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Utopia Talk / Politics / allahu ackbar seb
Sam Adams
Sat Feb 22 13:11:12

The pace of these seems to be picking up. Still think your islamic migration policies were a good idea?
Sat Feb 22 13:13:35
Psycopath Oddams, you will never resolve the misery that is your life as long as you want to solve your mistakes by genocide on people you have never seen and have never heard of your tiny existence.
Sam Adams
Sat Feb 22 13:34:25
Go take your meds and stop your nonhuman babbling wtb.


And yet another seb.
Sat Feb 22 13:45:52
Samantha became a nazi over the last 8 years. Fucking dumbass
Sat Feb 22 13:46:59
Look, Im just trying to help you, psychopath. Your solution to all your failures will never be solved by walking aroound stabbing peoples pet dogs, or shooting school kids or wanting to commit genocide. The reasons for all your bitterness is utterly disconnected from these acts in the physical world. They only make sense inside your diseased mind where everyone but you is an NPC, because you have a mental illness diagnosis. See what Im getting at, psychopath?
Sam Adams
Sat Feb 22 14:20:48
Cuckhats like "if you point out how mass stabbings are bad, you are a nazi"

Lol this how you lose elections to trumps.

Wtb you need help. Go take your meds.
Sat Feb 22 14:32:27
Anyway, psychopath, DM me if you want to discuss your mental illness diagnosis
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