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Utopia Talk / Politics / UK schools to indoctrinate students
Mon Dec 30 14:06:49
On the benefits of "diversity." LOL


Labour to make national curriculum more ‘diverse’

Bridget Phillipson starts review to ‘refresh’ education programme so it reflects ‘diversities of our society’

The national curriculum is set to be made more “diverse” under Labour plans.

Bridget Phillipson, the Education Secretary, has begun a review to “refresh” what is taught in schools, pledging to “breathe new life into our outdated curriculum”.

The new curriculum will be compulsory in all state schools, including academies that were previously free to opt out.

The Telegraph can reveal that the Department for Education’s terms of reference for the overhaul explicitly say that the department (DfE) aims to create a curriculum that reflects the “diversities of our society” and help produce young people who “appreciate the diversity” of Britain.

This newspaper has also seen suggestions for changes to the curriculum that have been submitted to the review by unions and other teaching groups, including for how to “decolonise” subjects which have been branded too “mono-cultural”.


Among the proposals submitted by major unions and educational institutions are suggestions of the introduction of more diverse material, particularly in “majority white” classrooms, and a move away from English literature which is seen as “traditional”.

The teachers’ union NASUWT, which has about 280,000 members across the UK, told the review that it must “embed anti-racist and decolonised approaches” in the curriculum and advised “inclusive curricula that reflect diverse authors, cultures and perspectives”.

The Association of School and College Leaders warned that “history and English curricula are seen as largely mono-cultural”, and welcomed plans to “diversify the curriculum”.

The group, which represents more than 25,000 senior secondary school teachers, warned that “in particular, ethnicity and sexual orientation are under-represented in the national curriculum”.

The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) told the review that the planned curriculum must reflect “the diversity of our society”, adding that members saw the benefit of using diverse reading material for “subverting racial biases” especially when “teaching to a majority white classroom”.

NAHT, which has more than 49,000 members, also cited research which claimed that “children between the ages of three and five begin to categorise people by race and express bias based on race”. It argued that the curriculum should counter this by providing “positive images and messages to counter any negative stereotypes they will face”.

The National Education Union stated that the curriculum “must become broad, diverse, inclusive”, adding that it should “prepare all students for life in modern, diverse Britain”.

large member
Mon Dec 30 15:23:56
Indoctrination is one of the prime functions of an education system. Teach them the time and obedience so they can function in the mills. A feature, not a bug.
Mon Dec 30 15:27:28
Sure. Problem is when the far left takes over that function.

A widescale purge of the British teachers is called for.
large member
Mon Dec 30 15:39:36
The devil is in the details, but there is nothing inherently wrong with a broader cultural approach. Perhaps easier to see in smaller countries. We would run out of culture fast if we limited the curriculum to pure Norwegian themes :).
Mon Dec 30 15:41:57
"The devil is in the details"

The details prove that a purge is needed. Thanks for playing.
large member
Mon Dec 30 15:46:39
You are welcome! Though I suppose you are speaking of England. Scotland, Wales and NI already have devolved education where they can weigh things in a manner appropriate to the people living there.
Mon Dec 30 16:01:28
I won't weigh in on England's cuckoldry with its (clearly) junior partners.
Mon Dec 30 16:10:42
everything in da west is propafunda nowadays

they dunt do facts no more which is why everyone in ur country even ur dogs and cats r confused as shit

large member
Tue Dec 31 00:11:29
Education is a State Right to use your terms. Devolved in anglospeak.
Tue Dec 31 03:37:12
Rugian and his petulant demands for auto-da-fes in countries he knows little to nothing about.

Fuck off, tourist.
Tue Dec 31 05:13:13

Fair enough on establishing that standard. You are hereby banned from ever commentating on the US, a country you clearly know little to nothing about.

