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Utopia Talk / Politics / shit about P01135809 +his shit assocs#46
the wanderer
Fri May 24 11:46:46
Trump fundraising email:

"They were authorized to shoot me! I nearly escaped death. Biden's DOJ was locked & loaded for deadly force at Mar-a-lago..."

and we could be having another 4 years of that kind of accuracy & idiocy coming from the WH...
the wanderer
Fri May 24 23:47:15
3 fuckhead posts in a row:




"Let’s put the President in jail for 150 years because a LEGAL EXPENSE to a lawyer was called, by a bookkeeper, a LEGAL EXPENSE to a lawyer!What else could you call it. Crooked Joe Biden Witch Hunt. Election Interference. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"

zero chance he'd get 150 years, drama queen as always... & no, it's not a legal expense just because Cohen's occupation was lawyer... the re-payment shouldn't be getting run through the business at all as any kind of expense (& it's definitely not for legal services)



just fucking weird...
the wanderer
Sat May 25 12:21:51
1 hr ago from fuckhead:

which is equally as accurate as

so disgusting...
Sat May 25 13:18:07

"I nearly escaped death."

Thankfully he didn't get away. :o)

the wanderer
Sat May 25 18:12:03
Deranged Jack Smith has asked Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida for a Gag Order on me, so that I cannot talk about all of the Crimes he has committed, including the Illegal, Unconstitutional, and Unwarranted RAID of Mar-a-Lago. I guess they’re hoping they can silence me from telling the TRUTH like the Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge in New York City has done. Gag Orders have a very strong tendency to BACKFIRE, and if anybody should be GAGGED, it should be Deranged Jack, who was recently caught doing very bad things - and I should be able to talk about that, and everything else having to do with this Hoax - from which Crooked Joe Biden was FULLY EXONERATED!

zero crimes by Jack Smith have been demonstrated & he hasn't been caught doing any bad things... & fucking idiotic to say Smith should be gagged when he isn't saying anything ever.... soooo fucking stupid...

the above claims would have been considered completely insane in pre-Trump world, now it will get almost no notice

wake up & smell the pure insanity
the wanderer
Sat May 25 18:15:31
...& of course if Trump actually had 'bad things' & crimes, he'd be dumping the info out now if fearing the gag order

& of course, Faux News would be blasting them out

but they. don't. exist.

just like his irrefutable proof of mass voter fraud that he claims exists, yet Faux doesn't cover at all...

how the fuck does anyone find this person acceptable...
the wanderer
Sat May 25 18:42:16
Trump speaking at the libertarian convention

apparently MAGA supporters & Libertarians scuffling over who gets to sit up front (cult worshippers or booers)

also team Trump has banned squeaky rubber chickens from the room... not very libertarian...
the wanderer
Sat May 25 19:04:11
the guy introducing Trump is heavily booed, could get interesting, Trump really really really doesn't like people booing him:
the wanderer
Sat May 25 22:20:25
there are several clips of Trump being booed heavily, & can tell here it's not just some small amount by him getting irritated & taunting them:

but his lie machine ready...

Monica Crowley:
One night President Trump has the Bronx cheering for him.
The next night he has the Libertarians going wild for him.
He’s expanding MAGA in unbelievable ways.
Absolute legend.
the wanderer
Sat May 25 22:25:23
apparently team Fraud tried to pack the audience (because of course he would) but apparently didn't work out that well:
(^a bunch of red hats grabbed the seats while the libertarians were voting)
the wanderer
Sat May 25 22:41:05
Trump posted the RSBN (cult propaganda) article:
"Crowd goes CRAZY when Trump quotes Founding Father: ‘Give me LIBERTY or give me DEATH!’"

w/ the seemingly one line where he didn't get booed... no mention at all of booing in the article... such a quality news source and one Trump posts very often

that heroic battler against fake news...
Average Ameriacn
Sun May 26 07:04:57
'there are several clips of Trump being booed heavily'

Never trust a liberatraitan!
A vote for thme is a wasted votre, they won't get more than 1 or 2 per cents.

Better vote MAGA, vote TRUMP!
Sun May 26 10:42:05

There's something funny about Trump having security confiscate rubber chickens at the Libertarian convention.

Even funnier is Libertarians surrendering their rubber chickens to some supposed authority.

the wanderer
Sun May 26 10:59:07
apparently RFK Jr's team handed the chickens out (& they say 'Debate Bobby!' on them)

at least one of the chickens (besides Trump) made it thru... (can see silhouette around 10 sec area)

team Trump usually posts video clips from his speeches (of reading various normal-sounding teleprompter parts, not the weird shit about Hannibal Lecter or dishwashers or baselessly accusing various people of crimes, etc) but this time just still images... can't let anyone know of the boos
the wanderer
Sun May 26 11:41:54
RSBN 'reporter' summing up the event:

"We saw a LOT of applause for the president. Some people who were, uhhh, offering a couple of boos for the -policies-, not directly at, going towards, President Trump...":


it was the opposite of course, the boos loudest when he was talking of himself & saying they should vote for him... he wouldn't even be mentioning policies they'd be against

how do these obvious fucking liars have any self-respect...
Sun May 26 13:24:41

They don't. They are just OK being vile.

the wanderer
Sun May 26 22:30:58
embarrassingly obvious liar:
The reason I didn’t file paperwork for the Libertarian Nomination, which I would have absolutely gotten if I wanted it (as everyone could tell by the enthusiasm of the Crowd last night!), was the fact that, as the Republican Nominee, I am not allowed to have the Nomination of another Party. Regardless, I believe I will get a Majority of the Libertarian Votes. Junior’ Kennedy is a Radical Left Democrat, who’s destroyed everything he’s touched, especially in New York and New England, and in particular, as it relates to the Cost and Practicality of Energy. He’s not a Libertarian. Only a FOOL would vote for him!

