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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump shot
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 17:29:22
...wasn't me

the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 17:30:19
video of incident
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 18:13:17
supposedly he's fine... what great news...

not sure if anything other than the Mike Ehrmantraut as suggested by photo

hopefully done by an obsessed cultist
Sat Jul 13 18:17:37
Lol this pic will be in history books

Trump is gonna win

the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 18:48:58
supposedly some attendee dead & another seriously injured (plus shooter dead)
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 18:51:06
possible video of the shooter on a roof... not vouching for it at all:
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 18:59:12
from ace 'reporter' of OA'N':

"DEVELOPING: Butler Police report Mark Violets as the shooter. Violets appears to be a member of Antifa."

definitely not vouching for any of that
Sat Jul 13 18:59:34
It was likley done by an obsessed cultist.
Sat Jul 13 19:00:39
Maybe it was Alec Baldwin?
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:01:08
[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime cultist)]: "hopefully done by an obsessed cultist"

If you read this realizing that tumblefag is in a cult (the largest in history) and that the DNC represents that same totalitarian death cult, you also realize the obvious: tumblefag's barely contained delight in the possibility of Trump being a55a55inated is a clear show of what the death cult has wanted for years.

"Imgur has been seeding this "baby Hitler" propaganda for years. They're hoping that one of their unhinged and over-medicated psychosis deviants will fall into the Franz Ferdinand pretext-trap."

"We're talking about the same political apparatus that did not blush when it mass-censored harmful stories in October 2020 and which is currently using show trials to remove opposition. Staging a Franz Ferdinand is not beyond them."
[July 2022]

As I have continually told tumblefag the pedophile-supporting death cultist: the only way that the cultist's psychotic fixation will be resolved is in purging the fixation, which means having sex with Trump, killing him, or seeing another cultist kill him. All of tumblefag's wasted breath in his psychosis threads can only ever amount to that. All of his lies, obfuscations, and psychotically bad attempts at reading comprehension are all a smokescreen for his obedience to this cult dogma. This shooting was merely a psychological result of the cult's behavior. The mass-psychosis affects many such weak-minded people as tumblefag, teaching these useful idiots the script that they must follow to oblige the will of the oligarchs who are directing this propaganda—commanding their obedience.

The death cult's oligarchs want tumblefag-types to obsess over Trump. Tumblefag obliges.
The death cult's oligarchs want a Franz Ferdinand pretext.
The cult is obliging the oligarchs.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 19:01:46
(the ace "reporter" was Chanel Rion... didn't mean to leave her name off... & yes, was sarcasm)
Sat Jul 13 19:06:46

Oh well, it was a valiant effort.

Average Ameriacn
Sat Jul 13 19:12:40
Hired by Hillary? Lock her up!
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:13:13
The difference between the DNC's little bitches and lackeys pretending to be afraid during the staged 2021 "insurrection" versus Trump a moment after being shot at by a cultist:
Sat Jul 13 19:17:10
Trump fist bumping while being escorted off stage reminds me of HBO's Rome when Caesar tells MA not to wash his face after the attack.
Sat Jul 13 19:22:50

Trump is really committing to the whole antichrist thing with the head wound. :o)

Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:24:47
This link shows the title of a CNN article that was released when it was already established that this was an a55a55ination attempt:
"Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally"

Screenshot of original article:

Notice how Regime media protects their narrative. Even now, this is the updated headline:
"Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally that left at least 1 dead"

Whereas, the proper article title should be, "Trump shot in ear during botched a55a55ination attempt by apparent left-wing extremist and supporter of the pedophile traitor Resident-Biden".

Tumblefag cultists will decry OAN while ignoring that Regime media traffics in these obfuscations. Regime "journalists" will always protect the narrative in the way which benefits the Regime, yet cultists will *still* pretend that they are receiving "objective" news. Recall, for instance, that tumbletard was pretending that CNN had no bias as late as 2021, and he simply went silent on the issue to protect his cult consciousness from doubt. That is how the Regime insulates the psychology of these weaklings.
Sat Jul 13 19:24:56

"The difference between the DNC's little bitches and lackeys pretending to be afraid during the staged 2021 "insurrection" versus Trump a moment after being shot at by a cultist:"

They literally had to carry Trump off stage. :o)

Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:29:14
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "They literally had to carry Trump off stage. :o)"

We can see more of this Regime obfuscation in the murder bot's lie here.

Did we catch the lie?
The reality is that the Secret Service was making a human body-shield around Trump and *they* insisted on carrying Trump off the stage in that manner, but left-wing dogma bots such as "murder" will instead pretend that Trump *had* to be carried off stage due to some weakness within Trump. This sort of psychotic reasoning is, again, how they protect their cult dogmas. They must reject reality itself by stroking their minds into an agnosia favorable to Regime narratives.
Sat Jul 13 19:31:45

He was being propped up by Secret Service agents to the stairs and then they had to carry him.

Quit lying. It's on video.

His legs were not functioning as intended. lol :o)

Sat Jul 13 19:35:17
So. Trump gets shot. Immediately gets up and raises his fists and yells "fight fight fight!"

Yeah, he ain't a pussy and he is gonna win in a landslide.
Sat Jul 13 19:36:19
And murder he was not being propped up, but they were 100% hands on him to get him into the beast as quick as possible.

Also, surprised so many female secret service there are.
Sat Jul 13 19:38:29
Leonidas at Thermopylae
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:38:55
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "He was being propped up by Secret Service agents to the stairs and then they had to carry him. [/] Quit lying. It's on video."

lulz, weak projection, you absolute liar. You do not have even a gram of credibility left to burn, which makes your lies all the more pathetic.

