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Utopia Talk / Politics / Modern conservative politics
Mon Dec 23 17:26:17

…is, of course, not politics. It is antipolitics. Politics is about methods of organizing the tribe, the community, society - i.e. how to organize things in a way that best serves the members of society, your fellow citizens and you. Modern conservatism is completely focused on the disorganization of methods that serve the members of that society; on Ayn Randian selfishness and avoidance of any responsibilities toward or contributions or committment to mutual organization of the tribe that benefit the tribe as a whole. It is only “Me!”, and only “Me!” and organizing mutual commitments with others is the enemy of “Me!”

They like to rename this utterly self-absorbed focus on the solitary oneness of “Me!” as “individualism”. When the time comes to vote, they never pose the question “Who will serve me and my neighbours, my fellow citizens, best?” – they only ask “Screw my next door neighbor, who will serve me best?” It is Trumpian narcissism that excuses its behavior by saying “Hey, it’s a dog eat dog world, so you better be a wolf and eat anyone you see.”

Individualism is, of course, a laughable paint job over this supreme egoism – laughable, because they also have one other ethic: totalitarian collectivism. Not towards their fellow citizens and peers, however, but to the state/government. They call it “patriotism”, which is upheld to equally holy status in their discourse. If you are not prepared to die on the orders of the state/government you are a “traitor”, which is the most demonic insult that exists in their discourse.

This is, of course, the most totalitarian form of collectivism that can possibly exist. It is the only form of an organized tribe they believe in. To be required to die to on the orders of the leader of a collective. It is not possible to be more subservient than to kill and die brutally on the government’s command. It is the ultimate expression of supreme subservience.

Now, obeying a commander of an organized collective if you are attacked is a perfectly reasonable strategy, of course- but raising it to the level of one of only two holy ethics in your ideology, the other being not to pay taxes and commit to organized civil society, is a completely different matter.

Thus, conservative “politics” only consists of 2 utterly contradictory policies: as low taxes as possible, to contribute to the civil organization of their society as little as possible; and to demand supreme commitment to collectivism when the governmental branch that specializes solely in lethal violence orders its citizens to kill and be killed.
Mon Dec 23 17:38:43
It turns everyone into wolves that snarl at each other and fight over food on a day to day basis, yet commit to to death for the leader of the pack when the leader requires it.
Tue Dec 31 07:02:02
I don’t want anyone to miss this, perhaps the most thought provoking and well reasoned post of 2024.
Sat Jan 18 08:46:54
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