Fuck off, tourist.
Tue Dec 31 05:43:45
You aren't commentating from an outsider perspective. You are presuming an insider one.
Tue Dec 31 05:45:04
"A widespread purge of teachers is called for" is not something I would say of the US.
Tue Dec 31 05:46:17
Check mate Rugian!
Tue Dec 31 06:48:48
Its such a known fact that Americans generally know less about other countries than Western countries know about America that the reason behind this well recognized fact is even the topic of scientific studies. Only a third of them even have passports whereas e.g. 90% of Swedes do. The Americans and the wannabe American Nimatzo know this very well, but since their only ideology is to fake their way through any debate and never ever dream of self critical analysis in the name of honest debate, they fake their way through this too.
As it happens, even in the UK, there is less knowledge of other countries than among for example Swedes, and I can directly source this to school education, clearly based in former Empire tradition. Having gone to school in Sweden and the UK, history lessons in the UK definitely spent more time on UK history than Swedish schools do (or did). And no doubt this goes ten times more for US schools
Tue Dec 31 06:49:37
*than Swedish schools do on Swedish histro
Tue Dec 31 06:58:29
I can directly source it to the fact that Sweden is a tiny country with an insignificant population, language and culture and almost zero variation in climate and geography. You are basically forces by these factors to move outward for any kind of entertainment and variation. Meanwhile the USA is a continent sized country, with all the variation that comes with it.

You get an F for analytical skills.
Tue Dec 31 07:02:23
Europeans are decidedly better travelled than Americans and learn more about international affairs at school than Americans. I dont have to go farther than myself to find a European who lived for 3 months in the USA. I dont come from a rich family, but the only americans you ever meet in Europe are from the upper middle class and upwards. The 60% of Americans who dont even have a passport and couldnt find Iraq on a map if they tried are exactly the Trump nativist group.
Tue Dec 31 07:08:56
And you are one of the dumbest educated people I have come across. You know almost nothing about anything. You are a direct contradiction to the notion that education or travel makes people more knowledgeable or intelligent. You have just been given a lot of words, the value of which your smooth brain is unable to grasp. I hate to say this, but fair is fair, you are not even Jergul level stupid.
Tue Dec 31 07:10:27
Has Rugian ever been abroad apart from at best a drunken weekend in Mexico at best? I seriously doubt it
Tue Dec 31 07:12:44
And yet Rugian has a better grasp on the world than you do. Thanks for proving my point :-)
Tue Dec 31 07:16:27
But, as any fool can work out, its perfectly obvious that any country consumed by nativism is not going to have any interest in other cultures in their flag-waving, chest-beating self-adulating supremacy fantasies.
Tue Dec 31 07:17:42
Or, as this professor trying to defend the US puts it:

I teach about “other nations and cultures” as part of my job, and it’s not that Americans are uninterested in the outside world at all; far from it. Indeed, in our colleges and universities there is often some sort of requirement that students study foreign countries - and, often, non-Western countries specifically. I have no trouble filling my courses on India and the Islamic World, and I don’t teach in a major urban area. In fact, I teach in what has to be one of the most socially and politically conservative parts of the U.S. (and, no, it’s not the South).

However, not all Americans have the opportunity to learn about the external world. To begin with, the vast majority of Americans do not go to college, and as a result they learn about the world through popular media. If you’re being educated as an adult mainly by the “Discovery Channel,” etc., then you’re probably going to end up with highly skewed knowledge, at best, and a presentation format that is geared to about a 12-year-old’s vocabulary and a child’s attention span, if that.
large member
Tue Dec 31 07:36:53
Cutie, you know, at some point, you might just have to recognize that you are just plain wrong about just so, many, many things. Nothing wrong about being wrong. Easy to correct once you accept it <3.
Tue Dec 31 07:38:48
It is, of course, exactly this culture of I dun need to know nuffin' cos Im a white american alpha male jock who can beat up any fag with glasses who studies in school that Musk is talking about in the current infighting
Tue Dec 31 09:51:03
This culture of gave you the internet and computer you are using so you can “work” translating and feel important and intellectual. Even the lion battery in your gay scooter, likely not been as affordable if not for Elon Musk.

