility within the people — as perhaps reflected in populism — but to the Bolshevik, "democracy" is easily infiltrated with its other side: activation of *ig*nobility within the bloodthirsty goblin mob. This is why Bolsheviks love the phrase; it gives good infiltration into Western governance — a Trojan Horse whose definition can easily adapt as power is achieved by the oligarchs.

And in another instance, will Trump "never leave" if elected?
Obviously this is not true. Trump is 77-years-old, which would mean that he would be 83-years-old by the time of a January 2029 inauguration. Even *if* he managed to suspend all elections as did the Global Totalitarian Regime puppet Zelensky (and I mention Zelensky since this "never leave" dogma is pure projection by a Regime which wishes never to leave), Trump himself would not benefit since he would likely be retiring in 2029.

But what is the backup semantic game of the deranged leftist?
DeNiro very explicitly said, "Trump", but the Regime's dogmatic vocabulary gives him a backup option: "Trumpism". I.e., "[Trumpism] will never leave." This is the Regime's fallacy of association. They use this same tactic with the deranged vocabulary of "White" and "Whiteism", since this liar's tactic allows them to pretend that they merely mean "Whiteism" (traits which historically benefit White people in their own nations but which, in reality, benefit anyone anywhere (e.g., intelligence, studiousness, timeliness)) when, truly, they just mean White people. This allows Celebration Parallax, where they can pretend not to be using a racialist strategy when among a mixed crowd ("[We just mean 'Whiteism', not White people]") but admit that they are one in the same when in an echo chamber ("[Whiteism is White people, and we in this present company know it]").

Good examples always persist on Imgur (e.g., "BuT wHaT aBouT oUr HeRitAgE of BeING RaCist AsShOLeS?" https://imgur.com/gallery/what-about-heritage-of-being-racist-assholes-j0UYvgj ). And you can see the Outer Party proles suffering the same multi-definition issue. They want to separate "Whiteness" from "White", but they barely get any upvotes for attempting the distinction:
[6 upvotes]: "Hang on there @op white people are not the problem... blaming an entire race for the problems caused by a few select individuals who share the same skin color and happen to be assholes is, quite frankly, racist."

Oh, look! A leftist who thinks that he can teach the movement that it's "[not all White people]"! And he uses a leftist's thought-terminating cliché to stop these other leftists ("[rrr rrr rrr] racist!"). Truly, "[I'm one of the good ones, bro!]" Unfortunately for him, he is trafficking in the same circles as people who used the "[anyone sitting at a table with Nazis is a Nazi]" metaphor and the "ACAB" metaphor where there is only one apple-patch and all apples are rotten. Did he defend against the illogic *then* or will he suffer the consequences of ideological inconsistency? The latter.

During the French Terror, the movement did not care if you were one of "the good" aristocrats who helped initiate the movement against monarchists — the mob simply looked at you and brought you to the guillotine. The Antifa goons (often White) think that they can punish their fathers without punishing themselves, but once the mob achieves power its bloodlust has it develop agnosia against such clarities. I remind that during the Rwandan genocide, even among a majority black nation, it was enough for identifying the Tutsis for slaughter that they *looked* "White". That is, these were black people, but because they had, perhaps, a narrow nose or lighter skin, they were targeted. The leftist mob believes that they will only be going to the halls of power — toppling some mansion with only obvious targets within it — but the revolution runs out of mansions very quickly, then eating its own.

In the case of "Trump" and "Trumpism", this was an overtly orchestrated propaganda campaign designed to capitalize on this same fallacy of association. I covered this with the psychosis accounts (thread 2 comment "Tue Jun 14 10:06:39") and with DNC apparatchik Donny Deutsch in thread 1, with the short version being that the Inner Party wants the Outer Party to place its hatred of Trump into an entire category of related issues ("Trumpism"). Tumblefag's thread titles are an overt representation of this, hence why I raised this issue so early in these threads: tumbletard's "shit about [Trump] +his shit associates". That is, tumblefag is a success of Regime propaganda, having correctly obeyed his Party's dogma not just by hating Trump but by hating an entire suite of materials that the Regime wants him to hate.

I have catalogued the obvious targets that tumbletard has obeyed, such as MTG, Boebert, Giuliani, etc. These targets change and rotate based on the political season. Boebert, for instance, was high-priority before her 2022 win, hence tumblefag-types were most susceptible to the Two Minutes Hate leading into that period but couldn't find the stamina to care much about the theater-groping once it was clear that she would not resign. Further weaponization against her is currently futile since she is an assured winner in the Colorado's 4th Congressional District — currently vacant and only being contested by libertarians. Hence, Regime sycophants do not have the short-term memory necessary to support hate for her in this off season.

But more directly to the issue, what is the package of "Trumpism" being propagandized as "bad thing" to Regime sycophants? In short: anything that supports Western values. We see this in tumblefag's pretense that he would vote for anyone who is not Trump, yet he is obviously lying since he is also a champion of all Regime politics and is addicted to the new "(D)" (Anti-"Trumpism"). The Regime sycophant intuitively knows what he must hate, and that includes himself and the civilization which he occupies. "Trumpism" is all of Western civilization in the eyes of Regime propaganda (and yes, it is indeed absurd to believe that Trump embodies all of Western civilization; this absurdity is the *left's*), hence why the hatred of "MAGA" is even used in the UK, Australia, and other West-leaning nations. They need this fallacy-of-association meme to unite a global coalition against the West.

And I have shown the truth of this repeatedly in interactions here.
No matter how many times I put forth the question, UP's leftists cannot identify an aspect of the West which they appreciate without applying some kind of cynical spin to it (again here: "UK general election on July 4th" http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92844 ). They cannot pin down a value which is inviolable. Before earthpig rage-quit the forums again, I directly asked them to think of a Western value which they hold firmly and which they would violently fight to preserve — they could not do it. When in another thread I listed the many ways that I love the West, sebgul retreated to silence and misdirection. He could not do it.

These people hate the West, and they avoid firm positions because they know — intuitively — that the Regime will ask them to abandon any firm position that they *do* adopt **if those positions interfere with the slave revolt**. Their only position is slave morality, and they will slide down the slippery slope without having felt a single contradiction in their ideology because this slide into destruction *is* their ideology.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 02 05:20:26
If you want a good representation of how mind-fucked Westerners (often) are, here is a video of a Muslim man beginning a stabbing spree...

• Muslim man is being stopped by pedestrians,
• another pedestrian (blue coat, white pants) starts striking one of the pedestrians (black coat, white pants) who was attempting to restrain the Muslim man and had the best grip on the Muslim man's arms (i.e., was best-stopping the stabbing),
• The struck pedestrian (black coat, white pants) has to let go of the Muslim man to guard himself from the blue-coat's strikes,
• This results in the Muslim man being freed,
• Blue-coat is tackled by a police officer.
• While this police officer is attempting to detain blue-coat, Muslim man begins slashing and stabbing this police officer
• Muslim man then shot by another officer, himself likely Muslim.


2nd angle:

Think about this.
If you have been programmed not to see the true uniforms of your enemy, you might totally miss that a Muslim man holding a knife is stabbing your countrymen. In the name of race-blindness, you may even attack your own countrymen to enable the Muslim man — whom you are not allowed to see as violent due to the Regime's conditioning of your perceptions (surely, *you* are wrong to attack the Muslim man! This must be a case of that "racism" that the Regime assures you is evil!). Police, who suffer the same ideological failure, will then step in not to address the greatest threat (the Muslim man who is stabbing people) but to address the countryman who attacked a countryman.

These are the hijacked perceptions of an ideologically possessed slave. They cannot see the knife. They cannot see the Muslim man. Only when it is comically obvious (the Muslim man plainly slashing a police officer for sport) does anyone take the correct action in response to absolute causality — and the rest merely watch, hands down, shocked, powerless. They can attack each other (countryman against countryman) because they know — by the Regime's reckoning — that none of them are allowed to attack anyone else. This strategy of anarcho-tyranny means that they can address the easiest issue (a compliant countryman who wishes to do right) but cannot address the hardest issue (a Muslim man who is stabbing people).

We see this same formula endlessly among the left. sebguls can complain about the "far right" but they cannot say anything about Pakistani rape/grooming gangs. They can complain about these "far right" asking for policies which reduce immigration, but they cannot oppose unassimilated immigrants. They can "[polish] brass on the Titanic", but they cannot address the iceberg or its impact on the hull.

In fact, leftist organizations point out that one of the victims was an anti-Islamist activist who was there to speak out against Islam — likely precipitating this Islamic man's attack (NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/world/europe/activist-officer-stabbing-germany.html ). Again, they can complain about the "far right"/"right-wing" themselves complaining about the nation's true enemies, but they cannot complain about the nation's true enemies. This returns to the old discourse on images of Mohamed. Surely, Charlie Hebdo, by showing images of Mohamed it was *you* who provoked and the stabbings and shootings were therefore warranted! By this same logic, surely, if you said the "n-word" then you became an outlaw subject to all asymmetry of violence! Never mind that those activated by such images and words are admitting that they do not belong within your society as they prove that they do not follow your principles.

