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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump wants a refund
Mon Jul 22 09:24:43
Donald Trump is actually whining about all the money he spent campaigning against Joe Biden, and how he should be able to get a refund.

The man is a cartoon.

Mon Jul 22 09:38:47
Someone needs to tell him to shut the fuck up. His behavior yesterday was exactly the type of shit that lost him millions of votes the last time around.

The proper course of action was to be magnanimous and upbeat, not petty and vindictive.
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Mon Jul 22 11:08:25
"His behavior yesterday was exactly the type of shit that lost him millions of votes the last time around"

Thought Trump won dude and it was all voter fraud? Did you forget to keep the lie going?
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 12:27:33
Trump has chosen petty & vindictive 100% of the time... he will continue to choose that path 100% of the time
Mon Jul 22 16:02:57
Rugian, didn't you read your $66 Trump Bible? All mentions of being magnanimous or upbeat were redacted along with charitable and being kind.
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