We have seen this exact Secret Service formation dozens of times throughout history, but murder must stick to cult dogma by pretending that a Secret Service body-shield was here — in this case and in this case only — due to Trump somehow not being able to walk after being shot in the ear by a left-wing psychopath and cultist. In order to support this delusion, murder must pretend that Trump was able to vigorously pump his hand in the air while shouting, "Fight!" but was unable to walk. Murder must also ignore that being surrounded by a human body-shield definitionally means that there is not foot space for the person being protected.

Cultists must ignore reality to support Regime delusions.

Likely eye-witness describes the event:
TLDR: Shooter was observed low-crawling up a roof a few minutes before the shooting. Crowds attempted to report it to police, but response was slow. After shots rang out, Secret Service shot the shooter in the head, then mounted the roof to verify that the cultist was dead.
Sat Jul 13 19:39:24
In other news"

Trump raises 87 Trillion dollars selling t-shirts....
Sat Jul 13 19:40:12
Actually I should sell t-shirts with the fist bump picture and the words

Leonidas at Thermopylae
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 13 19:42:58
"Maybe it was Alec Baldwin?"

Sat Jul 13 19:43:31
So about the greatest terroristic threat being imaginary white supremacists.....

No its radical leftists like we all knew.
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 13 19:43:37
Anyway i'm surprised it took this long. Given the state of modern politics.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:46:38
Image shows that the angle of the cultist's shots went into the bleachers and hit an observer:

NBC says that this spectator is dead:

That detail is important since some articles are saying, "at least 1 dead," but that does not divide between the shooter and others. I.e., the shooter is dead as well as a spectator.

Or, in other words, "left-wing cultist murders Trump supporter while attempting to a55a55inate Trump"
Sat Jul 13 19:47:18

"We have seen this exact Secret Service formation dozens of times throughout history"

The "Secret Service formation" is irrelevant. They had to carry him because he couldn't walk.

As I've said many times before, the Secret Service can't kidnap the person they are protecting. If Trump was able to stay on stage and he wanted to stay, he'd still be there. Even though he should be, he is not a prisoner.

"... which makes your lies all the more pathetic."

Pathetic is fearing invisible spirits.

Sat Jul 13 19:49:26

Not only would Trump's legs not support him, he probably shit his pants too.

Sat Jul 13 19:53:31

"And murder he was not being propped up"


^ Evidence.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:55:09
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "They had to carry him because he couldn't walk."

We once again play "Poe's Law" with a leftist.
That is, is murder retarded or just *pretending* to be retarded? It does not matter. The answer is the same: whether pretending to be retarded or actually retarded, he furthers his retardation.

[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Pathetic is fearing invisible spirits."

Nice random straw-man fallacy, faggot. You still are too low-IQ to divide between subjunctive states and stated positions, hence you believe the subjunctive is the reality itself. You are too stupid and ignorant to even know what subjunctive is and are probably Googling it right now.

[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Not only would Trump's legs not support him, he probably shit his pants too."

I'm sure that lie will comfort you as projection against Biden shitting himself at the Vatican.

Back to reality:
A left-wing cultist attempting to a55a55inate a president, as this cultist was directed to do by Regime propaganda. There is very little ideological distinction between this kind of psychosis and that affecting tumblefag and "murder".
Sat Jul 13 19:56:33
Lol. Murder is desperately afraid of how tough trump clearly is.

Does anyone think biden would have been able to do this?
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 19:58:34
Biden would have been so braindead that they'd have to 4-person carry him by his legs and arms like orderlies at a hospital.
Sat Jul 13 19:58:49

It's OK to kill baby Hitler. Even more so after he's grown and killed untold numbers of Americans.

Sat Jul 13 20:02:11

"Lol. Murder is desperately afraid of how tough trump clearly is."

Clearly. I remember that time it took a half dozen people to carry me to the car because my nerves had me all rubbery legged. ;o)

"Does anyone think biden would have been able to do this?"

Biden would have gotten on his bicycle and pedaled away.

Sat Jul 13 20:02:59

"Biden would have been so braindead that they'd have to 4-person carry him by his legs and arms like orderlies at a hospital."

Or like Trump at his rally today.

Sat Jul 13 20:05:04
Anyways, fellas, pretty sure we are standing on the brink of a civil war. There will be a trump supporter who will go after pelosi/aoc/someone who doesn't have an army of bodyguards. This will just escalate. No joke but people like TW won't survive when it happens.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 20:20:01
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "It's OK to kill baby Hitler. Even more so after he's grown and killed untold numbers of Americans."

We already know the consequences of left-wing psychosis, but seeing it demonstrated so plainly by "murder" should be useful for anyone who has even a sliver of doubt remaining as to how twisted and evil the left is.

As I have mentioned before, the left has made this into a Zero Sum Game. In their psychosis they have shown the rules of this game and shown us the cruelties *they* believe are necessary to stop them (e.g., all the things they think will happen under a Trump presidency, all the punishments they believe they deserve). Once political killings start, their rules dictate that the right — who is certainly more effective once activated — will engage in the same practices but will be incredibly more effective at it.

One of the left's derangements is the narrative that *every* *single* *German* should have been annihilated after the National Socialists fell in WWII, since the left sees a direct line from those Germans to the White people who remain alive today to oppose the Bolsheviks who infiltrated the West (an incredibly delusional fallacy of association). Thus, this same derangement is why they *openly* wish to genocide all White people in the West today.