We see this also among the right.
Some of the right, who mistakenly believe that the West has become an atomized string of "proposition nations" (a lie), will pretend that a representative who is trying to open the borders for Pakistani migrants is a mere ideological and disembodied unit representing some ideological and disembodied people and that this disembodied system is simply serving its principled functions of disembodied popular will. But in a society of infiltrators this is false. Truly, in this scenario, the representative who is opening the borders for Pakistani migrants can himself be recognized as Pakistani. This representative's ideology is not disembodied but ethnically essential. This representative is acting in accordance with ethnic hatred for White Westerners and in accordance with the foreigner's wish to conquer, but even many among the right will refuse to see this.

They cannot see the man.

The left-wing slave sees the exercise of power and only asks whether or not this exercise of power is by the "oppressor" (in which case the exercise is "evil") or the "oppressed" (in which case the exercise is "good").

The right-wing slave sees the exercise of power and evaluates the power itself (e.g., "Is it wrong to stab innocent people?"). If the exercise of power is wrong, then the exercise is critiqued and an *individual* is blamed in a *vacuum*.

Clearly, between the two types of slavery, the right-wing slave is more virtuous.
It is a monument of Western civilization that virtue can be seen to inhabit one man or one woman who him or herself holds the ultimate task of wielding the chaos of free will and yet choosing to express righteousness. What a terrible and awesome power — to make Lightning tremble within the grasp of human choice! The world would be lesser without the Lightning Strike; the choice *must* be made, for without the power for evil there would be no power for good.

But how many "individuals" of foreign stock have failed this test? How many resentful slaves whose disposition was known well in advance of their authority have failed the test of responsibility? They showed us their uniforms through their nepotism, their ethnic hatred, and their asymmetric violence. Ignoring the uniform enslaves us to values which these destroyers do not themselves accept, for *always* the destroyers choose in accordance with the slave revolt's anti-values.

The task of these times is separating these slavish destroyers from power while raising the nobility from ethnic degradation. No sebgul, no Sunak, no Sadiq Khan, no Ilhan Omar, no AOC, no degenerate should see power again — as they all failed the test. But most importantly, those who effected the power of these degenerates must be seen for their own schemes. A society must ask both how it purges subversives from all levers of power after a successful infiltration (i.e., when the accusation of treason can no longer come from the state) *and* who enabled this infiltration. Many know these uniforms already. The Merchant Class made its play for power, and the Lion of nobility must re-assert itself.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 03 00:48:06
"Hey look the secret police [FBI] who investigate parents for opposing queer indoctrination are marching in a sacred festival celebrating that very same ideology"
"BREAKING: FBI marches in the West Hollywood Pride Parade"
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 03 05:18:28
The Norm MacDonald "dirty bomb" meme strikes again.
A day after the knife attack by a Muslim man (above in comment "Sun Jun 02 05:20:26"), the officer that he slashed has died, and the propagandized Germans have arrived to protest....... the right.

You can see in the video that the right-wing organization is talking again about re-migration and the Islamic threat in Germany (blue tents), and a much larger and angrier group is protesting these right-wing protestors.

Again, it is much easier for the leftist coward to oppose themselves and their own people and nations than to oppose actual enemies. This is the bureaucrat's thinking and the anarcho-tyrant's thinking. A law-abiding German will make sure to have the right licenses (easily approached and prosecuted by the police and by the Little Stalins of the left), but an invader will simply manipulate the system for maximum parasitism (difficult to address a stabbing spree). So, a protest will arrive to complain about the right "instigating" stabbings, but they will not join the right in opposing the people who perform stabbings.

People in the comment section cynically expect that the family of the slain officer will go on a speaking tour where they tell people not to blame Muslims and to come together for more mass migration — and they are probably right. Again, the state actively approaches the victims of attacks like this with slogans such as "Don't look back in anger". This furthers the Regime's propaganda and conditions the population to further accept its annihilation. It is left to the German to bury reality to avoid the cognitive dissonance of being terminally compassionate to invaders who wish to kill him.

It is the great power of empathy which is hijacked within the leftist mind.
I have explained before to dogmatic nihilists such as "murder" that it is *not* that the right lacks compassion, and, in fact, the Moral Foundations data suggests that the right has plenty of it. The issue is that the left does not balance compassion and fairness with loyalty, authority, sanctity, and liberty. The left, in only caring about compassion and fairness, is drawn into the slave revolt, having more compassion for their destroyers than for their own people — whom they overtly oppose, fearing and even resentfully hating strength and virtue. The leftist even extends "fairness" to these enemies, making sure that their enemies become powerful enough to destroy them. This is the essence of "equity for the Global South".

But the right's balance of compassion is the Ender Wiggin archetype: one must love his or her friends to preserve their lives, and one must love his or her enemies to destroy them. The left pursues compassion to enable its suicide, but the right pursues compassion to preserve life.

This is borne out in hundreds of examples. Take for instance, the left's sense of the "pro choice" argument. They complain that the right does not care about the mother's life or the child's life after birth. This is not true since the right has many organizations which help mothers, but if we take their perception as true, you can see their own antithesis: they care about the mother's life but not the child's.
• The right's compassion ensures the life of the mother and child, thus ensuring *more* life
• The left's compassion ensures the death of the child and the waning of the mother, thus enrusing *less* life

It is this Thanatos Spirit which haunts the left and this Eros Spirit which survives in the right. The lie we are told is that left and right came from the French National Assembly, but left and right came from the Greek battle formation and more primitively from the power of the right hand. The right must absolutely preserve their lives, for in their defeat the entire formation falls, as at the Battle of Leuctra. The left, however, can hide their cowardice behind the stronger shields of the right. The right knows that victory will grant them breeding rights (Eros), whereas the left may never test their own valor and may have no hope for distinction or prosperity (Thanatos).

But the left is deceived by the cynicism of the slave revolt.
The formation of left and right functions for the preservation of the entire ethnos. The observation of hierarchy allows prestige to be held by few but honored by all. It is only in the slave revolt that the left believes that prestige can be found without honors.

Another great task is uniting left and right despite the slave revolt coaxing the left into degradation. This can only be accomplished with counter-propaganda, since the Lightning within even the left's blood cannot be felt under the demoralization campaigns of the deceptive "Master" class. A leftist may well be a coward, and I would be the first to tell him so, but can he not know the Greatness of his own Spirit — the Great Over-Coming of the sickly natures that he has mistakenly adopted against the wishes of his lineage? Can he not see life stretching across time to give him this one great moment of consciousness which through Providence he can bring to the stars?
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 06 21:58:46
The diaper-shitting pedo did NOT shit his diaper!!!

Despite what some are saying, the diaper-shitting pedo did NOT shit his diaper and did NOT have to leave the ceremony early after shitting his diaper. Stop spreading misinformation about the diaper-shitter-in-chief!!
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 07 06:18:59
The more that totalitarianism reaches directly into everyone's lives in pursuit of power, the more people who reach right back at it to restore their own.
No amount of cutting the tall grass can hope to stop this, as life itself reaches for the Sun.
And so their god is Thanatos.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 07 09:54:33
One thing that totalitarian sycophants such as sebgul must ignore is that in "our democracy"* the outcomes can be manufactured through the gaming of client-groups. The simple version of this is importing compliant client-groups to create the voting bloc that does not exist within a native population (i.e., infinity migrants to change the demographics in the Regime's favor).

Here is a recent example:
"Foreigners are being bussed to election centers to vote in today's elections
"Reminder that the government gave EVERY illegal immigrant and refugee the right to vote today"
[June 7th, 2024]

This is similarly the function of the DNC Border Treason (catalogued here: http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92538&time=1716851879164 ). The Great Replacement is not a "conspiracy theory"; it is simple reality. The DNC simply refers to it as "demographics is destiny". This Time Magazine article, for instance, while pretending that it may not be correct, nevertheless outright says that it is indeed DNC policy:
[June 30th, 2021]

So, again, it is Michael Anton's "Celebration Parallax" ("That's Not Happening, and It's Good That It Is!"), where the parallax exists as such:

• "The Great Replacement" is intentionally replacing White Westerners with more compliant client groups in order to change the direction of Western society
(true, but within the Regime dialect "That's not happening!" since you disagree with the Regime's stated outcome)

• "demographics is destiny"
(also true, but because this is the Regime's own mantra, it is okay to say it **if you agree** with the Regime's stated outcome)

This format is how sebguls deceive while carrying out their mission of Western society's destruction. If you describe the 'thing' in their language while agreeing that it is "good", then it is true, whereas if you describe the same thing in your language while saying that it is "bad", then it is false.

So that is where we are at with the DNC's Border Treason. And their plan is simple:
• Import infinity migrants
• Harbor those migrants within the nation and maintain them as a hidden client-group while being processed by the bureaucracy (the bureaucracy ultimately works on behalf of the Regime's subversion of society)
• As a hidden client-group, they can draw welfare, increase a locale's population (which favors DNC districting), and in some cases can even vote (e.g., unrestricted local elections), allowing them immediate subversion opportunities within DNC areas
• Over time, these client groups act as a "foot-in-door", where easily deceived people will start to allow arguments such as, "[Well, they've been here for x years, so I guess they're basically citizens and should be given a fast-track to citizenship]"

But this last argument is clearly an error and this strategy should be resisted at all stages. No one should be processed while within the nation (hence, "Remain in Mexico" was generally a good strategy), and no one who has illegally entered or is not legally a citizen should be given *any* kind of advantage just for being within the nation. Further, they should be denied birthright citizenship for any children that they have while illegally or bureaucratically occupying the nation.

