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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit128 #2tothe7th
the wanderer
Tue Aug 03 16:58:41
"Frontier passenger allegedly touched 2 flight attendants breasts, then screamed his parents are worth $2 million, before punching a flight attendant. Frontier suspended the crew for duct taping the passenger to his seat as they landed in Miami. 22 yr old Max Berry is in custody."

w/ video of some of it:
(crew suspended for improper restraining procedure pending investigation, noted in followup tweet)
the wanderer
Tue Aug 03 18:41:05
some more of ^that guy
the wanderer
Wed Aug 04 13:02:01
some more of ^that guy

he tweeted:
"This will forever be the most dehumanizing experience in my entire life. Many people laughed and ridiculed me as I was mistreated by staff of a PROFESSIONAL airline. Just to make matters worth this has gone “viral” on the internet and will never disappear. My life will never be"
<it doesn't continue>




"I could buy that jank ass airline if I wanted to. Fuck out my face"


"Can somebody tell what the hell is funny about being duct taped to an airplane seat? I was treated like livestock"


and some other details of what happened before video:

"The 22-year old at one point spilled a drink on his shirt and retreated to the bathroom, only to emerge without his top on. A member of the crew helped Berry retrieve a clean shirt from his carry-on luggage.

After wandering about the plane for about 15 minutes, Berry was speaking with a flight attendant before he allegedly grabbed her breasts, The Miami Herald reported."
the wanderer
Fri Aug 06 12:37:52
cats watching a neighbor fight
the wanderer
Sun Aug 08 17:29:24
dog appropriating cat culture
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 09 07:07:08
Arg. I closed my window with my response in it and totally forgot about it so I can't even use the "Recover last session" thing — I'd almost forgotten how often I used to lose text to that sort of issue in UGT (before being able to recover a closed window) :D

Anyways.. the short version was that I thought the Frontier Airlines thing was a total lose-lose for everyone. Awful kid, awful crew, awful passengers. It's like a drunken brawl on an inner city bus — everyone winds up covered in cherry vodka and spit ;D

This Viva La Dirt League video doesn't quite qualify for the lol thread ;p .. but it kind of encapsulates how work games can become painful when the dynamic changes:
the wanderer
Mon Aug 09 15:19:03
some of that crumpling seemed to be of clean blank paper... i feel triggered :p
the wanderer
Mon Aug 09 15:24:58
guy failing to recognize his opponent has no concern for his safety (but still seems to escape injury):
the wanderer
Tue Aug 10 15:34:02
LEGO games on major sale on Steam... i know i liked the Lord of the Rings one
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 11 05:19:26
"guy failing to recognize his opponent has no concern for his safety (but still seems to escape injury)"

Yeah.... some poor choices by that man. She was clearly crazy and evading responsibility.. Seemed like he was hamming it up for effect but didn't realize that she could kill him and that he already had enough of a claim.. not great thinking D:

This article seems to think that the daughter of the man whose car was hit came forward with details (can't tell if it's really her or just someone pretending). If true, the deets: this happened about a month ago, they found the driver (A student at a nearby college), but charges seem to be pending while their lawyer works with the local police.
Hopefully we get follow up that involves jail time :p
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 11 05:26:23
This funny video from October 2020 has been making the rounds. It's sort of anti-vaccine, anti-mask, and definitely gets political, but I think it's worth posting because it's funny.. especially because people have called this person (Chris Sky) "Gymstrodamus" for his accurate COVID predictions and gym bod ;D
the wanderer
Wed Aug 11 19:14:21
reckless endangerment & hit and run charges seem warranted for parking lot lady

sliding... like a boss
the wanderer
Thu Aug 12 00:23:47
A South Carolina man has been arrested for alleging giving a child a face tattoo at a McDonald’s restaurant, police said.

