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Utopia Talk / Politics / Joe Biden vs the World
Thu Jul 11 12:27:19
Republicans are trying to take him down.

The corporate media is trying to take him down.

Snakes and vultures in his own party are trying to take him down.

He's getting knifed from all sides.

If he's forced to drop out, Donald Trump will win again and America is over.

Hopefully he stands his ground and tells them all to fuck off. If not we have to pray for a comet.
Thu Jul 11 12:53:58

Lol. Get it?

Bye bye Byeden!
Thu Jul 11 12:55:33
Trump should have him and the rest of his administration zip tied and shipped to the Hague.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 11 14:19:29
Biden claims only he can win, that the polls are fake & his secret ones show him doing well, & claims it's only the media & elites against him

he has lived long enough to see himself become the villain

(and more evidence Trump is contagious)

also his approval rating was shit from the start (including it being completely clear people didn't want this match up, on either side), he's saddled w/ inflation, and he didn't have a particularly strong win the first time... he never should've run again even w/o the half-dead problem
Thu Jul 11 15:01:23
President Biden doesn't have to stand his ground. Nobody is going to get past Jill and she is the one that will ultimately decide if Joe stays or goes.
Thu Jul 11 15:12:32
NYTimes actually has a personal vendetta against the guy. It's kind of ridiculous.

The only people that can get Joe Biden to drop out is Jill and Obama.

Those are the only 2 people.

I was fully prepared for Joe Biden to die during his first term and for Kamala Harris to replace him. So him having senior moments doesn't change my vote at all.
Thu Jul 11 16:10:04

"Biden claims only he can win"

Who the fuck is beating Trump, tumbleweed? You going to trot out Hillary again?

Who the fuck are these turncoats going to pull out of their ass that the American people even fucking know?
Thu Jul 11 16:16:14

"also his approval rating was shit from the start"

And yet he won.

"and he didn't have a particularly strong win the first time"

But he won. You know who didn't win? Everybody else.

These "concerned" Democrats are kneecapping their own nominee daily and have no viable alternative.

People forget how Biden was selected in the first place. Democrats wanted to stop Bernie but they couldn't agree on a candidate to back. Biden was chosen because he was the least offensive to the most power brokers.

If Biden is forced out, the Democratic nomination process is going to make the Republican Speaker fiasco look like a god damn Rockettes routine.

There is no other Democrats that can get the support of Democratic delegates, let alone independent voters.

Thu Jul 11 16:27:56
Fuck the Democrats. They should just disolve.
Thu Jul 11 18:58:27
If Biden steps down, it will be Kamala. It can only be Kamala as her name is on the ticket and only the ticket can access the warchest.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 11 19:19:32
the anti-Trump vote is the main hope no matter who it is, we need a living candidate as the first low bar, then can worry about getting known better

though Kamala probably in drivers seat for the campaign funds issue and to not piss off blacks
Thu Jul 11 20:08:50

The anti-Trump vote is going to vote for Biden even if he's bedbound and needs a nurse to wipe the drool off his chin. Undecided and independent voters are going to decide this.

Who is going to get those voters?

A brain-dead candidate still has 20 IQ points on Trump.
Thu Jul 11 20:10:04

"Undecided and independent voters are going to decide this."

Undecided and independent voters in swing states are going to decide this.

the wanderer
Thu Jul 11 21:59:50
Biden's already losing & he doesn't do a good job at all of selling himself

Trump will likely harm himself as time goes on, any opponent will benefit from it... Biden is not going to improve

(& i'm fine never hearing 'i really mean it, i'm serious, i'm not joking, i'm not being facetious, i'm not being solicitous, my father always said a job is about more than a paycheck it's about your dignity it's about looking your kid in the eye...' ever again)
Fri Jul 12 00:16:46
” Biden's already losing & he doesn't do a good job at all of selling himself”

But he started a TikTok account to sell himself. Not sure how well that is going. Kids and young adults are likely not wanting to watch a 90 y.o man.

At the same time Byeden is going to ban TikTok because of security reasons or whatever.

Fri Jul 12 04:35:13
Count me in as one who vote against the dumpster fire Trump. I would vote for one of the tree stumps in my yard before I would vote for Trump.
Fri Jul 12 11:09:37
Biden was fine in the press conference yesterday. It's kind of smart to get people use to the idea of him being own because they are already use to the idea of Trump being a convicted felon and rapist.

Anyways, inflation numbers were really good recently. If that continues into July, the Fed will cut interest rates in September which will send the stock market soaring and help Biden.
Fri Jul 12 13:09:22

"Trump will likely harm himself as time goes on ..."

Trump has been running for President for a decade. At what point exactly are you expecting this harm to occur?

"(& i'm fine never hearing 'i really mean it, i'm serious, i'm not joking, i'm not being facetious, i'm not being solicitous, my father always said a job is about more than a paycheck it's about your dignity it's about looking your kid in the eye...' ever again)"

Maybe you should start posting anti-Biden threads instead since he's got that annoying old man vibe.

And no, Biden is not losing despite the best efforts of the media and every jackal in the Democratic Party.

Fri Jul 12 13:12:20

"Anyways, inflation numbers were really good recently. If that continues into July, the Fed will cut interest rates in September which will send the stock market soaring and help Biden."

The fed will not even consider lowering rates until it is too late to help Joe Biden.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 19:12:09
he gave a decent rally speech in Detroit just now... w/ CNN airing it fully in case he fucked up (just like they aired so many Trump rallies to see what weird shit he'd say in 2016)

so being unstable helpful in one way

he even had the balls to hit Trump on mishandling classified docs... & saying Trump would become president "over my dead body" (your move, fate)
Sat Jul 13 01:53:24
Your average voter doesn't GAF about inflation numbers on a chart, they care about how much it takes to fill their cart.

I can't guranatee Trumpnwill win, honestly, it's still too early to tell and alot of things in the air, like RFK for example.

But I also wouldnt be shocked with a Trump landslide.
Sat Jul 13 01:54:54
"& saying Trump would become president "over my dead body"

That may have been a very literal statement.

What happens if Biden dies before november?
Sat Jul 13 06:05:32
So now Biden is holding rallies where the crowd boos the media and chants "Lock Him Up."


This guy wants to be Donald Trump so bad lol.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 11:11:25
that was disappointing... though he didn't lead either chant (unlike Trump) & immediately tamped down the booing
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 11:58:56
... well 'lead' not accurate, but endorse & provoke

we'll see if Biden provokes booing in future rallies (it's a staple of fuckhead's... as is claiming he told a guy not to call Chris Christie a fat pig, as means to call Christie a fat pig... super important & mature stuff)
Sat Jul 13 12:38:53
Rugian, I feel like we should be waiting for Trump to drop a diss track.
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