Much of this should be obvious to any Westerner who is *not* a sebbish traitor, but I bring this up because Nietzschean Irishman "Uberboyo" has taken this to its natural conclusion:

He wrote a long post, but this is the central meme:
"We could even FORMALISE the modern concept of Immigration Warfare"

This is crucial. International Bolsheviks are clearly using immigration as a form of ethnic genocide and global warfare. Intentionally replacing the ethnic populations of Western nations may well please the progressive suicide (particularly those suicidal progressive who truly and stupidly believe that humans are economic units with no genetic makeup), but as a simple matter of strategic national survival, this replacement strategy is outright warfare.

The Eugenics/Dysgenics War has indeed begun, whether or not the Celebration Parallax liars will admit it. In order to stop this warfare, nations need to begin passing laws which make ethnic survival a recognized part of their sovereignty. In the West, this would firstly mean recognizing that White people do indeed exist (this is sadly necessary since sebbish liars do not even permit "White" as a real thing, since the Inner Party deceivers of this dialectic know that if White is a real ethnic makeup then they are guilty of ethnic genocide). And secondly, this would mean protecting White people as an ethnicity in their European-stock nations. This could be done *both* as a percentage requirement of ethnic makeup within a nation (e.g., requiring >90% of a nation be composed of its native European ethnicity — and yes, that means White people in these United States, not American Indians) *and* reducing the franchise such that >90% of the White ethnicity hold the franchise (i.e., only 10% or less could be non-White voters/citizens). And this would be a *minimum* starting point.

Of course, the grand barrier is that the global totalitarian Regime has already done its work seeding the narratives against this option and holds all major levers of power to prevent it. Even so, having even one or two politicians within any given nation propose legislation at the national level or even at the city or state level does at least two things:
1) It forces the vote, forcing Regime acolytes to "out" themselves as working within a formula of ethnic genocide
2) It begins building popular support and may even work within small locales (e.g., a town can succeed in creating ethnic enclaves)

A lot of this in these United States would be a segue to larger issues, such as reversing the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965 (a Bolshevik project by the Jew Celler, endorsed and signed by Jewish infiltrator President Johnson, which removed the National Origins formula), and returning to the founding principle of White European citizenship.

Some of this may be forceful, but, sadly, the global totalitarian Regime has necessitated this response. Any half-measure could be gamed in the bureaucracies, such as through some deceptive practice of statistical analysis of favorable client groups and an applied ethnic formula which ensures that those client groups are enfranchised *enough* that the totalitarians succeed. Thus, this form of ethnic warfare must be specifically and totally itemized in the legislature.

*("our democracy" is the totalitarian-messianic Bolshevik framework of subverting Western governance through mob-rule — the mob obeying Bolshevik-oligarch propaganda)
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 07 19:01:13
Potential "guess the race" situation here:

"'OUTRAGEOUS ATTACK' Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen attacked on the street in Copenhagan as man arrested"
[June 7th, 2024]
• "[Witnesses] Marie Adrian and Anna Ravn said: "A man came by in the opposite direction and gave her a hard shove on the shoulder, causing her to fall to the side.""
• "Cops quickly arrested a man as the prime minister was left in a "shocked" condition, say Danish cops and Frederiksen's office."

Another article presumes the man was tall and slender, but no one is saying any further details. Police already have him in custody, so if they're following the Regime's formula then it was an African or Arabic migrant.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 15 10:43:24
Oh, look. The diaper-shitter himself sat down at the G7 meetings with none other than Larry Fink:
"President Biden Participates in a Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Event"
[White House official YouTube; June 13th, 2024]

Same video on the White House official Facebook but without the annoying blue borders (albeit without control of video speed):

Funny segment here:
"Biden claims he and BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink "go back a long way at BlackRock""

This thread series has pointed out these connections all too many times, but do note that a current Resident of these United States is at a meeting with world leaders and is sitting down with a merchant: Larry Fink, the BlackRock CEO. In this meeting, the puppet Biden is celebrating sustainability, which Larry Fink champions. If a meeting is not enough to realize that government is in bed with asset managers, just recall that the Inflation Reduction Act —— which was the "Build Back Better" (BBB) rebrand that has nothing to do with inflation; BBB itself being a World Economic Forum (WEF) talking point given to nearly all world leaders as a sales phrase for the subject of sustainability) —— was the government closing the loop on sustainability, ensuring that asset managers could direct the market in a government–asset-manager coalition (some might call that "fascism", though the term has become meaningless).

On the surface, people could say this meeting makes sense! After all, Larry Fink's BlackRock is managing the debt restructuring and renovation funding in Ukraine. But, the surface ends there, since you very soon have to realize that the Ukraine proxy war was an excuse for asset managers to loot the funneled wealth of the West. I.e., the West produces a global slush fund in one of the most corrupt nations in the world, and BlackRock swoops in to manage it.

Then connect these facts:
• The Biden crime family is in bed with China and Ukraine, with most of their corruption occurring in these nations
• Biden passed a major bill (Inflation Reduction Act) which dedicated U.S. wealth to sustainability "infrastructure", which favors BlackRock global control
• Biden policies create the Ukraine war, and all of the sustainability politicians (uni-party) insist on sending wealth to Ukraine without audits on Ukrainian spending
• Larry Fink steps into Ukraine to manage the wealth that Biden and the West has sent to it.
• This G7 investments meeting is now talking about restructuring African energy and labor to serve "sustainability" needs in the West (i.e., investing in African labor to send rare earth minerals to Europe for "green" products)
• Larry Fink's BlackRock is to manage these sustainability activities in Africa
• Larry Fink thanks Biden directly for the Inflation Reduction Act, and Biden tells Fink that "[We] couldn't have done this without you."

In other words, they have closed the loop on their activities. It's like some neighborhood kid (Bolshevik scum) has broken into an old lady's house (the West) and is convincing her to send all her money to "The Charity", except "The Charity" is just the neighborhood kid's own friend (Larry Fink; another Bolshevik).

And we see this loop closed elsewhere as well.

Sustainability programs such as ESG constitute an anti-competitive pyramid scheme and protection racket.
• When hearings were held about this in 2023, all of the Jewish Bolsheviks on the committee supported it and downplayed (lied about) concerns.
• Attorneys generals from >22 states sued against it.
• These lawsuits and claims were filed also with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) — which denied litigation under the leadership of the Jewish Bolshevik Gary Gensler (i.e., it's not illegal because a Bolshevik has stopped the lawsuits from proceeding).
• The Department of Labor is run by Chinese Communist Julie Su, a Biden appointee
• Right after being installed in January 2021, Biden prompts the DoL to change ERISA
• The Department of Labor ruling on ERISA (opposed by attorneys generals and previously stopped under Trump's presidency) means that "sustainability" can be called "fiduciary responsibility" (i.e., sustainability can continue to operate at a loss and still be called "fiduciary responsibility" and it can draw investments despite high risk and its path towards total-market failure).
• The House and Senate vote to reverse the ruling, but Biden vetoes it.

See how the loops close?

This is a Bolshevik tactic.
If a Bolshevik criminal wants to commit a crime, he does not merely try to get away with it. If he's stealing something, he has a Bolshevik friend in the legislature who tries to change laws against stealing that something. If other legislators oppose that Bolshevik friend in the legislature, friends in the Bolshevik press manufacture outrage against those legislators and get them removed. If those legislators sue the press, a Bolshevik judge gets the lawsuit dismissed. When the law gets passed, it goes to the state's Supreme Court as unconstitutional, but a majority of Bolshevik judges says it's fine. When the Bolshevik criminal steals that something, all of the witnesses are Bolsheviks but no one saw anything; and now it's not a crime anyways.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 19 02:32:18
James Kirkpatrick responded here to an infographic that illustrates that ethnic-based democracy in a multi-ethnic society becomes a self-serving voting competition between ethnicities (i.e., each ethnicity will vote itself its share of the coffers, and each ethnicity is incentivized to outbreed the others for a greater share of control):

"I’ve joked before that whether America survives depends on whether Hispanics come to see themselves as the heirs of the Aztecs or the Conquistadors.
"I’m not joking anymore."
[June 18th, 2024]

I've pointed out something similar when it comes to the repeated and weak claims by UP leftists that I (if in some Caesar role) would deport Nim as much as I would deport recent illegal migrants. This is false, and I have explained it many times, yet UP's leftists continue to float the absurd lie — likely because they cannot read or because it benefits their trolling to remain ignorant.

In one such case, in a thread with obaminated I explained that I appeal to the noble morality within any given society and that for Mexico and South America this would mean appealing to the Conquistador spirit (i.e., Western nobility as embodied in Spanish colonization). Kirkpatrick through a mirror metaphor here is showing the slavish variation of that. I.e., he is showing that Hispanics could adopt the "Aztec" identity as post-colonialists fighting Western influence (yet more slave morality).