"The reason I didn’t file paperwork..."

weird you asked them to nominate you then...

"which I would have absolutely gotten if I wanted it (as everyone could tell by the enthusiasm of the Crowd last night!)"

good lord... & again: his audience is his voters/cultists, he is claiming this infinituplePlusObvious lie to specifically mislead his supporters...


but i'm sure he'll stop absurdly obviously lying to all you gullible cultists faces once he's elected!!! he never obviously deliberately lied to you when in office before after all...
(& not like his private business model hasn't been all about deceiving his own investors & banks or anything... it literally is the model, not just my opinion)
the wanderer
Sun May 26 22:33:57
... & they still could've endorsed him even if his 'can't be the nominee' story accurate (instead of massively booing him every time he suggested it)

that's extreme mental illness level lying... as he exhibits regularly... ideal in any leader... apparently?...
Mon May 27 05:52:54
Happy Memorial Day, tumbleweed.
the wanderer
Mon May 27 07:54:01
Happy Memorial Day
Fri May 31 07:37:56

I don't think tumbleweed survived this. I think he died of alcohol last night celebrating Trump's conviction. :o)

Fri May 31 07:38:15

alcohol poisoning*
the wanderer
Fri May 31 15:43:15
i was on vacation all week, didn't watch any politics/news

perhaps i will sift through what i'm sure is a multitude of fucking idiotic/insane/rebellious all-caps 'tweets' later
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:09:59
ok... here we go... sigh...

Trump's uplifting holiday message:
Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York that presided over, get this, TWO separate trials, that awarded a woman, who I never met before (a quick handshake at a celebrity event, 25 years ago, doesn’t count!), 91 MILLION DOLLARS for “DEFAMATION.” She didn’t know when the so-called event took place - sometime in the 1990’s - never filed a police report, didn’t have to produce the “dress” that she threatened me with (it showed negative!), & sung my praises in the first half of her CNN Interview with Alison Cooper, but changed her tune in the second half - Gee, I wonder why (UNDER APPEAL!)? The Rape charge was dropped by a jury! Or Arthur Engoron, the N.Y. State Wacko Judge who fined me almost 500 Million Dollars (UNDER APPEAL) for DOING NOTHING WRONG, used a Statute that has never been used before, gave me NO JURY, Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000 - Now for Merchan!

so normal

2 hrs later:

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13"

first time quoting the bible ever (i think), outside of a rare teleprompter reading

guess which 'tweet' was his...
Fri May 31 16:11:15
You can't imagine my disappointment that tumbleweed didn't take Memorial Day to actually go outside, realize that there's a life beyond the internet, and give up politics in favor of gaining friends, family, and enjoyment in the real world.

Well welcome back tw.
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:14:09
still Monday:


ok, this is before it happened so he either learned of this from his lawyers or minimally asked them about it (if his mental age is >10 anyway) & he definitely would've been told 'yup, totally normal'

but still he has to all caps 'tweet' to the entire world that our "corrupt government" is cheating him...

-completely- unacceptable & ridiculous, yet i'm sure almost no one cared or noticed (& the cult agreed w/ him)
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:27:16
...skipping a lot of stuff...

though there's weirdly several 'tweets' about or attacking Robert Deniro amongst his trial ones

Trump always keeping focused on what's important
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:29:15

THE D.A.’s OFFICE WAS ALLOWED TO GO ON WITH 5 HOURS OF BULL…. YESTERDAY. I have no rights against this Crooked Judge’s Gag Order!

...absolutely nothing he could say out of court would be appropriate for any juror to even listen to, so the gag order completely irrelevant for the trial (& the gag order had zero effect on his ability to testify, even though he's tried to mislead people about that too)
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:34:24
Crooked Joe Biden just announced that he will speak, for a change, at the end of his trial against me. Yesterday he sent his mentally challenged servant, former actor Robert De Niro, to create a little chaos in front of the Courthouse, and to influence the trial. Election Interference!!!

now it was Biden who sent De Niro... Biden does EVERYTHING

nothing totally insane here...
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:37:49
oh no, apparently a Fox person was honest...

I never knew Shannon Bream [Fox host] was so “naïve.” In her interview with my Representative, Alina Habba, Shannon just suggested that Crooked Joe Biden was not involved in my Show Trial. HOW STUPID! Not only is he involved, he is virtually leading it, and all of the other Trials as well - Meaning, his people, because he’s not mentally sharp enough to lead anything! Just take a look at the DOJ/White House Thugs involved, and everything else. Biden is incompetent, and feels that Weaponization is the only way he can win. He’s counting on the Shannon Breams of the World to get him there. Bad day for Shannon!

lets see if she keeps her job
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:40:44
maybe Neil Cavuto did too... or just from past bouts of honesty:

Neil Cavuto and Shannon Bream should team up and do a Show together. The Ratings wouldn’t be good, because they’re anti-MAGA, but it’s not all about the Ratings!

how many news hosts has Biden/Obama/Bush openly tried to get fired? yet standard practice for fuckhead who wants nothing but pro-Fuckhead propaganda
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:42:01
Trump quoting his nazi associate:
Stephen Miller: “Even though it is Donald Trump on trial, it is Joe Biden & the Democrat Communist prosecutors who are facing the judgment of history—and who will incur the wrath of the American voter.”

