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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit99 NINE-NINE!
Cherub Cow
Thu Mar 28 20:43:18
Because that bunny video was from China, I'll have to assume that the laughter was fake, and it was a remake of a Western video :p

Chinese coffee:
Cherub Cow
Thu Mar 28 23:16:59
"Man Entering Fog Of Insanity Asked If This His First Time At Dave & Buster’s"
[Onion: News in Brief]
Cherub Cow
Thu Mar 28 23:24:37
"“Can I get you a menu?” said a waiter, slowly transforming into a top-hat-wearing anthropomorphic polar bear in the maddened mind of Woodham, who—with his consciousness shattered by the swirling maelstrom of flashing lights and clanging bells amidst a chaotic realm where all logic had ceased to exist—could only drool and answer in crude grunts. “Sir? Excuse me, sir? Would you like to try our chicken wing special, or maybe I could just start you off with [the divine serpent, which you will cradle in your arms until true bliss flows freely through your veins, releasing you from the cruel facade of your mortal prison]?” At press time, sources reported that a profusely sweating Woodham had urinated everywhere and screamed out in hideous, esoteric tongues before tearing off his shirt and running outside."

donkey with abandonment issues:
Fri Mar 29 05:53:40
Things are moving faster than the 40k time line, since the God emporer has revealed himself early
the wanderer
Mon Apr 01 13:52:39
so some girl mistook a car for her Uber & was brutally murdered

i hope that was the guy's plan... and that he didn't just say, 'hmm... a stranger entered my car, i better brutally murder them'
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 02 22:13:21
That's the problem with Ubers, I guess... just random cars pull up; you wave like, "Here for me?"; Norman Bates nods; then you get in a stranger's car who basically got certified in 5 minutes. Turns out to be crazy? "I guess I get raped and murdered today" lol.. it hurts ;D

In case you haven't said, "Are you fucking kidding me what is wrong with people??" today:
(Chinese bus driver making absurd decision)
the wanderer
Tue Apr 02 22:22:39
perhaps he was so preoccupied with whether he could, he didn't stop to think if he should

Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 04 01:21:41
More Chinese shenanigans, this time from 2016:
(Big kitty makes a snag)
Article in comments explains: Woman leaves car and meets bit kitty cat. The woman's mother tries to help her, and another big kitty cat kills the mother. Daughter escapes and sues the wildlife park, and apparently the wildlife park settles with her because they felt bad that she's an idiot or something.
the wanderer
Thu Apr 04 11:53:32
i think i remember that or maybe something similar... all an elaborate ploy by blue shirt guy to get rid of his mother-in-law... maybe


ROGERS, Ark. (AP) — Two Arkansas men have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault after police say they shot each other while taking turns wearing a bulletproof vest.

The Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that 50-year-old Charles Ferris and 36-year-old Christopher Hicks were arrested Monday.

A police affidavit says the two men are neighbors and were drinking on a deck Sunday when Ferris told Hicks to shoot him with a .22-caliber rifle while Ferris wore the vest. The affidavit says the shot left a red mark on Ferris’ chest and that he was angry because it hurt.

The affidavit says Hicks then put on the vest and Ferris “unloaded the clip” into his back, causing bruises but no serious injuries.


seems like that should be legal
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 04 22:44:00
It makes sense if you remember that some people are wicked retarded ;D

"Was LeBron Too Hard On His Laker Teammates When He Called Them A ‘Bunch Of Dumbass Shitheads Who Should Quit Basketball’?"
[Onion Video: "The Morning Sweat"]
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 05 22:09:52
Random prairie dog:
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 06 18:54:40
kitty and balloon:
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 06 18:55:22
Curious way to dispose of kitty litter:
the wanderer
Sat Apr 06 22:38:57
that vicious potato made me look at prairie dog videos... prairie dog hole:
Sun Apr 07 02:37:46
Be the litter change you wish to see in the box.
-Toxoplasma Gondii
the wanderer
Mon Apr 08 01:30:28
Only a skull and a pair of trousers remained after a suspected rhino poacher was killed by an elephant and then eaten by lions in Kruger National Park, South African National Parks said.


the wanderer
Mon Apr 08 11:16:37
(more) monkeys of low moral fiber:
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 08 22:51:53
I guess sick monkeys probably don't do well in monkey culture? ;)

This was a related video:
"Road worker sent spinning through the air after speeding car crashes into him"
..I'm most interested in the comment from the family that was recording: "At first when it happened I thought he had a lost an arm or a leg from the impact. But when we when we watched the footage you could see it was his spade. I shudder to think what would have happened to our family if that had come through our windscreen ... It’s terrible. You can’t explain the trauma. We cried and our little ones of seven and 10 were so traumatised they just shouted at us to get away."