This is very much the issue of slaves adopting political lineage and emphasizing their slave status. A leftist could claim to possess a fine lineage (e.g., resentful leftists of the trust-fund-kid variety, "Antifa" White kids, self-hating Scandinavians) yet identify with the slave elements within that lineage to appease the global totalitarian Regime's prestige network. So, for instance, a slavish Scandinavian would always comply with state power (no matter how corrupt it became), prostrate himself before his own destroyers, and work in antithesis of any acclaimed Nordic strength — basically acting like a little bitch boy. We see this similarly in spiritual weaklings who served in the military yet merely used that as an item in their C.V.s which they ideologically discard to show that they retained their weaknesses despite crucibles — a slave subversion little different than crossing one's fingers while swearing an oath, laughing in duper's delight that others have not discovered the imposter in their midst while, in reality, everyone can see that they are indeed imposters and weaklings who hold nothing sacred and have therefore desecrated any service they ever offered.

In other words, as I have been pointing out for years (e.g., here in December 2022 http://cherubcow.substack.com/p/a-guide-to-the-total-states-cultural ), lineage itself is not enough. Morality (slavish or noble) is not *merely* embodied — it can be thoroughly propagandized to overcome the body. Any population — no matter how homogeneous ethnically — possesses people whose positions and characters have them identify with the theology of weaklings. A slave revolt in morality merely makes *use* of this fact. Foreign destroyers, subverters, and suicidal slaves merely need to look at what slavish coalition might exist within a target society and *empower* it so as to destroy that society. It is, in fact, particularly useful to empower the slaves of *fine* lineage because these traitors-in-waiting know best how to open the castle gates and therefore make excellent trophies for the destroyers, who parade these traitors with high honors so that they can laugh at Ephialtes as he prances pathetically in foreign attire.

The distinction between "Maoism, Marxism, Leninism, socialism, communism, and all of the political projects that promise undue rewards for the masses of weak and ineffective peoples" (to quote myself http://cherubcow.substack.com/p/on-a-trending-question-what-is-woke ) is merely *how* they manipulate the target society into adopting slave morality. If a homogeneous society does not possess enough slavish thinkers to overthrow itself (as a certain percentage needs to adopt this thinking), then they merely import the percentage necessary to finish the task.

Sadly for the Nordic nations, mass-immigration was not even necessary to enslave them. Despite some possessing >90% ethnic homogeneity, they allowed their other vices to commit them to the global totalitarian scheme; their weaknesses were exploited elsewhere to place their more slavish people in power. For instance, the primary global enslavement religions are judaism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism (i.e., these religions are religions of slavish people and ideological weaklings). Norway, a captured nation, is >67% Lutheran. This ideological weakness was used to commit the works of its citizens to enslavement through, e.g., excessive social programs (the centralization of power away from individual citizens). Trust in state authority combined with this Lutheran weakness meant that Norwegians would allow themselves to be enslaved by taxation which was subsequently used to fuel the global slave revolt; i.e., they became economic slaves, their taxed wealth going to projects meant to destroy them.

Every nation faces similar burdens. Effective traitors among them are celebrated by the Regime as "Young Global Leaders" by the WEF. They begin with the NIMBY delusion that their ideology would raise them within the slave hierarchy as one of the "[best society destroyers and subversives]", but the revolt always replaces the traitor with the next client group (see, for instance David Austin Walsh, above, who specialized in anti-White articles only to find that he could no longer find work as a White man — even among anti-White organizations that publish his very kind of material). As in the Chernobyl quotation, the debt, eventually, is paid. Slave revolts are given the short-term promise of granting society's weaklings power, but the ideology, brought to its conclusion, always re-enslaves these useful idiots.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 26 04:12:08
I warned tumblefag about this.

"Special Counsel Jack Smith just admitted the FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents found at MAL and took photos for evidence."
[June 25th, 2024]
As related by:

From the document:
[DoJ response to Trump lawyers; special counsel Jack Smith]:
"ERT photographed the documents (with appropriate cover sheets added by FBI personnel) next to the box in which they were located."

I.e., the DoJ themselves admit that they brought cover sheets, removed documents from boxes, placed the documents on the floor, and placed header sheets on these documents to be photographed for (propaganda) effect. Recall how many of the low-IQ leftists were responding to these photographs as though Trump and/or his team had just left documents scattered all over the floor — this deception was largely intended by the DoJ and was absolutely promoted by media. The Wiki page on the raid even still uses that image ( http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=FBI_search_of_Mar-a-Lago&oldid=1230763199 ).

And I warned tumblefag nearly two years ago that this is a way that cover-sheet over-classification occurs: hasty over-classification. That is, if an agent or classifying authority is uncertain of how to classify a document, then the agent/authority over-classifies it to be safe (often from ignorance of the material and personnel involved). And, many over-classified documents may only have a particular status within a particular time window (e.g., a motorcade schedule and personnel placement would be TS or above before an event, but it would fall to S, Confidential, or SBU afterwards).

In the case of the DoJ raid, we're talking about a hasty raid (all in one evening) where agents were probably just scanning titles to get the "vibe" of the document so that they could catalogue the documents quickly for chain-of-custody in transport. In a situation like that, I would be *surprised* if they brought or used a single SBU cover sheet. And, in fact, they did not:
• 1 document (TS SCI)
• 17 documents (TS)
• 54 documents (S)
• 31 documents (Confidential)

The *actual* status of these documents has to be evaluated after-the-fact, which means that these initial classifications are *all* over-classified. That means that these all fall below S or Confidential, and the only real security issue is whether or not Trump had adequate security on-site for Confidential documents — and the answer is "yes". Mar-a-Lago effectively had embassy-level security, since it has a surveilled outer perimeter, inner-wall surveillance, locked inner buildings, locked inner storage rooms, and locked inner safes. Compare this to, for instance, Biden's classified documents being in a garage that was accessible from a public street.

Propagandized useful idiots just saw descriptions such as "bathroom" and omitted the layered security required before that room. But is not the bathroom in the White House bunker more secure than that of a grocery store? I.e., obviously, layered security is relevant here.

But this is all moot. We know that this was a political prosecution, we know that Trump had the authority to de-classify documents and that his purview as president suspends prosecution, and we know that this raid very likely proceeded because Garland did not have control of his own operations yet (I believe he lied when he took responsibility). The fact that the documents were staged for effect and over-classified is just icing on the cake — more admissions that this case is based on the Regime's hatred of Trump not on precedent or law.
Chinese Democracy
Wed Jun 26 06:31:26
"So UP has basically become a private online diary for some crazy cat lady having a breakdown? Oh, well"

Yes. Can't produce babies anymore, become this.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 26 19:14:44
[Chinese Democracy (faggoty multi account)]: "some crazy cat lady"

So "Chinese Democracy" is one of williamthebitchfaggot's alts? williamthebitchfaggot was the coward who used the "cat lady" «ad hom» the most followed by jergfag. He shit the bed in fear so completely on his last visit to UP that I thought we'd have a few more months before he returned, but it looks like he's back to be humiliated again. Pretty sad! I guess all that time away didn't recoup what little IQ he had, so he's still unable to address any arguments using reason or comprehension.

And recall that williamthebitchboy was a fraud who complained about having to read too much (as "Chinese Democracy" did in tumbletard's psychosis thread #46), and his orthography is pathetically bad (littered with typos, poor grammar, and poor punctuation). This is someone who supposedly served as a grad student, though the more he speaks the more I doubt that he even finished a master's degree (which itself is a sign that a grad student was too incompetent or disliked by his P.I. to finish a PhD). At any rate, this kind of cowardice is standard among dukhat, patom, wtb, sebgul, tumblefag, hrothgar, and UP's other blithering weaklings.

Again I point out that the personal character weaknesses of leftists are the reason for their ideology. It is *because* they are irredeemable weaklings that they choose ideologies which further their enslavement.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 26 19:31:25
In the interest of hedging, I should also float the possibility that this multi may not have just quoted wtb to stroke his own ego but may also just be nhill. That would fit for the "long hiatus" claim in tw's psychosis thread, and nhill was also semi-illiterate and suffered from Dunning-Kruger.

Either way, it's a coward being a coward.
Chinese Democracy
Thu Jun 27 04:45:12
*yaaaaaawn* that was alot of text that still amounted to nothing. Anyways, keep trying to guess who I am. You're still waaaay off base. But, tell you what, how about creating another longwinded post of obscure thoughts? That seems to be your modus operandi.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 27 05:11:43
Aw, poor little bitch boy can't read. Sad!
Illiteracy really is one of the most pathetic things about you slack-jawed faggots. If it's longer than a Tweet, your tiny little brain shuts off.
Chinese Democracy
Thu Jun 27 05:48:23
....or that someone's longwinded posts is their attempt to hide their insecurities because if they produce alot of word vomit it gives them the appearance they've accomplished something. But when you truly dissect through the vitriol, contemptuous, drivel. You'll notice all this time they are lonely, and smell of cat urine.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 27 05:52:32
Weak theory, shitstain. Now put up or shut up.
Chinese Democracy
Thu Jun 27 05:58:08
Au contraire, I believe the theory has a bit of standing.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 03 02:21:05
A short writeup of the Regime's FDR propaganda:

• "If it [were] not already obvious that Biden was deteriorating before 2020, those of us who saw @jrpsaki watching journos for wrongthink and Biden's vitals like a hawk at his first press conference (March 2021) knew that the FDR propaganda was coming"
[image of Psaki watching Biden]

• "Recall that this first Biden press conference occurred later in the term than most president's first, that it was scripted, that only Regime-approved "journalists" (e.g., loyal WHCA) were selected for questions, and that Biden had the pictures and names of these "journalists"."
Image from this thread:

• "The scripted and overly controlled nature of the press conference was picked up by @nypost at the time."