And think of how sick that is. After Berlin fell, the largest scale mass-rape in history took place as Soviets made their way into Europe. German women and children were murdered and raped by a Bolshevik Regime that did not even perceive "war crime" to be an issue against these "Nazis", German soldiers were left in open-air concentration camps to starve and die regardless of their "crimes" or status, and those German officers who survived had their genitals mutilated to provide false confessions at Nuremberg — after which they were hanged. And this is **not enough** for these deranged leftists. They believe that post-WWII war crimes by Bolsheviks must be amplified so significantly that not a single innocent person survives this time.

All this and leftists will claim that women are safe with *them*? Does the left think that a total genocide of White people will exclude White *leftists*? No! Their death cult is definitionally a suicidal cult; they mean for themselves to be destroyed in these purges. They desire it!

[obaminated]: "No joke but people like TW won't survive when it happens."

Yep. It goes without saying that the left is not equipped for ultra-violence — but the right absolutely is. Who do we think has been stock-piling ammunition and weapons? Tumblefag? "murder"? lol, no.

But I keep saying that I want these people to live forever and remember perfectly their treasons. They likely will not survive the Troubles that they themselves are willing into existence (i.e., the massive civil wars that are the direct result of their policies and ideology), but because they *want* to die I simply hope that they are given a much worse fate. The best outcome would be a leftist colony in Madagascar that is punished by their own abysmal inability to create or work for their own happiness. Without a host, a parasite is left with an empty belly and no mental framework for survival.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 20:26:47
a cultist already went after Pelosi... and Trump jokes about that attack (with Pelosi’s husband hurt much worse than Trump appears to be)... I bet Biden doesn’t joke about this attack

one candidate is an obvious clown asshole fraud liar child... who purposely stokes division... notice it
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 20:28:08
... i wish nutbag would stop slipping in posts right before mine...

(I was responding to obaminated)
Sat Jul 13 20:35:00

All I know is that the ghost of Hot Rod threw off the shooters aim, or 2024 would be the best year of this century so far.

Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 20:36:30
[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime cultist)]: "one candidate is an obvious clown asshole fraud liar child... who purposely stokes division... notice it"

Yes, and that is the Resident Biden, a confirmed pedophile, a diaper-shitter, a puppet, and a dementia-ridden traitor to the West. And you support that pedophile, likely because you are a pedophile yourself.

[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime cultist)]: "(with Pelosi’s husband hurt much worse than Trump appears to be)"

Do we see again how these left-wing cultist delusions persist?

Tumblefag has to pretend that Pelosi's husband was *hurt* "much worse" because this red herring distracts from the fact that a left-wing psychosis cultist whose mind was a near copy&paste of tumblefag's own mind **shot multiple rounds at Trump in order to kill him**. Did a semi-homeless guy breaking into Pelosi's house with a hammer have this level of lethality? No! But the red herring insulates this apples and oranges comparison from reality.

Reality: bullets are far more lethal than hammers
Delusional red herring: "[omg, those bullets didn't even hurt Trump as much as that hammer guy]"

Just keep in mind when reading tumblefag and "murder" posts that you are reading the exact mind of the person who was on that roof trying to kill Trump.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 20:43:59
Trump being divisive again, smh:
Sat Jul 13 20:47:21
"Mostly peaceful protests"

Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 20:51:17
tumblefag after realizing that the people he's been stoking to violence are better at violence than he is:
(graphic image of the shooter)
Sat Jul 13 20:56:40
I guess they shot him straight through the mouth? It looks like his teeth are missing and I don't see any holes in his head despite being covered in blood.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 13 20:59:36
Not necessarily. He was probably hit in the top of the head (most exposed during a shot over a berm/roof). Blood from the nose and mouth usually happen due to the shock damage of a bullet. Counter-snipers were using some heavy calibers, so this guy's brain and brain casing are basically liquid.

(Very likely) image of the shooter beforehand:

People think he was using a Demolition Ranch shirt as a false flag, since he has troon physiognomy.
Sat Jul 13 21:15:34
Maybe. Only reason I think he got shot directly in the mouth is because it appears all his teeth are gone. His mouth is open and there is only 1 tooth visible.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 21:33:12
he grabs toward his ear at start, that’s the only issue I saw (other than being helped off which could be from nerves rather than injury)

anyway, the roof video seems confirmed

the Chanel Rion shooter thing probably bullshit (doubt they would have publicly ID’d him that quick, not sure they have even yet in fact)
Sat Jul 13 23:03:06
Boi was clapping with a .22 and got clapped by a .308 or larger. Blood trail indicates they flipped him; impact was probably forehead right of of the upper blood trail. Nasals and teeth impacted from the force. He may as well have been decked by the Mountain swinging a sledge with a pick impact point
Sat Jul 13 23:42:56
May as well concede the 2024 election.

Also may as well let Biden take the nomination, someone that otherwise has little/no future use should take the, ahem, hit.
Sat Jul 13 23:51:03
Oh Jesus can we imagine what will happen if somehow 2020 happens again?

We end election night with trump solidly in the lead and we wake up to biden having won due to a shit ton of ballots found in the trunks of cars?

Sun Jul 14 00:06:28
"They literally had to carry Trump off stage. :o)"

90% sure I heard Trump say "let me get my shoe," I don't know what it's like to be that old, but I don't know that I'd trust my grandma to walk with one shoe on, one shoe off. So, to be fair, the secret service "having" to carry Trump, after preventing him from putting that shoe on, is a stretch.

I'm also not sure there's a way to tell when the flesh swarming secret service thingie is carrying the VIP's weight v when the VIP is carrying their own weight. I'd wager the VIP could go totally limp and they'd instantly shoulder the weight, without the transition being obvious from the outside.

"As I've said many times before, the Secret Service can't kidnap the person they are protecting. If Trump was able to stay on stage and he wanted to stay, he'd still be there. Even though he should be, he is not a prisoner."