How does it make you feel that your life is made possible by macho white men who dun need to know nuffin?
Tue Dec 31 09:58:16
That about sums your utterly superficial and intellectually vapid dumbassery about flashing lights and blinking buttons up completely, you empty vessel. I couldnt give a damn about your cesspool internet and would just as happily have worked on my own little farm in my little village, without all the online poison polluting human society. Youre so empty and intellectually deserted.
Tue Dec 31 09:59:13
Here's a bone with flashing lights! Catch! Off you go catch it, you primitive little puppy!
Tue Dec 31 10:05:42
I cant imagine any human being able to experiencing any happiness without being able to flash their latest iPhone to signify their social status in the same way that Indians use caste dots to signify class! I've never experienced intellectual curiosity beyond car chases and explosions in action movies! This is why I hate all the foreigners who look like me! Cos nobody notices when I flash my latest iPhone caste dot anymore waaaaa
Tue Dec 31 10:06:48
Oh boy.
Tue Dec 31 10:07:22
Nothing as impressive as denouncing the luxuries afforded to you by people you look at as inferior, while not giving up any of it.

Stop using it and go away then. Spend the rest of your life in darkness.
Tue Dec 31 10:11:18
The internet and computer has given us access to every work of philosophy and every paper of science. WTB thinks it is a flashing light with buttons.

Tue Dec 31 10:12:13
Youre not worth reading, you empty fluff of narcissistic nonsense, you tiny selfish gene
Tue Dec 31 10:17:45

Maybe British students are learning more about British history for two reasons:

1) Britain is an objectively important country in any study of world history. The empire on which the sun never sets, that once controlled a quarter of a globe, and spread its influence to every corner of the planet...yeah, it's worth spending some extra time on. As opposed to, say, Sweden, wh at its maximum extent only extended as far as...uh, Pomerania?

2) Britain is a more important country for British students to study as compared to other countries, by virtue of the fact that the students are British.

I say this as an avid lover of history...most history that doesn't pertain to one's mother country is irrelevant to the average person. The basic study of history in public education should concentrate on those aspects that shaped the society the student is a member of and give the student a better understanding of the environmental he will likely be operating in for the better part of his life.

For Americans like myself, that would be the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Enlightenment, the Ages of Revolution and Imperialism, the World Wars, and the modern era. Toss that in with a full course of US history, and a student will have basically everything they need to know how the US developed into the country it is today. Ditto logic for the UK.

The average American or British person just doesn't need to know about the Songhai Empire or the Ilkhanate or which states participated in the Thirty Years War or the names of the Abbasid caliphs (as-Saffah, al-Mansur, al-Mahdi, al-Hadi, al-Rashid, al-Amin, al-Ma'mun, al-Mu'tasim, al-Wathiq, al-Mutawakkil, al-Muntasir, al-Musta'in, al-Mu'tazz, al-Muhtadi, al-Mu'tamid, al-Mu'tadid, al-Muktafi, al-Muqtadir, al-Qahir...suck it WTB. I actually know a lot of history that you probably don't)

So yeah. Unless you're planning on embarking on a career in the Foreign Office, most history should be considered a hobby as opposed to essential learning.
Tue Dec 31 10:20:50

What do you think we are doing here, cosplaying as international diplomats? I can express whatever fucking opinion about your country that I want, and encourage your citizenry to take whatever actions I choose.

If I want to instruct your limey neighbors to vote Farage, purge the teachers and trannies, burn down every mosque in London, and forgo doner kebabs in the name of good ol' English patriotism, that's my goddamn perogative.