• "Biden's dementia was obvious enough that @Timcast's @IanCrossland put the pieces together by October 2021, making the direct connection to FDR and to the Regime hiding the health of a puppet for political expediency. (video: 28:35)"

• "Those pundits/"journalists" who arrived at this obvious plan only in 2024 were either complicit, in denial, or lacked the necessary pattern recognition to decode the simplest of Regime propaganda. The necessary threshold of perception was incredibly low."
[Re-Tweet of me making fun of Scott Adams for only figuring this out in February; Adams is such a narcissistic sociopath that he can only steal the ideas of smaller accounts and re-post them as his own, then believing that he came up with all ideas ever.. since he's also a solipsist]

• "Of the complicit, this became an issue of which Regime acolytes could tell the biggest lies about Biden's mental health to show Faith in Party. Through lying, they seek Inner Party recognition: Regime immoralists who saved "our democracy"(™, Bolshevism)!"
[Link to Hank Johnson on May 16th trying to pretend that Biden is mentally fine; his deflecting to Trump]
[Image of my response at that time]
"Falling over each other to tell the biggest lie about Biden so that you can make the highlight reel of some Regime-media retrospective on their "[shadow campaign to keep a dementia-ridden puppet in charge to further the destruction of the West]" is just going to make you look like the most obsequious clown in the circus — and Regime media is already planning to give that award to KJP, Psaki, and Jill Biden, so your lies will only ever get you fourth place and the endless mockery of the history of which you're so desperate to be a part."

• "In short, like COVID gaslighting or poorly written movies, viewers are frustrated; the truth is painfully obvious to the masses, yet people must watch the Regime pretend that nothing was obvious and no one could have known. These traitors deserve no such accommodations. /end"
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 08 07:12:52
This is from a couple days ago, but..

"2nd local radio host says they were given questions ahead of Biden interview
"Yes, I was given some questions for Biden," Earl Ingram told ABC News."
[July 6th, 2024; ABC News]

This mentions the second case, but in the 1st, a CNN video, a female radio host explains that the Biden White House sent her a list of questions to ask Joe Biden before the interview, and she basically just got to pick which ones she would ask, sent those "approved" questions back to the White House, and she then asked those and received scripted responses.

On the one hand, their claim now is that this is a standard political practice, but that's besides the point; that is an attempt to normalize a deviance based on a precedence of deviance, like saying that lots of murderers have gotten away with murder so why prosecute this murderer who was caught. On the other hand, in a non-cynical / good faith reading you might see this in the form of politicians suggesting some questions simply because many hosts are clueless and do not know how to have productive dialogues (though even this departs from the "approval" format).

Still, even setting aside some argument based in precedence, the issue here is that the Biden White House has demonstrated a history of *not* allowing interviews where "journalists" want to go off the reservation. That is, the Biden White House is intentionally selecting only those "journalists" who *will* ask *only* the pre-approved questions.

And this has been true from the beginning not just of the Biden residency but the DNC's media control from 2016 onwards. In the case of the Biden residency, this was obvious from the first press conference (discussed here in 2021 http://www.utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=87863 ). The media received a pre-approved list, certain reporters were selected based on their position in the WHCA and their willingness to ask only those questions, they asked only those questions, and they received pre-scripted answers.

I've spoken at length in these threads about how the WHCA selects and positions Regime sycophants in the press briefing room in order to pre-control narratives. Their levels of control basically amount to this:
1) Make sure through WHCA selection processes (e.g., the Regime's own decisions to decide which news organizations are "legitimate") that only certain "journalists" are even allowed in the room. This ensures that the most-compliant journalists are "access journalists" who will do anything to stay in the room and achieve the Regime's approval, including being fed questions in advance, asking those scripted questions, receiving scripted responses, and getting more access in the future by being a reliable sycophant.
2) Where step 1 is not all-encompassing, "problem" journalists are given seating in the back whereas Regime-supporting "journalists" are given positions in the front of the room; in this position, the press secretary can pretend to be annoyed by "yelling" (necessary to carry volume across the room) and can speak softly and kindly with the "journalists" in the front (who do not need to yell to be heard).
3) The Regime controls the Overton Window through process and bureaucratic shuffling. For instance, even though Joe Biden was entangled with Hunter Biden, questions about Hunter's illegal activities and the president's thoughts on court revelations were simply forwarded to Hunter's lawyers (manufacturing a decoupling from the White House). In other cases, the White House would refer reporters to the White House council, but when reporters spoke to the White House council, they were given no information. In other cases, the press secretary would ignore questions if they felt that a question had been "litigated" already (a deception given that new information may arise and/or new reporters may want to ask these "old" questions).
4) The Regime controls the Overton Window through decorum. I.e., none of the remaining journalists are allowed to ask "taboo" questions. For instance, if a journalist outright asks if Biden has dementia, Psaki/KJP can just pretend that it's "beneath the dignity" of the room. This tactic is used for all manner of subjects that inconvenience the Regime. As a general tactic, this forces reporters to frame their questions in a way which makes the Regime look better than they should.
5) "Problem" journalists who become too much trouble by not observing these rules are removed through manufactured scandals and lawfare (e.g., Emerald Robinson). Others who cannot be ejected are simply ignored (e.g., Simon Ateba). Those whose questions must be answered (e.g., Fox News, NewsMax) face «ad hominem» attacks and well-poisoning so that viewers know that this question comes from a "bad" news organization. Further, the Regime's agencies are all there to out-number these "problem" journalists and begin counter-signaling.

You can see how these rules are still maintained when the Regime is *not* in power.

For instance, CNN's Jim Acosta was given the express task of using his CNN credentials (power from the Regime's ownership of the WHCA) to sit in the front and ask absolutely insane things, to yell, and to abandon any decorum in order to get an inflammatory soundbite. This is because an important aspect of the WHCA is that it is *not* a reflection of the White House (which can change ownership) but of the Regime (level number "1)"). The WHCA is beholden primarily to CNN, NBC, and CBS — all Regime organizations. Hence, all of these levels of control comply with the *Regime* — not the White House.

So the Regime uses these strategies to demand total compliance from their "journalists", hence, useful idiots *only* see the information allowed by the Regime. You can see the circle close on this across many contexts. A useful idiots such as tumbletard, for instance, would hear Fox News make a claim in the briefing room, and when he goes to "fact check" that claim, the Regime has 10 of its own networks countering it — all promoted in the Google search results. Thus, this useful idiot believes that he has discovered the truth rather than the Regime's "truth" (its falsified narrative).

The undermining fact of all of this is that many people do not even realize "1)" yet. People with TDS and/or people who remain within the left-wing psychosis truly believe that the Regime is telling them the truth. The irony here is that these dogmatic leftists themselves have so little faith in society that they *also* believe that the public must be lied to to get them to behave properly. The result is that they...
1) must believe that they are immune to these lies while accepting all Regime narratives (i.e., they deceive themselves)
2) believe that they are rightly deceived (i.e., they abandon their self-worth and comply with power no matter any ethical imperative; they knowingly abandon truth)
3) do not possess enough IQ to realize the contradiction; they simply believe the Regime and cannot remember the past well enough to see the Regime's lies.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 09 10:26:13
"Big boy" press conference for poopypedo?

One of the Regime's pathetic sycophants, John Kirby, whose job in the Navy was being a little bitch (public affairs officer), was happy to announce that the diaper-shitter is going to have a press conference on Thursday, July 11, 2024.

And what kind of press conference?
A "big boy press conference":
[White House Official YouTube Channel; July 8th, 2024]

Ooo! Biden is gonna put on his "big boy" diapers and possibly answer questions from the WHCA! Wow! I wonder if he'll only answer questions from reporters whose faces, names, and media outlets are pre-circled on a card for him along with corresponding talking points for their pre-prepared questions.

So we're passing the point where the White House pretends that they haven't just been controlling optics on Biden. They are well aware that it is an open secret that all of Biden's press conferences are staged to minimize his dementia, so when they stage a press conference that pushes the edge of his dementia just a *little* more, it is now a "big boy" press conference, which itself indicates that it will still not require the cognitive ability of a primary-schooler.

In this same briefing, KJP took offense to a reporter asking if repeated visits by a neurologist (a Parkinson's expert, no less) were an indication of Biden's mental health. Apparently, this neurologist, Dr. Kevin Cannard, visited the White House about 8 times in 8 months:
[ABC News; July 8th, 2024]

The White House is attempting to obfuscate the reasons for Cannard's visits. They admit that Cannard is the physician who does Biden's *yearly* physical, but they are saying that Cannard's duties are not limited to the president. Notice the wording here:
"“Prior to the pandemic, and following its end, [Cannard] has held regular Neurology clinics at the White House Medical Clinic in support of the thousands of active-duty members assigned in support of White House operations,” his letter reads. “Many military personnel experience neurological issues related to their service, and Dr. Cannard regularly visits the WHMU as part of this General Neurology Practice.”"

Notice the deception?
People such as tumblefag would not catch this, but they are not saying that Cannard's visits *were* due to him supporting military personnel, they are simply saying that Cannard's visits **plausibly could be** for other duties.