I've never been in the secret service, but our training included one-in-a-billion ambassador rescue things on embassy duty (this wasn't our day-to-day like it is for the secret service, or even on our "top 5 most likely crazy things to happen" list), and the TLDR that's relevant here is if the person right above me in my chain of command says to get the ambassador into that helicopter, or whatever, then I'm getting her ass into the helicopter, and the fight over this order v that order is one between the two people above me in my chain of command, *not* between me and the ambassador, it was clear to me that I wouldn't be held responsible for any... incongruence... that's above my pay grade. If my detachment commander or the regional security officer (a diplomatic security service civilian federal law enforcement dude that oversees the Marine embassy guard detachment) says get the ambo to the thing, in an emergency context, that's what I'm doing (there's context obv... in any normal day-to-day thing if the ambo says something you say "yes sir/ma'am" and do it, and that's that). In that emergency context if the ambo *doesn't* want to go to the thing, they can take it up with one of those two people mentioned above, I'm not open for discussions (the repeated, and presumably ignored, "let me get my shoe" reminded me of that), I'm busy getting their butt to the thing as instructed.

And the guy in the class that raised their hand with a version of "ok but what if my *immediate* superior says to get the ambo into the car, but the ambo himself says to stop everything to save the child that had just been shot in the crossfire?!" was met with a version of "this isn't a hollywood film, stfu." I suspect the secret service version of that question would actually have been given more serious attention than that, but like I said this wasn't something that was considered remotely as likely as a presidential assassination attempt like we just saw. I don't think we were trained in the "flesh swarm the VIP" thing, hence not even knowing what it's actually called. I'm not in touch enough to now either way what the current guys and gals are trained to do, but glances and images of the current generation tells me that the training has evolved in many ways.
Sun Jul 14 00:08:29
"We end election night with trump solidly in the lead and we wake up to biden having won due to a shit ton of ballots found in the trunks of cars?"

I guess you went to bed early, and it's not going to happen this time b/c it didn't happen last time. I suspect this is one of those accusations that's a confession of what you would be inclined to do, if given the opportunity. The husband paranoid about his wife cheating is often either cheating himself, or would if given the opportunity, one of those things. The kid in middle school who immediately accuses others of thievery whenever he misplaces his candy bar, is usually himself a thief. Etc etc.
Sun Jul 14 00:10:30
The race will return to where it was in 2 weeks. Stop bedwetting .
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 00:15:42
Rep Thomas Massie (frizzy-hair-guy who is not Rand Paul):
The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump.

This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago.

I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.

always so responsible...

(the non-raid recovered 100 classified docs Trump was refusing to return, even after subpoena, for which his lawyers convinced him he had to comply, so he hid docs from those lawyers so they would falsely respond to subpoena... & the fuckhead cultists are upset at the FBI & think they are corrupt... not Trump...)

Sun Jul 14 00:16:11

Did Mike Pence get in the car on Jan 6th when his security detail wanted to evacuate him?

No, he didn't.

Sun Jul 14 00:17:32
"Biden would have been so braindead that they'd have to 4-person carry him by his legs and arms like orderlies at a hospital."

I think it would have looked the same. Less than 50% chance of the fist pump.
Sun Jul 14 00:36:26
Did Mike Pence get in the car on Jan 6th when his security detail wanted to evacuate him?

No, he didn't.

Apples/oranges. Had someone started shooting in his general direction (removing any/all ambiguity about "just WTF is going on"), I'm *very* confident his security detail would have stopped being open for discussion about next steps. If there is that ambiguity, paired with a lack of some sort of clear and immediately present threat... yeah, I wouldn't want to be the first person to put hands-on the VP, and stop listening to what he had to say, either.

As mentioned the VIP protection thing was one of our responsibilities, but it wasn't our day-in-day-out. The secret service ONLY does that, and spend all of their energy on all the different crazy what-if scenarios.

Different unit/context/training, but when we did riot control training in DC, the Body Bearers were the persons that would snatch up a rioter identified as needing to be snatched up. Every single one of them looked like this ( http://www..._5/CO/_res/_img/01_1b_Clay.jpg - they weren't held to the height/weight standards and no one cared about their 3 mile run time on the PFT), their job was to make it so six of them in dress blues could lift a 2000 lbs Jewish casket (those are the heaviest for some reason, and I was told that sometimes you don't get a proper handle for these Jewish monsters, just a little ledge or lip for the tips of your fingers) over their heads and make it look weightless (supposed to evoke an angel) right before placing the casket in the ground. I was the "opfor" for one of those trainings, a belligerent rioter, who thought it would be cute to run at the shield wall and drop kick it (was wearing helmet and flak jacket, and shit I was 19 years old). I would imagine getting snatched up by 5 secret service guys is about the same feeling as getting snatched up by 2 of those guys, which is of course what happened right after my cute drop kick (open shield wall, out come the BB dudes to snatch). There is no "I don't want to go that way." You can flail, but it's not changing the direction of movement, lol.
Sun Jul 14 00:45:35
Earth pig, shut the fuck up.

I live in so cal. I went to sleep around 10 pm in 2020 and trump was solidly in thr lead in Michigan. Wisconsin, etc. Wake up to find biden had a shit ton of ballots found in the trunks of cars who were all for him. You'd have to be a total idiot to not wonder how they could all be for him.

That said. It isn't what I would do. I'm just fully aware of the general anger and tension in our country and trump being shot and immediately popping up, vigorously shaking his fist in the air and shouting "fight fight fight" is the past thing our country needs.

Civil wars are ugly and we are pretty much there now. And people like murder, dukhat, tw are going to be killed by trump supporters.