Biden (& the entire federal gov't) has absolutely nothing to do w/ this case
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:51:20
Thursday (still skipping tons):

Does anybody ask why the Government, under Soros backed District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, failed to bring in a Long List of Witnesses that they so viciously threatened everybody with? I’m not allowed to say the names BECAUSE OF THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL GAG ORDER THAT I AM UNDER, but there are plenty. The prosecutors didn’t use them because these people would have been very bad for the Government’s Case! But remember, this is all under the auspices of the DOJ and White House, for the purpose of Election Interference - These are the Thugs and Monsters who are destroying our Country.


...[why did the gov't fail] to bring in a Long List of Witnesses that they so viciously threatened everybody with?
The prosecutors didn’t use them because these people would have been very bad for the Government’s Case!

then the defense would have called them, you FUCKING OBVIOUS LIAR...

(& the only witness i can think of that they 'viciously threatened' [eyeroll] to call was the Playboy model & clearly didn't call because of the Weinstein reversal)


i'm pretty confident virtually nobody who votes for this 'man' actually has any idea what he talks about as the idiocy is always SO FUCKING OBVIOUS... (or they are the hopeless brainwashed cultists)
the wanderer
Fri May 31 16:55:43
he also appears to have some disagreement with the verdict...

anyway, that was the dumbest of the posts of the past week from brief review
the wanderer
Fri May 31 19:08:56
"...You saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side: they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel but he's really a devil..."


did any outlet report on those literal crucifixions by a devil or do we just have to take his word for it?... i'm skeptical...
Fri May 31 20:28:57

I don't recall seeing anyone literally up on a cross, but I wasn't following the trial very closely.

Fri May 31 20:30:47

That assertion calls for cross-examination. ;o)

Maybe that's the cross he's referring to.

the wanderer
Tue Jun 04 16:44:06
the poisoner still spewing poison multiple times daily, not planning to cover it as often, but remains completely insane this 'man' will be the R candidate

doom also growing as the R's in congress using the NY case to fuel the complete nonsense it was Biden & the DOJ's behind it & all corrupt w/ even the Speaker entertaining calls to defund DOJ/Jack Smith... with absolutely no explanation of how Trump is innocent in those cases & not even able to mention what he did (as indefensible obviously... why else wouldn't they defend it...)

dark times
the wanderer
Sun Jun 09 11:06:22
i've probably missed a bunch, but here's a recent one:

I truly wish people would remember that all of these “trials” are concocted and run by the Crooked Joe Biden White House, and DOJ, for the purpose of Election Interference and damaging Crooked’s Political Opponent, ME...

yes "remember that"... absolutely no indication of it, & doesn't even make any sense for most of them, but whatever... say it day in & day out for months & seems to work

many R politicians openly wanting revenge on Joe for Trump's NY conviction...

totally. fucked. up.
the wanderer
Tue Jun 11 00:23:25
Trump given special treatment (yet again) in being allowed to have his attorney present for his probation officer interview (all knowing & accepting that the child needs adult supervision)

also from the child:
"[Jack Smith] is a deranged dumb guy. He’s a dumb son of a bitch"

& child's corrupted co-conspirator embarrassment Rudy Giuliani called Fani Willis "Fanny the ho"... & went into detail about not pronouncing her name 'fahnee' (as it's meant to be) but might drop the "ho" part if she goes away

high brow stuff

child also fully buying the complete bullshit that the J6ers were set up & tricked into the building & saying they did nothing wrong (living in reality not important for a president right?)

anyway, not meant as an exhaustive list of his recent total fuckedupness, just a sampling
the wanderer
Tue Jun 11 12:08:21
on child's feed:

'Become a Trump Force 47 Captain today!' (be a child too!)

where you commit to visiting 10 targeted voters in your neighborhood and "register them for an abesentee/mail ballot or secure their pledge to vote early"

no mention of voting in person as even an option

presumably some shifty shit afoot as that's all that ever surrounds him... let's see if he once again tells people to vote in person even if mailing
the wanderer
Tue Jun 11 23:03:25
i hope they can discuss this issue at the debate...
...it's apparently important enough to still be in his cult/rally speeches

spoiler: it's his belief he'd be electrocuted if sinking in a boat w/ an electric motor... (however noting he'd prefer that option over a shark...)
(presumably part of his idiotic railing against electric vehicles segment, or just complete insane rambling)
the wanderer
Wed Jun 12 17:38:28
this is on idiot's feed... doesn't sound written by him, but sounds stupid nonetheless...

VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!
the wanderer
Sun Jun 16 17:59:02
the absurdity:
^ guy who tried to overturn the election by going around our 'sacred court system' & attacks it near daily & who offers up no defense to the crimes he's charged with, while frequently accusing others of crimes w/ no evidence offered whatsoever
the wanderer
Tue Jun 18 13:27:13
obvious tyrant:

Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!
the wanderer
Tue Jun 18 18:15:46
Trump claims it was "hundreds of thousands of dollars" worth of cocaine at the White House (& that he thinks it was Joe's, as he has said many times, & that Joe will be on it for the debate)... it was .007 ounces... why is it ok he lies 100% of the time? who knows...