Brandon Presha, 28, of Laurens, S.C., is charged with illegal tattooing and underage tattooing after police learned that a minor received a tattoo.
Cherub Cow
Fri Aug 13 05:39:49
"sliding... like a boss"
Absolute legend! :D
the wanderer
Sun Aug 15 13:09:07
sports fanning:
the wanderer
Sun Aug 15 13:10:58
and a view of the instigator:

...she does seem to be getting a bit of comeuppance at end of first video w/ ass-crack guy on the left
Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 15 23:31:59
"sports fanning"
Is this male bonding? ;D
That's pro-level instigation. She lobs from behind a wall of protection, then sits back and enjoys the carnage. Manipulators and honor culture go well together ;)

Cat startled awake:
the wanderer
Mon Aug 16 23:22:46
"Tesla is under investigation because its cars can't stop hitting emergency vehicles"

the wanderer
Thu Aug 19 11:40:37
a new Lets Game It Out
building an underwater dinosaur park
the wanderer
Thu Aug 19 11:46:37
from teflon murderer Robert Durst cross-examination:

Asked if he would admit killing Susan Berman, if he had done so, Durst said no.

“If you’ve said you’ve taken an oath to tell the truth but you’ve also just told us that you would lie if you needed to,” Lewin asked, “can you tell me how that would not destroy your credibility?”

“Because what I’m saying is mostly the truth,” Durst said. “There are certain things I would lie about, certain very important things.”

Durst said the most important of those things now was whether he killed Berman. He denied doing so, though he admitted sending police a note directing them to her “cadaver,” which he admitted Monday he had always lied about because it made him look culpable.

Durst also acknowledged he wouldn’t admit killing his wife, Kathie Durst, if he had. And he wouldn’t admit to murdering his neighbor Morris Black in Galveston, Texas, in 2001 if he had done so.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 20 14:16:51
reassuring words from Elon Musk about his Tesla Bots:

"It is intended to be friendly, of course... We're setting it such that it is at a mechanical level, at a physical level, you can run away from it, and most likely overpower it. So, hopefully that doesn't ever happen, but you never know."


...just don't change the setting
Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 22 03:15:26
lulz. He's being too meta about the singularity, which isn't going to fly with the peeps who don't want to.. you know.. be killed and/or replaced by that singularity ;D

On Durst.. I mean.. he was being reasonable in a 5th Amendment sense of not self-incriminating.. but his choice of words in explaining that D:

One of the top comments for this probably makes a better title:
"Just imagine, next time you see someone doing some crazy Florida Man stuff that makes no sense at all, maybe you're just an NPC watching a player trying to break the physics and clip through reality for a speed run."
(This YouTuber seems to use Joel Haver's same animation style, which makes sense, since Haver put out a step-by-step how-to guide)
the wanderer
Tue Aug 24 12:03:42
the Durst trial seems to be on YouTube, i watched a tiny portion of the cross exam, his health very deteriorated (or a good faker)

apparently he objected to a question by his own lawyer on relevance grounds, so still quite the character :p you kinda want to like him even though he's clearly killing people
the wanderer
Wed Aug 25 16:15:29
seems Quentin Tarantino may know quite a bit about movies

hide the video & just listen to audio if you want to play along, not that anyone has a chance besides maybe CC

Cherub Cow
Fri Aug 27 07:20:31
"hide the video & just listen to audio if you want to play along"

Oh cool! Here we go:
1) Don't know ..
lulz.. not starting well for me.. :p
2) Arg.. no idea... sounds '80s..
wow.. weirdly had not heard of this one :D
3) Lulz... these sound like movies that Evenflow would know. I like a lot of bad movies, but wow :D
4) Dammit! Yeah, no idea :D

I clearly need to brush up on the darkest corners of bad '70s/'80s movies ;D

My YouTube suggestions have become 90% Tarkov videos, but this got through (starts pretty average but ends really strong):
"Eating alone at restaurants"
[Viva La Dirt League; August 27th, 2021]
the wanderer
Fri Aug 27 12:29:44
eating alone should be the norm... eating w/ others is weird
the wanderer
Fri Aug 27 12:34:24
something worse to imagine than being stuck crawling through an air duct:
Sat Aug 28 12:28:27
>>"hide the video & just listen to audio if you want to play along"

I've probably seen most of these when I was younger. my parents owned a video rental store in the 80's and I was watching anything that came in including the Faces of Death flicks
the wanderer
Sat Aug 28 17:20:35
every time i have my feet by the edge of a bed i fear having my ankle sliced... damn horror movies :p
the wanderer
Sat Aug 28 18:01:42
a Daily Dose
w/ bat w/ cheeks full of banana
Cherub Cow
Sun Aug 29 05:24:33
That was a good one :D
Haven't seen Daily Dose in a while!