Trump is a warrior. But we need a unifying leader.

Think of it this way. During our first Civil war we had a population of 30 million. 750k died. Every one was effected. Lost jobs. Lost homes.

I don't think anyone understands what's around the corner and how brutal things will get.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 00:56:14
"You'd have to be a total idiot to not wonder how they could all be for him"

or you'd realize the obvious reason one side voted by mail much more than the other side... & then recall some places counted the in-person votes before the mail ones...

show one place mass fraud discovered (or car trunk ballots)... how did this scam evade all scrutiny?

"I don't think anyone understands what's around the corner and how brutal things will get"

just all the people who have been warning how dangerous Trump is for years...
Sun Jul 14 00:59:54
"Trump is so evil everyone who voted via mail ballot was against him but universally those who went into voting booths was supportive of him. Why is this confusing?"
Sun Jul 14 01:02:24
Dude. Tw. You need to start packing bags. This isn't a threat. But you and people like you are going to be a target.

It's like you are so used to being protected and have never experienced death and you don't realize the thin ice you are on.
Sun Jul 14 01:06:17
As a drunken tip, because I love you folks - our pipes busted last week, old handbent copper pipes, classic - wife and I with five kids are running through six gallons a day of non-potable water, cutting back. It takes two to flush a toilet. You wanna wash hands? Wash dishes?

Stock up. I'd buy a tote. And for drinking, get as many 40 packs and 5gal as your budget allows.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 01:08:44
thanks for your concern

"Trump is so evil everyone who voted via mail ballot was against him but universally those who went into voting booths was supportive of him. Why is this confusing?"

Trump (a cult leader) day in & day out for many months told his supporters (cultists) not to use mail voting, (& fucking lying) that ballots wouldn't be sent to them, or wouldn't be counted

whereas Dems were told to use mail in ballots to avoid covid...

yes, it makes perfect sense there was vast disparity

explain why you found NOTHING... you can't just dump fake ballots in the mail/dropboxes, each and every one has to link to a registered voter who can vote exactly once... they mass faked registered voters & ballots by the millions & you uncovered it exactly zero times w/ more scrutiny than any election ever?

no... Trump lost
Sun Jul 14 01:08:44
"Civil wars are ugly and we are pretty much there now [...] I don't think anyone understands what's around the corner and how brutal things will get."

Yawn. Have been hearing that since a black guy had the audacity to live in the white house.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 01:12:59
for the record:

Trump's injury: "I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear"

& the shooter identified as "Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania"
(i'm sure Chanel Rion has apologized & resigned)
Sun Jul 14 01:17:20
Hey, earth pig, brilliant army veteran that you are, when is the last time a presidential candidate got shot at ?
Sun Jul 14 01:58:09
I always wondered why someone didn't take Hitler out before he gained absolute power.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Jul 14 01:59:30
I bet Crooks was one of Hillary's lovers.
Sun Jul 14 02:05:07
I never served in the Army or claimed to be brilliant.
Sun Jul 14 02:07:06
"The gunman did not have a criminal history reflected in Pennsylvania’s public court records, and officials said they had not identified a motive. A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021."

Sun Jul 14 02:12:27
First PM of Slovakia, Robert Fico, and now Donald Trump.

I suspect Ukraine. They likely hired the shooters. If not Ukraine, then Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken. Both of whom basically are Ukraine. So in the end, it is likely all connected to Ukraine.

Sun Jul 14 03:36:42
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 03:39:43
[earthfag (low-information useful idiot)]: "I guess you went to bed early, and it's not going to happen this time b/c it didn't happen last time."

earthfag always dropping in with years old DNC talking points whenever a major story drops. He then goes on to do some pathetic little bitch projection in that paragraph. Later he even did some "[hur hur, subtle suggestion that you guys are racist because Obama]" bullshit line near the end there ("black guy had the audacity to live in the white house."). No one gives a shit about being called "racist" by a leftist anymore, you fucking slack-jawed commie faggot.

[earthfag (low-information useful idiot)]: "I think it would have looked the same. Less than 50% chance of the fist pump."

No, it would not. Biden would have shit his diaper and gone completely limp. They'd be carrying him horizontally down those stairs while his head stared at the sun and his eyes turned into pinpoints because he doesn't have the cognition to look away from lights anymore.

[earthfag (low-information useful idiot)]: "they weren't held to the height/weight standards and no one cared about their 3 mile run time on the PFT)"

earthfag apparently sampling Biden's dementia and devolving into a barely related story that isn't even an adequate analogy. His picture of body-builders is a red herring given that the *actual* secret service involved included a woman. "[but muh Jewish casket tho]"

[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime cultist)]: "the non-raid"

And here's tumblefag trying to make a Trump a55a55ination thread about documents handling. tumblefag is such a piece of shit.

[obaminated]: "Trump is a warrior. But we need a unifying leader."

No. Trump was supposed to be unifying under traditional American values — it's literally the meaning of "MAGA". The left was so psychotic that *not* getting Hillary meant that they were willing to torch the entire system — even their own credibility — for short-term gains. The country does not need unity with the left. The left needs to be disenfranchised, deported, and tried for treason. There must be absolute retribution: investigations, trials, floggings, and hangings. The time for pretending that psychotic people such as tumblefag, murder, sebgul, and earthfag can be reasoned with is over. They have proven for 8+ years that they do not care about argument — only power. As that is the case, you are looking at your enemy across a battlefield, and diplomacy has ended.

Friends rewarded.
Enemies punished.

[patom]: "I always wondered why someone didn't take Hitler out before he gained absolute power."