That reminds me of abuser logic. I've heard the same from people who complain about cyclists on the road because if they were to kill the cyclists then they'd suffer the trauma of having killed someone... never mind that they just killed someone (i.e., never mind the other person who suffered actual harm)... similarly, here they don't really care that this worker was seriously injured by a negligent driver, they're just concerned that *they* **might have been** affected (but they weren't) or that their children might be shocked by it... :|
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 08 22:54:49
More Chinese stuff (does it deserve a separate thread? lulz). This time, it's relevant because it's another stolen idea video — they seem to steal Western vine and short video ideas regularly..
(scooter drives by with trombone playing motorcycle sound)
Worse is that not only did they steal the idea, but they stole the audio track from the original video (original video in comments)
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 08 22:55:49
Cat cosplay of Hellboy:
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 02:11:32
"NYPD officer wipes out on dirt bike in Harlem"
A passerby in the video was pretty happy since the police are "trying to disaffect [black people] over here" so it's good when they injure themselves... seems logical ;p
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 15:12:16
kitty cat doesn't want food; right now it wants love <3
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 21:57:27
Kitty massages pregnant goat to help bring forth the Anti-Christ:
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 23:20:34
kitty meows with the Office theme song:
..which reminds me.. I never did watch the Will Ferrell Office episodes. I think I stopped after Michael left and then picked up again for the last season or two..
the wanderer
Wed Apr 10 01:36:07

...i didn't even know there were Will Ferrell Office episodes
the wanderer
Wed Apr 10 21:31:07

probably not usually ^that successful
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 01:09:37
They probably like to eat peoples' faces more often than not ;D

A website that lets you listen to purring sounds:
Thu Apr 11 01:10:56
Is that...safe for work?
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 03:25:07
lol, yes :D
It's just like that webpage http://asoftmurmur.com/ — it's background noise, with the site just having adjustable level controls and nothing else :D
the wanderer
Thu Apr 11 11:27:15
confusing video:
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 13:08:22
Weird audio and no conclusion? What’s wrong with these people ;D
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 14:25:40
"Burger King Releases Meatless ‘Impossible Whopper’
"In an effort to attract vegetarian customers, Burger King is now selling a meatless Whopper at many of their franchises using the soy-based Impossible Burger. What do you think?"
[Onion: American Voices]
"“What a heartwarming and research-driven gesture of goodwill towards vegetarians.”
Andrew Conway • Unemployed"

...yeaaaaah... having once purchased Burger King's attempt at a veggie burger many years ago (2005?) and found it covered in regular burger bits from them not even giving the grill a quick clean before cooking a vegetarian item on it... that's an easy pass for me ;p
Plus, nowadays there exist plenty of full-vegetarian restaurants that have fake stuff for their entire menu, so going to a Burger King just doesn't make sense.
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 14:28:56
"NRA Criticizes Video Game Makers For Downplaying Portrayal Of Euphoric Rush Felt Watching Light Leave Enemy’s Eyes"
[Onion: News in Brief]
"“We cannot abide these companies’ heinous abdication of their responsibility to convey that exquisite, godlike euphoria which overcomes gun owners after blowing someone away with a semiautomatic rifle,” said NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch, harshly reprimanding several prominent video game manufacturers including Ubisoft, Rockstar, and EA Games for their refusal to accurately depict the all-consuming torrent of potency arising from inflicting gunshot wounds. “It’s completely inexplicable, let alone inexcusable, that so many young American gamers are falsely led to believe that shooting another human is an ordinary, mundane act. By depriving players of their constitutionally guaranteed right to exult in the transfiguring power of watching a person’s soul torn from their body by a storm of lead, these game makers trivialize a crucial part of the firearm experience.” Loesch concluded the statement by urging video game companies to, at minimum, preface their games with a disclaimer informing potential consumers that gun deaths depicted during gameplay are far less awesome than those inflicted in real life."
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 22:05:00
Big kitty cat gives visitor a little love bite:
bad filming at the end :(
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 11 22:16:05
This might be *too* Russian ;D
"When you're so high crazy shit starts happening"
the wanderer
Thu Apr 11 22:27:35
even a house cat might do that... that guy doesn't understand cats... nor wild apex predators
Anarchist Prime
Fri Apr 12 17:11:07
Soldier charged after 'going rogue' during computer game on virtual battlefield

Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 12 17:52:20
Sounds about right. I said it before in UP, but Panoptic cultures (which the UK is) tend to fail at making distinctions between the real and the virtual, so virtual acts are more likely to be punished in the real by those cultures. Though, to be fair, it's not *completely* absurd in this case because it was for "disobeying orders", which may have included taking the virtual exercise seriously.. I doubt that was the case — sounds more like an officer got upset that the game wasn't taken seriously — but they at least have that escape clause ;D

"that guy doesn't understand cats..."
And the lady doesn't understand that screaming didn't help the situation ;D

These kittens wearing hats may be cute, but all of them were euthanized because the content creator didn't get enough upvotes on Instagram:
Fri Apr 12 18:59:51
Just burning some weed...
Video is in German, but I guess you get what's gone wrong.
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 13 18:12:15
I was hoping that this was the start of a national-scale brush fire or something ;D

Mario putting down Yoshi:
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 13 18:12:19
That clip was from this person who apparently made a real gun that looks like the NES Zapper:
Sun Apr 14 09:24:57
Is this racist?
the wanderer
Sun Apr 14 11:13:30
Sun Apr 14 15:24:31
Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 14 17:34:36
Japan has so many weird vending machines that that may be an actual thing.
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 16 02:14:14
"Media Condemns Julian Assange For Reckless Exposure Of How They Could Be Spending Their Time"
[Onion: News in Brief]
"“We denounce Julian Assange in the strongest possible terms for his negligence in publicly demonstrating the kinds of work journalists could actually be doing to investigate government malfeasance and hold the powerful accountable,” said Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt, speaking on behalf of many of the leading members of the media who castigated Assange for never once considering the harm that bringing rampant government criminality to light no matter the consequences could do to other news publications’ reputations. “It’s abundantly clear that Mr. Assange was focused on exposing documented evidence of U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan without so much as a thought for the journalists who faithfully parroted the U.S. military’s talking points when we could have been investigating information that ran contrary to that narrative—does he realize how that makes us look? The fact that he’d just publish information vital to the public interest from primary sources exactly as it was written instead of working with government officials to omit the most damaging parts in exchange for keeping access channels open is simply beyond the pale. The fact that the American public now knows what we’re actually doing day to day is incredibly harmful to this nation.” Media industry leaders did, however, admit that they could probably stand to go easier on Assange where the sexual assault allegations made against him were concerned."
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 16 02:15:18
"Ecuadorian Embassy Runs Ad Seeking ‘No Drama’ Tenant For Newly Vacant Room"
[Onion: News in Brief]
"“We’re looking for someone who can get along with a diverse group of foreign government dignitaries,” read the ad in part, noting that the ideal roommate to fill the vacancy in the spacious multi-story home located in the quiet Kensington neighborhood would keep regular hours and not spend all their time in the apartment. “You must have a steady job and pay rent on time—this is non-negotiable due to past issues we’ve had. Guests are okay, but if you’re constantly having over girlfriends, boyfriends, journalists, or activists, this is not the place for you.” The ad requested that all interested parties attend the embassy’s Saturday open house and be prepared with at least two past-roommate references and a security deposit of two months’ rent."
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 11:40:52
An elderly man who squirted a woman with urine while she was walking her dog was arrested in Florida over the weekend — and he’s not sorry.

Gulfport police reportedly picked up Joel Benjamin, 71, on Saturday after he used a squirt gun to soak a 50-year-old woman passing by his house.

“The def approached the victim and pulled out a water gun containing his own urine,” according to an affidavit obtained by the Smoking Gun. “(He) then squirted the victim with his own urine several times.”

According to the report, an unrepentant Benjamin told police he would “do it again.”