^ and the fucking idiot cultist who posted the video actually believes the story:

"HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF COCAINE?! What happened here? I know you know…. But how does someone not pick up their hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of coke?"
~ obvious idiot & obvious cultist (or troll farmer / bot)
Tue Jun 18 19:59:50

"why is it ok he lies 100% of the time? who knows..."

Because Republican voters are as dishonest as he is.

the wanderer
Sat Jun 22 15:25:56
more of his stream of weird shit he brings up at... well any event as he says the same shit regardless of audience or purpose of event:


^he claims to have suggested to Dana White that they set up a migrant fighting league & then the champion of the migrant league fights the champion of the 'regular' league... (& Trump suspects the migrants would win as so tough)

another important subject that hopefully comes up at the debate

(as well as whether prefer death by shark or not-going-to-happen electrocution... or how he puts globs of shampoo in his hair apparently before turning on the water, then finds out not enough water pressure to remove the globs of shampoo... or how dish washers no longer go 'bing' in a cloud of steam as they also have no water... or how rivers should be diverted to dampen all forests (& somehow would cost nothing)... or if Hannibal Lecter is a good guy...)
the wanderer
Sat Jun 22 21:42:16
“Fox is using polling to prime you to believe that Joe Biden legitimately wins 2024 after they steal it again in Nov.

Biden is not up over Trump in support among the American people.

Even Democrats don’t want him running again and they openly say it.”

not an insane no-basis belief at all...

2020: Biden ahead in polling -> must be fake polls (by -every- outlet)... Biden wins election -> must be fraud votes...

the fucking lunatics can’t recognize the huge ANTI-obvious-fraud vote
the wanderer
Sat Jun 22 21:45:18
...And of course that whole dangerous cult already determining Trump has won this election... there is no other possibility... as lord fuckhead will be saying many times, just as he did in his past elections

ridiculously unacceptable and yet no R will say a word (or will be ‘cancelled’ from the ‘party’)
the wanderer
Mon Jun 24 15:47:40

always again kargen: he was joking!
the wanderer
Tue Jun 25 22:25:55
Boebert somehow won her primary even as a carpetbagger showing again the cult puts no value at all on intelligence or competence

meanwhile, the little boy king thinks preparation is a sign of weakness, so his handlers have to call it something else to trick him into doing it... not embarrassingly ridiculous at all...

(& we know he did zero preparation for his meetings as 'president' given how zero substance ever on display when we saw/heard his comments... so ideal in a leader...)
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 26 03:36:05
"Boebert somehow won her primary"

I explained why this would happen. You're too stupid to understand, but I did explain this.
Chinese Democracy
Wed Jun 26 05:56:36
"I explained why this would happen. You're too stupid to understand, but I did explain this"

Hopefully, in your explanation, it wasn't a longwinded diatribe of a post where you utilized your lexicon pulling from all sources of the dictionary and thesaurus to loquaciously express a very simple point. Where it could have been easily concluded; "She went to a district more aligned with her, it was a no-brainer."
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 26 17:06:21
Your illiteracy is quite sad, "Chinese Democracy" (cowardly multi), as is the illiteracy of many who frequent a text-based forum yet never learned to read. But in this case the explanation was quite short, yes.
Chinese Democracy
Wed Jun 26 18:04:19
Crazy cat lady who false foe indian scammers, despite having grace this board for some time, it doesn't matter if this account is a multi or not. Could just be that someone has returned from a long hiatus. Since hot rod is dead and rotting, might as well pick on the longwinded poster that provides little substance.
Chinese Democracy
Wed Jun 26 18:04:52
*who falls for Indian scammers.
the wanderer
Sun Jun 30 19:12:11
w/ the decision finally looming, fuckhead yet again posting:

Without Presidential Immunity, a President of the United States literally could not function! It should be a STRONG IMMUNITY, where proper decisions can be made, where our Country can be POWERFUL and THRIVE, and where Opponents cannot hold up and extort a Future President for Political Gain. It is a BIG decision, an important decision, a decision which can affect the Success or Failure of our Country for decades to come. We want a GREAT Country, not a weak, withering, and ineffective one. STRONG PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY IS A MUST!

somehow every governor, legislator, mayor, etc all function without it (& every past president)... yet this one position (now that a lawless shitbag got in) needs to be completely above the law no matter what fucked up criminal shit he does

yet again, for some reason, all R's aren't being asked if they agree w/ their cult leader on this crazy notion

just like on his complete bullshit claim about the classified docs (that he can take & keep whatever he wanted)

R's keep claiming 'weaponized DOJ!', yet NEVER asked 'so you agree w/ his complete idiotic obvious bullshit'?

