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Utopia Talk / Politics / when does biden drop out
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 11 22:02:45
Official up poll. I have july 28.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 11 22:36:38
July 18 (to step on the final day of RNC convention)
Fri Jul 12 00:19:58
I heard that Byeden called Zelenskyj Putin yesterday. If he is on Ukraine’s kill list now he might drop out sooner than the 28th.
Fri Jul 12 13:43:56

Well wealthy donors have decided to tell voters to sit down and stfu, so I'd say any day now.

I'm going to say July 19th ... so the GOP doesn't have 4 days of national TV to bash Kamala Harris as their primary target.

Fri Jul 12 13:53:55
I'll go for the wildcard and say August 23 (one day after the Democratic convention) in order to put the replacement process firmly in the hands of the DNC. Obviously the details will have been worked out well in advance of then.
Average Ameriacn
Fri Jul 12 17:05:30
Does not matter Trump will win MAGAAAAASAA
Fri Jul 12 18:14:49
when Jill tells him he can.

I'm going to say Biden is in it to win it. He isn't going anywhere. Harris is polling better against Trump than Biden is in national polls but is polling worse in swing states. Most polls have her within the margin of error nationally but she is behind Biden when it comes to independent voters.

There is no up side to Biden dropping out of the race and if Harris isn't up by six points or more nationally and at least even in swing states no way the Democrats force Biden out.

All this talk is just them blustering to try and save candidates down ticket.
Fri Jul 12 19:23:44

It doesn't matter. Every single day Democrats are coming out and telling undecided voters that Biden is unfit for office. At some point enough damage will have been done that he can no longer win.

The tumbleweeds will be able to complain about Trump's 2nd term while blaming Biden for what they caused.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 21 13:13:41
Murder is closest
Sun Jul 21 13:15:23
Sun Jul 21 18:03:45
Well I was wrong. Twice in one month. That rarely happens.
Sun Jul 21 18:05:12

The billionaires won again.

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