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Utopia Talk / Politics / have westoids lost touch with realitiez
Tue Jul 02 11:32:55

so many downright bs stories from script readers...

they bite on fantasiez and tries 2 brainwash u with pure nonsense.

this horseshit aged worse than rotten milk in da desert

ya dont even have proper workin regular non high speed trainz...but thinkin u gonna fly soon?
Tue Jul 02 12:21:07
ya truth hurts dont it.

but that is da ultimate consequence when u pick fantasy 2 lead u and sooner or later u gonna get a wake up call from realitiez...

and yea it wont be pleasant. it wuld be like a sledgehammer smackin u down from da cloudz back 2 da stinky grounds covered with human poop and piss smell.

Tue Jul 02 16:55:11
"Despite being a largely conservative society, with general reluctance to discuss such topics, Lee said China hosted the largest market for sex dolls, surpassing the combined sales of the US, Japan and Germany."
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