The Smoking Gun quotes a source saying Benjamin may have been upset about dogs urinating in front of his house.

a legitimate complaint
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 11:56:25
this video doesn't meet full expectations but still worth 20 secs imo

"Dog smashes window in pursuit on mailman"
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 18 01:18:53
It seems to get quiet afterwards... like it knew that it was going to be in trouble this time ;D

"a legitimate complaint"

I weirdly agree a little... dogs just get to pee wherever? Where's the justice? ;D

This one made me lol :D

"Beyond Meat Researchers Announce Creation Of Fully Conscious, Plant-Based Veal Calf"
[Onion: News in Brief]
"“We’re proud to offer our customers a veal replacement made from sentient calves whose bodies are composed of a 100% meat-free blend of soy and pea proteins,” said company spokesperson Jerry Caputo, explaining that the new product both tastes and behaves like a real calf and is equipped with a nervous system that allows it to feel just as much pain as a normal meat-based animal. “People can enjoy our veal chops guilt-free, knowing the food is sourced from a factory farm where the tiny, overcrowded pens are occupied by calves that do not contain a single ounce of meat. It took years to create a Beyond Meat calf that could bleat in anguish when torn away from its mother and tremble in fear upon being led into the slaughterhouse, but we did it. These little fellas can even defecate themselves when their throats are cut.” Officials confirmed the company’s next generation of veal calves would be 30% more intelligent than regular cows and capable of attempting suicide to escape their brutal living conditions."
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 12:14:56
^sounds like something China would do


DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP) — Authorities in Florida are asking for the public’s help in tracking down a man who they say burglarized a Little League concession stand wearing nothing more than a ballcap and gloves.

The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office says the naked burglar struck the stand at Fischer Field in Dunedin almost two weeks ago.

Deputies say the burglar stole cameras and a cash box with $250 inside, and he caused $5,000 in damage.

Surveillance video obtained by the Tampa Bay Times also shows the man taking a package of hot dogs.

< the video... not too exciting: >
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 12:29:46
Medical Study

To determine whether it would be hygienic to evaluate dogs and humans in the same MRI scanner.

We compared the bacterial load in colony-forming units (CFU) of human-pathogenic microorganisms in specimens taken from 18 men and 30 dogs.


Our study shows that bearded men harbour significantly higher burden of microbes and more human-pathogenic strains than dogs.

• Dogs are no risk to humans if they use the same MRI

more info if desired:
Thu Apr 18 12:56:57
Dogs should be allowed informed consent before given an MRI after hipsters.
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 18 15:25:05
"nothing more than a ballcap and gloves."

Maybe he thought he'd be tracked by his clothes? D:
No disguise is the best disguise? D:
Exhibitionism? D:

(Nude man doing back pack curls on subway)
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 19:18:28
maybe he was dreaming... makes sense if you don't think about it
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 19 13:56:45
So we're all part of his dream world? Just unconscious thoughts, waiting to be activated by a drifting narrative? D:

Another of those funny squirrel feeders:
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 19 13:58:16
"Meanwhile at the Discocat..."
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 19 14:12:56
Anarchist Prime
Fri Apr 19 21:52:51
the wanderer
Sat Apr 20 13:10:23
decent daily dose

thumbs cat, jerk train, spooky sounds, blood cells, helmet squirrel
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 20 17:23:28
That was great :D
- not sure why a polydactyl cat needed to be explained in this day and age, but it was still footage of cat, so +1 Deer
- that train thing was hilarious :D ... the source video doesn’t have an explanation, so I’m guessing that the driver was trying to get fired? ;)
- I need the spooky sounds instrument !!:D
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 20 18:11:06
ultra cute kitty meow-meow:
Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 21 19:02:08
I know that this is satire that uses an extreme opinion as the joke... but I actually agree with it ;D