"my parents owned a video rental store in the 80's and I was watching anything that came in including the Faces of Death flicks"

Awesome :D
A friend whose dad owned a local store (not a Blockbuster) had advanced copies of movies that way, so maybe you had a similar experience: the early-release VHS tapes would always have the promotional thing flashing on the screen every few minutes.. something like, "[Property of the Studio.. not for rental/sale]". That's a big part of how I saw so many movies growing up: lots of trips to their store for bad horror movies ;D

"When your GPS interrupts the best part of a song"
[Joel Haver; August 26th, 2021]
the wanderer
Sun Aug 29 17:42:25
sideways trebuchet demonstration (w/ the shoe)
the wanderer
Wed Sep 01 13:37:17
San Francisco is rolling out a pilot program that will pay high-risk individuals to not shoot anyone as gun crimes tick up in the city.

"These small investments can transform the lives of individuals, but they can also transform communities," Sheryl Davis, executive director of the Human Rights Commission, told Newsweek.

The Dream Keeper Fellowship will pay 10 individuals who are at high risk of being on either end of a shooting $300 each month to not be involved in such crimes.


Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 03 04:30:45
I'm not an economist, but it's probably cheaper than $300 to euthanize them ;)

"Becoming an E-Girl Speedrun World Record"
[SpeedUncle99; August 18th, 2021]
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 04 09:59:44
An important historical moment that we may have missed during Shia LaBeouf's monument days:
"man standing in front of Labeouf's monument re-enacts bane scene"
the wanderer
Sat Sep 04 12:34:17
looks pretty accurate :p, i wonder if he had cue cards or all memory

speedrun video removed for copyright
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 06 22:30:21
lulz. I guess the e-girl that he used in the thumbnail saw it. He does that a lot with the thumb nails (uses other people's images), so I might have to start downloading the funnier videos. Here's another good one that still exists:
"Getting Tinder Girl to Unmatch Speedrun World Record"
Some of his videos can be pretty funny. He talks about "RNG" as the unpredictable moments in these fake interactions and basically refers to anything cliché as an "unskippable cut scene" :D
the wanderer
Wed Sep 08 11:57:00
so a 'i put on my robe & wizard hat' guy for the current generation of online romance :p


right up the leg...
the wanderer
Fri Sep 10 01:42:30
MacGruber's going to have a show! (on Peacock)
the wanderer
Sat Sep 11 14:31:27
brilliant (if not staged)
who is going to suspect a reporter
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 12 23:38:17
So perfect

"MacGruber's going to have a show! (on Peacock)"

\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/

That MacGruber movie was probably one of the funniest movies I've seen in the last 20 years, so that is amazing news. Will Forte is an amazing animal.

Clinch rescue of adolescent deer:
I wonder if the grate would have helped or hurt the deer's chances... probably hurt? There's more water turbulence there, and the deer seem to be going long-ways and may have fit through the grates, so this seems like a totally positive intervention :)
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 13 01:34:40
The guy who ripped Joel Haver's rotoscope style made another fun one:

"FPS Medics Be Like:"
[Goat-on-a-Stick; September 8th, 2021]
the wanderer
Tue Sep 14 11:56:33
definitely seems like helpful for the deer... but if he had thrown his body in front of the grate and allowed the deer to kick off him to escape it may have been a bit more comfortable for the deer...

speaking of Will Forte... for some reason i never watched '30 Rock' religiously, now binge-watching, and i think one of top comedies around (& Will Forte has a minor recurring character on it)

of the many SNL people, i particularly like Chris Parnell's recurring character Dr Spaceman (not pronounced how it looks)

someone's collection of his best moments:
the wanderer
Tue Sep 14 17:58:58
odd video
i'm not up on urban warfare, what was the plan for the tire?
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 15 04:28:00
Fire back guy: That's why molotovs need to be prepped very carefully. He spilled too much of it on himself ;)
..And it looks like they were supposed to light the tire on fire to get a better burn, since tire fires last longer... but... not sure why they thought that burning it in the middle of the dirt would serve any purpose. Maybe he was *supposed* to get close to the fence with the tire, but they all got so scared that they all failed their individual tasks? Even the driver was ready to drive away without them..