You "always wondered" that because your memory is 10-seconds-long and you are a pathetic clone who was programmed by decades of DNC propaganda to see any significant right-wing leader as a "Nazi" and "literally Hitler" who required time-traveling leftists to murder him to prevent magical Hitler stuff from happening. It's not a unique insight. You were programmed. You are a useful idiot living the boomer delusion wherein you are not allowed to go an inch to the right because "[zomgs hitler is that way]."

[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime cultist)]: "just all the people who have been warning how dangerous Trump is for years..."

Do we see how these psychotics flip things?
tumblefag types did this in 2020. After the Patron Saint of Fentanyl died, they pretended that *Trump* was making them riot across the nation, causing billions in property damage, murdering and injuring police, and causing permanent damage to black communities. But who was rioting? Who opposed people such as Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse killed three left-wing pedophiles (what are the odds!?) while Rittenhouse stood up against the mob? The left.

The left has been the danger.
The left is the insurrection.
The left has been mobilized by the Bolsheviks to destroy the West.

The left complained about the dangers of "Trump" and "stochastic terrorism" while simultaneously themselves seeding this "literally Hitler" propaganda so that they can have Trump attacked:
• Washington Post: "There are no lone wolves"
• Mother Jones: "Donald Trump, Stochastic Terrorist: He demonizes his foes—and that makes them possible targets of violence."
• Vox: "An atmosphere of violence: Stochastic terror in American Politics: Q&A with Kurt Braddock about how rhetorical strategies can lead to violence"
• Scientific American: "How Stochastic Terrorism Uses Disgust to Incite Violence: Pundits are weaponizing disgust to fuel violence, and it's affecting our humanity"
• Advocate: "Stochastic Terrorism: Links Between the GOP, Right-Wing Influences & Neo-Nazi Violence: The right is weaponizing language to encourage acts of violence against marginalized communities"
• Business Insider: "Stochastic terrorism appears to be on the rise globally. Extremism experts explain how this form of violence has gone mainstream"
• AZ Central: "Donald Trump, Kari Lake and others invent a whole new kind of terrorism: Opinion: There's a term for politicians like Donald Trump and Kari Lake, who vilify others in a way that could lead to violence, but also allows plausible deniability"
• The New York Times: "This Week's Mail Bombs Are No Surprise: They are examples of stochastic terrorism — individually random, but these days, statistically predictable"
• NYT: "Troubled Loner? Political Terrorist? Both? It's Often Hard to Say: The attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband has raised questions about the role of demonizing political speech in violent acts, not for the first time"
• NYT: "Push to Gag Trump Pits Free Speech Against Risk of Violence: By putting threats to the judge and prosecutors at the heart of its argument to limit the former president's statements about the election case, the Justice Department raised issues with little precedent"
• NYT: "How American Can Stand Against Extremism: The silence from a great majority of Republicans on the demonization of, and lies about, trans people has indeed meant complicity — complicity in what experts call stochastic terrorism, in which vicious rhetoric increases the likelihood of random violence against the people who are the subject of the abusive language and threats"
• Slate: "The Most Dangerous Time in 2024 Will Be Just After the Election: The term 'stochastic terrorism' became a big part of American political discourse following the attempt to undo the 2020 presidential election by way of mob violence at the U.S. Capitol"
• The Atlantic: "The Proud Boys Love a Winner: A second Trump term would validate the violent ideologies of far-right extremists—and allow them to escape legal jeopardy" / "Trump had mastered a form of radicalization sometimes known as stochastic terrorism—riling up followers in ways that made bloodshed likely while preserving plausible deniability on his part"
• Slate: "Donald Trump's Disorganized Brand of Terrorism" / "stochastic means random"
• Mother Jones: "How Trump Unleashed a Domestic Terrorism Movement—And What Experts say Must be Done to Defeat it: He tells them what to do. He tells them why they're angry"
• New Republic: Trump as Hitler
• Jason Stanley: "[Everything Trump does is 'Fascism']"

They did the same when they did not like Supreme Court decisions: they okayed dangerous people showing up the homes of justices, and they excused and buried the story of Nicholas Roske showing up ready to murder Kavanaugh. They also laughed that a left-wing low-IQ bio-weapon killed Ashli Babbitt (the only person to die during January 6th, despite Regime media pretending that the day was "deadly" for other reasons). After one of their left-wing trans psychopaths murdered 6 Christians in cold blood following a hate-filled manifesto filled with anti-Whiteism, they used the Norm MacDonald meme by decrying the left for putting hormones into children that make them crazy ("trans" medicalization) and re-directed to some MLK-wannabe LARPer breaking decorum in Nashville and being rightly punished.

tumblefag-types would have us believe that Trump was such a magical "stochastic terrorist" that even despite saying, "Peacefully and patriotically," there was some hidden mind-reading happening leading up to January 2021 which included magical dog whistles where Trump was winking and telling them to "overthrow our democracy". Meanwhile, tumblefag-types will completely ignore that the DNC has been trying to get Trump a55a55inated with the "literally Hitler" narrative since the moment they realized they lost power in 2016.

And we now know the result of left-wing propaganda. And we now see which is worse.
A Trump supporter has (again) been murdered. Another is injured. A former president was just shot by a cultist psychopath who missed murdering him by an inch.

Soak that in: someone *did* show up to a Trump rally armed and loaded and fired shots at Trump's head. Everything the left says is absolutely invalid now and forever after. The left has shown what they do with power: absolute and shameless treason. Not one of these left-wing faggots in the forum respects Western values. There is nothing good in them. What fool would expect goodness to result from empowering them? They must never know power again, since their survival and the right's own require this.

