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Utopia Talk / Politics / Kamala over/under 80,000,000vote
Mon Jul 22 05:30:25
The results of the 2020 US Presidential election was ...

Turnout was 66.6%

Popular vote:

Biden: 81,283,501

Trump: 74,223,975

Electoral vote:

Biden: 306

Trump: 232


I'm going to predict that ...

turnout will drop below 65%

Kamala will get fewer than 80,000,000 votes

Kamala will get no more than 260 electoral votes

What say you all?

Mon Jul 22 05:34:03
Same map only georgia is red and north carolina is blue.

Trump can’t get more than 46% of the vote and Kamala has problems with older, white voters in the rust belt but not enough that it costs her the election. She gets about 49% of the vote in a 3-way race.
Mon Jul 22 06:03:09
The democrat party has lost all hope. It's gonna be trump by a landslide. Once people are forced to learn about kamala they will immediately give up. She is a literal whore who slept her way to the white house. No one will back her.

That's why the obamas won't back her. The democrat party is going to eat itself.

Also, I called this months ago.
Mon Jul 22 06:03:27

In addition I'd just like to point out that the most reliable voting block is senior citizens 65 and older ... who Democrats just told to fuck off.

Mon Jul 22 06:05:56

"Trump can’t get more than 46% of the vote"

Trump doesn't need to top 46%. All he needs to do is collect his automatic red state electoral votes, and appeal the the white undecided swing state voters more than Kamala does.

Easy peasy.
Mon Jul 22 06:08:41

"Same map only georgia is red and north carolina is blue."

Georgia is gone, North Carolina is gone, and Wisconsin is gone.

For starters.

If she loses Pennsylvania, she's cooked.
Mon Jul 22 06:11:55
Who is worse, Kamala or Hillary?
Mon Jul 22 06:26:38
If the Democrat party goes all out in protecting women's reproductive rights. Pointing out the Republicans obvious demands that women be nothing more than breeding stock.
If the Republican fail to keep women out of the voting booths.
You may very well see a landslide destruction of Trump and most Republicans.
Mon Jul 22 06:39:47
"Abortion is the big issue this year"

Lol. Tom. It must be nice never having to think about illegal immigration or fentanyl.
Mon Jul 22 07:08:36

"Who is worse, Kamala or Hillary?"

Worse qualified? Kamala easily.

Worse liked? That Hillary in a landslide.

Mon Jul 22 07:11:32

"If the Republican fail to keep women out of the voting booths, you may very well see a landslide destruction of Trump and most Republicans."

Women are only half the population, and a lot of women are right wingers and don't give a fuck about that.

Angry women who want their rights protected are not going to win an election by themselves.
Mon Jul 22 07:34:29
Seriously. Are women as an entire group so obsessed with murdering children in the womb that they'll vote unanimously for the Democrats? I don't think so.
Mon Jul 22 07:45:37

A majority of women don't want to be baby factories for the white christian theocracy.

Mon Jul 22 07:46:58

Literally the same people claiming that it's about the babies are trying to imprison women in their states and outlaw contraception.

Mon Jul 22 08:49:22
u know she is not popular, like at all...?
wut planet u livin in nowadays, anglosinwonderland?
Mon Jul 22 08:59:23
Yeah, that's how pregnancy is viewed murder. Women, the majority of women, not the bra burning "I'm not shaving my pits or wearing perfume" ones, but the majority view pregnancy as a punishment. They totally don't view it as a life changing experience that they think about going through all their lives.

It's genuinely impressive how little you know about the life experience of people beyond you.
Mon Jul 22 09:26:01

"Yeah, that's how pregnancy is viewed murder. Women, the majority of women, not the bra burning "I'm not shaving my pits or wearing perfume" ones, but the majority view pregnancy as a punishment. They totally don't view it as a life changing experience that they think about going through all their lives."

They think about it as their fucking bodies and their fucking choice.
Average Ameriacn
Mon Jul 22 09:38:38
But why isn't Hillary running?
Think about it: the moment after Hillary conceded defeat, police officers would rush on stage and arrest her and throw her in jail. Wouldn't that be great?