"someone's collection of his best moments:"
lol. So many good moments :D

Byron from Viva La Dirt League has his "16 Candles" moment ;D

"Waiting for your surprise party - Forgotten Birthday"
[September 13th, 2021]
Wed Sep 15 12:46:37
German police
the wanderer
Thu Sep 16 23:22:04
^getting weak & soft from lack of invading places

heron swallows rat:
the wanderer
Fri Sep 17 23:25:00
"We’re looking for someone to record their heart rate while watching 13 of the scariest movies ever made. We’ll pay the hired Horror Movie Heart Rate Analyst $1,300 and send them a Fitbit to record their heart rate."

the wanderer
Fri Sep 17 23:33:12
Robert Durst, 78, was convicted of the first-degree murder of Susan Berman

...so finally caught on one of his murders... now, where's that head!
the wanderer
Tue Sep 21 00:03:04
impressive tire attack
the wanderer
Tue Sep 21 22:50:32
lava footage
the wanderer
Thu Sep 23 15:52:08
Masked Singer *SPOILER* talk (names disguised kinda)

pretty sickened by 'erutaN rehtoM' going... much more interesting personality than 'knukS'... and why dropping 2 of the 5 in episode 1
the wanderer
Thu Sep 23 20:11:48
and they picked off my favorite tonight... what a crappy audience
the wanderer
Sat Sep 25 16:25:37
things getting real...
Dog the Bounty Hunter visits Brian Laundrie's parents' home (guy who definitely killed his girlfriend)
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 25 21:39:05
lulz... I like that one of the most visible comments (Connor Allen) is called out by "Lilly": "How can u be positive on something you admit to knowing nothing about?"

I still need to catch up on that situation, so I wouldn't make a Connor comment :p ... I've seen people talking about it as a phenomenon (e.g., "Why do people care?" questions), but haven't read up yet. So far just know that they were stopped by police, she seemed to be pleading for help but couldn't talk, and he was being quietly intimidating.. then he returns from the desert without her. It seems like juicy goss-goss ;) .. at the expense of a life lost, of course.. which makes it messed up goss-goss. So it's mainly messed up, but it's also mainly juicy. ;p

"heron swallows rat"
Reminds me that New Yorkers will be eating Demolition Man rat burger in the downfall ;D

"record their heart rate while watching 13 of the scariest movies ever made"
Interesting. This has been done for Stephen King movies in the past. This is honestly a carbon copy of that (same thing, same reward, different movie list):
"Dish" satellite did it also in 2019, leading up to Halloween. I guess they thought it was good press. :)

"Robert Durst, 78, was convicted of the first-degree murder of Susan Berman"
Those crazy SOBs did it! :D
I thought for sure he'd die before anything stuck. You love to hear it :D
Maybe once appeals dry up, he'll do a tell-all interview. His former lawyers must be sweating.

"Morning alarm cat"
[Cookie the Calico; September 6th, 2021]
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 25 21:39:28
Oops. Forgot that was the second link in the comment. Clickable now:
the wanderer
Sat Sep 25 23:41:02
"then he returns from the desert without her"

in her vehicle... and wouldn't say what happened to her, that's enough for me to convict :p

although i'm sure his lawyers will say she slipped on a rock or something & he just panicked yadda yadda... totally guilty! like whats her face, and that other guy...