Free speech nigga. It kind of rules.
Tue Dec 31 10:22:30
We all know, Mr.s obvious that big countries fall into the trap of only focusing on themselves. You should have got that from my comment about my UK scholling being more self focused on its own glorious past than teaching kids about the world beyond its nationalist propaganda, but sadly you chest beaters dont think beyond who can piss the furthest. This chest beating is utterly uninteresting in the context, which is that its a weakness to not notice whats going on around you and to be consumed with self-adoration.
Tue Dec 31 10:24:56
There is no intellectual content in you guys wou cant think beyond the school jock feeling supreme because he can beat up the guy with glasses. Your existence is hardly worth acknowledging because youre still at the raging chimp with a stick level.
Tue Dec 31 10:25:40
Youre exactly what Musk is accusing the US of being, funnily enough
Tue Dec 31 10:27:08
Well that's me told.
Tue Dec 31 10:27:51
(sorry for using the British version of that saying Seb)
Tue Dec 31 10:29:54
But sure WTB...British students should spend more time learning about Mansa Musa and Gustavus Adolphus. I'm sure that'll help them tons in their adult lives.
Tue Dec 31 10:31:25
Also, as far as being culturally backward but technically advanced, the advanced tech in the USA certainly isnt prominent among the average population; rather the opposite. As a Swede in the USA, I couldnt believe how old and outdated mobile phones etc etc etc the average American has compared to Swedes. But since they know nothing about the rest of the world, they think that their phone which no Swede would be seen dead with is far superior to anything any "foreigners" have. This is a great way of keeping your populace content with shit quality
Tue Dec 31 10:36:17
"Alright students. Put away your textbooks on Abraham Lincoln and how he abolished slavery in this country, today we're instead going to study the Kalmar War!"

"Uh, why?"

"Because some angry Swedish guy who claims to be hanging out on his own Mediterranean island like some sort of Bond villain says that your education isn't well-rounded enough."

"But how will this help us to understand the country we live in and the society we'll participate in as members of the body politic?"

"Who cares, you all need more dIvErSiTy in your education!"

Tue Dec 31 10:37:58
Maybe you're overdue for another trip back.

"Mobile phone ownership over time
The vast majority of Americans – 98% – now own a cellphone of some kind. About nine-in-ten (91%) own a smartphone, up from just 35% in the Center’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011."

Tue Dec 31 10:42:29
"The vast majority of Americans – 98% – now own a cellphone of some kind. "

Lol. You can hardly even access your bank in Sweden without the latest smartphone versions, they've so common for so long in Sweden
large member
Tue Dec 31 10:44:11
Yet another thing we can thank covid for. US smartphone adaption jumped forward with covid giving time and government checks giving the money. You are truly blessed.

Tue Dec 31 10:44:26
Numbnutzian Nimatzo has fantasies about one day becomning a white American in America where everyone has all the latest flashing lighht tech. He is of course utterly misguided, living in a country he despises that saved him from Mullahs and where the general populace has decidedly more advanced tech.
Tue Dec 31 10:49:12
"Lol. You can hardly even access your bank in Sweden without the latest smartphone versions, they've so common for so long in Sweden"

Congratulations? Meanwhile Americans own way more cars per capita than Swedes. Oooh, primitive Swedes can't even get transport themselves wherever they want, ROFL.
large member
Tue Dec 31 11:17:02
"own" more cars. Fixed that for you Ruggy :).
Tue Dec 31 11:17:18
Staring at flashing lights = existential fulfillment for the human organism! - an Empty Soul

Tue Dec 31 11:27:05
The problem with some refugees from strongly religious and conservative extremist societies, is, much like Rand's over-compensation for her Stalinist roots, that they hate any semblance of spiritual or intellectual leanings, and oppose, in their misguided and total opposition to religion and anything that smells of spirituality, that anything beyond filling their intestines with food like a worm and blinding their eyes with flashing lights like a rabbit, anything that isnt completely about consumerism and the latest fleeting, wholly materialistic social fashions, is evil.
Tue Dec 31 12:03:20
Yes, all those countries that american religious conservative extremists want to kill are religious conservative extremist countries
Tue Dec 31 13:13:04
"I'm so glad I dont need to pwn a car anymore" - My American friend living in Sweden who was brought up in a Trump family and by a father who literally builds custom cars for millionaires. Rugian beautifully demonstrating zero knowledge outside of the USA which consists of nothing but empty spaces and motorways between malls and residential areas
Sam Adams
Thu Jan 02 23:35:35
Lol europe doubling down on failure.