Mon Jul 22 10:01:45
AA, get fucking real. The Republicans have been promising to have her and Bill locked up for over 30 years.
If you have half a brain you will realize there is only 2 possible results.
If the combined wealth of the Republicans and their backer couldn't find or manufacture enough evidence to put them in front of a grand jury. They must be innocent.
Hell the best the Republicans had in Congress had their collective asses handed to them by Hillary who made them look like doddering idiots for 11 hours.
Trump gets elected and uses his Get our of jail free card and has her offed.
Mon Jul 22 10:03:32
Rugian, check out what happened in Kansas (a solid Red State) when the men tried to outlaw abortion and were stupid enough to let it go to a Referendum.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 11:26:50
[patom (boomer-brained NPC)]: "Pointing out the Republicans obvious demands that women be nothing more than breeding stock."
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "A majority of women don't want to be baby factories for the white christian theocracy."

The sad thing about NPCs such as murder and patom is they'll really just keep repeating the Handmaid's Tale meme with zero show of growth out of an obviously weak talking point.

[obaminated]: "It must be nice never having to think about illegal immigration or fentanyl."
[Rugian]: "Are women as an entire group so obsessed with murdering children in the womb that they'll vote unanimously for the Democrats?"

Yeah, and recall that even DNC voters are not convinced by the "abortion is on the ballot" line. The DNC had full control of all 3 branches and did nothing to secure Roe because they wanted to sustain it as a wedge issue. They cannot pretend that they need more power to "protect" it because they already failed to "protect" it for decades. They used that line for the 2022 mid-terms and it barely had any impact because even DNC voters saw through it.

On top of that, the "[supposedly tyrannical Trump Supreme Court (SC)]" line also does not fly because all that the SC did was send it to the states. Most DNC-held states already took advantage of the SC ruling and made their pro-murder policies even stronger, appeasing their pro-murder constituents.

So what leverage has the DNC left itself? Their argument now has to focus on their obligation to *force* pro-murder policies in *GOP* states. That gets awfully close to NeoCon foreign policy logic. At best, the DNC would get votes from pro-murder constituents who live on blue islands within red states who are too lazy to drive an hour to murder their babies elsewhere. They've already released silly advertisements about women being arrested while driving elsewhere as though that's something that police would have the means to address. That's simply not enough to be their primary polarization issue. They're putting all of their eggs in the "Project 2025" basket instead, and they just have to do the "fine people" hoax again by convincing their useful idiots that Trump totally wants a "Project 2025" even though he keeps distancing himself from it.

[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "They think about it as their fucking bodies and their fucking choice."

Again, Regime cultists such as murder do not actually care about women's choices. We have demonstrated this of their ideology repeatedly.
• If a White woman chooses to keep a White baby, then she's a "white supremacist" "Nazi" "Racist" from Outer Space who doesn't care about climate change.
• If a black person votes Republican, they're the "black face of white supremacy".
• If a pro-DNC migrant jumps the border and has 10 anchor babies, then "diversity is our strength".

The left can only feign a respect for choice since their actual goal is to direct choice with propaganda; "choice" prefigures the directing of the propagandized masses into compliance, slavery, and annihilation. If a DNC-held government made abortion 100% illegal in all cases, murder would celebrate the policy because the DNC would also require that DNC oligarchs get to impregnate whomever they want in a state-mandated dysgenics plan. The conditions of a Regime sycophant's approval of a policy are entirely based on whether or not they are allowed totalitarian subjugation.
Mon Jul 22 11:59:33
Reagan circa 1984....
Mon Jul 22 12:01:57

Michelle Obama is the new VP!

Nay, lead of the ticket.

Tune in Next week on "Earthlings"
Wed Jul 24 06:13:46

Democrats are trying to act like things are great with Kamala heading the ticket ... apparently forgetting how quickly and easily Tulsi Gabbard ended Kamala's campaign when she ran for president in 2020.

Or should I say in 2019, because Kamala's campaign never even made it to 2020.

She was literally torn to shreds in a matter of minutes. She's a horrible public speaker. She's a horrible debater. She is not light on her feet.

She is going to get wrecked.

This is like launching the Titanic on its maiden voyage AFTER you seen how it ends.
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