'so you approve of w/ his attempt to overturn the election by extralegal means?' (that was NOTHING like Hillary did, exactly 0% so...)
the wanderer
Sun Jun 30 21:06:09
...not that i don't expect this crappy court to punt it back to the lower courts to separate 'official acts' from other acts (though nothing he's charged w/ should be protected) for further delays

he certainly won't get the full immunity he wants (unless the country is already lost)... crazy that his cult party just ignores all the dangerous fucked up shit he wants (or claims is lawful already)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 13:54:48
Biden’s Debate performance was rated poor, with an arrow pointing left. That means it was Less than Poor. Mine was rated, “the best in the history of Presidential Debates.” In other words, there is a BIG GAP for Crooked Joe to make up, and with his mind and memory completely shot, and marbles in his mouth, it’s not going to happen!

i hope history books record that factual information from unspecified source

"the best in the history of Presidential Debates"

obvious mentally-ill child (who also bragged about the ratings, of course...)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 17:25:48
TOTAL EXONERATION! It is clear that the Supreme Court’s Brilliantly Written and Historic Decision ENDS all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the WHITE HOUSE AND DOJ INSPIRED CIVIL HOAXES in New York. All of these Unfair Charges represent the WORST level of Election Interference ever seen in our Country’s long and storied History. It must be understood, that I was Totally and Completely Innocent from the beginning of this Giant and Highly Illegal Scam, long before the Supreme Court’s Decision was released. The impact of the Immunity Ruling is a loud and clear signal for Justice in the United States. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

'totally & completely innocent' by them ruling he's above the law & any corrupt intent must be ignored... hmm, not quite the same...

"Giant and Highly Illegal Scam"... yeah right... um, what was illegal now? i guess your completely corrupt AG will find something, with your completely corrupt pressure & urging to do so (that's now completely fine to do)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 17:28:46
for those unaware, the justices literally wrote that him asking the DOJ for investigations even "shams or proposed for an improper purpose" was completely immune from even being used as evidence in any alleged crimes

...why... why is that a positive thing...

(though the cult cheers... bad for America, but good for Trump thus HUGE WIN!)
Tue Jul 02 17:35:51

I realize that I should be extending some sympathy toward you given the clearly difficult week you've been having.

On the other hand though, your suffering from seeing all of your threads from the past nine years count for nothing is extremely delightful. How does it feel knowing Trump will be president in six months motherfucker?!! BOO YAH

Also, "above the law & any corrupt intent must be ignored"...that's been the standard for every single president since at least the founding of the CIA.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 18:49:47
may you get what you wish for
Tue Jul 02 19:58:57

No, may you not. And you won't.

Tue Jul 02 21:52:17
Moderate House Dem: ‘Donald Trump is going to win. And I’m OK with that’
BY LAUREN IRWIN - 07/02/24 4:57 PM ET

Rep. Jared Golden (Maine), a moderate Democrat, published an op-ed Tuesday arguing former President Trump is going to win the election and he’s “OK with that.”

Golden, who has held his seat in the House since 2019, wrote a piece published in the Bangor Daily News, headlined, “Donald Trump is going to win the election and democracy will be just fine,” in response to the outcry of concern from his party following President Biden’s lackluster debate performance.

The Maine congressman argued that Biden’s on-stage presence didn’t rattle him like it did others because the outcome of the 2024 presidential election has been clear to him for months.

“While I don’t plan to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win. And I’m OK with that,” Golden wrote.

The House Democrat argued that others in his party are concerned that if Trump wins the election this fall, it will be a threat to democracy. The proclamations from Golden’s party were only exacerbated after the Supreme Court on Monday granted broad immunity to Trump in his Jan. 6 case.

Golden said he rejects the idea that Trump will overturn American democracy. He said sounding the alarm about a Trump victory ignores the strength of a nearly 250-year-old nation.

“Unlike Biden and many others, I refuse to participate in a campaign to scare voters with the idea that Trump will end our democratic system,” he said.

Golden, who served combat tours as a Marine in Iraq and Afghanistan, noted that Jan. 6, 2021, was a “dark day.” Still, he said, police officers, judges, state election officials, members of Congress joined to defend democracy like members of the U.S. military.

“This election is about the economy, not democracy. And when it comes to our economy, our Congress matters far more than who occupies the White House,” Golden wrote.

By January, Golden believes Trump will once again occupy the White House and Maine’s lawmakers must be willing to not only hold him accountable, but to work with him.

“I urge everyone — voters, elected officials, the media, and all citizens — to ignore the chattering class’s scare tactics and political pipedreams,” Golden wrote. “We don’t need party insiders in smoke-filled back rooms to save us. We can defend our democracy without them.”


the wanderer
Tue Jul 02 22:12:02
he's gonna learn about loss...

last time, Trump had no clue what was going on going into the office & was surrounded by original recipe RNC R's... this time he'll be going in w/ nothing but cult loyalists from the start

given uncharismatic lump Doug Burghum (not even gonna even look up how to spell his name) is supposedly on the short list for VP, i assume Trump is looking for someone to do the job for him (as he won't have Jared reading his briefings & doing all his work), but the rest of his appointees will have loyalty as their only qualification as he's never cared about competence

plus he has his scary 'schedule F' that will replace thousands of civil servants w/ yet more crazed lunatic loyalists

can you give an example of a Trump bootlicker who you find impressive & hope will be in charge of something? (as it will be nothing but those people)
Wed Jul 03 08:14:56

Just because there's a D behind your name doesn't mean that you are a Democrat.

the wanderer
Wed Jul 03 16:12:37
i bet fuckhead loved this toady comment (reposted by fuckhead):

There ought to be some kind of a Statistic kept on Presidential Candidates who have knocked their opponent totally out of the Race through a single Debate. The excuses are coming by the minute: International Travel, a Cold, Waning Public Support, Polls, etc. But, as everyone with a “brain” knows, it was the TOTAL Annihilation and Destruction of Crooked Joe Biden, at the hands and mind of President Donald J. Trump, that did him in - And probably for good!” Attorney David Schoen

Schoen probably auditioning for a spot in the guaranteed corrupt regime

anyone w/ an actual brain knows Trump had nothing to do w/ it... who is talking about Trump's (stupid nonsense) comments?... was entirely Biden's performance on his own
Thu Jul 04 13:46:53

Hmm, so according to you, a person isn't a "true" Democrat unless he is absolutely loyal to the Dear Leader.

