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Utopia Talk / Politics / Biden boosts Trump's security
Tue Jul 16 21:04:59

Trump security boosted weeks ago over Iran plot to kill him

Protection for Donald Trump was boosted several weeks ago after US authorities learned of an Iranian plot to kill him, according to national security officials.

Officials say there is no known connection between the alleged Iranian plot and the assassination attempt on the former president on Saturday in Pennsylvania.

However, the disclosure that security had been tightened raises further questions over how Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was able to climb a building and get close enough to fire at Trump.

The US Secret Service and the Trump campaign were notified of the Iranian threat, and security was increased as a result, according to a US national security official.

Intelligence sources told CBS, the BBC's US news partner, that the Secret Service bolstered security in June in response to the Iranian threat. This included extra counter-assault and counter-sniper agents, drones and robotic dogs.

CBS reported that the details of a potential Iranian operation were obtained through "human source intelligence", and came amid a notable increase in Iranian chatter regarding attacks against Trump.

Trump and officials including his former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, have faced threats from Tehran since ordering the drone strike assassination of Qassim Soleimani, the commander of Iran's Quds force, in Iraq in 2020.

The Iranian mission at the United Nations called the report "unsubstantiated and malicious", adding that Trump was "a criminal who must be prosecuted and punished in a court of law".

Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the US Secret Service, said it and other agencies were "constantly receiving new potential threat information and taking action to adjust resources, as needed".

"We cannot comment on any specific threat stream, other than to say that the Secret Service takes threats seriously and responds accordingly.”

The Trump campaign said it did not comment on security matters and referred BBC questions to the Secret Service.

Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, said that US security officials had been "tracking Iranian threats against former Trump administration officials for years".

"These threats arise from Iran's desire to seek revenge for the killing of Soleimani," she said. "We consider this a national and homeland security matter of the highest priority."

She however reiterated that the investigation "has not identified ties" between Crooks and "any accomplice or co-conspirator, foreign or domestic."

In 2022, the Department of Justice announced criminal charges against a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, alleging that he was orchestrating a plot to kill Mr Bolton.

Prosecutors said the plot was “likely in retaliation” for the killing of Soleimani.

Questions have swirled about how police officers and agents responsible for the rally at Butler County fairgrounds, Pennsylvania, allowed Crooks to get so close.

The director of the Secret Service admitted that local police were inside the building while Crooks was on its roof aiming at Trump 130m (430ft) away.

CBS News, the BBC's US partner, reported three local police snipers were inside the building and had seen Crooks getting on the roof.

The local sheriff's department referred BBC questions to the state police, which said it was not responsible for the area containing the building.

A state police spokesman told the BBC that it provided "all resources" requested by the Secret Service, including between 30 to 40 troopers inside the perimeter.

President Joe Biden has ordered an independent review of how the gunman could have come so close to killing Trump, and the Secret Service also faces probes from Congress.

Tue Jul 16 21:05:54

So Trump was under enhanced security when he got shot.

Tue Jul 16 21:10:29
Yeah, they sent him fat, short, inexperienced women.

Boy. That 5,5" girl sure helped shield trump.

And that woman, whose sole purpose is to protect the principle, did a great job hiding behind trump.

And that fat old bitch did a great job at holstering her gun.

And I'm glad that other woman took the second or two to put on her sunglasses.

Biden sent trump the best DEI has to offer.

Meanwhile at the convention trump is now surrounded by tall, bulky men.

Tue Jul 16 22:01:13
So what your saying is the security officers that were so incompetent to prevent such an event were directly sent on behalf of of Biden....hmmm
Tue Jul 16 22:55:07
DEI hires implanted by biden 3 years ago are now bearing fruit. And it's gonna be a rough next 5 years as we root them all out and fix this.

Meaning. On day 1 if trump tries to reverse DEI hires at the secret service, homeland, fbi, justice department. All those new hires will take years before they have any positions of authority. Until then we are dealing with incompetent morons who are more interested in pushing racial equality agendas then doing their fucking jobs.
Wed Jul 17 05:35:17

"Boy. That 5,5" girl sure helped shield trump."