(but yeah, kinda weird how certain cases get so much attention)
the wanderer
Sun Sep 26 15:53:06
is this a real thing(s)...
i'm not making an account to see comments :p
the wanderer
Sun Sep 26 15:57:00
my cat did this to me while i was sleeping...
though was a long metal stapler & luckily landed on the pillow instead of my temple
the wanderer
Wed Sep 29 15:57:22
this goes better than you'd think
the wanderer
Fri Oct 01 15:00:52
leopard attack
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 03 07:11:43
I locked in on those eyes very quickly — never ignore reflected light at night :D
(though I realize the camera may have exaggerated them)

Holy crap! I just noticed this and wanted to point it out even though it may not matter to others: Google has finally begun de-prioritizing Wikipedia on some searches. When searching for topic names, I've started getting links to *actual* encyclopedias (e.g., encyclopedia.com) instead of Wiki. The reason that this is significant is that Wikipedia has been owned by activists on a lot of articles; they've owned the editorial process in order to spread misinformation. If Google has begun de-prioritizing Wikipedia, it either means that people have stopped trusting Wiki (thus the algorithm reflects user habits) or Google has keyed into Wikipedia's manipulation of the algorithm (i.e., because people know that Wikipedia appears first, there had been an incentive to manipulate Wiki articles to color user perceptions — this sort of algorithm abuse could mean that Google would de-prioritize them). Hopefully this trend keeps up and affects the bigger articles too...
the wanderer
Sun Oct 03 22:13:43
i typed in "Emu War" & the first 4 entries were ads, then general "Emu" entries in encyclopedias

Wikipedia gives what the consumer wants!


on a not very related note, what the hell is going on with MTV? "Titanic"(movie) is on now, then 11 hours of some show called "Ridiculousness" (which seems standard programming, i always see it listed over & over, it's not some marathon), then "The Other Guys"(movie), then the 2 "Anchorman" movies in the wrong order, then many more hours of "Ridiculousness" (described as a "comedy clip show")

the channel may have been off the rails for decades but i only recently began to notice :p
the wanderer
Mon Oct 04 00:08:09
(i was referring to 'encyclopedia.com' on that "Emu War" search)
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 04 01:00:21
"then 11 hours of some show called "Ridiculousness""
I'm surprised they still show that one. That was popular years ago with the teen bros and frat bros since it wasn't just the clips but the uber-bro presenting them. It was basically Tosh.0.. but for the bros. lol :D

"Wikipedia gives what the consumer wants!"
Yeah.. It's still super useful just because those encyclopedia.com entries always have the most basic information in one or two sentences and nothing else (just like text encyclopedias) whereas with Wiki you can quickly find key information.. I use Wiki to find Walking Dead episode titles because it takes about 5 seconds from search to finding the info.

I'm hoping that the result will be that Encyclopedia.com and others will get their editors to write impartial entries in longer form (directly competing with Wiki), or Wikipedia will be forced to remove activism's influence from its process when they realize they've lost search presence. Wiki demands a "neutral point of view", but activists have managed to bypass that by crowding people out of the process and putting hard barriers in place (saying that a point has been litigated and no further debate is allowed). Wiki co-founder Larry Sanger has complained about this, but his alternate platform, Citizendium, never offered real competition, and satirical platforms like Encyclopedia Dramatica don't handle simple facts well ;p
the wanderer
Wed Oct 06 21:12:15
A Danish artist was given $84,000 by a museum to use in a work of art. When he delivered the piece he was supposed to make, it was not as promised. Instead, the artist, Jens Haaning, gave the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg, Denmark two blank canvases and said they were titled "Take the Money and Run."
the wanderer
Thu Oct 07 02:10:17
A South Carolina elementary school student slapped a teacher from behind on Friday as part of a new TikTok challenge for the month of October, according to a local school district.

The Lancaster County School District issued a warning to parents about what it described as a TikTok challenge that encourages students to slap or hit a staff member from behind on video this month.

"Sadly, we actually had an elementary student assault a teacher by striking her in the back of the head," the district said on its safety and transportation page. "This type of behavior just like theft and destruction of property is not a prank. It’s criminal behavior."

"Any student who physically assaults a staff member will be held responsible both legally and by board policy," the district said. "Assault on a staff member is an expellable offense which means the student is removed from the school for the rest of the year."