Good to know, cultist.
Thu Jul 04 13:48:22
Third House Democrat says Biden should bow out of presidential race

BY TARA SUTER - 07/04/24 2:24 PM ET

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) on Thursday became the third House Democrat to publicly call on President Biden to step out of the presidential race after a weak debate performance last week that left his allies shaken.

“President Biden has done enormous service to our country, but now is the time for him to follow in one of our founding father, George Washington’s, footsteps and step aside to let new leaders rise up and run against [former President Trump],” Moulton said on Boston-area radio station WBUR Thursday.

the wanderer
Thu Jul 04 14:18:32
it's up to George Stephanopolous to break him
the wanderer
Thu Jul 04 19:15:32
childish doubleplus-self-absorbed fuckhead:

The meanest and most vicious Interviewer out there is George Slopadopoulos of FAKE NEWS ABC, one of the worst and most vile Broadcasters in the business — In fact, the home of disgraced “reporter” Brian Ross whose reporting on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax was so outlandish that ABC, after defending him at levels not seen before, was forced to put him, and their reputation, out to pasture. Now ABC, and Liddle’ George, a tiny, angry man, can make up for their past indiscretions and journalistic failures by doing a real interview with Crooked Joe, not a cut up promotion with only his few coherent answers released to the public. Let the World know why Joe directed, and allowed his Department of Injustice, and others, to illegally attack his Political Opponent, ME. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before. Also, ask why he used all Soros Prosecutors and, in particular, a loser like Deranged Jack Smith? The proof is irrefutable - Crooked Joe is a COWARD!!! MAGA2024

so unusual that his sole interest is about himself
the wanderer
Fri Jul 05 14:00:34
dangerous fuckhead:
I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.

well that clears that up... he's against unspecified things he knows nothing about, but wishes them luck in their unknown abysmal efforts

i don't even doubt he knows nothing, problem is he will appoint these people & they will be the ones doing everything as he golfs & fake-tweets

(+ his last admin already tried the 'Schedule F' thing at end of his last ridiculous term: the plan to replace tens of thousands of non-partisan civil servants w/ cult loyalists across gov't agencies)
Fri Jul 05 15:14:16

"Hmm, so according to you, a person isn't a "true" Democrat unless he is absolutely loyal to the Dear Leader."

According to me, becoming a Democrat just so that you have a path to the general election, after working for Republicans, means that you're probably full of shit.

the wanderer
Fri Jul 05 19:17:28
watching the George S interview, I’d say Biden going down

he’s not as terrible as at debate but not what he needs to be, the pressure will continue
Sat Jul 06 07:52:05

The pressure will continue until he stops feeding it. He's literally giving the story legs by addressing it.

the wanderer
Sat Jul 06 16:03:36
FoxNews puts on the WORST people, and all done very purposely. John Bussey, a Wall Street Journal Associate Editor, is a real loser who loves to hear himself talk. When he discusses me, he refuses to say, even though he knows it to be true, that everything I got accused of is a Biden inspired HOAX for purposes of Election Interference. He plays right into their web of deceit and deception by not explaining this. Is he a Democrat, or a really dumb Republican? Hard to believe I’m winning by so much with jerks like this stinking up the airwaves. Get rid of him, FoxNews! DJT

how does anyone not see the problem...
Sat Jul 06 18:31:21
WSJ's non-Opinion section IS trash...going onto the front page on some days it's almost indistinguishable from the NYT.

(The Israel War coverage especially...whoever decided to let that story be covered by Muslim writers is a fucking idiot)
Sat Jul 06 18:35:55
Biden team sent approved questions to radio stations before post-debate interviews

BY YASH ROY - 07/06/24 6:04 PM ET

President Biden’s campaign provided suggested questions to two Black radio hosts who did the first interviews after the president’s disastrous debate performance, according to interviews they gave on Saturday. Going forward, Biden’s team will not provide suggested questions before interviews, said a source familiar with the booking operations.

The two Thursday radio interviews in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, two crucial swing states that Biden must win to hold the presidency, were part of the Biden campaign’s efforts to demonstrate that the president could speak off the cuff in the wake of a debate performance in which the president struggled to complete sentences, lost his train of thought repeatedly, and sounded raspy.

The revelation that the campaign provided suggested questions now raises further questions about whether the president can perform in unscripted moments.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the host of “The Source” on WURD in Philadelphia, said that members of the Biden team gave her a set of eight questions, and she chose four for her interview with the president.

She told CNN’s Victor Blackwell, the host of “First of All” on CNN, that questions were sent to her beforehand when he asked her why the questions she asked Biden appeared to be the same as those asked by Earl Ingram, a Wisconsin radio host.

“The questions were sent to me for approval,” Lawful-Sanders said. “I got several questions — eight of them…and the four chosen were the ones that I approved.”

Biden Campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt wrote to The Hill that “it’s not at all an uncommon practice for interviewees to share topics they would prefer.”

Ingram was on the show alongside Lawful-Sanders, and while he did interject during the interview on CNN, he later told the AP that the campaign had followed a similar process with him. He said the campaign gave him four questions, and there were no negotiations on what he could ask.