All the whites, men, intelligent are going to be resentful and increasingly irrate. This will create a host of problems and will probably lead to one of two results:

1) the continued brain drain as successful euros flee, eventually settling on a declined second world status.


2) rebellion
Fri Jan 03 03:43:35

"I can express whatever fucking opinion about your country that I want"

And I can express that this opinion is the ill informed megalomaniacal demands of an outsider who has no understanding of the culture he's critiquing, and that you should mind your own business.
Sam Adams
Fri Jan 03 10:48:04
"who has no understanding of the culture he's critiquing, and that you should mind your own business."

Coming from seb? Lmfao
Fri Jan 03 11:22:47
It's sad how white Americans are so terrified of black people that they have created an entire fantasy about "Western" values that almost nobody in Europe recognises as being part of classical western thought and culture.
Fri Jan 03 11:47:15

"almost nobody in Europe recognises as being part of classical western thought and culture."

You're actually 100% correct on this point. Europe long ago abandoned the values that are the hallmarks of Western civilization.

Napoleon and Marxism ruined you. The first made you turn away from the values of the Enlightenment in favor of maintaining the Conservative Order, and the second was a wholesale rejection entirely of Western values, all two thousand years' worth of them.

America is kind of the last place where the values of the Enlightenment still somewhat hold. We're like the lone outpost that managed to survive after the mother continent was (figuratively) destroyed.
Fri Jan 03 11:51:27
"And I can express that this opinion is the ill informed megalomaniacal demands of an outsider who has no understanding of the culture he's critiquing, and that you should mind your own business."

What an asinine take. Hey asshole, you're not some remote isolated shithole like Mongolia, you've been literally exporting your culture for mass consumption in the States for decades. The crossover ties between our two countries are actually famous, not to mention the utter lack of language barrier that makes it as easy to keep up on what's going on in London as it is in DC.

We know some thing about you Seb. If you don't like that, stop sending your movies and television and music and news our way.
large member
Fri Jan 03 12:09:08
Just as a rule of thumb. I would tend to be sceptical of a apartheid era south african mine owner's son.

Just as a precautionary approach. Though Space Karen also works.
Fri Jan 03 13:16:42

No, we've kept to them, you've abandoned them. The US was a nice experiment but it failed and became something else.
Fri Jan 03 13:18:53

"you've been literally exporting your culture for mass consumption in the States for decades."

Exports require importers.

If you don't like our culture, ban it.

In the mean time don't think that because you speak roughly the same language you understand us.
Fri Jan 03 13:41:04
This is like saying that a Masshole like me can't understand what Texas is like.

Lol Seb. Come on. The enigma that is the UK isn't exactly impossible to decipher.
Sam Adams
Fri Jan 03 15:10:02
Ya the UK is easy to understand. Stupid and poor. Thats about that... explains most of the country.
Fri Jan 03 15:42:18

And yet you don't get it.
Fri Jan 03 16:06:16
I get that you bunch are generally as submissive as hell to the authorities.

I get that your Muslim population increased by a million in just ten years and is likely still growing.

I get that the elite class of your society is thoroughly debauched. Your values are corrupted by your schooling. Your universities swapped out a classic education for ideological training.

Your police prioritize arresting people for mean social media posts over stopping violent criminals. Your archbishops are atheists, your politicians are woke to the core, your news media is sensationalist garbage.

You think nothing of tearing down British flags and replacing them with Pride flags.

And none of this is likely to ever provoke a popular reaction, because again you lot are inherently submissives. And even if you did find the courage to speak out, your government would empty the prisons of violent criminals in order to throw your protesting ass in jail. You have to right to bear arms, your every move in public and online is subject to police surveillance.

Oh, and you have regional accents. And chavs, who are basically the UK version of townies. And people fucking loved the queen. And everything is old, and your modern artists and architects consciously rebel against tradition. And you drive on the left side of the street. Fish and chips and doner kebabs. Boy does Wales have some funny street names, and how wacky are those Scots and Irish. Football and pubs and all that nonsense.

I miss anything bro?
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