The so-called "Slap a Teacher" challenge has prompted warnings from other school districts and law enforcement officials across the country after last month’s challenge, which are referred to as "devious licks," encouraged students to video themselves destroying property inside of schools.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 10 10:49:02
a security guard at an Apple store in downtown Manhattan was stabbed multiple times by a customer who refused to put on a mask

Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 10 19:08:52
That's one of those ones that doesn't quite make sense. A private business asking customers to wear masks.. kind of not a big deal. Asking for vaccination status to work? Okay, now we're getting weird.

"Speedrunners from the NPC's perspective: Part 2"
[Goat-on-a-Stick; October 8th, 2021]
the wanderer
Mon Oct 11 11:24:54
^there's some humor in the closed captioning like "sound of fastness" & giving filenames of the sound effects
the wanderer
Mon Oct 11 11:30:24
there was news of a shootout in a bar in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota, so of course that music from the club scene in Collateral instantly came to mind :p... really sticks w/ you... or me anyway

also the coyote scene
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 11 23:53:06
That's such a good movie..
Director Michael Mann announced he's doing a 1940s crime period piece, which'll be cool..

I try not to click too much on "PublicFreakout" videos, but this one was notable:
"Biker films himself committing numerous illegal driving offenses, gets enraged someone made a legal and completely safe left turn in front of him, follows the driver home and knocks him out"

..pretty psychotic behavior. The only reason that this biker could consider the truck to have pulled in front of him was that the biker was speeding... and even *with* the speeding, the truck still had plenty of clearance. The biker must have had some pent-up rage brewing to make this kind of a decision..
the wanderer
Tue Oct 12 15:37:05
the spitting is asking for trouble though

i wonder if that was really his home or just pulling in to confront biker... you don't want crazy/angry people knowing where you live
the wanderer
Wed Oct 13 12:32:48
"EXCLUSIVE VIDEO": killer's father & accessory after the fact buying milk & juice

there's also video of him mowing the lawn

not sure if video of him retrieving mail from the mailbox
the wanderer
Fri Oct 15 19:08:01
wow... video of him getting his mail:


hmm... but what about raking leaves or gardening...
the wanderer
Sat Oct 16 21:12:55
Robert Durst has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently on a ventilator
the wanderer
Sat Oct 16 21:27:06
they need Bernie's nun lady to tell him to confess over & over
Cherub Cow
Sat Oct 16 23:37:30
"We need TOTAL coverage!"
It looks like five people just following him around too.. wow..

I don't have much.. but I have kitten pictures! \:D/
the wanderer
Sun Oct 17 12:08:41
if their murderer son hasn't killed himself, the harassment of his parents could help draw him out... a la torturing Han at Cloud City to attract Luke

so keep harassing!... plus they are withholding info
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 17 20:30:50
Maybe he went total Jason Bourne and completely disappeared with zero connections to his past life — not even his dad. We'll see him beat up a couple of agents at Waterloo station, then he'll disappear again for 9 years ;)

Nice gas-lighting prank:
Gas-lighting seems to be a good line to walk for pranks, though the losers in the comments still object to it a little ;)
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 17 20:35:25
I've been following this artist on Imgur who adds 3 cats at a time to his glorious cat painting. He has now passed the half-way point of the canvas (about 50 cats):
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 17 20:40:29
Kittens saying, "Wow," with Owen Wilson's voice :D
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 17 20:44:54
This "WilliamWeird" has become my favorite Imgur poster :D
the wanderer
Mon Oct 18 21:36:28
i'll guess 102 cats on final cat painting

nature adapts to low bridge:
but will the coal scavengers become dependent? what if the truck finds a new route
the wanderer
Thu Oct 21 14:46:09
zap your balls to stun your sperm or something:
the wanderer
Thu Oct 21 18:56:30
well, the murderer is dead, ID'd by dental records
the wanderer
Fri Oct 22 21:54:40
the lawyer for the parents of the murderer may have slipped up in noting they knew their murderer son was grieving before he disappeared (before victim's body found)... thus indicating they did indeed ask their murderer son why he returned without the woman he left with & whose vehicle he returned in... & who lived in their home
(as they obviously would have done)

hopefully they get charged... losing their son shouldn't be considered punishment enough

video of lawyer:
Cherub Cow
Sat Oct 23 20:04:05
That's a tough spot for parents... knowing that their son likely just killed his girlfriend and is heading out to kill himself, but then they're in the middle of a media firestorm. Oh well. Back to our main program of world governments using the pandemic to expand totalitarian powers, I guess ;)