Realizing this deception, reporters at the July 8th press briefing pushed KJP on this point, asking *directly* if Dr. Cannard were there to treat Biden. KJP's deflection was that she cannot say whether or not Dr. Cannard were visiting Biden since it would violate Dr. Cannard's privacy.

This is an obvious and annoying deception. There is indeed *some* truth to the idea that the White House cannot comment on health privacy matters or the specific duties of personnel who enter the White House due to security reasons, but the White House is *clearly* using that truth as an excuse to withhold the simple question of whether or not these visits were for *Biden*. Reporters realized this during questioning and pushed against it, but KJP reverted to point "4)" above — using decorum to deflect from the issue and repeat her same lies.

So, at this point, to be a Regime sycophant you would have to pretend that Biden's personal physician and Parkinson's neurologist visited the White House 8 times in 8 months because he was doing "[other stuff]", and the White House simply can't say what that "[other stuff]" is. The Regime sycophant also has to ignore that saying that this neurologist was visiting for Biden does not violate the privacy of "[other stuff]" — so "[other stuff]" is purely a red herring.

It's pretty incredible propaganda.
As this thread series' title has consistently offered, Biden has dementia/Parkinson's. This has been obvious since before he was elected, and following his first press conference in 2021 it was clear that the Regime had to hide it from the public (and did a poor job of it). Now we know that he has been visited 8 times in 8 months by a Parkinson's specialist, but the White House has to pretend through plausible deniability that the resident Biden is not a puppet.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 14:10:21
Clouston's thought on the UK government's DWP annual report:
"DWP reports a ‘growing propensity to tolerate fraud’ and describes one in five as having ‘low integrity’.

High trust to low trust in 40 years…

Anyone who denies that our problems are culturally rooted is deceiving themselves."

This is exactly what I've been saying for years now. Slave revolts intentionally place immoral actors in positions of power. The result of this is a zero trust, zero good faith environment. You cannot trust that a sebgul or a tumblefag is going to function within the bureaucracy faithfully. Their only directive is to use whatever power they have in a mode of pure self-serving parasitism — or to place in power those who will exercise bad faith on their behalf.

This is why the Regime imports "10 million bamalians".
This is why DEI hiring is being forced in the West.

This strategy forces system-wide corruption, allowing the oligarchs in control of the coffers to effortlessly command the obedience of their slaves.
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 06 22:35:12
Below is a comment I left on a Side Scrollers video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4GkjWwsHvY ).

Side Scrollers is a cultural critique channel in the right-wing sphere (mostly reviews of sensational moments across all media), and in this video they make fun of a young streamer who was saying that his life is super difficult because he flew to Japan and immediately had to do a live stream.

This is relevant to this thread series because of the nature of Regime-endorsed immoralism. A key aspect of a slave revolt is that a population is pushed through nihilism into the Regime's favored morality. Ideally (to those managing the revolt), a person who goes through nihilism discovers immoralism (i.e., what he or she is like when all inhibitions and previous values are removed). It is at this point that the Regime's favored morality (slave morality) permeates that person's psyche — replacing that person's former morality. A common person looking for a value system will adopt the values of power, intuitively seeking the approval of the Regime to ensure his prosperity. This occurs even within the opposition, who may adopt the media of the Regime — including its inherently immoral mechanisms — while hoping to oppose the Regime.

You can see the problem that the opposition faces here. If the Regime controls a medium, then the message will almost always be corrupted in the Regime's favor ("The medium is the message" per Marshall McLuhan). In the case of streaming, this occurs through the process of algorithm-mining. In order for a streamer to gain success, they must obey the Regime's algorithm. This often means debasing themselves with gimmicks so that followers will be entertained into receiving the message — which is now corrupted by the process.

For instance, many streamers will release an insightful video but then have to do live streams where they play video games for hours at a time just so people will donate (i.e., scrambling their brains with nonsense rather than focusing on further insights). This is because insightful videos are buried by the algorithm and do not often receive direct donations, but streams appease the algorithm and provide a better format for donations (people can just drop in, pay, and move-on without worrying about their donation being a too-visible mark on a channel).

People such as Tim Pool are a sort of worst-case example of this algorithm-mining behavior. He posts standalone videos on YouTube with ridiculous clickbait titles where he reads articles and offers his thoughts, then, later that day, he does his live stream where he offers the same exact thoughts but also receives donations. He constantly reiterates that he cannot be fully honest on YouTube, so he directs people to his website. Behind the paywall (and this as revealed by his own members), he rarely offers additional insights — he simply swears more, his thought processes largely still obedient to the YouTube censorship format and obedient to his awareness of YouTube's ability to ban him for "off-platform conduct".

In other words, this process of gaining wealth through YouTube and Twitch streaming inherently debases nobility. The websites that allow unbridled virtue (no censorship) are intentionally kept out of the public spotlight (e.g., Rumble, Gab, Odyssey). The opposition is funneled into a trap where they must gain relevance while corrupting their own messages.

I recently mentioned this to a streamer that I had long followed (Razorfist), and he blocked me. He appears in this video and criticizes this other streamer for doing what he himself does, so there's also a separate critique beneath this. There's also a reference to Dr. Disrespect here ("never a man").

My comment:
That streamer attitude is surprisingly common.
Think of Pearl ("Pearly Things"). I have never interacted with her and have nothing maliciously against her, but she's a good example. She has 1.98 Million subscribers on YouTube and almost 500k on Twitter/X. But who is she? Would you say she is "anybody"? Would you say she works hard, is talented, has unique insight, or has some kind of meaningful or lasting contribution to the greater world outside of the strange Internet niche that she has cultivated? Probably not. If you spoke with people on the street, they probably wouldn't know her. But how would she respond to that sort of criticism of her impact or worth? She would probably project that same accusation back at you: calling you a nobody, maybe adopting the playground insult of saying, "You're just jealous," that you resent her "success", that it is *you* who have no talent or who offers nothing — all this while completely unaware of anything about you beyond the things that matter to her: your follower count, your name recognition or ability to direct a dog pile, whether or not she thinks she can get away with mistreating you, or whether or not she thinks she can stir up controversy by using you as a mark for the lobbing of generic insults on a scaffold in front of her followers.

But jealous of what? Resentful of what? Would you be jealous of a "successful" prostitute who has more clients than yourself? Are you jealous of a powerful banker as he ruins your society? I hope not. When you go to an actual job, does anyone ask how many subscribers you have before they consider your opinion on a matter? Likely not. But that matters to these broken people. What these streamers consider "success" is held by them like a child holding wet sand in the waves. Their value system is not based in virtue, it holds no loyalty among "followers" that they themselves have made faceless and immemorable through their indifference, and it would wash away the moment some subversive is annoyed by their influence and uses lies to accuse them of some heinous crime. All of those followers they believe are theirs would believe the lies because they have only ever known a streamer with a clever gimmick — never a man.

Now realize that there are people with far fewer subscribers than Pearl who behave even more strongly and irrationally than this. This "FaZe Lacy" has almost 120k followers on Twitter/X and nearly 800k on Twitch. Do you think he believes he is at the center of the universe? Would he give one-word answers to a $100 Super-Chat? Does he even know the names of his top contributors? Would he notice their absence? It is too often narcissism which draws these people to seek the "success" of fame, but since they are incapable of love beyond their reflections they cannot cultivate it in the mob that they made faceless. These sorts have never fought next to those whom they must love more than themselves, and their value system ensures that they never will.
Wed Aug 07 03:15:52
Mm yes, you are hitting some of the same notes Katt Williams did when he dropped that nuclear bomb on Hollywood. Where these niggas come from? Who are they? Which clubs where they doing stand up at before they got the Netflix deal? Nobody knows?

I think the first one of these characters we noticed this with (me and you both commented on it) was Tate. He hits a few notes, followed by depraved garbage, the most recent where Canadace owens chimed in "I don't need data, I've been around". The only other times I want to reach into my screen and slap someone is when I read sebtards posts.

Did these people really escape the Matrix, or did the Matrix allow hem to "escape", to give the rest of the biological batteries, hope?
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 07 07:05:42
[Nimatzo]: "Did these people really escape the Matrix, or did the Matrix allow hem to "escape", to give the rest of the biological batteries, hope?"

Good point.
I think a lot of these people — especially those that pass a certain threshold of followers on major platforms — cannot be trusted as a rule because their very "success" is occurring with the Regime's permission. (Tim Pool even mentions how he thinks he's a "pressure-relief valve" for people to feel heard and then do nothing.) There seem to be certain follower "plateaus" that anti-Regime people reach where they can never seem to grow further, the particular plateau depending on how "safe" their content is. Whereas, people who offer something subversive (accidentally pro-Regime Tate types) seem to sky-rocket to millions of followers.

@The1Parzival on Twitter sometimes mentions this (he documents Twitter algorithm mechanics). I don't know the exact numbers, but there seem to be barriers at 200, 1000, 10,000, and 100k. And getting those numbers does not assure visibility since a user could have 2 million followers, say the wrong thing, and have that post quietly hidden from their own followers.

The people on the right who are trying to "play the game" have to be very subtle like they're using mafia code words. There are short conversations about that under this MacIntyre Tweet:

MacIntyre's guest is David Azerrad, who is basically describing the post-WWII boomer delusion (the anti-life Holocaust-as-foundation-myth meme) and how the lesson learned by "the left" post-WWII was that White people should never have power. Everyone in the comments seems to know that "the left" here is code for Jewish Bolsheviks, since it was explicitly they who designed the Frankfurt School.