"‘The Onion’ Endorses Legal Marijuana"
[Onion: Editorial]
"We must legalize marijuana as the next step on our path to the breakdown of all laws and societal norms. If we someday want to live in a world where heroin, sex trafficking, and murder are all permitted, we need to start by legalizing pot.
"For years, critics have warned that marijuana is a slippery slope to more dangerous drugs and activities—they are correct, and that is exactly why it should be legalized ...
"The full-scale collapse of civilization may be outside the desires of dull, unimaginative cowards who only want to sit on their couches, watching mindless TV and living free from roaming gangs of organ harvesters, but they don’t see the future. The Onion welcomes it with open arms.
"We live in a world in which the cowardice of morals and the desire for stability chain our minds. We are supposed to care for each other, respect each other, go to work, but all that will be rendered meaningless with cannabis. Society is a lie. Death and destruction are the only rules of nature, and the prohibition of marijuana infringes on that. Soon, not only weed, but also crack and amphetamines will flow freely, and mothers will bash their children’s skulls in to partake in drug-fueled orgies uninhibited by society’s standards. These are things we all secretly desire, the dark heart of man we try to deny with our rules and regulations. But The Onion knows the truth: We were born to eat each other. A man should be free to smoke a joint with one hand and sip wine from the skull of his enemy in another."
Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 21 19:25:31
Soccer/Rugby.. except with tasers:
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 23 14:45:44
Interesting new Gallop pole being released:

"Depressed Gallup Director Issues Poll Asking Whether Anyone Would Care Whether He Lives Or Dies"
[Onion: News in Brief]
"“Would you be likely, somewhat likely, or unlikely to cry upon learning that Gallup chief executive Jim Clifton died? If you did cry for Jim, would you cry a great deal, somewhat, or not very much at all?” read the poll, which was evidently written by Clifton himself, in part, ultimately attempting to ascertain whether citizens would be happy, sad, or indifferent if the 67-year-old businessman had never been born. “In your opinion, has Jim Clifton even done anything meaningful with his life? Like, truly meaningful? Do you feel that Jim Clifton made a significant impact on the world, no impact on the world, or would you say nothing he has done ever mattered, that nothing anyone does matters, that life is just one big, cruel joke and nothing, in fact, matters, and that Jim Clifton may as well just die already? Is it a goddamn waste of time to think otherwise? And would you say it’s all fucking pointless or that it’s most likely all fucking pointless?” Clifton, who offered no comment, has since released poll results demonstrating that opinions of him have reached their lowest point since 1981."
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 23 14:46:39
lulz.. I spelled "Gallup" wrong even with it in the title :p

Good workplace policy:
"Boss Encourages Employees To Take Short Mental Breakdowns For Every Hour Of Work"
[Onion: News in Brief]
Anarchist Prime
Wed Apr 24 07:38:28
the wanderer
Wed Apr 24 11:39:42
from Jesus combat to the Easter bunny combat:
Anarchist Prime
Wed Apr 24 18:26:48
Wed Apr 24 19:29:46
A little man hating dyke with every meal!
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 25 01:33:40
More of that slave morality feminism :/ ... their comments in the article were pretty circular. Like, "the way the world responded showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy." Someone in the Twitter comments points out that that's just confirmation bias; in this case, do/say something crazy, interpret (wrongly) backlash as "fragile masculinity" and "patriarchy" :|

"Easter bunny combat"

Did sound work for you on that? That was fun :D .. a definite plus that he stayed in costume during and after the fight :D

squeaky kitty:
Thu Apr 25 03:22:48
Love me some orange kitteh!
Cherub Cow
Fri Apr 26 05:35:43
"Meow" onomatopoeia in various languages:
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 27 15:11:44
Raccoon tries to be a good new roommate but is kicked out :(
Cherub Cow
Sat Apr 27 17:45:55
Pigeons at last embracing the call of the void:
the wanderer
Sat Apr 27 22:27:19
that was odd :p... according to link in comments

"In the video, pigeons are seen being dragged in with grain at a bread-baking plant. However, after that, the birds are free to fly away. Before it is baked into bread, the grain is washed and undergoes a thermal treatment."


i didn't hear audio on Easter bunny, there probably is on the original somewhere though
the wanderer
Sun Apr 28 15:04:02
DELAND, Fla. (AP) — Authorities say a 72-year-old Florida man repeatedly stabbed his nephew because he was taking too long in the bathroom.

Volusia County Sheriff’s deputies and DeLand police arrived Tuesday to find the 29-year-old victim with wounds in his stomach and back.

Investigators said the victim lives in his vehicle in his father’s driveway and that his father allows him to use the bathroom. According to a report, he was about to get in the shower when his uncle Dan Johnson started banging on the bathroom door, complaining he’d been in for too long. The victim said he opened the door and was stabbed repeatedly with a knife. Johnson told investigators the victim had taken a step toward him.

