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Utopia Talk / Politics / Commies banned me from reddit group
Sun Jul 07 10:38:07
The modern left can not handle differing opinions, let alone FACTS.

The statementbwas about why Trump is so beloved while he wants to "unconstitutionally become a dictator and change rules of elections"

The statement that got me permanently banned was this, and I quote.

"In all honesty, many rules were changed during covid and not according to the constitution"

Thats a fact.

We were told "dire circumstances mean its ok to change the rules and not follow procedure"

And the "whitepeopletwitter" perma banned me, HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Sun Jul 07 10:38:33
I wish this site made it easier to share pics and acreen shots.
Sun Jul 07 13:12:36

I'm sure there a fascist subreddit that would love to have you. :o)

Sun Jul 07 17:59:44
Imagine thinking habebe is a fascist. LMAO
Sun Jul 07 18:00:47
I mean he does have a peculiar predilection for authoritarian regimes that share the ethnicity of one of his personal friends *cough* Saudi Arabia *cough* but that's not the same as being a fascist :o
Sun Jul 07 23:49:41
join da club, reddit is fascist racist hole

propaganda outlet!!
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 08 04:45:41
[TheChildren]: "reddit is fascist racist hole"

Since Reddit is near-totally owned by the left, it is very brave of TC to still recognize that leftists can be fascists. I have trouble explaining that even to the right, but at least TC understands it.
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