Still, others such as @DissidentSoaps have to explain that MacIntyre is essentially onboarding people: attracting a broad audience with true-but-safe language and giving people enough truth that they're curious for more details, causing them to seek out those smaller accounts that are saying the truth outright ( https://x.com/DissidentSoaps/status/1820884277707555007 ).

But, even if that claim is true (and I have my reservations about MacIntyre given his affinity for Yarvin), it goes right back to this issue of aggregator accounts being projects of narcissism; they're still playing the game. The medium is *still* acting like a series of wave breakers — keeping each individual niche from gaining momentum.

And consider the alternative. What does onboarding look like for a Regime-approved account? Something like the @whatever podcast can get 4.41 million YouTube followers because "onboarding" for them is "accidentally" directing viewers to the Only Fans accounts of their guests. The Regime will always win those numbers games.

Incidentally, my above comment was removed from that Side Scrollers video.
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 07 07:19:08
In other news, Project Veritas found more evidence of voter fraud:
"Votes for Sale: Progressive Dems Say Muslims Used Widespread VOTER FRAUD to Secure Power in Michigan"
[August 5th, 2024]

This is something I was recently trying to explain to the brick wall that is sebtard. He was pretending that there is no need to check I.D. at the time of voting because all of the security measures were in place at the time of registration (patom made the same claim). This is transparently a deception, of course, and this Veritas video reiterates my point.

The short version is that ballot-harvesters simply get residents to sign their ballots and then they (the ballot-harvesters) fill-in the bubbles. In communities with no morality (that is, in left-wing communities), residents do not even see this as "wrong" — if they even understand what's happening. That is the entire point of expanding the vote in these communities and of importing tons of unscrupulous client groups. It's free votes.

For some of these smaller/local elections, they do not even need to harvest too many ballots. Some of these council seats barely crack 1,000 votes — if that — so harvesting 300 ballots from a few apartment buildings is an automatic win.

Again, the plain evidence of voter fraud is that lots of people like sebgul, tumblefag, and murder exist. It's what they enable, and it's what they do.
Fri Aug 09 09:21:11
After having spent the last 5 years posting feverish hallucinations 12 hours a day (not including time feeding 14 cats, which I fully support), someone needs to try to tell the poor woman as gently as possible that Biden isnt running, even if it kills her.
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 12 03:03:03
wtf is williamthebitchfag even talking about?

• "5 years posting" — this thread series started in May 2022, so is williamthecoward talking about tumblefag, who has been psycho-posting about Trump since about 2016 when Regime media broke him with TDS?

• "feverish hallucinations 12 hours a day" — again, this sounds like a description of tumblefag. You can pretty much be guaranteed to find tumblefag posting at all hours of the day, whereas I didn't even see williamthecoward's post until 4 days after he posted it.

• "not including time feeding 14 cats" — here's this retarded talking point again. jergfag and williamthecoward both use this "cat lady" thing — absolute idiots with zero perception and zero connection with reality.

• "Biden isnt running" — by what metric have I indicated that Biden is still running? I have indicated nothing of the kind. At best you could pretend that this thread series — which often raises the subject of Biden the diaper-shitting pedophile totalitarian puppet — no longer has a purpose with Biden stepping down, but this thread series has repeatedly stated that Biden is a *puppet*. This thread series is about the global totalitarian Regime and its mechanisms — not simply Biden the man. Though, incidentally, Biden the man is a confirmed pedophile, and williamthecoward probably voted for him.

williamthecoward supports pedophiles.

So, again, it is williamthecoward projecting tumblefag's psychosis onto these threads since williamthecoward is too much of a coward to contradict tumblefag's psychosis. Instead, he comes here and shits his pants at the very thought that his stupidities are not adopted by his betters ("[My professors were all leftists, and they were smarter than me! Why are other smart people not adopting my suicidal death cult logic??]" — williamthebitchfag). It is *leftists* who focus on one man (Trump) due to their diseased consciousness, so williamthebitchfag cannot even understand that I am not doing the same thing.

TLDR: move along, williamthecoward, you absolute weakling.

Anyways, here's a funny video pointing out some of the lies the DNC tells about Trump:
"FACTCHECKING the Most DANGEROUS & DISHONEST Political Ad in U.S. History!"
[Don't Walk, Run! Productions; August 9th, 2024]
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 12 06:26:46
This reposted image gives a throwback to the "5 x 3" image that spurred a debate that got to the core of sebfag's ideology:

After sebtard waffled for days with his evasive language, I assembled some bullet-point questions within a Socratic process that got him to admit that he does not believe math to be a language but reality itself. The core ideological failing demonstrated by this is that this is a complete and fundamental misunderstanding of how language is constructed around meaning-making. Without understanding this, language can always be manipulated to deconstruct reality, since useful idiots and leftists will believe language — even as it creeps and distorts — rather than sticking with the first principles of reality and building language around that reality.

It was after this that it became in sebfag's best interests to never answer such questions directly since his answers laid out his ideology plainly as monstrous and destructive. That was no less than 7 years ago. We see, too, that tumblefag does the same — though he may be too stupid to realize it.

When we talk of people who accept totalitarian Bolshevism, we are seeing these egregious departures from reason. These people Gish Gallop because pinning them down to one point exposes them. They would not be caught anywhere near a Socratic process because their core ideology is evil. Since they operate entirely within cult power-seeking, "truth" is merely whatever serves that power.
Mon Aug 12 06:57:10
You mean we can't just shuffle X and Y around on the table and create new sexes? Woah.
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 26 21:49:03
Yeah so weird! I mean, the sexes only exist as a language model, and we can make the language model more "inclusive", so doesn't that change reality?

In other news, one of the hoaxes that tumbletard fell for was the (false) belief that
• Facebook and Twitter didn't censor anything during COVID or during the Hunter Biden laptop leak
• that they didn't do it on behalf of the government
• that the FBI wasn't involved
• that it wasn't required that they comply
• that the FBI/White House didn't pressure them
• that even if the FBI/WH pressured them, it's not a big deal, etc.
• even if it happened, it's good because those things were bad for the Regime.

In other words,
Celebration Parallax: "It's Not Happening, And It's Good That It Is"

A large part of this is that tumbletard is not good at interpreting words. This is the entire reason that he now has 48 threads in a series about Trump which never can seem to interpret Trump in good faith (Shocking! A poor ability to comprehend words results in bad interpretations!).

Topically, this played out with Mark Zuckerberg's appearance on Joe Rogan in August 2022 (Re-uploaded in July 2024: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XR4x1ssblQ ; relevant section clipped in 2022: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN3PIGLDscQ ). Zuckerberg told Rogan that the FBI approached Facebook with a training package (pre-laptop drop) which included response-training for how to handle a flood of news regarding "Russian disinformation". He reveals that the FBI gave Facebook a "pattern" of what such "disinformation" could look like. between the lines, that "pattern" was effectively a direct description of the Hunter Biden laptop.

Keep in mind that at that point (early/mid 2020) the FBI had been knowingly in possession of a verified real Hunter Biden laptop. The FBI themselves later admitted in court records that they knew it was real well before October 2020, *and* — even without the FBI's confirmation — anyone paying attention to the story knew from the initial New York Post drop that the laptop was indeed real (minus Regime sycophants of course).

Yet, we *have* had these little droplets of confirmation since 2020. The entire strategy of Regime propaganda and counter-propaganda suppression is to prevent the truth from coming out (to the masses) until that truth is useless or changes nothing. The truth can be released to the useful idiots when they no longer remember the lies or can be convinced that it was previously impossible to see through the lies — thus cushioning their cognitive dissonance. This same thing was done with COVID, where the few people on the left who have admitted that COVID's danger was over-stated and that "vaccines" had little effect (and I do mean the *few*, since many/most will still not even concede this much) will *still* tell you that they could not have known when it was happening!

So here is Zuckerberg confirming yet again what we knew:
• "In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn't agree. Ultimately, it was our decision" [this last bit is cope; their choices were conditioned]
• "In a separate situation, the FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election. That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply."

Thus, the strategy/timeline was this:
1) FBI is in possession of Hunter Biden's laptop, which they know is real
2) FBI creates a training package for social media companies which describes the laptop but is designed to spin this description as a "red flag" for "Russian disinformation" (i.e., the FBI was knowingly working on behalf of Biden's campaign — even with Trump still in the White House — thus proving further that the Regime favors the DNC).
3) FBI approaches pre-Musk Twitter and Zuckerberg's Facebook and tells them this "pattern" and trains Twitter/YouTube/Facebook how to respond. (As a reminder, in basic psychology, this is called "priming". The principle is to give people an initial input which directs/conditions a future intended response. The response that the FBI was conditioning is to call laptop news "Russian disinformation" and block the story so that the Biden campaign would not be negatively impacted.)
4) With Twitter and Facebook now primed, when the New York Post story drops, Twitter and Facebook both suppress the story as they were trained to do through the FBI's priming/training. (The Twitter leaks confirm this, Zuckerberg confirmed this on Rogan when he talked about throttling the story, and Zuckerberg has just confirmed this again. What Zuckerberg spoke of on Rogan was preventing stories from rising past a certain engagement/visibility threshold based on their "trustworthiness", with New York post suddenly deemed not "trustworthy" in order to suppress the story in the Regime-controlled media-space.)