Imgur's "SeeThroughCanoe" posts drone footage of sting-rays flocking:
the wanderer
Sat Oct 23 22:10:07
they -do - move in herds

good cat story:
the wanderer
Sun Oct 24 19:04:30
a hippo:
the wanderer
Mon Oct 25 18:49:17
A Colorado hiker who had wandered off the trail and got lost ignored repeated phone calls from rescuers because the hiker didn’t recognize the number, officials said.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 26 02:11:06
Brooklyn Nine Nine has an 8th season out... (& seems final)

episode 1 is awful, but most of season ok, the last episode the best
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 26 05:12:00
Arg. I let my Hulu lapse because they didn't have anything anymore, but if Nine Nine is back... Maybe I'll pick it up for a month.
It is supposed to be the final season, yeah. I think they decided to cancel it when all the ACAB logic was picking up steam. #CavingToTheMob

New Joel Haver!
"If 'Friends' had a Behind the Scenes Reality Show"
[October 23rd, 2021]
the wanderer
Tue Oct 26 12:19:48
a couple episodes focused on bad cops & some general theme of it :p but most episodes fairly normal
the wanderer
Thu Oct 28 17:09:01
Zuckerborg is trying hard to seem like a likeable humanoid but not working:
the wanderer
Thu Oct 28 19:04:58
^more of that video here

looks like a nightmare :p... like people taking photos of their meals taken to the next level
the wanderer
Thu Oct 28 22:07:36
another great Fool Us:

the Penn & Teller reaction just makes you need to know the answer all the more... so reveal it, someone
Cherub Cow
Fri Oct 29 05:22:37
Very cool! I was wondering if he did a sky-hook thing, but I was watching the sky and didn't see any distortions in the clouds from mirrors (that might have happened in the vacant square above their heads), and if he didn't do a trapdoor.. clearly they vaporized everyone. RIP, random people :'(

I hope it wasn't just a movie-set trick (especially if the entire thing were a movie set instead of actually being outside). That would be lame. Like, if the actors put on green-man suits or mirror-suits and just walked out (then edited out in post-production), that would be stupid.. Studio magic would also allow the sky-hook again: if they had a big green-screen or mirror above the box and had them sky-hooked to a helicopter or crane (they *do* all appear to be wearing harnesses for that, and their posture seems to show that they're ready to have hooks attached to their backs). It would also mean that the spectators lied, which would violate his own rules, which seems mean after him saying, "I give you my word." :p

You can see the three peeps move their feet towards the middle right before the curtain drops (a little telegraphing by the policeman and statue-man) and the platform moves from its position at 4:14, which means that they probably were all out by then (the wind moved the platform, so they weren't weighing it down anymore). It also went quickly from crisp shadows (3:56) to overcast when the curtain dropped (4:04) so they may have hidden the shadows to disguise an aerial exit, and the camera blurred a couple of times (4:05 and 4:13; post-production to hide things?).

My guess:
He's a liar ;p
- Curtain drops
- They all grab each other in the middle for a group lift
- They attach a hook to their group-harness
- They get lifted out of the top by the helicopter/crane
- They used a mirror or green screen to hide their escape route (upwards)
- The supposedly neutral observers just pretended not to see the helicopter/crane pulling them out

..Or I go back to vaporized ;D

lol. I'm definitely going to start saying, "Whoa! We're floating in *space*?" at work :D

We'll be living in shipping crates like in "Ready Player One" in no time... if we're not captured by a simulation already... which grows more and more possible as we approach the singularity D:
the wanderer
Fri Oct 29 12:55:12
i don't think any video editing would be allowed... & i'm pretty sure but not positive the extras aren't seeing it (even though seems impossible :p)

the vertical lift seems out primarily for requiring video edits

the foot turns surely means something though... to face each other... or somehow exit in that direction... i dunno :p

P & T make it seem like must be quite an odd method
the wanderer
Sat Oct 30 02:07:17
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