The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports Johnson was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and is being held without bond.
Sun Apr 28 16:03:13
That's a hard core way to get the house by yourself.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 28 16:20:45
you do have to wonder how long he was in there for knives to come out
Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 28 18:14:17
"According to a report, he was about to get in the shower"

Hmm... sounds like he had just finished pooping then was going to top it off with a shower. That's practically criminal. When it's just one bathroom you have to take a courtesy five minutes before starting the next segment — that kind of bad roommate behavior was probably the reason he was living in the driveway ;)

"In the video, pigeons are seen being dragged in with grain at a bread-baking plant. However, after that, the birds are free to fly away. Before it is baked into bread, the grain is washed and undergoes a thermal treatment."

I'll believe it when I see it. But with just that video, those birds totes ded ;p

kitty cat kitty cats aggressively:
Cherub Cow
Wed May 01 01:04:45
"Taylor Swift Debuts New Single
"Pop star Taylor Swift debuted “ME!” a new duet with Brendon Urie from Panic! At the Disco likely to tease an upcoming album. What do you think?"
[Onion: American Voices]
"“Isn’t she getting a little old to be so into Taylor Swift?”
Ted Doherty • Carrot Farmer"
Cherub Cow
Wed May 01 13:39:22
Baby learns early that security is unattainable:
("When mommy is a twin.")
Cherub Cow
Thu May 02 03:24:22
Fun rampage of adult against kids in some kind of play area:
the wanderer
Fri May 03 01:52:08
guy helps constrictor out:
Cherub Cow
Fri May 03 03:49:56
I like all the people sitting there, doing nothing, totally clueless.... D:

"Heartbreaking: Dad Has Pretty Obviously Changed His Behavior For Fear Of Getting Cancelled As If He’s Even Close To Important Enough For That To Happen"
[Clickhole: Lifestyle]
"The guy is a frozen section manager at ShopRite that literally no one has ever heard of or cares about, but he still earnestly believes he could be facing major public backlash if he doesn’t stop telling his usual lame-ass offensive jokes about women and minorities. While it’s undeniably a good thing that he’s trying to be more thoughtful and tolerant, the reality is that 95% of the people he interacts with are obnoxious old honkies just like him and they certainly don’t care whether or not he’s woke."
Cherub Cow
Fri May 03 20:39:40
You guys need to get #woke and start watching #Mostly4Millennials ( http://www.adultswim.com/videos/mostly-4-millennials ). Make sure to #comment #like #subscribe and #SupportOurPoops and #ThinkAboutIt! "Subscription is the body. Tweets are the blood! Wire me your trust fund!"
the wanderer
Sat May 04 11:40:28
i watched episode #1... wow :p... was not surprised to see Eric Andre in the credits

another possibly good weird show is "Happy!"... i've only seen a few minutes of it, but it had a good hatchet fight, you don't see those much
the wanderer
Sat May 04 11:45:48
good bull technique
the wanderer
Sat May 04 19:09:10
Police in Ocala, Florida, have arrested the third of four suspects wanted for forcibly tattooing a misspelled racial slur on another man’s neck.

Brandon Hayley, 28, was arrested Monday on warrants for aggravated battery and armed robbery stemming from a Jan. 24 incident involving a 41-year-old male victim. He also faces two counts of battery that involve incidents that occurred after the tattoo.

The victim, identified as Michael Hart, told investigators that Hayley; Lucian “Luke” Evans, 40; Brett “Wolf” Singleton, 45; and Mary “Beth” Durham, 35, showed up at a home where he was staying.

They allegedly told Hart they were going to cover a gang tattoo on his neck with another one, according to Ocala.com.

Evans and Hayley held him down while Singleton began tattooing the neck.

The man tried to fight off the forced inking until Hayley knocked him unconscious. He woke to find Durham tattooing his neck, while saying, “I’ve never done this before.”

The new tattoo read “Fuck you, Niger”. In addition, the old tattoo was still visible under the new one.

But the new tattoo wasn’t meant to be racist, Evans told police when he and Durham were arrested last month.

Evans claimed he and his accomplices were trying to discipline Hart for violating gang rules, according to the Miami Herald.