What a stupid thing to say. None of the agents shield Trump were in any position to shield Trump from the bullet. That was the snipers napping. And they were all male.

But you and the braindead right just want to hate on women because you're insecure as fuck.
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 11:52:50
the Faux/cult like to blame DEI for everything

they also did it for any Boeing problems

they think it's all that's ever discussed everywhere
Wed Jul 17 14:46:11

"they think it's all that's ever discussed everywhere"

That's the condition they are trying to create. They figure if they keep making everything about that nonsense, then they will convince those not in the cult that DEI is behind everything wrong in the country.

It's the same thing they did with immigration. They kept talking about a "crisis at the border" until the media agreed to play along with that nonsense.

The right has adopted Trump's tactic of repeating things that untrue over and over again until they are accepted as the truth or at least until the truth gets muddied up to the point that people who don't know the truth can't figure out what the truth is or who is lying about it.

Wed Jul 17 17:36:28
About Those Female Secret Service Agents Protecting Trump

By Brandon Morse | 11:15 AM on July 14, 2024

During all the insanity that happened on Saturday involving the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, there was a moment that stood out to many, and it involved the conduct of the female Secret Service agents. As one clip showed, the women protecting Trump looked jittery and slightly unsure of themselves. One of them tried to holster her side arm but kept missing the holster, eventually just placing it close to her until it was easier to do so. This resulted in many people questioning why there were female Secret Service agents in the first place.

To be clear, I also spoke out about this, but I wanted to add something very specific that I think is important. It's my honest belief that women can, in fact, be Secret Service agents, however, I think there are specific places for them in any given detail, I just don't think they should be responsible for the immediate handling of the president.

The knee-jerk reaction from this for some will be to assume I'm being sexist, but let's look at this logically.

Men are larger than women in general, they're stronger than women in general, and they're quicker than women in general. When a threat approaches, you want the largest mass possible to shield the president. If a threat tries to come at the president directly, you want the strongest and fastest fighter you can get to take the threat down. If, for any reason, the threat needs to be pinned or the president needs to be lifted bodily to safety, you want people with solid muscle mass to be able to handle the weight. Men's lung capacity is also larger, as well is their ability to pump blood through the body faster, making them tire less easily, at least in terms of short-term action.

Women are generally smaller than men, have less muscle mass, aren't as fast, and can be physically overpowered far more easily as a general rule.

When we're dealing with the leader of the free world, or even the once and likely future leader, the question about who should be at his immediate side isn't a question. It should be men strictly due to the biological advantages given to them by nature when it comes to physicality.

This doesn't mean women can't be undercover in the crowd, or among the agents around the area keeping watch. Women are very good shots so, with their eye for detail and natural slow twitch muscle fiber making them less likely to jitter or jerk while aiming, they could be very good at overwatch, just to give you one example. They could blend in with the crowd as undercover agents, as women are less likely to be suspected of being agents giving them the advantage of surprise when a suspect lets their guard down thinking they aren't a threat.

But when it comes to directly protecting the president, the male body is just better built for that specific job.

Let's put it this way. Would it be sexist of me to say that there should be women on a team's offensive line in the NFL? No, of course not. They put heavy, burly guys in that position because that specific job requires a specific body type. If you were to put a woman on the O-line and put her against a male form you'd typically see opposite her, she would be overrun very easily and possibly injured severely.

The O-line's job is to help protect one man, the quarterback so that he can enact plays necessary to move the team forward. If we're willing to understand that a specific type of body is needed in this situation to protect a man so that a sports team can win a game, then this same logic needs to be put forward when we're talking about the leader of the free world. A person so important and powerful that their death could trigger events that could literally change the world for the worse and throw it into chaos.

This isn't sexism. This isn't looking down on women. This is just a logical take given the biological facts.

Women are fully capable of doing a myriad of jobs and by all means, they should have them if they want them, but there are certain jobs where their inclusion isn't wise or logical. This specific detail of being the closest to the president when the worst goes down, is neither wise nor logical.


Thu Jul 18 14:24:25
Blaming those agents when that fat piece of shit risked all of their lives for an unnecessary photo op.

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