Furthermore, the Fed must be destroyed.
Sun Jul 14 03:49:52
Cherub Cow

We don't even know what the motivation of the shooter was.

Jumping the gun a little bit here, eh?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 03:50:48
*"they used the Norm MacDonald meme by decrying the [right] for [complaining about the left] putting hormones into children"
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 03:58:17
[Rugian]: "We don't even know what the motivation of the shooter was. [/] Jumping the gun a little bit here, eh?"

Not at all. Early images show that he's a dysgenic freak. His ears look like that of a goblin. He looks like one might imagine murder, tw, or wtb to look. This follows explicitly from what I've been saying in UP: dysgenic goblins are chosen *by* their ideology — not the other way around. People such as tumblefag and "murder" do not become slaves because slavish ideologies are just that convincing; they are convinced because slaves do not need to be convinced to be slaves.

The best case scenario for the left would be that this was some ultra-online type who has some very specific complaint about Trump, like that Trump is taking Jewish money and will just be puppeting the U.S. for Israel. Short of that, the more realistic frame for the left is that he was registering as Republican to false-flag the right and is thus making claims about Trump being the anti-Christ or some Donnie Darkened bullshit.

More realistically, though, is that he is indeed a leftist.
Sun Jul 14 03:58:55
Strange how nobody is mentioning how Trump endangered the lives of the SS guys surrounding him with their bodies by instead of letting them whisk him the hell away from danger, he made them stand there with their backs to a shooter to take bullets meant for him to give him time to turn it into a TV show
Average Ameriacn
Sun Jul 14 04:08:53
He was ready to give his life for AMERICA!
Interesting Facts
Sun Jul 14 04:16:07

"This is not a video of the shooter at Trump's Pennsylvania rally. This is the exact same X user who pretended to be the shooter in an odd trolling attempt.

He posted this video an hour ago and quickly deleted it. It's now being shared as if it's a message by the real shooter."
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 04:29:54
[williamthecoward (carbon copy of Dostoevsky's Underground Man)]: "Strange how nobody is mentioning how Trump endangered the lives of the SS guys surrounding him with their bodies by instead of letting them whisk him the hell away from danger, he made them stand there with their backs to a shooter to take bullets meant for him to give him time to turn it into a TV show"

Absolutely false.
williamthecoward, like earthfag, has returned to lie.

In the video — which is the second in this thread — Secret Service first cover Trump's body on the floor. They prepare to move him while staying in place. Then, you hear Secret Service confirming that the shooter is dead. At this point, Trump knows that the shooter is dead. Secret Service is still on alert because they have to consider follow-up threats and medical evacuation for unknown injuries, but Trump is confident enough that the risk of exposure is worth it to not be cowed. He did not put the SS in danger beyond the discharge of their duties.

And pretending that Trump has a duty to protect the Secret Service is also this same inversion logic of dysgenic leftists. Dysgenic leftists refuse to believe that some lives are indeed worth more than others, since dysgenic leftists want the protections of the noble but are incapable of working for those protections. (I had to explain this to tumblefag when he shit the bed in the totalitarians thread #11.) Secret Service is trained to observe this, literally giving their lives and putting their bodies between rounds. It is their job, they take pride in it, and unlike faggoty wtb leftists, they are not supposed to just stop doing their job if they feel "icky" about it.

Cowards such as williamthecoward would have people stay inside fearful like the Fahrenheit 451 society, but nobility is willing to take risks to project strength. This is a virtue that williamthecoward has never known and will never know.
Sun Jul 14 04:49:08
Something like this could never happen in Russia, here we love our leader. The Russian people are united and instead of killing him we would die for him! Actually we do die for him!!!
Sun Jul 14 05:19:23
First Robert Fico and now Donald Trump. NATO and the Liberals are desperate. If I were Victor Orbán I would up my security.
Sun Jul 14 05:42:29
The EU is already trying to get rid of Victor Orbán – having his presidency term over the EU Council canceled. Basically because he is engaged in diplomacy (he visited Kiev, Moscow, Beijing and Washington) and EU politicians can not allow that.
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Sun Jul 14 06:16:48
Holy shizz thats a huge essay cc and looks like your wrong as usual dude the shooters a repub


"Who is the shooter at the rally?
The FBI identified Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the person behind the assassination attempt. "

"What is Crooks' background?
Crooks is registered to vote as a Republican in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, according to county voter records."
Sun Jul 14 06:38:44
From Earthpig’s link:

"A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021."

Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 06:48:42
Yeah, Jesse fell for the same thing as earthfag. You're hours late to that, btw, JMB multi. You leftists might do better if you learned how to read.

To explain:
"Registered to vote as a Republican" is not the same thing as "actual Republican". In Pennsylvania, you have to be registered under the political party for which you wish to cast your ballot in the primary. Leftists know this and game the system, intentionally voting for GOP candidates that they think will be easy for the DNC to beat (e.g., Nimarata Randhawa). They then vote DNC on election day. In this particular election, it is especially advantageous for leftists to cast these malicious ballots since the DNC primary ballots largely only have one option (e.g., Biden).

Also note that earthfag floated another unconfirmed error, which is that suspect Crooks donated to a Progressive fund. This *would* confirm that the "Republican" label had been used as a malicious ballot, but early reports are that it was another Crooks who donated those funds. This is unconfirmed, even though Daily Beast and a few others ran with it.

We also do not know for sure that it *was* Crooks.
The FBI initially reported that the suspect was not carrying I.D.:
[FBI statement; C-SPAN; July 13th, 2024]
From ABC:

The FBI claimed to have identified Crooks via DNA, but solid confirmation that it is Crooks likely will not arrive until this morning. CNN contacted Crooks' father, but he declined comment. Independent investigators (e.g., Crowder's crew) tried to access the Crooks residence, but the street was closed.