Hart told police that when he woke up, his phone was missing and “his pants were twisted and his ‘butt’ hurt.”

According to an arrest report obtained by the paper:

(Hart) stated he was wearing blue jeans and felt something wet in his pants. (Hart) stated when he looked at his pants, he saw what he believed to be blood. Michael stated he felt like he’d been sodomized, but could not provide any more details.


^story leaves some unanswered questions
Cherub Cow
Sun May 05 01:23:17
D: D: D:

I was going to make a joke about why a local gang might not like Niger's politics, but the sodomy sort of eclipsed the misspelling D:

"was not surprised to see Eric Andre in the credits"

Yeah :D
It's basically Eric Andre Show with brighter colors ;p
Lots of good stuff in the rest of the (short) season. He even somehow manages an uncomfortable interview with Ann Coulter, but now that he's on the radar I'm guessing he'll have trouble with high profile people in the future ;p

Arg! Looks like it's Netflix streaming only. I may need to finally get that because that show seems fun

"good bull technique"
That fence seemed a little under-engineered :p

Driver seems to be enjoying his sobriety stop:
Cherub Cow
Mon May 06 01:37:31
hard-tailed kitty cat and litter living in grill:
Cherub Cow
Mon May 06 01:39:42
Top comment: "He was a skater boy, he said AAAAAAAAAHHHH OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! He wasn't good enough for her."
the wanderer
Mon May 06 11:53:46
"Happy!" season 2 is available 'on demand' on xfinity for anyone that applies to... i may have to get Netflix to see season 1 unless SyFy reruns it
(i haven't yet watched any episodes, just caught bits & pieces)

tree revenge
Cherub Cow
Thu May 09 02:22:15
Guessing he's totes ded ;p

This person has a *lot* of pets :D
Not like, crazy Russian cat lady, but a fair amount :p
Cherub Cow
Thu May 09 02:30:35
Someone sort of pulled a George Lucas by adding new Star Wars stuff to old Star Wars stuff... it's kind of awful and kind of good, depending on how imagination you grant it ;p
""Scene 38 ReImagined" is about the final confrontation between Ben Kenobi & Darth Vader in "A New Hope""
Cherub Cow
Thu May 09 02:40:59
*how [much] imagination

ugly kitteh:
the wanderer
Thu May 09 10:55:08
re: Star Wars
was definitely some more exciting/dramatic fighting... and quality work...

<nerd>not sure 'force push' is usable on other force users, or they'd be doing it all the time... (don't recall it in the movies)</nerd>
Cherub Cow
Thu May 09 18:59:08
In Episode 1-3 canon it works. Anakin and Obi-Wan force-pushed each other in their title fight: (Episode 3 / Iron Man mash-up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN6vWi21Dwc ). Dooku also used it against Anakin after he cut off Anakin's arm ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhKtvivlPHk ). I think it just has to be blocked with a saber (sabers neutralize force powers such as lightning, so neutralizing force push makes sense?).

Royal couple with their new kitty cat:
A gif of this appeared on Imgur where some peeps pointed out that BBC comedy journalist Danny Baker was just fired for depicting the royal baby as a chimp (which by his word he did not mean in a racial way and was just using a random animal in royal clothes), so, while not *Owl_Kitty*'s meaning, depicting it as a cat sort of drives the point that it could be any animal ;p
Thu May 09 19:19:00
The star wars scene was certainly cool. It was a well choreographed fight. But it just wasn't Vader's character in the first trilogy. Vader was impending death. He had an inevitability to him that was bolstered by his slow, steady movement. He didn't have to rush, he didn't have to be flashy; he was the very best and he knew he would win. This scene takes that aura away from Vader and replaces it with a more generic "bad guy in action movie" feel.
Cherub Cow
Fri May 10 00:23:12
Yeah :/ ... it's new-school over-the-top trying to rewrite the old school pacing. It's fine as its own thing, but I wouldn't prefer it over the original.

There's a big disconnect between people who grew up watching Episodes 4-6 and people whose first experience was 1-3. 1-3 peeps like a capoeira/dance look, and 4-6 peeps like meaningful strikes. The new movies and this scene tried to combine the two, but it never feels quite right. I think Star Wars died in 1983 and that was it. :p

mommy kitty:
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