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Utopia Talk / Politics / Donald Trump & Hannibal Lecter
Wed Jul 24 20:52:21
Donald Trump cant stop talking about Hannibal Lecter ... and it's hilarious.


Trump: They say why would I mention Hannibal Lecter? I must be cognitively in trouble. No. These are real stories. Hannibal Lecter, he’s a lovely man. He wants to have you for dinner



The man has fallen off his fucking rocker and he can't get up.

He's crazier than a shithouse rat. lol :o)
the wanderer
Wed Jul 24 21:25:40
that boy ain’t right
Wed Jul 24 21:32:01
Dude faces about 10,000 years in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison if he loses.

Does he not understsnd that? He should have an army of speechwriters whose every line he follows to the fucking letter in order to be as maximally electable as possible between now and November.

This isn't "do whatever you want" territory for Trump right now, it's "play for your literal freedom."
the wanderer
Wed Jul 24 21:34:49
nobody’s even willing to tell him theres an ‘s’ on Lambs
Thu Jul 25 04:21:05

Trump says he will fire America’s military generals and replace them with NASCAR drivers and football coaches


Thu Jul 25 04:23:41

"Does he not understsnd that? He should have an army of speechwriters whose every line he follows to the fucking letter in order to be as maximally electable as possible between now and November."

No one can control him. He can't stop, he won't stop. He just says whatever insane shit pops into his head.

And he thinks it's all very amusing. And he's right, but not in the way that he thinks it is.
Thu Jul 25 05:34:31
More brilliance from the stable genius. Maybe he likes race car drivers and football coaches because they are used to being fired.
Thu Jul 25 05:35:03
You see, the thing about hannibal Lector is that, he is a man, and a cannibal and his name is Hanibal Lector, so it's important to realize he is a cannibal and his first name rhymes with cannibal, so we see the importance of this man, with a name that rhymes with what he is and it's so important that we recognize this.
Average Ameriacn
Thu Jul 25 05:50:06
Trump is a stable genius and not everyone is able to understand his deep thoughts.
Sat Jul 27 05:59:40

The thing about Hannibal Lecter is that he'd like to have you *points at Habebe* for dinner.

I would love to know what Trump finds amusing about that line.

the wanderer
Sat Jul 27 11:30:15
he apparently really liked that line at the end of the movie (which he apparently finally watched)

i'd like to know why he congratulates Hannibal & keeps saying 'the late great Hannibal'... (it's kinda like his weird 'we fell in love' of Kim Jong Un)
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