“They gave me the exact questions to ask,” Ingram told the Associated Press. “There was no back and forth.”

Biden Campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt wrote to The Hill that “it’s not at all an uncommon practice for interviewees to share topics they would prefer.”

Ingram was on the show alongside Lawful-Sanders, and while he did interject during the interview on CNN, he later told the AP that the campaign had followed a similar process with him. He said the campaign gave him four questions, and there were no negotiations on what he could ask.

“They gave me the exact questions to ask,” Ingram told the Associated Press. “There was no back and forth.”

He added that the process “gave him pause,” but that “he is not a journalist” and did not want to pass on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“I probably would never have accepted, it but this was an opportunity to talk to the president of the United States,” he told the AP.

Blackwell weighed in on the hosts’ revelation, saying that he “did not know how” the Biden campaign could convince voters that the president could handle another term as president by sending in questions beforehand.

“The reason I ask is not a criticism of either of you,” Blackwell said. “It’s just that if the White House is trying now to prove the vim, vigor, acuity of the president, I don’t know how they do that by sending questions first, before the interviews, so that the president knows what’s coming.”

During both interviews, the president appeared to misstep at different points. During the interview with Lawful-Sanders, Biden appeared to trip over his words when he said he was proud to have been the “first Black woman to serve with a Black president.”

Hitt also pointed to former President Trump canceling an interview this week because the interviewer would not agree to his questions, saying that the Biden campaign has never “conditioned” an interview on acceptance of questions suggested by the campaign.

Hitt added that after her interview on CNN, Lawful-Sanders made an additional comment, saying that she never “felt pressured” to accept the questions.

the wanderer
Sat Jul 06 18:50:56
fuckhead "...he refuses to say, even though he knows it to be true, that everything I got accused of is a Biden inspired HOAX for purposes of Election Interference..."

no one refusing to FUCKING LIE that all his charged crimes are actually Biden hoaxes should be allowed on air?... you're accepting this comment?

(also w/ his plan to fill gov't agencies w/ cult loyalists, maybe he WILL succeed in canceling licenses for all outlets not praising dear leader continually (as he talked about in the past)... yeah, it probably won't happen... but it shouldn't even be a consideration but since he flat out speculates about it, it IS one)
the wanderer
Sat Jul 06 18:56:00
plus the absurdity of "FoxNews puts on the WORST people, and all done very purposely"

does Fox News help Biden or Trump more? honest answer...
Sun Jul 07 17:55:43
I couldn't find what set off Trump so I won't comment on it.

But in terms of Bussey generally...I spent some time looking up this guy (and fuck you for making me do that), and he seems like your typical milquetoast MSM journalist who's a little too quick to give kudos to Biden and grief to Trump. I watched a few Fox segments where he was more or less speaking effusively of the Biden administration and not getting any pushback from the hosts (even though Fox is supposed to be the Trump propaganda network...guess not). He particularly likes giving Biden credit for creating a strong economy and pretending that inflation is (a) not his fault, and (b) objectively irrelevant at this point ("it's come down!"), both of which are total bullshit.

So yeah, I can see why Trump doesn't exactly like this guy.
Sun Jul 07 17:56:43
Senior House Democrats say Biden should step aside during private call

BY MYCHAEL SCHNELL - 07/07/24 5:52 PM ET

At least four senior House Democrats said President Biden should step aside from the 2024 presidential election during a private phone call Sunday afternoon, sources told The Hill, a concerning sign for the president as he insists on staying in the race after his disastrous debate performance last month.

Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), Mark Takano (D-Calif.) and Joe Morelle (D-N.Y.) all voiced support for having a change at the top of the Democratic presidential ticket, three sources familiar with the matter told The Hill. Two of those sources said Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) was also part of that chorus of voices.

“They were part of the general sentiment that we need to do something else,” one of the sources told The Hill.

The quartet of Democrats — who all serve as ranking members of key House committees — made their positions known during a private phone call with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), top leaders in the House Democratic Caucus and top Democrats on committees.

Nadler is the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, Morelle on the Administration Committee, Takano on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and Smith on the Armed Services Committee."

the wanderer
Sun Jul 07 19:10:55
you didn't have to look him up, Trump's complaint was solely on the guy NOT saying ALL the charges against Trump are Biden-inspired hoaxes

(so presumably he said some charges notable & concerning... as they are... for example, we should assume he will again take any & all docs he wants home w/ him as personal property as he hasn't said it was a mistake or wrong in any way, in fact ridiculously claims it's the law... just like we can guarantee he will just massively lie about election fraud... as he's never stopped doing & already doing for this cycle...)

it's a regular pattern of him to get reporters harassed or fired & to steer media into claiming his total bullshit as established facts
(& he's done it his whole life... planting stories w/ aliases, & harassing reporters (including calling their bosses) who reported anything negative about him)

very obvious dictator warning sign... of which there are many...
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 11:00:23
the danger:

THE ENEMY! being anyone w/ negative comments of Trump...
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 17:45:03
the GOP platform is out (they are actually having one this cycle)

though to fit for fuckwit Trump, they've slashed the length by 75%, got rid of seeking nat'l ban on abortion, got rid of marriage being between a man and a woman, & took out all mentions of the deficit/debt... (& in general supposedly quite vague (as who knows what the chaotic fuckhead might decide to do))