In short, we knew — in 2020, before the election — that the Regime (a coalition of [social-media – boomer Regime media (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) – the Biden campaign – FBI]) was using their social-media control to suppress this story, preventing it from reaching the public consciousness. This was incredibly obvious to anyone paying attention, though, sadly, the people who knew these details are considered "terminally online" whereas your boomer parents and low-information voters can be completely insulated from this information and Regime sycophants will lie about it. This was obvious because normal people trying to get the information out on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter were having their engagement visibly and obviously throttled, their content removed, and their accounts suspended or deleted. Many of these deleted people were not able to return until months after Musk took over in October 2022. Those of us online in 2020 saw these people being deleted and suppressed.

Even so, cultists such as tumblefag will still tell you that none of this happened. They will work through the Celebration Parallax, lying and gaslighting in order to maintain cult dogma and delay admitting that while it happened, "[it's a good thing!]" This is because they are evil, principles of truth do not guide their decision-making, and there is nothing that they will not do to advance Regime power. There is no debate you could have that would convince them of anything. You could lay out evidence in front of them, but their reading comprehension itself is designed to favor Regime interpretations ("One screen, two movies" as Scott Adams calls it), so they are not even looking at words in the same way as any Westerner educated in the tradition of Enlightenment Reason.

And that last bit may be the crux here in determining which "movie" is true. You could play tumblefag's game, defending his wrongful accusations that the *right* is in a "cult" (i.e., pure projection), but which "cult" supports Western Reason, truth, evidentiary claims, and the traditions which saw the end of slavery and the rise of Western technology and prosperity? It is not the left. The left has *long* stated with their positions against "platforming" that they do not care about the truth — only with power. This logic — which is inherently Marxist, pulling largely from 20th century sources such as Saul Alinsky and Herbert Marcuse — was mass-adopted on Reddit and Imgur (vectors of Astro-turfing) as well as on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and NBC following the Regime's 2016 loss. In other words, Marxism explicitly treats the truth as optional, so whatever "movie" they are watching in the "one screen, two movies" metaphor does not need to be connected to reality.

Lastly, I have explained this connection to Marxist dogma and its origin in the slave revolt as well as the slave revolt's function as a death cult. I recently Tweeted this:
"The DNC largely represents an amalgamation of activated slave revolts. Slave revolts act as death cults—filled with traitors, useful idiots, and suicidal destroyers who effect a society's annihilation."

This logic is summed in the First Servile Wars by the slave-leader Eunus. Peter Green explains in 1961 that Eunus "had nothing against slavery as an institution, but objected violently to being enslaved themselves." This is the Master–Slave dialectic's intent to *reverse* enslavement rather than end it. The logic of the death cult is thus to kill all former "masters" (society's nobility) and/or enslave them. The leaders of the slave revolt invoke this death cult logic openly, often hating themselves as a means to justify their killing of all of the nobility within society. This connects to modern leftists being ugly, disfigured, degenerate, resentful, and weak and hating anything beautiful or life-affirming. The slave revolt is a death cult. This is the ideology that slaves such as tumblefag, murder, sebgul, and so many Regime puppets and oligarchs have adopted. From Oprah to some random useful idiot on Reddit, the ideology is identical.
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 01 09:38:34
"The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?
"One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document."
[The New York Times; Jennifer Szalai; August 31st, 2024]

Archive link:

Notice this talking point off the top:
• "But his presidency and the prospect of his re-election have also generated another, very different, argument: that Trump owes his political ascent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional. [/] After all, Trump became president in 2016 after losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral College (Article II)"

Always notice that anti-West destroyers prefer talk of "our democracy" rather than of liberty or the Republic. Sebfag does this (e.g., "Europe needs to be destroyed" thread http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=93111&time=1724247186636 ). The Constitution is "antidemocratic" / [antithetical to "our democracy"] because it prevents mob rule, which is a stepping stone in the destruction of society. The "tyranny of the majority" is easily activated by tyrants via propaganda; "our democracy" is merely a vessel of who owns propaganda. The Constitution (if enforced) places checks on this tyranny, whereas champions of "our democracy" are merely declaring their control of propaganda.

Naturally, all of these checks are itemized in this New York Times article. They are itemized as opposition to "our democracy". Yes, the Constitution does indeed stand in opposition to "our democracy" (i.e., to West-destroying Bolshevism), and that is why it must stand.

I've pointed this out before, but this is the destroyer's check list:
This was done by the same DNC brown shirts who were calling for the overthrow of the Republic. These people want to
• limit and control the First Amendment,
• abolish the Second Amendment,
• abolish the Electoral College,
• abolish the Senate,
• Pack the Supreme Court and/or make the court elected by the propagandized mob,
• control D.C. directly by making D.C. a state,
• control all elections at the federal level (uni-party control of elections)
• establish a federal police force to replace the local authority of state police (FBI 2.0 / FBI Lite),
• expand the purview of the Capitol Police to become a weapon of the House majority, etc.

These people believe that "the U.S. is founded on racism" and that "the U.S. is systemically racist", and their remedy for that is to "completely dismantle the system". Even *if* they were correct about racism (hint: they aren't), they openly admit that they want to destroy the U.S. from within and institute a Marxist dictatorship of the proletariat.

They use violence, political intimidation, and infiltration at all levels to achieve their ends. They..
• riot in cities around the U.S.,
• actively change U.S. laws to destroy election integrity,
• remove competing parties from the ballot,
• intimidate Justices at their homes,
• threaten and plan to murder Supreme Court justices,

Itemized in the article:
• abolish the Electoral College (Article II of the Constitution)
• abolish the Supreme Court and/or make them directly elected (i.e., more mob rule)
• Article author Jennifer Szalai (Hungarian Jew) also praises the destruction of the Senate (the tyranny of the 17th Amendment is considered "good" by her), and she is displeased that Congress still sometimes slows progressive politics (i.e., further erosion is needed in her opinion).

In short, articles like this are yet more data that Bolsheviks/leftists/Democrats/"progressives" do indeed want to destroy these United States and the West at large. They openly state these things. They are not Westerners, and it is past the time when they should be treated as anything but traitors.
Randal Graves
Sun Sep 01 11:48:08
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 01 22:29:53
Here the DNC goes again, committing election interference, just like in 2020:

• Michigan attempting to remove Cornell West from the ballots because he may hurt Harris' chances
• Wisconsin attempting to remove Jill Stein from the ballots because she may hurt Harris' chances
• Various attempts were being made to remove RFK Jr. *from* the ballot when it was thought that he would negatively impact the DNC
• Now that RFK Jr. has dropped out and endorsed Trump, various lawsuits trying to keep RFK Jr. *on* the ballot because they think that will hurt Trump

In this clip, Reid Hoffman of the "Clear Choice PAC" admits to funding lawsuits that effect these outcomes (particular to RFK Jr.). You can see how liars such as himself justify it internally: they're simply seeing where the lawsuits will go, bro! It's just legal process, bro!
But, in reality, the strategy that David Sacks reveals is that this kind of lawfare funding is also designed to exhaust the opposition's campaign funding — it is not about principles or law but manipulating process. I.e., if DNC lawfare agents get the outcome that they prefer, that works for them, but even if they do not, they have successfully eroded their competition.

And these legal efforts are asymmetric for those who own the courts, so it is not merely about dollars versus dollars. It is much cheaper for the DNC to own and fund judges and prosecutors than it is for a political candidate of limited resources to sue for a simple recognition of the law as-written. The latter cannot even get the message out that they need funding for a lawsuit, and the former has such expansive media control that their own useful idiots have never heard of these issues at all. So through PACs, NGO networks, owned judges, owned prosecutors, and owned propaganda, partisan positions blanket all governance, bypassing law in favor of Bolshevik "progress". A major design of ESG/sustainability was that these networks achieved government funding, so this corruption does not even require PAC fund-raising necessarily.

This, of course, follows after
• secretaries of state from Maine and Colorado attempted to remove Trump from the ballots
• the DNC manufactured lawsuits to "find the crime" with Trump (overt political lawfare)
• the DNC seeded "Hitler 2.0" propaganda for years, provoking an a55a55ination attempt against Trump
• the DNC launched an internal coup to replace a candidate (Biden) that they felt could not beat Trump
• the DNC installed Harris as their candidate without allowing primary voters any say in the matter (so much for the illusion that "our democracy" meant that the people — rather than oligarchs controlling propaganda and process — decide on anything)

This all further reflects on leftist useful idiots as having no conscience and having a slave morality as their inherent immoralism.

The DNC does not even need to run on positive principles because leftists are simply activated by the negative demands of a death cult: "[anyone but Trump]". They will violate any law, commit any fraud or murder, and tell any lie if it gives the Party power. There is no other imperative at work. The cult's illogic keeps them in this first-order thinking, whereas it would only take the slightest self-reflection to wonder what it means to write an absolutely blank check to Bolsheviks — and all to get these same Bolsheviks to stop the Trump psy-ops.

It is Faustian myopia. They will make pacts with devils without any concept of what it means for a debt to come due.
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