4chan autists have also not found Crooks' socials yet. There are no know aliases and no manifesto.

In other news,
>be democrat
>be low key upset he didn’t die
>be democrat
>be low key happy the election was stolen
>be democrat
>be excited when more rights are taken away
>be democrat
>get excited to pack courts with more dems
>be democrat
>ask your DA to not persecute criminals
>be democrat
>wish death upon your enemy without admitting it
>be democrat
>hate white people even though they gave you your rights
>be democrat
>own all the media and still can’t manipulate people anymore
Sun Jul 14 06:53:15

You are making a bunch of wild and unsubstantiated assumptions based on personal biases and junk science (goblin ears? Wtf)

Not saying there aren't idiots on the other side of the aisle on this one (and yes, being a registered Republican is not proof that one is not leftwing), but you are not making a strong case here either.
Sun Jul 14 06:54:02
Maybe we should all, like, you know, wait for an actual motive to come out? That'd be nice.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 07:00:53
[Rugian]: "You are making a bunch of wild and unsubstantiated assumptions based on personal biases and junk science (goblin ears? Wtf)"

Not junk science. Look at his ears in the link I posted above, here again:

Non-goblin ears have curved edges. His have two points on them. Similar goblin ears are seen, for instance, on the Jew, though this shooter's ears seem not to be connected to the face so I do not think he's Jewish.

Also, biases are irrelevant to my conclusions. DNC propaganda still exploited the "literally Hitler" narrative. This narrative can incite MK Ultra useful idiots of both the left and the right.
• the right would do it to stop the left's planned demolition post-2024 (e.g., their planned rioting should there be a right-wing candidate)
• the left would do it to stop "Hitler 2.0"

In either case, we are dealing with a deranged goblin.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Jul 14 07:07:39
A goblin? Do the deep state laboratories breed them???
Sun Jul 14 07:13:31
”Maybe we should all, like, you know, wait for an actual motive to come out? That'd be nice.”

Do you really trust the FBI to reveal the real motive to you? Okay, sometimes the FBI may be trusted, and they may tell tell parts of the truth, but more often than not, they don’t. Especially if there’s a political motive or if ”national security” is at stake. I.e if someone high up hired the assassin to carry out the murder. Those things are never told to the public.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 07:40:53
I don't trust the FBI as a general rule, but you've got to figure that once they release details people can see whether or not they're lying. We have video of the suspect at the event, so information would have to match.

"A goblin? Do the deep state laboratories breed them???"
— Random goblin, screecher class

What I mean by goblins:
(Photo composite of Antifa mugshots)

Maoists, Bolsheviks, Khmer Rouge, and other slave revolts recruit in particular from the most dysgenic underclasses. These underclasses are the most likely to be resentful goblins who will lash out at their own nobility and destroy their own society on behalf of the subversive Master class (e.g., Jews). Jews have used these goblins/golems to kill Russian tsars, French aristocrats, U.S. presidents (e.g., JFK), and world leaders (e.g., Franz Ferdinand by the goblin Gavrilo Princip).

Basically, if you are a modern leftist, you are a goblin being used by Sauron or Saruman, pulled from your dark corners of society by their rising evil power in society. Tolkien was making fun of you. He also made fun of Jews by casting them as dwarves, figuring that the West could not be saved from Eastern golems (Bolshevik Jews and the eastern slave revolts) unless the Jew embraced Hebrew heroism and overcame his Zionist greed (relinquishing some of the treasures of the Lonely Mountain and fighting on behalf of the West). Your aversion to beauty has made you a puppet for enslavers.
Sun Jul 14 07:41:46

Is there an fair chance that the shooter was motivated by leftist politics? Sure.

But we are talking about a 20 year old kid who, out of the blue and without any prior warning, decided to take potshots at a past and likely future president and effectively commit suicide by Secret Service.

Forget about the politics behind Trump. In the absence of additional information, it's impossible to ascribe any motives that would cause an individual to do that. It could have been politics (left or right)...or it could have been a mental health issue, or stemming from a recent personal crisis, or just a desire to be famous. We just don't know right now.

Also, a person as well-read as yourself should understand that physiognomy is pseudoscience, and that you will convince no one to listen to you by engaging in it. This isn't Lord of the Rings, the bad guys don't have easily identifiable physical characteristics in the real world.
Sun Jul 14 07:43:21
Admittedly, you might just be trolling and I can't detect it because sarcasm doesn't translate well over text. I can't tell.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 14 07:54:14
[Rugian]: "Also, a person as well-read as yourself should understand that physiognomy is pseudoscience"

Surprisingly, it is not.
I long resisted it under the same mistaken belief, but this mistake stunts a strong perception. Ugly people, more often than not, have ugly ideologies, and ugly ideologies create ugly people. Roald Dahl was correct in this observation as was Nietzsche.

Why do you suppose it is so easy to identify some insane leftist based on hair color and piercings? Is that pseudo-science? No. It is their uniform, you just have to recognize it. When a person adopts an ugly ideology, he makes himself ugly. Ellen Page was attractive but, being an actress, needed to adopt the ideology of her prestige network and its patrons. Now "Elliot" Page is a goblin with giant scars where her breasts used to be. Her physiognomy now looks sullen and sunken like Zander from the Starship Troopers when his brain had been removed ( http://youtu.be/DtTgHuGgW-c?si=UEJsU1GRTwtFiIyI&t=94 ).

So I do not think "it's impossible to ascribe any motives that would cause an individual to do that." Regime media is activating MK Ultra patients, and he stepped up.
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