R's not caring about the deficit/debt... that was their thing... he's really done a number on that 'party'
the wanderer
Wed Jul 10 01:15:36
"I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, and I will not raise the retirement age by one day."
~ Republican candidate for president
(the Republican House budget from just months ago had those things, but time to join the new 'R' cult... forget your past fiscal responsibility nonsense, just praise Trump...)

but i'm sure he has a plan to fix it though (& it will be better & cheaper)... just like Obamacare... no details ever needed
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 11:18:29

Just heard from Great Congressman Andrew Clyde of Georgia that the Amendment to Defund the Prosecution of a Presidential Candidate prior to November’s Election did not pass, 26-25 - It lost by only one vote, because one Republican, Mike Simpson of Idaho, stupidly voted NO, and two “Republicans,” David Valadao of California and Dan Newhouse of Washington, the only two remaining Impeachers in the House of President Donald J. Trump, didn’t show up to vote. They must have had more important things to do. Also, Mike Garcia of California, David Joyce of Ohio, and Juan Ciscomani of Arizona, didn’t show up to vote. Thanks very much, fellas, for your great support!

more R's to destroy as they had the nerve to not corruptly try to stop prosecution of a criminal as he races to try to get in office to corruptly cancel the prosecutions before they can occur... as he has offered NO valid defenses (instead a provably false one) to his crimes that he definitely did
Sun Jul 14 10:04:35

Yesterday at the rally Trump said "Oh!" ;o)

the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 12:19:49
(per Faux) "Steve Scalise: The left's 'hyper-charged,' violent rhetoric 'needs to stop'"

yeah, so nominate Trump! no crazed hyper-charged rhetoric from him!

plus he's always telling his cultists to stop w/ the death threats (that they send to politicians, judges, prosecutors, reporters, election workers, etc who Trump yells about)... rather than never doing so a single time...
just like he was so quick to simply tell the violent cultists to 'stop, go home' on J6... it's not like he resisted repeated pressure from his staff, family & Faux hosts to do so or anything... which is completely proven...
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 16:02:05
Marjorie toning down the rhetoric:

We are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL

The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars.

They want to lock up their political opponents, and terrorize innocent Americans who would tell the truth about it.

The Democrat party is flat out evil, and yesterday they tried to murder President Trump.

another excellent choice by R primary voters...
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 21:56:20
Mike Lee (a sitting US Senator):

Gets shot
Gets up the next day
Goes golfing
[video of Trump golfing]

The man has the energy of a dynamo

He’s undeterred by things that would rattle others for months

And apparently he’s got cat-like reflexes—or at least really good timing and luck

He’s like a duck in the rain

Sometimes we really need a man like that

Pretty sure this is one of those times

What would you do?

There’s a specific scientific term for this kind of (very unusual) man—you know, the kind of man that gets shot, gets up the next morning, and goes golfing.
In case you’re not familiar with this word, I’ll share it with you.
The word is “badass.”

Okay I’m now told this video was uploaded today but *not* taken today. My bad!

He’s still getting up and going to Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention!

Mon Jul 15 17:17:55
Since tumbleweed felt it appropriate to quote MTG (a nutbag nobody), I think it's fair to quote AOC.

Here she is calling Trump a fascist the day after he got shot...thanks for toning down the rhetoric AOC.


"Jake Tapper
A senior House Democrat tells Axios: "We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
If you’re a “senior Democrat” that feels this way, you should absolutely retire and make space for true leadership that refuses to resign themselves to fascism.

This kind of leadership is functionally useless to the American people. Retire."
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 17:38:35
"a nutbag nobody"

Marjorie is speaking at the convention, is every House member doing so? no, 1 of about 12

also comparing Marjorie's post to AOC's: one completely objectively more over the top... hopefully that's 100% clear to you

(plus AOC isn't even wrong... Trump is the choice for fascism... how much he would achieve is unknown, he's lazy & stupid... yet he WILL appoint Heritage/Project 2025 people just as he did the first time... do you deny he wants opposition media (& opposition in general) crushed? including openly wanting FCC licenses of news outlets pulled (& w/ Project 2025 maybe that's a possibility) & repeatedly accusing those who cause him problems of committing unspecified crimes... & ALL world leaders he praises & admires are autocrats... plus wanting "all rules" terminated in order to be appointed 'president'...)

yes, plenty of reasons for concern
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 18:47:14
her not only speaking, but leading off the speakers...

& her claiming "they brought us Trans Vis day on Easter..."

the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 20:14:55
“...like Lincoln, Trump is calling on us to be touched by the better angels of our nature...”
~ dog slayer Noem

just a snippet I heard that was too stupid to not post...

the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 22:21:28
supposedly Trump has been telling 'friends' he thinks it was divine intervention that saved him & that it was for a purpose (& didn't sound like his typical faking faith stuff)

so we may have a new derangement emerging (but possibly could derange him in a positive direction i guess)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 16:10:07
leaked audio of Trump on call w/ RFK jr... Trump expressing concerns about vaccines... how odd, he (crazily) claimed RJK jr's views on vaccines were all fake, yet here's Trump doing his shitbag schmoozing to get RFK jr's support by saying he's concerned about vaccines too...

(low volume) RJK Jr has confirmed real... & apologized to Trump for release

100% proof of liar. shitbag. used-car salesman.
Tue Jul 16 20:08:47

"Here she is calling Trump a fascist the day after he got shot"

That's easy enough to explain. Trump is still a fascist days after getting shot.

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